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all right all right oh it's hard keeping track of everything going on in the world it's it it just gets more exciting by the moment we were just texting back and forth some of the uh some of the day's developments yes yeah I mean yeah we can get into it if people want we can see what people want to talk about this is your q a so uh Doug and I have plenty to [ __ ] about as always but we'll see what you guys want to do so as usual there is a q a tool um and you can uh upvote and comment on them so we can answer them roughly in the order that they're upvoted and that people are interested in uh in hearing the answers so um looks like Patrick has jumped in here rapid fire as as is his want so let's see here almost 30 of all men under 28 years old in the U.S openly admit to being a virgin in cell in the west and hikomori in Japan these communities appear to Blossom further confirming that at least for males the modern sexual Marketplace is run by harsh 80 20 Pareto distribution rates is this the inevitable result of leucine monogamy Norms paired with the modern dating app culture just a small question interesting I didn't know that that's what looked like uh I knew that there that's uh that same phenomenon is seen throughout nature in other words the uh in nature more more males go to their graves without having been made it's been females yeah that virginity number is way up um that under 30 male number though it used to be usually about eight percent or at least self self-declared um and it has it's like tripled or more than tripled in just the last you know 20 years or so so that is that is a real finding that I've seen um in legitimate places and that seems you know that's quite concerning yeah yeah let's let's think that through because I haven't really given that much thought of course that would make sense that that essentially what is happening is that um that the the more attractive males are are essentially are the are getting more action so we we would then we would know that if the attract if the average attractive male you know in in times past would have mated with say six females by their 30th birthday now it's nine okay so in other words we we've now they've now increased their market share and the the casualties of that have been the the less attractive and less assertive males and uh and so the the females are simply exercising made Choice uh partially behind loosening uh loosening societal Norms around sex and marriage Etc so it's probably you know this was was probably tighter you know probably if we went back to 1955 we would we would find because of the high price of casual mating on the females because they didn't have birth control that that probably the fancier males were you know four to one in their meeting instead of nine to one or ten to one so the uh so that's uh it interesting so yeah you're just watching so it sounds like you're watching female sexual Choice uh uh and the the birth control and the essentially loosening uh loosening concern of of uh female reputation of having be being 32 years old and not married but having had half a dozen sex partners in other words that's no big deal and so therefore uh they're just exercising uh uh they're they're not exercising sexual choice in in greater and greater propensities uh than they did so this this is actually fundamentally a good thing the uh I mean fundamentally from from the standpoint that these females aren't being then pushed by cultural norms and economic forces into marriages with people that they're not that into others that's effectively what it is that you're seeing taking place the uh you know there's there are things that that can be done about this of which Jen and I have actually worked on it we have a solution we have a solution but the world doesn't know our solution yet but we have in fact solved the problem and uh mainly because it's a problem that I personally have so as a result uh we we will sell it for a price you know make us an offer being told that progress is being made on this good okay well that's a that's an announcement down the road for folks but by the end of the year you will see us uh solution that will be adopted worldwide and will will actually change human mating behavior uh forever so but we we can't announce that yet small claim yeah but it's true all right okay so the next one we have here is I seem unable to lose the last 10 to 15 pounds could fasting once a week or once every second week be a solution I don't believe so yeah I'm not a fan of fasting for weight loss really ever um just because it's your your body is going to have the last word on that um and so you're eating under the hunger drive and uh you're you're playing Russian roulette with that hunger drive by doing that so um yeah I think the the real answer is to you know play with the dials of calorie density essentially um and you could do it quite extremely on one or two days a week so you don't have to do it every day so you could continue eating exactly like you're eating now but then have one day a week just be fruits and vegetables for example or um I wouldn't even necessarily recommend a juice fast maybe you would but maybe smoothies or smoothies and salads or something something essentially you know fruits and vegetables calorie density where you're still eating food and you're still eating as much as you want um but you've you've taken the starches out for that day that's that's about as far as I would go toward the um toward fasting but that's obviously not medical advice it's just personal experience and my sense of what works for people and what's less likely to uh you know kick you in the butt later yeah I I would also say that uh different people have different struggles but a common struggle that I see is that people trying to eat an extremely lean diet basically Rebel against this and then they they start then they're they can't they can't handle it and then the wheels come off and so uh let's talk about uh I have my own cochinami theories as to why it is this is true um these theories I don't think are really discussed anywhere else other than through the the lens that uh that I have polished and that that is the following that our ancestors probably ate a diet that averaged somewhere around six or seven hundred calories a pound that that appears to be probably pretty good pretty solid evidence that that's true the um if you if you eat a uh what is considered to be an optimally healthy vegan diet if you come from that community that diet is going to be considerably less than that uh salad is 100 calories a pound cooked vegetables are 200 fruits 300 the starches average around four so out of those those things there's no way in hell you're getting to 600 calories a pound so what's going to happen is like in in our nature what the difference was was largely going to be meat and you know in the vegan world everybody wants to put their fingers in their ears and scream because you're not supposed to say meat you're not supposed to say that human beings ate a lot of meat or decide to eat meat that meat's been a big part of their natural history it was you are that is how it is now further then that opens the question of well that's true how come his meat so destructive health-wise well it's not necessarily destructive health wise if you're eating pristine Wild game juxtapose to 70 of your calories from Whole natural plant