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okay all right how's it going it's all good I've got three very freaked out dogs so this will be interesting to navigate we just big thunderstorm moved in about five minutes ago so um it's uh everybody's freaking out in their own way got it all good I got the littlest one uh trembling under the table so and Mo just Mo just barks yeah yeah that's exciting though it's very exciting yeah last yeah it's very yes yeah you feel my first real thunderstorm was um in DC it was when I was interning um in the Senate and I remember just as a little Alaskan kid being like what the hell is this this is very strange so um but yeah it's just been super hot and humid for two days and so I think this is gonna plummet the temperature about 25 degrees in an hour or two so that'll be nice I remember do you have do you have dogwoods all over the place dogwoods everywhere yes yes they are amazing yeah they're beautiful smells so good yeah yeah oh there's lightning lightning just happened so prepare for barking [ __ ] um you've got your cell phone this is all fancy the background you're you're you're stuffing it up where's the homemade art yeah you know the the homemade are like finally you know it's a good joke but I finally had enough of it and um and then I went into a place I can't remember like home decor or something it's this massive store it's huge it's like the size of a Home Depot it has all kinds of home stuff in there and uh I went in there and it had a huge art section Giant and uh and so I found this thing which is a little Sidewalk Cafe in Italy and it's uh it was like really inexpensive I thought oh my God that is I can't I I want to look at that because I aspire to be there [Laughter] so it gives me a little feeling of uh what I'm aiming for one of these days yeah it's like you're there's so much barking going on I'm sorry everybody it's it's Mo and thunder do not mix it well together um yeah it's like your vision board it's like Doug has decision board that's it that's what it is awesome oh there's more more lightning more Thunder it's very exciting very very exciting all right I'm gonna keep myself in muted as much as I can but um let's see what we have in the Q a um all right so remember everybody you guys can uh hey Mo it's all right we're aware of the Thunder um you can upvote questions to kind of guide us in our um in our uh strategy here but actually while I'm going through this and figuring that out I had a client who was hoping that I could I could represent her question she was really curious about um your strategy for interrupting pain that you discovered uh sort of accidentally um it's very close to kind of a meditation technique but not quite so if you could expound on that maybe Mo will stop barking for a second and I can sort through the questions here good good you you can mute and then I will talk or however you want to do it so um yeah I I discovered this by accident uh when I got injured and I had costochondritis and it was uh very very nasty it's an injury around the solar plexus uh that will cause uh can cause really acute pain in fact it's a uh uh not uncommonly people will go to emergency rooms think they're having a heart attack and so anyway uh I suffered with it for quite a while uh I don't know several weeks and it it would get acute enough that that uh you know when it would go away I'd be fine and I'd kind of forget about it then we'd come back and it would be you know pretty vicious and one day I was out of true north and uh I was it was happening obviously it's from some some nerves getting pinched or some such thing in the rib cage and uh Alan Alan and Peter Sultana uh looked at me and I remember them being a little concerned that I was having a heart attack in other words they the the the the the the pain in the chest is so great that that even you know even Alan even knowing who I am who I am what I eat and everything else I decided it was still like whoa are we sure and you know Peter got out of stethoscope and they're my my heart rate was probably 105 which is way high because the acute pain anyway all this is just a long story to tell you that I was in recurrent very acute pain and um then by chance uh because I didn't I didn't really have any other option one day I uh I knew I wasn't going to go to the emergency room I didn't have a lot of faith that they'd give me what are they going to give me a bunch of opiates or even if they would give them to me you know whatever they might think I'm drug seeking who the heck knows but I thought you know this is so acute right now I don't have an hour and a half to wait and it's I'm not worried about two hours from now because it could be gone I'm worried about right now and what I did is I tried to not move and I thought all this is is the agitation of nerves and the nerves are firing too fast and I need to do everything possible to not disturb them so uh even though I'm disturbing them by breathing I'm going to try to breathe as little as possible and try to move not at all and if I do that it's possible that they'll calm down and so I I sat there uh it was in my car because I said the best possible uh seat in my car I could alter the the location um in my posture really easily so that I could have really good posture it'd be super relaxed um so that's what I did and what happened was I sat there determined to not move and I it went went on for about 50 minutes and suddenly at 50 minutes the pain dropped within about 30 seconds it dropped from you know essentially a nine or a ten all the way to zero and I was astounded that this happened and it was uh so probably because it was so striking I was also somehow learning in other words my adaptive unconscious was paying attention to what was involved in this and what was involved in this was a was a mentor state of the Central passivity and submission and it was basically just a a an utter surrender is what it was and that uh for some reason that worked well I started to move again because I was out of pain so I could finally get a few things done but I needed to get done and so 20 minutes later I'm in acute pain again because I've aggravated the injury and so I did it I went out to the car again and did it again and this time it didn't take 50 minutes I found it in about five minutes and then about the next time I don't remember the history of six or seven years ago I found that I could get to it within a minute so I actually discovered the neural pathway by which you can get here um and I recognized that that I wasn't calming down the nerves what I must have discovered was some method to get to the Endorphin the Endorphin storm uh it was a way that I was able to um so that you actually cause endorphins to be released obviously and so then it turns out Jen somebody can