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here we go hey I'm just changing the settings it won't allow me to permanently change I have to do it every time how are you good good all right just fixing this so everybody can upvote questions um and respond to questions if so compelled so that's all set how's life in warm California not bad not too bad not covered in snow yep not covered in snow probably 58 degrees we're getting around on ice and snow so very exciting got it awesome all right what do we got going so just letting people kind of trickle in here it looks like we've got a few questions um so first one here hand gestures while talking are they attention grab slash taking up space without additional topical meaning or do they contain topical information in some form slash support its delivery um yeah they do all kinds of important things uh I've seen lots of different arguments about them I'm a big hand talker myself and I use my hands a lot and I I the most interesting uh interesting analysis I saw was that it's very important um apparently to see you're more trusting of someone who has their hands out in front like exposed to you because you know that they're not doing anything nefarious with them hidden away so there's it actually builds more of a rapport with the other speaker because you can see I've just I've got my hands out how could I be lying to you so that was that was one of the very interesting um analyzes I saw at some point and then of course they're just it's sort of it's just part of body language and communication in general I think there's there's lots of work on this um I don't know any other specifics have you come across anything nope not at all yeah it's definitely genetic I mean some people are big hand talkers some people are not um my my uh you know my family members and I talk with our hands in the same general way yeah yeah all right oh yeah that's that one that was easy we'll just keep well we're doing a lightning round yeah that's good okay all right oh this is very long okay so any advice on how to live in France with the reinforced control of the sanitary passport I guess that's what they're calling their sort of vaccine regime um I was forced to vaccinate myself because pressure in my work to do it is very high I'm 36. my almost 16 year old son has for the moment a faulty vaccine passport with the name of some guy of 22 years I guess like a forged like a fake one um to go to the cinema swimming pool and to use public transport normally I would be very against this I'm very conscientious but with this madness I feel it's not a crime um for the moment the odds of taking the Mandate from 135 Euros to 1500 Euros and even 75 000 Euros with five years of prison um is small because the Personnel can't check the identity of the person only the validity of the passport uh with the new law just voted the Personnel also need to be able to check the ID card and the passport with the third mandatory dose his passport will soon expire anyway I'm running out of options on how to live without vaccinating him what a freaking [ __ ] show get out of France yeah I mean I know that's that's flippant and probably not possible but this is uh I mean what the hell yeah um yeah what can what can we say you you are you are uh you're in a Warfare situation well we don't recognize it as that it doesn't look like it and it doesn't feel like it because bullets aren't flying uh but but this is a Warfare situation so you you have to look at it that way I I I I keep getting I I cannot evaluate the evidence for people now the all I can say is there is a considerable suspicion that the vaccines are a lot worse than we we might have feared so that is a maybe an irresponsible thing for you me to say so I want to emphasize that I cannot evaluate the evidence now uh the problem is is that that there are intelligent credentialed people that are that are looking into the microbiology and looking at autopsies Etc and have grave concerns that that this is very serious business and so um can I tell you that they're right and that they're not part of a fear-mongering subcult I cannot tell you that I literally don't know so you're you're in a situation where so that the high principle that would be involved here would be that we would go to considerable expense and considerable hassle to avoid this uh now but every individual has a different uh level of risk tolerance and a different uh different levels of of options so um you know if I wouldn't have my kid using that back passport to go to the pool or wherever is he's going he could just spend a year indoors reading the classics okay oh well oh well he wants to do this and he wants to do that well I don't care we're in a Warfare situation if it was the luftwaffe what was bombing your apartment and the kid wanted to go play soccer you tell them you know you don't get to go okay so we have to conceptualize this and understand that you are an extraordinary situation and so the the idea is that we're going to try to avoid the vaccines like the plague because we don't know the risks and there is nothing about the evidence that's coming out that is indicating that that is a not a prudent course of action in other words The Prudent course of action right now says don't get a vaccine unless you absolutely have to get a vaccine if you absolutely have to get a vaccine in other words you literally can't financially survive without a vaccine then you don't have that choice but you need to be considering that all reasonable efforts need to go into avoiding this and that means that uh that it means that your kid you know needs to we need to try to delay things as long as possible if you can delay and defer and hide for two or three months that could change the nature of the situation the situation could possibly change in 90 days from where it is now the uh we don't know it could get worse uh but my attitude is delay way delayed delayed away delay as long as you can possibly delay you figure