food there's no evidence anywhere on Earth that suggests that a 30 percent meat diet um out of pristine Wild game juxtaposed to whole natural plant food is in any way deleterious to human health so so what uh the the research evidence heavily implicates meat in all kinds of problems cardiovascular disease and cancer particularly but remember that that food is being eaten number one it is not pristine wild again that isn't the main issue I believe the main issue is the food it's being eaten along with is not unprocessed whole plant food it's french fries in Coca-Cola so all of the antioxidants that that would be naturally essentially neutralizing the biochemical problems associated with metabolizing animal food for humans those things are you are not protected uh in the way that you would be so this is kind of like gardening without gloves on it's like well your hands are going to get beat up but if you have gloves on it turns out oh it's so much nicer and that that is I think essentially what takes place in in a natural setting when human beings are eating animal food now so the point of all this is that the animal food is going to drag up the calorie density to a level that is actually more is is human Natural History so that's the 800 calorie a pound protein and fat without any carbohydrate without any fiber so it's a it's a richer source of calories if you don't have something like that in your diet I believe that you seek it so yeah and so I don't think I mean you can try to cram yourself full of five or six pounds a day of low density plant food and you can certainly survive and you can be in an outstanding Health but if you do that I believe that you have little low-grade alarm systems that are basically saying we're in trouble we're surviving but we are not actually getting the caloric resources that are consistent with our natural history and our Natural History was not eating potatoes rice and beans and and fruit that isn't what it was right along with it repeatedly was something that somebody got at the end of a spear so if you don't have that those things are are concentrated sources of protein largely and varying amounts of fat so I would say that that we are seeking something uh the sensation and experience of the digestion of intermediate concentration of food and the problem is is that the vegan foods that people typically eat are very high in calorie density they blow away meat in terms of calorie density so a peanut butter sandwich is over 2 000 calories a pound then you know nut Butters or 3 000 calories a pound Bread's 1600 calories a pound crackers cookies popcorn dried fruit rice cakes uh bread of any kind all of these things are vastly richer in calorie density than meat and so I think that what is needed in many cases is to to to stop the the essentially vacillation or oscillation between very low calorie density foods and cramming those and then going off the rails and eating Rich plant food that this is I think fairly typical of the vegan world and uh and and the weight fluctuations that take place there's a few things that I think are are friendly to incorporate into your diet uh that that you know I would recommend that people experiment with and and I'll we'll talk just briefly in a minute I feel like I'm a Chef AJ show now going on with a lot of food but the um but the point is is that things like for example avocado are 900 calories a pound well meat is 800. so that means avocado is a pretty good facsimile for meat and so like if you add that into your diet your what's going to happen is you're probably going to be less likely to have your your spoon in a peanut butter jar okay because you will have essentially had some Whispers to your you know into your nervous system saying hey we're not starving to death there's a decent source of concentrated calories that we ate some of today pasta also is uh is a processed food and I understand that there could be people reactive to that for various reasons but if you look at pasta cooked pasta is 900 calories a pound when you add tomato sauce to it it's going to back it down to 700. if you add spinach or broccoli on top of it it's going to back it up to 600 and now we have something that it doesn't have the fat content of meat but it has the calorie density that makes it a pretty good mimic uh tofu 500 calories a pound is no more calorie dense than rice but it has a different macronutrient profile with 27 percent of calories from fat and I believe that I can detect a difference in my own satiety mechanisms when I eat uh tofu versus rice in other words I can feel like I'm eating something um it's not like tofu is so tasty or great but I can actually feel like you know what there's some receptor sites in my digestive system but are more satisfied with a couple of chunks of tofu than they would have been with the equivalent amount of rice the um and I think that's because of the fat content is mimicking um mimicking meat pretty effectively so uh I also like to eat acai bowls which are uh have a higher fat content fruit doesn't have any fat in it to speak of but I'll say it has a little bit and so that also a little bit higher calorie density maybe 350 calories a pound uh rather than 300 from fruit these are little things that I decorate the granola sprinkle a little bit of granola on top 1700 the point is that you because I'm not looking to end my diet um at 300 calories a pound which is the average between fruits and vegetables and starches if you do that I think that you are way off course relative to your natural history and it it essentially is a ticking Time Bomb but pretty soon you've got your spoon in the peanut butter jar or something equivalent so instead of that I would I would have people essentially eliminate if you're worried about your weight all foods that are north of a thousand calories a pound but those just don't have them in the system and then instead incorporate these things that are pretty decent mimics for meat where we can eat a substantial amount of them because they're not astronomically high in calorie density and we drift our calorie density back up to a 600 calorie a pound average and at that place I think that a lot of people can settle in and remain on a pretty decent course so that's a that's a a different problem than somebody who's doing a heck of a good job but is still 15 pounds overweight frustrated as hell and trying to figure out whether they should intermittent fast and everything else on that Dimension I would agree completely with Jen that I would not be using fasting but I might try to grip my teeth and and see if I could uh you know essentially lower my overall calorie density by a hair not by doing it every day perfect you know super low but by occasionally going low not a bad idea yeah no I that's and that's how I interpreted that question is I.E I'm perfect I've got this totally locked down except this last 10 pounds is stubborn and so that that is where that lever comes in but yeah no I fully I fully agree I think people try to do this to um too perfectly and uh you know have this like you know zero zero fat diet or zero overt fat diet um and uh with with absolutely no avocado or no whole nuts or anything that is gonna um tofu is great I think uh just to put in a vote I see someone mentioned here tempeh I had tempeh on my salad today it's very satiating very you got the whole soybean with the higher fat content it's very um you know it's gonna be