look this up and post it this is a known reflex so after I talked about this several times in different platforms um somebody wrote to me and said oh yeah Doug that's actually a known reflex and they they described it to me and it's a you'll have a feeling of like creepy things on your head if somebody somebody that you'd be really attracted to would give you a massage on your head in the back of your neck you'd feel all tingly and surrendering and in love I've actually had that happen I think once or twice when I've had massages I've had that same kind of a feeling take place and I also got it I recognized the feeling I definitely had that feeling when I watched the movie Field of Dreams okay and I also had that feeling when I read a book uh as a teenager called The Robe by Lloyd Douglas who wrote several very religious you know uh Magnificent Obsession also so these were these were these books uh essentially believing in benevolent dominance of a deity okay so all of this sort of feeds together that there's this there's this now what I understand is a known neurological reflex and uh so that is the reflex and it's described elsewhere that has some name to it that doesn't sound like Magnificent Obsession in order does it sound like Field of Dreams it's some you know the catch me Reflex or whatever the heck it is so it's much less you know ethereal and cool that you have to get ethereal and cool to get into it to get it activated or at least that's the easiest pathway by which I've found the activation so um that's what it is and it it's an unknown thing and I did not know that I figured that this is what all the yogis are doing when they sit around and meditate for four hours a day they just like to sit in this sort of lollygagging endorphin State and I'm sure that that is what they uh what they're doing is they have found this this reflex but anyway it's a known reflex and and uh so with with probably there may even be a prescription somewhere about how to step yourself to get to that reflex uh I have not looked into it what's that various uh religious texts would say that they are the the recipe right so the Bible is the manual I mean this is this is sort of also goes by the name of sort of divine divine intervention or Union or you know you you sort of surrendered and and Let Jesus Take the Wheel basically that's what happens yeah I listened to your presentation as a young kid uh a couple of my best friends were Mormons and they they they strong-armed me into listening to a Mormon presentation by some uh short haircut uh code and tie 21 year old kid on a mission and you know that kid very earnestly took me through a very cool little uh presentation with with pictures and cartoons and telling stories and uh and in it it caused that feeling and he said you know you know that feeling that you're having I'm like yeah I knew I was having a feeling I of course he had my own intuition about what the feeling was yeah I've had it before uh he says well that's the Holy Ghost and I thought how cool is that they came up with a name for it at an explanation even though that's not what I believed that I was certainly it was interesting that that presentation reliably elicited that reaction out of humans okay and so that kind of filed away in my memory for 40 years and then I remembered that out you know after I was trying to explain this to other people it's like yeah I've had this before feel the dreams you know the robe magnificent accession uh being massaged uh by somebody I felt like surrendering to and then you know that's actually the most salacious part of the potentially quite salacious this is a family program people know me I've got G rated right on top of my forehead so the the uh but anyway the bottom line is that's what it is and uh yeah it's worth knowing and once in a blue moon uh very rarely I'll get like a headache and uh you know for whatever reason not enough sleep you know sleep growing on my neck too long of driving and I'll be irritated uh occasionally once a year I might be irritated by a rather persistent headache and then I'll realize no you've got a trick okay and if I if I want some pain to to go quote go away I'm able to access this and cause a reduction in the pain as a result of uh uh undoubtedly what is nothing other than an endorphin release so uh anyway that's the story so if you're suffering the good news about it or whatever good you can get out of it is that now you're not it's the same chemical mechanism as the opiates only you can't overdose by even one percent so you're not going to build develop a tolerance and it will always work okay because it's uh because it's an endogenously created reflex so there you go and good luck that's what I have to say about that all right yeah yeah awesome all right well the most the most upvoted question here is an interesting one this is um asking me to explain as much as possible about something I mentioned in passing at the end of a recent podcast about gender fluidity being incentivized um this is a big question I yeah um I mean there's a lot of expounding to do the the basic idea is not that gender fluidity itself is incentivized but the social expression of it is and so you know I come from a political science framework that um you know this kind of idea goes by many names incentives and constraints political opportunity structure we can we can talk about it in a lot of different ways but the mo really wants to participate in the Q a today but Mo it's okay he's just so mad he's so mad at he's making himself worse the basic idea is that you know there there are you you contain a repertoire of behaviors at any given time so we've talked about this in in the context of the big five all the time so you can range from not conscientious at all to extremely conscientious depending on the nature of the deadline and your boss's personality and the stakes of the game so you know if your job is online and you've got to deliver the report for it tomorrow but he will stop eventually there's less Thunder happening than there was a minute ago um then you know you suddenly become much more conscientious than you are if you're on vacation on the beach you're much less conscientious your conscientiousness extends to the next drink that you're going to order so that is an opportunity structure for behaviors that are sort of latent inside of you that that are in within a range of your personality expression they're sort of there are end points in principle for how low conscientious you could go I mean are you going to rob a bank while you're on vacation and how high conscientious you you you what that potential is you know how how diligent how maniacal are you going to be about getting that report in on time so everybody's got kind of their their range um but we can move within the range depending