just a slightly more virtuous way to to do that than the tofu but not that there is anything terrible about tofu um yeah so I don't even know this so how what's the difference tempeh is the whole soybean it's uh usually you can get different combos that sometimes include some whole grains like brown rice or something mixing with it um but it's fermented and so it's like a it's like a whole it's like a it's like a cake of soybeans pressed together yeah so I had someone once make the analogy and I don't know how perfect this is but tofu you can think of as like soy cheese essentially it's made from soy milk and it's like soy cheese and then tempeh is more like a a soybean Pate it's like it's like the whole so you've got all the fiber you've got all of the the phytonutrients in the soybean all the good stuff so um just just making my time and it's it's very it's got a nice nutty flavor and I think people would really like it but people get scared off because it's you know higher fat um and it's really it's nothing I think these These are the kinds of things that your body's gonna perfectly register most people are that that sort of higher fat content is is going to the the satiety mechanism is not going to be broken if you're eating it in the whole food form right it's broken when you eat oil people right right that's where the problem is okay all right we have another another food question we we opened the the topics yeah um is food addiction a real diagnosis slash syndrome or not and do we agree I yeah I mean I think I think there's anything that is uh not found in nature you can develop addictive behavior to it so you know nobody is going to develop no matter how much you're stuffing yourself with sweet potato you're not addicted to sweet potato um but you could be have a low-level addiction to highly processed garbage food you're you've developed a dependency on it you have a whole microbiome that that eats its and is has uh evolved to only be able to mow through that kind of stuff and and you've got this dependency that you need to essentially go through something that looks like a withdrawal process um and get to the other side of it so it's not quite on the order of alcohol or nicotine or heroin but it's on the Continuum if we have a Continuum from kale to meth um it's it's in there it's somewhere between sort of the you know sweet potato fries and uh and I don't know nicotine or caffeine um and so so yeah I think we mostly agree on that and I think it's completely legitimate but it does get misused for people's you know saying that they are addicted to whole plant foods like oh I'm you know I've gotta I have to limit my potatoes because I'm addicted to potatoes and that's you know you you're you might be eating a lot of potatoes for a lot of different reasons that we could get into but you it's not an addiction um unless they're fried up in oil and you've you've uh essentially subjected them to processes that don't exist in nature Perfect all right that was that was quick okay all right um so this one deep question alert uh hello doctors my grandmother has been widowed since last year she's approximately 70 and was married for 50 years he was also her business partner so now she's without a job for the first time last time I visited her she opened up about thinking she was depressed I thought back to when you Doug said something along the lines they likely suicide case being old people who feel they are costing their communities rather than contributing to them she's financially stable she lives by herself but my family frequently calls and visits her I've connected the discussion about suicide to her current feelings of depression I'm wondering what I can or sh or should do or say to help guide her out of the threat um I would say that this obviously has a lot to do with her her depression is a result of her circumstances so it's simply a reflection of her relationship between self and environment so the um I'm not I wouldn't be too worried about uh older people that are suicidal are usually broke and in a lot of physical pain okay so the um this person does is neither broke nor doesn't sound like she's in a bunch of serious physical pain so what what she is is that she's a little lost she actually doesn't know um what she ought to be doing with her time and energy and so she's not quite sure how to go about um connecting with other people I.E and then 70 years old is not very old so you're yeah there's probably a pretty serious need for productive activity uh evidence that she is competent and useful to the Village so um I I I'm not sure what I would tell her to do I think that if you are you're sort of keeping your eye on her and if she gets to be so reclusive in morose then that's about the time when we're gonna we're gonna want to drag her out to a Rotary meeting and get her to join something so that she has something to go to every week in other words there are but between now and then I mean people will you know if if we make little suggestions about little little uh you know the Red Hat Ladies society that you could go join or somewhere where she gets out of the house and and um reconnects if she's it's possible she could have been relatively reclusive in within a marriage which a lot of women are in other words they they don't have a lot of connections outside of the marriage that's not super atypical right so she may have to go through a social metamorphosis where she winds up getting a new set of connections that you know aren't the greatest and the most valuable in the world but they're better than nothing and they they fulfill some of those social needs that she has uh that are now screaming to her not just depression there's some loneliness and a lack of esteem so those those are the things that are in there and we we may need to drag her a little bit and shove her a little bit towards some of those situations that that you know eventually finds out it's like somebody that doesn't want to go to a party and then once they get there they have a pretty good time that we may need to to uh to do that if she doesn't shake herself out of it which there's a good chance she will yeah I mean we're we're just a year in this was someone she'd spent half a century with you know she was 20 years old last time she was navigating Life by herself but yes um yeah I would say my my grandmother was you know around this age when her husband of many many decades passed and um it took you know it took a while she was very reclusive in her marriage um in her own ways and she blossomed when she it was the Red Hat Ladies she got very involved in the Red Hat Ladies um the you know based on that old when I am when I am old I shall wear purple poem she got really really involved she got involved in all sorts of Civic stuff political stuff volunteering for campaigns she reconnected with old friends from high school who were still in town um you know it was a really good social time for her um those those you know first few years after her initial kind of adjustment morning period so 70 is not old at all um and whether it's red hat or it's Mall Walkers or she starts going to walk water aerobics or she goes to a painting class or you know there's all kinds of things yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't be inferring suicidal ideation just because someone is very reasonably depressed about their life being turned upside down and going through a morning process that you would totally expect so yeah so the best thing you can do you know as the grandchild is to volunteer to go to one of these things with her you know say I I you know I really wanted to do this this crazy you know pottery class or to to go to the silly you know learn to paint kind of thing or something that you would do on a Cheesy kind of date night you know take your grandma and sure she wants to spend time with you and that that introduces her to something that she might really find that she has sort of a latent passion for her she'll run into some old friend or you know you just have to kind of ignite this but um I I think most grandparents really love to spend time with their grandkids and she'd be happy to do anything as long as she's doing it with you so all good all right all right what else we got okay here we go how to co-parent with an X is a disagreeable open to General feedback and also would joint therapy help she puts therapy in quotes or only resurface animosities does friendship eventually become possible see that uh it's co-parent with a disagreeable person her ex is very disagreeable X got it so co-parenting right because with an X yeah the uh could you read I was trying to get that straight could you read the whole question again yeah how do I co-parent with an ex who is disagreeable I'm open to General feedback and also with joint therapy help or does it only resurface animosities does friendship ever become possible eventually possible yes yeah oh she's she's clarifying that she's the disagreeable oh she's saying she's the district yeah I was trying to protect you yeah she's the disagreeable her ex is agreeable oh yeah so what's what's her problem I think she's just trying to wonder how to navigate this maybe maybe on behalf of her of her ex I more often find you know when I talk to clients the issue is my ex is disagreeable he won't he won't give any ground on stupid stuff he just has to be right and so even stuff that would be good for the sake of the kids he's digging in his heels um it's usually he yeah if you're if you're conscientious enough to be asking us that question I guess all I would say is that um if you find yourself ready to go to war over some policy uh where the two of you disagree in other words the the agreeable person on the other side is digging in their heels because they've got very strong feelings about something then that's a time to to get a third party input so you write to us or you know have a conversation with us I don't think that you unless we're running into it all the time I don't think there's any need for any ongoing therapy or counseling I think mainly you need to have a check on your uh your disagreeable uh uh perspective that if you're you're aware that that's true about you you can you can essentially make life tougher for everybody including yourself by by not having a perspective a third party come in and possibly check your your thinking about the importance and value of of essentially not negotiating on a position so that that's what that's what I would say would be the the probably the most most useful uh thing to be thinking don't don't don't make a war out of something when really there there's probably a very reasonable compromise so yeah yeah it usually manifests in some you know argument over uh you've got different disciplinary procedures at your house than my house and so I'm just going to turn this into this huge thing you know keep your eye on the sort of nurture assumption and on Robert Plowman and you know remember that these little skirmishes that you're going to feel very attached to in your disagreeableness because you have to win you have to you have to you have to beat him um is uh you know these are these are not likely to actually have any long-term effect on the kid um and meaningfully change the kids you know long-term experience of life so they really are about you seizing the power advantage and that Dynamic um and uh and that's what you I think you're gonna find yourself sort of uh rather than going into co-parenting with some kind of overall strategy it's going to emerge as you run into conflicts and then then that is time for you to reflect you know okay we're really stuck on this issue we really have lot of conflict going on with this particular thing is it really that important that I'm fighting for it does it really affect the the life of my child or is it something that I'm digging my heels in about just because I feel threatened and I'm I'm um sort of strengthening my position in this conflict of interest so that your self-reflection is going to be a really important part of this fantastic I just thought of that I mean I'm just writing that Jen that's a interesting possible chapter in the book are you adding more you can't be adding more chapters now foreign every day people are like where's the book I'm like ask Doug he's just added a chapter yesterday yeah that's uh that's great in other words the talk about a waste of time energy and money is to be hassling with your ex over the the developmental processes of your children so there's a few things you need to be worried about drug addiction uh dairy products and pregnancy that's about it okay I wouldn't worry about their homework their Scholastic achievement uh I wouldn't worry about their social integration I wouldn't worry about anything okay the only things I'm worried about are dairy products pregnancy and what was the third thing drugs drugs I think processed meat is is probably just as bad if not worse than Dairy as well um you know you want to be if it's if they're having chicken and peas it's one thing but if it's baloney sandwiches that's another thing so right um yeah so that's uh colon cancer yeah so that's that's worth fighting about to some level but again you know not necessarily a full-blown War so if you've got them half the time then you feed them healthy stuff at your house and you've mitigate a lot so right the um yeah other than that parents are are misunderstanding that the vicissitudes of their child's life uh are are a big deal and they add up they're essentially that you're you're chiseling away and you are carving the David okay and that if you make a mistake you've wrecked it this is not the way it is you're not carving the David the David was car carved at the moment of conception yeah okay uh all you want to do is you want to have your children your responsibility isn't to be worried about their development and their victories and losses and where it sets them up for this or about in life it won't do anything at the time uh if you need convinced of that you need to read blueprint by Plumbing so the um what what it is it's just the life experience they're having now so your only responsibility is to to not inconvenience your own life particularly while you see to it that your kids have a pretty good existence if you can if if they are so if they're so positioned in life by personality and by circumstance you know you may have a child that by circumstance and by personality is going to have a pretty lousy existence as a child so be it you know you do what you can but you can't you know you can't make it Rosy when it's not Rosy so if they're Goofy and they have weird stuff and they got a little Tourette's and they're funny looking and other kids are weirded out by them and they're not very smart and it's like whoa you know your kid might have an emotionally fairly rugged existence