on the environment depending on what the situation is what the you know what what are the benefits what are the costs this is the framework that we use for everything and so when we think about the expression or the the explosion of gender fluidity and the identification of alternative genders or in between genders or gender queerness or all the million different ways that we can think about this and this this you know tracking this just over the last decade or so um this is an extension of the fact like the sort of what what I was seeing when I was in high school back in the stone ages where there were incentives you you you got status if you have the right personality for it and you maybe were a girl who had had some feet some sexual feelings toward a girl at some point there was suddenly status associated with coming out of the closet as as a bisexual person in in a way in the 90s that had not previously existed for women my age before and I remember distinctly feeling that opportunity structure and being like well I could I could see myself fitting into that I'm open open to experience I'm open personality and why not and I can see that there are chips on the table Able by making myself Special by by distinguishing myself from my peer group and also possibly solving some competitive dating issues and or at least kind of throw in a wrench in the gears of the competitive dating issues in a way to kind of scramble everybody up and and Advance my place in the world I distinctly remember you know having like like seeing all of that writing on the wall and feeling that changing cost benefit analysis in real time between like 1988 and and 1996 like that was a time where that was shifting enormously and that has shifted in the direction of of gender queerness and and you know oh I I identify as non-binary I identify as a different gender from I you can't you can't pin me in your system of the gender binary um and that you know has its same kind of incentives that are associated with it the same kind of potential status um there is an element of social contagion especially among adolescent and girls that is well documented in you know a lot a lot of literature at this point so there are a lot of different ways to think at this think of this but the the idea is is not that the the sort of latent possibility for gender fluidity is being incentivized it's it's the I I feel that I have a I have I have personality Dimensions that could summon that under these particular conditions and I see that it would be beneficial to do so um and that is becoming more beneficial by the day and the institutions are going in lockstep I I had something sent to me today that is a document from the national um science Teachers Association so the the group of people who sort of get together and talk about how to best practices for teaching science to um adolescence Middle School teenage types um and the whole thing there's actually a line in it that says there's no word in the English language that captures the idea of the two biological agents who combine to produce a child album like it's called parents it's called parents but parents is now out um the the uh I don't even know if I can remember the acronym was BLT but it was like biological uh life-giving donor but it started with a t this ridiculous orwellian insane language that that we are now adopting you know in the in the realm of teaching science and so what you teach a bunch of middle schoolers in this kind of language you're conveying to them that there are incentives here too um not identify as a boring old CIS heteronormative type but there's something special about you you know and and even if yet maybe they is too boring now now you need to have a special pronoun you need to you need to keep pushing that envelope to distinguish yourself from the crowd that's what all teenagers desperately want to do and this is the the quickest and easiest and best path for them to do that right now or a lot of them um so that's what I meant yeah that's my rant of the day yeah I would add a few things so in in summary this is uh all animals can conduct uh movements in order to increase their statistical likelihood of Gene survival in humans uh the way that you're going to get resources in order to get that done is through esteem and so so therefore you have to consider your options for getting a steam and for some individuals this is going to be the best option okay in other words as Jen is saying uh what has been known in in uh genetics as the reaction range in other words how far can uh what can a gene do and therefore how widely can the characteristic vary given the fact that you've got a genetic structure so you're you have a certain uh you have certain uh biology of your skin if we subject you to the maximum amount of sunlight uh for for a long period of time what will that skin look like in terms of how dark it is okay that uh and how light will it get if we reduce it that's the reaction range of the genotype okay now it's going to turn out that um so certain reaction ranges are extremely small so for example the reaction range on oh oh I don't know the width of the enamel of your teeth and I'm saying so uh there probably are like how much how many carrots and and uh bones you chew on I mean I have no idea what could influence this but certain reaction ranges are very large okay so we can see um well I don't know I'm trying to think of some things uh uh reaction range on height is not that large but it's a little bit so tanning is always the one that you reference before the the sort of you know you take a bunch of people and put them in the Sun yeah that's uh so different people are gonna have different reaction lenses um and different types of different types of genes that build different types of features of the organism have different types of reaction ranges so it turns out for example IQ doesn't have any reaction range at all like you are the IQ that you are plain and simple now your performance on a specific IQ test could vary but if we give you enough different IQ tests it doesn't really matter how you study the truth is if you're 130 IQ you're 130 IQ I.E uh effectively what it's measuring is it's measuring a gross and minute physical differences between brains and those things aren't varied with the information content that's inside the brands okay so those are that's how that that's how that works the um now see where we are oh so the the uh the underlying sexuality of the organism and it's and its reaction range is not is not uh that reaction range is closed it's closed-ended it can only go so far one or the other depending upon what the circumstances are and that are innate to that organism however the the reporting of the reaction range is infinitely wide there's nothing to stop an individual from saying