the uh and your job is to do what you can but most of the time we're not talking about anything like that we're talking about parents whose children are completely competent little children and that that all they're trying to do is angle for esteem and I.E life enjoyment quote fun uh in in ways that make sense to them the parents are angling at Harvard University um you know or whatever it is that they're angling at uh and they're trying to push this eight or nine year old in just exactly the right uh social and and intellectual trajectory to get there because they think that that's going to be super useful and super important and this is a total waste of time so you're uh and it's a it's a waste of your child's enjoyment of life okay so our job is to understand the truth that we're just here as stewards of this time where we are we are essentially like referees in a basketball game we don't play the game for them all we do is we have some rules that make sense so that the game can be reasonable that's all okay and so uh as a co-parent with somebody else that somebody else may do a bunch of things to make your kids life miserable uh but our our job is to try to facilitate reason and a liberal uh policy towards uh child raising as much as possible and basically kind of let these kids run their own chef as much as much as we possibly can reasonably let them do so safely that's it that's how it works and boy does that go contrary to a lot of parents uh personalities yeah oh completely yeah I mean it's like this there's nothing more important than you know who their second grade teacher is and whether they get into this program or you know all on and on so yeah the second part of that question is does therapy help or just resurface animosities I I would only consider very specific mediation type therapy over a really intractable issue after you have done deep reflection that this is not personality Distortion coming out of your disagreeable need to win um but there really is a major conflict of interest on a very important issue like I.E drugs pregnancy processed food you know being a being a real issue um what was the other one is there another one I feel like there's another one um uh or you know something else something else that could come up the I.E they're having speech development problems and they're stuck at a school that's requiring masks and you know you're having a debate over that something something situational like that could come up and if there is this really intractable debate and you're you know you you have resolved and you were at peace with the fact that this is not your personality Distortion but it really is something that you believe is essential for the development of your kid um at that point yeah you know having a third party kind of help moderate that conversation whether it's one of us or somebody who is just able to to do that um could be useful but it's like a really I would use that very surgically and very specifically for very particular incidents not as a an overall kind of like let's just check in on our parenting strategy and you know all of that so not not in this type of relationship where there's animosity yeah therapy is um is nothing other than the the removal of distortion right so the the only thing that uh when people try to tell you what's the secretive Behavior change like nobody knows except us apparently okay Behavior changes when the costs benefit analysis that underlies the decisions for Behavior changes that is the only time that David changes okay so what will change the cost benefit analysis a a re-examination of the parameters of the cost benefit analysis okay that's the only thing that can happen so if it turns out that you are right that you have correctly analyzed the parameters associated with the cost benefit then people can try to talk you into the new the new improved tide but you're like no actually I use all and whenever I use tide it clogs up my machine for some reason or my clothes smell in a way that I don't like them I like to use all and so yes I tried the new and approved tie but no it still has that weird tight smell that I don't like and therefore I'm going to use all done okay so we we may have made a temporary Behavior change in hopes that we had that we were missing a bet that there was a better option out there in existence but it turns out we tried the better option and it turned out it wasn't better now we go back to the same pattern that we had before okay so behavior only changes when the cost benefit analytics change and the cost benefit analytics change when the sensory system gets new data uh and that new data suggests that reality may be different than we thought it was there may be either a greater threat or a greater opportunity uh uh you know in in the situation than we knew that is the only reason that patterns of behavior change so uh so when people go to Tony Robbins and they're told oh do this think say your affirmations it's going to change your life uh no it won't yeah affirmation will not change the cost benefit analytics uh that are facing you with all the other options in your existence now is it possible that something you heard there might make a difference yeah you might have not you might have heard about a possibility that you hadn't considered a different way to make sales or marketing something you know what I mean you might have found out oh this is where you go to to to to date a bunch of useless hot women you know that like to dance around and are super extroverted really good strategy if that's what you're into and you've got the budget exactly okay okay executive that loves to go to Tony Robbins for exactly that reason oh my God did you ever meet that executive no yeah oh you didn't that's too bad just called me that's not something that we uh it's missing in your social education is that character the Superman nameless who is somewhat famous the uh but anyway the the point is is that um so therapy when we people start talking about well is therapy any good well the question is is that therapist able to take you through a set of arguments and Explorations and exercises that will lead you to an increased Precision in your ability to correctly evaluate the cost benefit analytics around the problem in question that's all that is in fact the only thing that therapy is and in fact that's what your sensory system is the only reason you've got eyes and ears and a mouth and taste buds and and a sense of touch is so that you can improve your Precision about your understanding of the relationship between yourself and your environment okay that's why you've got sensory systems inside your body monitoring different conditions of the Body for exactly the same reason okay so that therapy isn't what people think it is uh therapy is nothing other than one of a an endless uh type of experiences which potentially either increase your precision and understanding your universe or decrease it okay most of the time I don't think it has probably any influence at all because the therapists cockamami explanations about anything are are neither improving your own cockamami thinking nor worsening it so probably you walk out just a you know a copay poorer and an hour of time wasted but otherwise unharmed I think that's pretty much what this therapy is once in a while some backyard therapists who ignored all of their training actually just flies by the seat of their pants and uses some IQ and accumulated life experiences some intelligence and basically does a better job at analyzing your situation than you did and thinks of some factors that you didn't think of and therefore you make some changes that are beneficial as a result of that but in terms of a principled concept that going to therapy is going to improve relationships or improve your life that is absurd that is like me telling you well today you'll have some profound experiences that will significantly alter your existence for the better not likely well not only is it not likely that it's going to improve but there's there's a very real chance that you get bad information that you know sort of causes problems in your life so my example of this is always the therapist you told me with great great certainty when I was about 20 years old but there was no genetic component to alcoholism you know I was very concerned about drinking because of my father's trajectory and uh sort of brought this up like it was it was a burden in my social life you know I felt like a weirdo I wasn't drinking and um I you know was was very strongly reassured that that had been debunked that there was no truth to that that this was a disease of disconnection that um it was a you know a spiritual malaise etc etc et cetera and it's very susceptible kid I mean that changed my CD essentially um and and so genetics have loaded the gun for me um and that environmental Distortion pulled the trigger um and uh so I don't blame that therapist for my alcoholism but I do that that is when that set of decisions started to change in a different way that that led me into some very self-destructive behavior that that needn't happened in that way so um so yeah damage can be done for sure yes wow great story yeah bad therapy yeah I think I had heard it but I hadn't quite filed it but that's a that's a spectacular example of uh nothing magical about therapy it's just how good that brain is on the other side of the table and whether or not they're walking you down a system that's going to improve your Precision or reduce it right yeah right all right what else we got all right well we've got we've got some chat in the chat people saying that they want political rants we have a few more questions here I did I had we can we can get into a political ramp by way of a question that was emailed to me um ahead of time which is I don't have it in front of me but essentially this person has come into a great amount of money and an inheritance um you know several hundred thousand dollars and doesn't need it at this moment and was wondering what uh uh investment strategy or what what would be the best thing to do with that money so this relates to you know what we were talking about today I.E uh looks like Canada uh in addition to seizing and and freezing bank accounts of people who are guilty of wrong think is now preemptively doing so if you try to pull significant money out of your regular like for example if you've got a couple Grand in your checking account try to clear it out that triggers the freeze for financial stability purposes um so there's they are concerned about uh bankrupt friends as we talked about in Hawk block this week and that's you know that sort of concern is probably on its way to the states as well so yeah you uh it's an interesting question at this moment if you've got a lot of cash you know what to do with it in a way that is buffered somewhat from these forces [Laughter] [Music] yeah um I would say that that for for people that are uh have not you know essentially have been sort of blissfully unaware of what's Happening you are a frog half boiled already so we we are we have to be uh seriously uh thinking about I mean it's possible that everything can work out just fine and we wind up with a techno surveillance state that is relatively benign and it all looks kind of like modern day Sweden kind of higher tax rates and a bunch of woke you know what I mean stuff going around so if you've got uh if you've got some claim on the on the the till of the society as a result of your ancestry now that things are just a little bit better off financially for you and a little worse off if you don't in other words there's uh it's possible but this all you know that we live halfway happily um not too bad and we don't live in the misery that people have lived in in China and the Soviet Union okay however um we're not supposed to be here that uh the the entire point of a western democracy is to do the following process the process conceptually very clearly was to eliminate force and fraud from the processes of life between humans and that in fact that human beings would be forced to compete with each other in the free Marketplace by giving their best shot at goods and services in exchange for the best that others who were also giving and that this process as was was uh understood first by Adam Smith would like an invisible hand Force individuals to uh behave in ways that are in the best interest of the consuming community in other words if you do a lousy job you don't get there you don't get the contract okay you do a really good job and you're super fair you do and so uh and but you are forced you would just assume not give everybody a hundred cents on the dollar you would just as soon show up late for work you would just assumed conserve the energy that would not force you to put your very best foot forward who the hell wants to do that so you want to do it half ass and go take a take a hike and sit in a hammock all day and still be paid the same uh energy conservation is is at the root of life's processes it is in fact the central uh time and energy are the two Central constraining resources on Earth for life and everywhere else in the universe and so as a result it's no surprise that when you look at for example the motivational Triad a pleasure seeking Panda voids and energy conservation all that is is all about biological efficiency pleasure seeking is nothing other than energy conservation it's just a guidance system for energy conservation that's what pain avoidance is also a guidance system for energy conservation and the protection of your time I.E don't get killed and lose the time that you had on Earth to survive and reproduce so when it all boils down to is conservation of energy principle and of course the bigger baboon that can hit the other little baboon over the head and steal their coconuts of course that's a very efficient way of doing things and that is the rule of law in the animal kingdom is simply that force is how conflicts of interest are adjudicated in the animal kingdom the force has been the method by which most disputes between humans have been adjudicated throughout human history and prehistory in other words the bigger stronger nastier more violent and more threatening people got the resources of the people that were not as big and threatening that is that is how it's been um in in 1776 a group of really smart ex-englishments said enough this is [ __ ] and we're not doing it anymore okay and we will fight you to death to see to it that this ends right now so the notion was is we're going to have a government where we're going to govern ourselves and we are not going to allow each other to defraud each other we're going to have civil law against that and we're not going to take things by force you cannot do that kind of violent crime and take stuff and the government will be a policeman off to the side uh