anything in fact I know of an individual who swears that they came from outer space I believe that they are an alien and if you met that individual you'd swear no that's actually just a 50 year old dude I'll bet if we test his DNA in My DNA sure enough it's 99 plus percent the same because that's how true of all the aliens are very sophisticated and they could they could work that out you know that that's I'm not worried about it but in other words what you can say is true about yourself uh oh I had one more step further I was going to take this gen which is why I'm interrupting and recapping and that is that that it's also true that human beings uh sometimes are doing things for reasons that they don't know that they're doing um so they there is full outright blatant known deception about why it is that we are saying things that are not true about ourselves okay uh every gay guy that in the locker room when he's 13 that wants to look like he's heterosexual and knows what that means it means that you pretend like you are something that you're not so we certainly know that possibility the uh but you could see the possibility that there could be a certain amount of confusion uh in in the system as it as it uh it could actually have this is what I see in the in the more far extremes of this you know I.E multiple identities non-binary uh all this kind of talk that we go on I can see the distinct possibility that a lot of what we're seeing is gay people that that's not fancy enough and it's not somehow status seeking enough but you know that you are are different so we're just going to take it one step further and you can see that if you are have a sufficient constellation of personality characteristics that would enable you to easily take it one step further and put up with any pushback or any shock and awe Etc and that you can see that this would help you climb in certain dominance therapies to some degree absolutely you could report this and you might actually even have a capability in there to be self to be confused so totally that is a huge huge part of the story honestly it is not true yeah very self-deceptive process and and then it and then it becomes a feedback loop where your your status becomes so uh so tied so completely wrapped up with this identity um that you use the incentive structure then sort of you know turns to concrete around that and this becomes sort of the centerpiece of of how you approach the world and and then you seek out all kinds of confirming evidence and um a social network that affirms that and so on and so forth um and and then you pursue institutional change behind that yeah that we're observing it's sorry you cut out for a second it's the what we're observing you get the absurdity that we're the absurdity and this is not to negate the existence of transgender individuals throughout history who who do exist um and you know absolutely have always always existed and we can we call them by many different names and many different cultural contexts um and intersex people and and on that whole that whole domain and that whole range but this is a tiny percentage of the population and so absent to compelling biological uh Narrative of major environmental change I mean talk to me about you know I don't know parabens or Plastics in the water or you know uh hormonal disruptors and endocrine I mean there could be a story there talk to me about that and try to persuade me but I haven't seen it it's it's when Roundup Roundup sure yep round up yep it all comes back to round up yeah so yes if I can be convinced that there is a really compelling environmental story then okay that might get us part of the way there but there is still uh also in an incentive structure story about you know people with with the correct personality characteristics and some some uh potential confusion or or the idea that they could have confusion or uh copycat teenage girls or you know all all different paths up the mountain here that lead to this conclusion um amazingly confident with the rise of social media right yes of course yes and then and then you know the other process which which we don't want to leave out of this conversation which is the parents that benefit status wise the sort of Munchausen by proxy situation where you know you have you have parents who um their little boy wants to wear a skirt and they celebrate this and and you know not in a not in a sort of regular affirming my kid can wear whatever he wants it's no big deal kind of way but oh thank goodness I have a gender fluid child and now I can advertise that on social media and and rake up a bunch of status for myself as the parent and then they get very engaged in that process and I have friends who have fallen into this trap and I've watched it and I started seeing it um about 15 years ago and I was horrified and like this is okay what I'm watching here is is people who are status deficient and they are using their children and they are zeroing in on a child's natural tendency to be experimental and to explore and to play with different identities I mean I was a I was a tremendous tomboy I refuse to wear skirts for for years you know my mom can verify she was I was just like no no I'm I I want to be with the boys I want to play with the boys and um it didn't make me transgender or gender queer but if I were born 20 years later I can absolutely tell you for a fact I would have felt that pressure depending on my social context and that incentive structure if I had friends who were going down that road and and I saw the potential just like I saw it when I was a teenager for for being Special by coming out of the closet is bisexual like I would absolutely seize all of the social status that I could with that um and it's it's that's totally what's going on in in a huge number of these cases yeah sure yeah all right so that's fun that'll get us canceled for sure all right so um could you talk about premature ejaculation this is we're just we're just covering a lot of ground here today um and being unable to get an erection due to psychological reasons performance anxiety shyness Etc how does one overcome either or both of these demons more concretely I feel like I'm navigating I don't know how to pronounce these are the Homer sea monsters Sila and charbitus I don't know if I need some I'm bastardizing that in a state they're the monsters that Odysseus has to pass through and it's like a rock and a hard place basically in a state of hcnc stage fright analysis paralysis especially with a new partner either I over stimulate myself mechanically and orgasm quickly or I risk losing my erection and the experience is obviously sub-optimal um I mean this is now a question that dives down the rabbit hole of the highly specific individual's nervous system and uh some of these things are going to be uh but most of this is probably going to be physiological and then there's going to be a Fallout from physiological individuality that's going to have psychological sequelae okay just as um you aren't you you aren't overweight for emotional reasons but if you are overweight you can absolutely have emotional impact as a result of that okay so uh the causality here is important um the for if you go back to the writing semasters and Johnson which is about the last time I looked at anything like this the uh you're gonna find huge discussion of essentially psychological issues being uh uh significant with respect to uh Ed it turns out the psychological issues are almost never associated with BD that the Ed is miraculously massively more likely if you're 70 years old and if you're 20. so unless we think that 70 year olds are much more psychologically less balanced than 20 year olds than our than our explanation going down that road that's all is fraught with absurdity you know the ED problems are overwhelmingly the result of the lack about organization which has to do with with accumulated deposits in your cardiovascular system which is secondary to a mediocre diet etc etc so we're that that's the that's Ed that's the primary cause without any doubt that's what it is now uh can you have uh anxiety that could be an inhibiting Factor sure but the second most likely Factor by the way is that the male is not particularly find the female appealing okay so that turns out to be something that is sometimes uncomfortable to confront uh and you can see how these two things could interact so the male may have it's not that you have either Ed or you don't have Ed you have Ed to a matters of degree zero to 100 scale a little percentile basis okay so it turns out that now maybe you're 55 years old and you are you've got some degree VD but it turned turns under under just the right circumstances you don't have any problem at all but it turns out that under circumstances that I'm so so stimulating you've got suddenly Ed and we've got a problem okay well now what do we do uh answer well you change your partner and you you clean up your diet a little easier said than done on both things all right now so these questions though we got a question that's a little different than Ed we got premature ejaculation individual variation and sensitivity uh and the way the individual's reflexes work um you know I could give you some advice some of it's some of it is sort of this person has undoubtedly gone down uh this Rabbit Hole uh pretty well already so I'm not sure I'm going to get into Grizzly details of how it is that we would go about this but for those of you that are listening and may be puzzled and may have problems and may be uncertain about what to do you know the best thing to do is to contact there are doctors that are called andrologists and they're on geology clinics in any major city in the United States yes and so I go there and get yourself some a decent really good assessment because we need to know whether or not this thing uh any problems or you know what they may be the result from and then go from there so I'm hunting this problem because I can't possibly solve all the different variations uh and the specific individual's life is too specific for me to be give any definitive answers about how this would be handled and finally I've not worked in an andrology Clinic I've had I've had colleagues of mine that did and they know a lot you know I mean there's there's a lot of stuff that they learn and if if you're dealing with a thousand people a year with sexual dysfunction problems believe that you learn a lot so uh don't pass on that as a as a potential uh repository of important information for you okay all right all right good so our next and I want to make sure I think we'll have time there's a couple in here that um we've had that on previous q and A's and we haven't gotten to so even if they're out of sequence I might get to those two but the the next one is um can you explain an acquired taste from an evolutionary perspective are sour and bitter taste something to avoid and if so how do we grow to like them if one finds beer terrible this continuing to drink it lead to liking the taste yeah I can vouch for that it does um does that simply come with age for most people yeah that that's um true for both beer and coffee in my experience both of which I profoundly disliked at first uh first several interactions so it took a little while to wear those dopamine grooves nice and deep and overcome my initial aversion to them um yeah I would think that you know from an evolutionary perspective acquired taste is just sort of a it's you're stuck with certain things um that maybe are not your favorite things or maybe not lighting up your pleasure circuitry as much as other things but they might be the only things in the environment that are going to give you calories and so you have to learn to like them or you starve that would be that'd be my first take on that um but yeah it's and and for something that has addictive properties of course it's it's you know takes time to develop that full-blown addiction to something like coffee or to alcohol it doesn't happen infinitely overnight even even for somebody who has a very strong predisposition as as I do so it took it took uh repeat exposure to both of those substances yeah I would also argue it's likely that bitter type things um and sour type things are carrying a warning that they could be poisoned mm-hmm okay and so in modest amounts you can discover whether or not they are and it turns out that they may not be so at that point the Adaptive unconscious is rewiring its calculus on the cost benefit analysis uh and yeah I can remember I can't remember what it was but I remember the process of of eating things that I didn't like the taste of but but they were but they had sustenance to them yeah yeah and uh and actually becoming less averse to it over time so the the uh that that would make sense so yeah I think it's all the kind of thing that you're talking about Good Question yeah undoubtedly there's limits in other words if it if you are feeling a signal uh pretty tough for me to ever like cilantro but if I was caught in a in a Cuban prison and all they had was you know uh rice and cilantro in it uh and I I was tremendously relieved and have a huge dopamine surge every time I finally got my rice bowl but the cilantro probably over time you know I would be I would find it less aversive than I do now I expect yeah probably not it's terrible why would anybody ever use Salon cilantro [Laughter] amazing I have some growing out on my porch right now delicious put it in everything put it in smoothies everything all right what do you we've had this one before so um I'm glad we're getting to it what do we think of plastic surgery and it's social acceptance especially for males there are some things I could imagine significantly improving from my pointy little feminine nose to my weak jawline but I know a little about how successful these procedures would be on one hand and how much Flack and ridicule I would get if they became known yeah those are both very valid concerns um I yeah there's there's certainly no guarantee that they would be successful or that they would go the way that you would want them to or that there wouldn't be terrible complications I mean all of those things could you know give anybody pause um and I think uh you know most I think this is gendered in the sense that you know women are going to um have a little harder time uh coming to terms with uh if if they find out that they're male made some cosmetic adjustments than most males would with with a female just all things equal I think there is a difference there so whether it's one that should you know stop you from moving forward I don't know but in general I'm very risk averse about plastic surgery just because the potential consequences are so significant um if it's if it's just a little tweak that you're looking to make but I know I know Doug might feel differently about that yeah it's just just like everything it's a complicated CB and inside of all these decisions are the cost benefit analysis that your mind is running is nothing other than the estimations of parameters okay and so uh obviously this wouldn't be a question if we knew for example that it would raise you from a six to an eight and that it would only cost you in in four out of 100 people's brains they would have a slight disgust reaction but at 96 out of 100 they couldn't care less okay so in other words we start moving those parameters around and we realize oh this is just a this is a nothing other than a math problem right so in that in that case it's like okay well uh let's let hopefully which I don't know how well they can do this now uh but I I don't think they're very good at it uh now but it's probably some plastic surgeons are better than others and there's you know Stephen markhart's mask uh golden ratios that he's figured out uh that is some kind of a tool for plastic surgery I would expect and hope that three-dimensional technology today would be vastly better than it was even 10 years ago and plastic surgeons might be able to give you a three-dimensional rendering of what you would look like if the surgery were to take take place and they're able to do what they expected they could do if that's true then believe it or not in principle not only could you look up that through your own eyes but you could Pub potentially put that through a computer program and find out just how many percentile points increase the estimation of your attractiveness after actually is going to take place from this thing now of course this is how this should be done okay so I see Jen looking at you know the female brain watching my engineering brain go down through the system but this is exactly how it of course should be done you should walk into a plastic surgeon's office and they should tell you well for sixteen thousand dollars we could do this and it would raise you from a five to six we could also do this that could raise you from the six to seven and a half that's twenty four thousand dollars and there's a three you know 17 chance you'll never be able to smell anything again okay so you know what do you want to do oh and by the way there's a social psychological impact of people that are for example a little more disagreeable and inherently paranoid and conscientious those people are going to like you less because they feel like you deceived them but the open ones couldn't care less okay that's that's actually the question that you're asking and you're effectively asking us to estimate and I can't I would say for one thing if I was heavily motivated and thinking about this I would sure as hell visit five of the best plastic surgeons that I could get my hands on and listen to five different stories and I'd be essentially listening and trying to find out is there a triangulating story here or I'm hearing five different stories okay and does anybody have any way to try to show me essentially a computer-generated res uh rendering of what changes this is going to look like this is I I can't imagine that this isn't how things are done I do not believe that it is how things are done I think things are done just the way they were done in 1995 with just slightly better technique okay but the the thing that is needed most is actually an an observation an understanding of how much statistical Improvement this is going to make because that would potentially be a very big deal so anyway that's what I think about this I answer I can't tell you because I don't know what the parameters are um I think Jen's right I think women finding out on average would be more likely to be slightly weirded out than men finding out that women have plastic surgery so yeah I think that's true and uh I remember there was some you probably knew this story I don't know if you've heard the story John this was like five years ago that some some guy I think it was in China I think they're Korean yeah I think it's not a true story I think it was it was uh it made the rounds that I saw something debunking it at some point but who knows if not that one I'm sure there are other stories like it but but yes Mary's the woman um who's very beautiful and then their kids are all hideously ugly yeah that actually I don't believe everything either I'm I'm not sure how good plastic surgery can be okay I think it'd be pretty good oh I think it I think it can be quite good if you if you get very lucky um but it can also go horribly horribly awry even with with you know very good surgeons with all the best reviews and um it's just yeah you've got to run that CB for yourself I I would never do it I would never recommend anybody doing it um because I think it's such a it's just the cost is just so potentially High um even even for Botox and fillers you know I I think you're you're playing with fire there but it's a math problem all right all right what else we got as as Doug says in the comments what isn't a math problem nothing uh yes that's uh what's the what's the line from the uh from The Big Lebowski that's just your opinion man hahaha math is useful it's not everything [Laughter] all right all right there's spiritual problems here too oh yeah that's right um so we've definitely had this one before too so this one is the next here I'm a terror oops I just lost it I'm a terrible liar I look Shifty uncomfortable I'm dripping cognitive load and if the stakes are high my my hands are even shaking even in situations where lying successfully would be to my pure long-term