that that is disinterested in these transactions other than in other words you can do whatever you want uh trying to to to trade with your fellow man but you cannot defraud them and you cannot force them okay it is uh can confronts everything that you ever wanted from another human being that there's three ways to get it from them you can either force it from them but by threatening violence or to using violence and taking it I.E your name is Vladimir Putin you can you can defraud people and tell them that it's really great when it's not I.E a vaccine or you can you can compete in the free market and have to put your best foot forward to get somebody to exchange for your loaf of banana bread as opposed to Maple float for banana bread who everybody seems to like better okay so you have to cut your price so the point is uh you could also say that there's a fourth we would call stealing but you could probably dovetail that either under force or fraud so there's basically three methods now the of course there is tremendous pressure on a government that is in fact protecting the freedom of people that they have to compete with each other in the free market there's tremendous Force to take that Machinery over and just take it for yourself so that is what you're seeing worldwide now is you're seeing that some extremely clever people that are very wealthy and influential and hit and meet every year in Davao Switzerland these people have been figuring out how they could Co-op the Machinery of the world's Western democracies and enable themselves to be in a position of utilizing force and fraud rather than utilizing free market principles to compete who the hell wants to compete in the free market if we can force people to give us what we want okay uh make no mistake that they have made tremendous inroads and that they are succeeding brilliantly at this as of today we we have now learned that both the Canada and Australia have a very big big push for digital IDs which will make it necessary for you to access all kinds of things in the government pretty soon it's going to be required they're saying oh it's not going to be required now it's involuntary yeah that's going to be true for about 13 months it's just so convenient you know you just have everything all together and it's it's it's for you it's to make life easier for you of course so just make life easier for you you could still and then then the next thing is oh there's no more we're not going to use cash because cash can have the coronavirus on it cash is dirty dirty dirty cash so everything has to be digital currency so now the government can actually track every single transaction that you can do and they can disallow your ability to make take transactions if they don't like you this is this is a a bizarre totalitarian control not just that the government can do that but that AI can do that right which is often sort of missed in this whole conversation that it's these sort of algorithms that have you know been examining what you've been browsing for that are shutting down your bank account it's not it's not you know some it's not Horus sitting there evaluating your file it's it's an inescapable you know virtual bank of of all of these data points which are already I mean they they're already countless little points of data on all of us um but they're not Consolidated into one uh easy easily um access resource and certainly not one that is also connected to government control so that's the difference here it's unbelievable you you are you're watching the most ingenious Takeover in world history and so if you have money you need to get wise to the fact that this is actually taking place for your own future good you need to be thinking about things like gold silver cryptocurrency you know land somewhere or real estate that might be useful to own you need to be thinking not like somebody who's going to stick your money in the bank and the S P 500 and it's a little density off digital ID and think that everything's cool okay if everything is cool and it turns out that this takeover takes place moderately and incrementally and relatively benignly and fairly responsibly and it turns out that doesn't crash your personal net worth and they don't confiscate it because they think that you're too much of a have instead of a have not if that all turns out fine great no problem then I'll be happy that uh the that oh I don't know there's a little less pollution in some water somewhere because the government had a little bit more control over the consumption patterns of people that they saw that it was not a good thing to allow this or that to be mined or whatever okay if that's how it works out fine guess what there's a phenomenal downside to this the phenomenal downside is President XI okay the phenomenal downside is that you are actually cowering and not daring say a word and can't even make a financial transaction for something that your carbon footprint is too high and now they're going to shut down your power grid at your house and penalize you and they're going to take that money uh right out of your out of your digital account uh without any due process at all it's like look out the the governments uh are out to get the it isn't governments in general this is a group of people that is very you know has tremendous influence they have tentacles everywhere okay so the players involved are Bezos Gates uh Klaus Schwab is that what his name God okay it's hard to believe yeah I know well yeah it's they're comical they're just comical bad guy Dr Evil type characters I mean every time I see that video that I sent you today from the you know the Canadian banking you know whatever sort of Minister whatever he is um I think he's yeah yeah I'm not sure what his title is but this guy is just straight basically you know talking about the coming digital currency and how great it's going to be and how it's going to you know keep us from uh the sort of trouble that's happened with the truckers and and uh plus it's going to be great for everybody just to have all of their data right there and convenient to use and it's just it's these talking points that the you know tin tin foil hatted conspiracy theorists have been yeah waving in the air for years now and it's really like the just the straightforwardness of this sort of little report is just very like in your face conspiracy theory it's like what are you gonna do um it's really and this kind of gets to the point of what we talked about on Hawk block this week which is very sort of like the the chilling notion that they're letting what's happening in Canada happen because essentially they're they're already so entrenched and they're so far ahead in the game that they can afford to have a little chaos in the north um and uh you know kind of look bad uh and show their hand to other people who might want to organize against them they're not particularly concerned about that so so it's extraordinary we live in a time that I never thought I would see I never thought I'd say anything even remotely like this um I have I have been a consistent Optimist uh for basically almost all of my adult life about the extraordinary I think someone and asked me five years ago uh or I think it was on the 100th episode of Beecher jeans um you know what what to me was the most important thing or if you made me world dictator you know what what would I do and the the only thing that I uh believe is necessary to do