benefit think of a border inspection or a police encounter I'm pretty hyper conscientious but it got me thinking we're such long-term benefit situations more rare in the Stone Age so people evolved to be bad Liars is a costly signal of trustworthiness to get on well with others in the long term if not what are the reasons yeah yeah we talk a lot about this in the book we talk about deception and long-term contracts and you know sort of why why deceive why self-deceive and the the social implications of that and and the signals that you're giving to others through your bad bad lying as well as your good lying so yes um yeah yeah well well analyzed sorry about that I mean yeah that makes you somebody that your good friends are willing to extend you tremendous credit because they know you're extremely trustworthy but you're less likely to get past the Border guard right oh well that that was the that that was the uh that was the cards you were dealt which has great advantages if you're a potted plant put yourself in the right situations that's going to be a benefit but if you are thrown at the at the at the wall in a random fashion right you will be less effective than somebody that's sitting at the 50th percentile that's a little more flexible right so that's how that works I think yeah just big five wise stability is a big part of it too you know sort of just how you know do you have little circuits of instability that uh are are activated when you're lying and and running that cost if I get caught you know that's that's there's more fear there and an unstable personality I'm sure Alan could pass any life that's that's who I'm thinking about I'm thinking about you know my me versus Alan with the Border guard like he's sailing through and I've I've got tells all over the place so yeah yeah all right all right yeah Ellen is we should we want to be in his coalition yeah those veins even when there's no pressure it's just ice water is what runs through there really true it's very refreshing [Laughter] oh man all right so oh this keeps doing weird things to me okay um my mom is in her 70s uh okay what just happened plant-based healthy and is having stress about taking the coveted vaccine um her USCIS won't give her the green card if she doesn't get it she's taken in multiple news about people dying getting cancer after the shot how much should she worry about dying from it I had a phone consultation with uh Dr Solaire from True North and he said to get the vaccine I even told him I have cancer should I keep her from the vaccine or let her take it uh rewind for me what's at stake what do you mean that she can't get what what is it that she can't get without the vaccine her green card or a green card yeah okay yeah um immigration won't give her the green card unless she unless she has it interesting um and and so she's and so she's here in the United States and so essentially this person is being pushed into a corner about either getting kicked out of the country that's my impression yeah this questioner can clarify for us but that's what I take from that okay I would say that that what you want to do there's there's there's options there's several options on the table uh there are way you know this you're not checkmated yet so I would certainly do everything I could to delay The Showdown of deadlines with respect to the green card because with every day that passes more scientific evidence piles in that the vaccine is dog [ __ ] and it's dangerous as hell okay and so that that is leaking around the edges as we start finding out those massive prod at the data collection process and the quote safety studies that were conducted now that's not well known to everybody and we still have you know criminals that are that are effectively in our government that are setting the rules so these are problems that you're up against now uh that are that are that are serious business and so right now you still want are operating this problem you are operating under a regime uh that is you know essentially Lawless as far as I'm concerned the uh now that being the case uh you have to run the cost benefit analysis on how nasty the vaccine is going to be that's a statistical issue we don't know the long-term consequences we know the short-term consequences the odds are pretty good that you'll survive it okay and the odds are pretty good you'll survive it without a very serious adverse reaction I think the serious adverse reactions are on the order of one percent or so which is just extraordinarily bad uh well the immediate serious adverse reactions or the the long term which we don't know I mean we don't know yeah so so there is I mean you're you're starting to see just in the last couple of weeks this discussion around you know we have this burst of cancer yeah we we have yeah so what's going on and and you know immune autoimmune stuff and just no no way to know um and so yeah her her there's no way to you can't mathematize this question if math solves every question we don't we don't know enough um to really uh apply math to the question well estimate that we know that the vaccine is problematic or the CB of the vaccine itself is terrible right yeah but the question is you know it's not rat poison and it's not cyanide but it might be cyanide for you and so that's uh unlikely but uh but now we we go again we look at that relative to all other courses of action that we could take so with respect to Green cards often there are delaying tactics I.E I'm gonna I have to I'm gonna be getting a new job or I'm moving or whatever the heck it is in other words I would look under the Greek card Playbook and see if there's anything that you can do to delay any Day of Reckoning that you may be facing the reason is is that if you can even manage a six-month delay of some kind um the whole the rules of this game could change dramatically six from where they are right now and that's because the evidence is is leaking in and leaking in and more honest scientists are finally getting depressed uh with things that they're saying what the hell is this okay so uh so there there is significant hope that the right the right strategy is to delay like crazy uh and absolutely when the last day comes and they say you have to take a shot or you're out of here okay now you now you are finally down to it it is possible uh that there will be more benign vaccines that are under development now that I think are are just as shitty in terms of their uselessness as the current vaccine the only problem is they're likely to be less harmful less harmful what happened to nomovacs I thought novovax was supposed to be out last fall sometime I'm not getting past the politicians that have bought off everybody and good luck getting past the CDC and fda's payoff guys for Pfizer yeah okay so of course we know the system is corrupt and so something that would be a different vaccine a strategy that may be considerably more benign to the body isn't going to see the light of day until all the money's been made okay but if you delay long enough they may finally [ __ ] themselves to Market and be allowed to fight over the remaining carcasses uh vaccines and therefore you may be able to select those and therefore be safe or safer so anyway my attitude is delay delay delay and uh in any possible way you can push this out as far as you can that's that's what I would say then there's you know you can request waivers on conscientious subjective grounds and this is all stuff that may or may not work religious yeah depends on the bureaucrat that's reading your paperwork and there's we don't know how punitive basically if the guy's up high say don't allow any of it okay we don't know so there's uh I don't like that strategy because that's uh uh that is a that is the ultimate of being you know throwing yourself at the mercy of that court I would delay until I would do that and then I would do that and then if that doesn't work then hopefully by that time uh you've got an option that's more safe yeah that's all that's all I think I would do sounds like if she doesn't hurt the current deadline is July was the follow-up here so if not by July they kick her out so um yeah look I would yeah go loophole punting um and you should be talking to an immigration lawyer and find out if there's any possible way to extend us and goodness knows by July we might be in a monkey pox pandemic so that we'll be on to the next vaccine at that point so just you know yeah I can't I can't honestly give you any advice because I said well just go ahead take your chances and then you're dead three days later then we made a mistake so this is a uh this is a terrible decision to have to make you have to also then wait well if I get cat kicked out will I ever be able to come back and under what circumstances so yeah that's the other part of this question is like what what does it mean to be kicked out kicked out back to where you know what is life like there what what is you know what is the worst case scenario about going back and and living in your home country for a while and hopefully being able to re-enter the us at some point so if that if that is a tolerable but just not great scenario then that weighs into the equation very heavily no question if it's if it's you know some a terrible situation that you don't want to return to if you're you know having to go back to Ukraine you know like then then we have a different conversation but um yeah oh or too too many parameters and uh but but definitely rule number one is any possible loophole with delay is is what you would see yeah all right I had a couple of people that managed to escape this right under the wire in Europe yeah that I told them delay delay delay delay delay the way that they took some sacrifices and lost a couple of jobs but managed to eat through the European bottleneck you know what I mean it was looking like it was going to shut there in February and it turned out they don't have to get the backs so this was you know I had several people under under intense time crunches there that were up against it and it turned out by delaying to the last second we wound up winning I think I have three or four of those so yeah or moving within the EU or you know just going to a new job or you know people have done all kinds of things to to just sort of Dodge and Duck and weave um and you know try to buy time right try to buy time and then at the end of the day then you got to make your own decision and if you have you know if you end up having to take the vaccine for God's sakes you know we know a huge threat is the immediate clotting Factor issue right God's sakes make sure you've eaten super clean for the last three days as you're eating at the the raw fruits and vegetables so you've got like a super is clean looking blood situation that and as little clotting and no fat in that no fat in your blood yeah that's a big deal yeah I will bet you that that if people had no fat in their blood when they took that damn vaccine it would cut the sudden deaths by 80 or 90 percent I'm sure that's a huge Factor but if you if you had bacon and eggs that morning you're not you're not in the best position wow for trouble okay yeah so these are just things that we speculate on but keep in mind yeah all right what else we got all right well we should wrap up soon because we have we have a hot block to do before uh before eight so um but we have a quick one uh any thoughts on why Buddhism is true by Robert Wright you know I haven't read it I I can't believe I haven't read it I read the moral animal a million years ago um but I never did read why Buddhism is true even though it kind of marries my two primary interests who did you you sent me some some notes about you read the intro or a little bit of it you were pretty disgusted as I recall yeah yeah I'm sorry I can't give you a more throat book review I read 15 or 20 Pages uh I got through that much I had a great respect for Robert Wright that I have great respect for his his uh his work on the moral animal that that book looked like useless and so uh yeah I God knows what's buried in there maybe somebody will write to me and say oh no you got to check out chapter such and such and he makes some undoubtedly he's a bright guy and undoubtedly he makes some valid points but what I was watching was useless so that's all I have to say about that yeah well people have other questions you know are you going to be on Chef ajmr oh I didn't know it was happening tomorrow it's I still have the 15th kind of in my calendar so we can talk about it but by no tomorrow's the 23rd I think I'm on tomorrow I think I'm on tomorrow hold on a second hold on yeah yeah you're you're undoubtedly invited what time are you doing it 11 A.M Pacific uh I will have to check that would be questionable but I'm 11 yeah I've got someone at two um yeah no I don't think I can um but I'm there in spirit a lot of other questions hey I'm going to be live on Chef AJ tomorrow so load them in awesome all right I could come in halfway yeah whatever you want to do I'll just pop in hey guys back again all right is that good I think that's good I think the the ones remaining here are all giant giant questions that uh we'll have to roll over to next time so sounds good all right awesome we're gonna get ready to to uh [ __ ] about the state of the worlds in a little bit got some serious bitching about the state of the world today yeah saving it up for you good it's uh there's I mean it's serious it's been it's been quite a week all right everybody have a good night we will see you next time all right bye
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