a great job of optimizing his human existence is freedom and uh people don't quite know what that is but Freedom means freedom to keep your money that you earn freedom to spend it the way you want uh and freedom to move about places on Earth you know that are not under totalitarian dictatorship in other words it's a freedom of exchange freedom to certainly ownership over your own body and your decisions there in other words that's what freedom is and so when you start to have a dictator in Canada say no you can't leave the country unless you're vaccinated and then oh if you protest against us uh uh that we're going to lock up your truck and take away your insurance and your driver and your ability to make a living and we're going to find you a fortune oh and not only that if you if you contribute to the people that are making this project oh we're going to freeze up your bank accounts too whoa look out okay I'm gonna name and shame you in the Public Square you know that you made what you thought was a Anonymous donation but no we're going to publish that data and and it's just there's I mean yeah it's you're you are living in a time of unpreced attended attack from within the borders of the United States and free societies you have not seen anything like this the closest thing you saw was the Third Reich okay that's the closest attempt at essentially dangerous attempt at a world takeover that the world has seen in a hundred years this is vastly more likely to be successful okay this pits neighbor against neighbor this Pit's brother against sister in other words people are confused and they don't know what they're looking at and if it turns out that you think you're on the benign side of it then you just shrug your shoulders and think it's no big deal but it is an extremely big deal okay so yeah what are you gonna do get wise you need to be listening to people that are we are not tinfoil hats Jen is but I'm not hahaha sure that's fair enough fair enough I can't argue that point the the this is uh this has been a remarkable metamorphosis for me uh that has taken place over the last eight months and um we're coming up on about the eight month Mark when when I observed the fact that the vaccines were clearly leaking and they were of no use at all in terms of the public health uh defense against the spread of the virus and the CDC and Joe Biden went right ahead full force into vaccine mandates vaccine passes and everything else and it's like right then the light went on inside my head okay right and then I learned about what what was actually transpiring here now I'm I'm a little chill but not surprised at all to see Canada and Australia coming out with trumpets blaring about a digital ID pretty soon that digital ID is going to be a shot in your arm and you're going to have a chip inside of you I'm the tinfoil hat yeah you're you're talking about chips and vaccines now so yeah already they're putting ships inside of people in Sweden already okay so the point is is that this is actually that is true yes that's coming and it's time to start realizing okay we have to be thinking like the hard money type people of 1970s those same people would be seriously you know the Harry Brown's and Jerome F Smith's and people like that would have been looking really hard at cryptocurrency trying to figure out what you know what that was going to be useful for I don't know I don't know enough to tell you but I I do know enough to know that there's troubles and we've got to be you know it pays to have some resources and some plans that are outside what the government is thinking you know what I mean that they may not be able to fully know what it is that you're up to incredibly I mean it's not great it's not great to have to to have to be thinking this way but it may be necessary to improve the quality of your existence considerably okay I don't know that I'm going to be in an American suburb the way I am now uh because I'm a person that likes to heat my pool and I have a I believe that that is exactly the kind of asset and kind of luxury that I'm not going to be allowed to have because of my carbon footprint okay God knows you know what the uh what all the agendas are going to be but when people are using force and fraud to get control of financial processes it is not a good thing okay it is a very bad thing it is very dangerous and uh hey you know I don't think they're going to be killing us in the street I don't think it's Tiananmen Square but it's uh it's it's a westernized friendly ruthless version of it so watch out all right all right well that's a cheerful note to end on uh yeah we uh you guys asked for it so yeah in the chat they're talking about the chips in Sweden it's a voluntary program it's really so you can like you know be scan your hand and pay for groceries and it's sort of this it's not it's not being enforced nobody's uh it's not part of the vaccine program it's a it's a separate um separate rollout but lots lots of people have done it um embraced it and Sweden's not the only place where it's going on um and uh and yeah that that that technology is existed for a long time so it's not total conspiracy theory stuff yeah yep all right uh yeah all right look I don't know what book I would send people to to to learn more or to uh The Good Life by the nearings I I actually I spent most of my day uh building my Greenhouse today yeah so yeah I mean I think there is a uh for as far as resources and books you know just practical skills you know learn a little bit about growing your own food learn a little bit about uh you know where to find water where to find just to provide for yourself just to I think there's no there's no way to fully detach from the the eye of the state at this point you can't you can't live outside of no matter what kind of nutty prepper you are or if you did live that way you would be so isolated from the rest of your friends and family that you know most most people just wouldn't want to live that way and so it's it's not about you know what can I do to keep myself out of the prying eye of the state it's what what can I sort of still take off line from um the tendrils of of the state you know apparatus that is trying to reach into every single area of my life and and how can I uh create a little less dependence on whatever it is that it wants to trade me for my citizenship so you know if it gets to a point where uh you have runaway inflation or you have you know food food prices are no longer affordable and you're therefore dependent on the Soylent Green from the from the state wagon that gets rolled out every week that that is conditional on your social credit and your and your sort of your good position in the digital ID system so so having some independence from something like that even though that that seems very you know far from where we are now um it takes time to kind of learn these things and develop these skills and um and Community is always the other big one too like you know know your neighbors know know what kind of um you know Collective assets you have as a community so yep um but there's a lot a lot to think about and we can we will probably cover some of that kind of thinking in in future podcasts and certainly it'll be on hot block so stay tuned yeah all right all right all right well so yeah glad to cheer you all up so we'll talk next time all right have a good one bye folks bye
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