out what the penalties are you run calculated risks that you can afford the worst case scenario and we we do as much delaying as we possibly can that's because we don't know what the hell the downside is let's suppose we knew that there was an 87 percent chance that your son would come down with a debilitating case of Lupus starting in three years from now that would compromise his existence and wind up with a significantly early death well at that point if we knew that there was an extremely high probability of that happening there's we would look at this situation quite a bit differently than we're looking at it right now so that uh I that that is completely made up parameters which is the entire point because we don't know what the parameters are and we can't get information on the parameters because of the wholesale deception that's taking place from the top level of the cabal so the uh this is a this is a [ __ ] show of of epic proportions and your job is best you personally can is to delay and duck and dive a delay inductive dive as long as possible and then if you can't then you can't okay so that's that's all I know Jen what do you what do you think about what would you add yeah I know I think that is the that's pretty much the whole the whole terrain that we can talk about the only thing I can think of to add is that the the situation can um we have watched in the United States if if people are too online like I am too online um on Twitter or elsewhere that the The Narrative has really started to shift in the last couple of days really um there have been people kind of joking around on Twitter that some sort of memo went out to kind of walk things back because so many vaccinated people are getting Omicron um and and so that kind of forces the you know everybody who communicates about public health and and communicates about all of this and and sets policy around it to rethink things a little bit like oh it's you know this this is actually our our priors on this are not as accurate as we thought and therefore we're going to start communicating slightly differently about it and maybe that'll trickle down into some policy we'll see but you're you're seeing people who have been very hard in line mandate lockdown types who are now like hey it's inevitable everybody's going to get this thing it's endemic um you know it's it sucks but it is what it is like it's amazing to see this this was misinformation and got people suspended from Twitter a month ago um and now you've got you've you got you know lots of people who are echoing that sort of thing so the the situation the point is the situation could really change um in France here Canada anywhere um in a fairly short amount of time um and so biting your time and and I I would really Echo you wouldn't you wouldn't want to be messing around with false documents in that sort of environment um for you know a mix of reasons but just because the the cost is is so high of potentially getting caught especially going forward um and I want to interrupt you yeah depends on what the penalty is that that's it that's a critical parameter if they're gonna find me a thousand Euros oh wow okay then that's a thousand Euros may buy me 90 days so the uh so it depends on what the fines are and then then the second one is eight thousand Euros okay different thing so the point is is that it's important that we know you know what what the penalties are and and what the what the ETC so that that's how hey I'm not totally not against that this this is a crime against humanity okay this is Warfare is what's going on so the notion that you're quote breaking the law is complete [ __ ] there is absolutely no moral Authority for what is taking place here at all uh that that's like saying you know it's against the rules to be hiding from the Germans when they're trying to shoot you in World War II so the um yeah if you're a Jew trying to escape Germany you're breaking the law if you're aiding a betting the Jews trying to escape Germany you're breaking level so like that that should that shouldn't even cross your mind so the issue is personally simply what is in my personal best interest what in fact are the rules the parameters and the probabilities and your your job is to as practically as possible extend the the distance between you and the vaccine as long as you can that's the idea yeah very fair yeah and and just you know that's what we think is rational because once again um there's no we're not in principle for or against anything or except the lack of freedom uh and so we are yeah if you think that the vax is a good idea for you and you're convinced of that evidence and how about it we have no objection to that and wouldn't tell you oh that's a terrible idea I I think it's a bad idea to be taking anything when the when the long-term safety and efficacy has not been accomplished scientifically I think that's that's that's Russian Roulette and so uh hey you know what five times out of six when you play Russian Roulette you survive if you if you if you play with a a six shooter and one bullet in the gun it's like hey 86 you know 86 chance of survival well good for you but uh uh Russian Roulette isn't a game that I would want to play and that's what I believe that this is particularly for a 16 year old and a 16 year old male given given what we do know a 16 year old male I mean this is this is the kind of the you were looking at one of the the worst worst evidence-based CVS that we could come up with offhand based on what we do know which is not very much um but we certainly do know that a 16 year old is at very low risk from from covid um and is it elevated risk from the vaccines maybe even the CDC would agree agree with us on that um in terms of myocarditis so so yeah I I think biting some time and just waiting for a little more dust to settle and some information to come in and and as somebody point out in the comments here um you know uh Finland I think she said Finland abolished vaccination passes yesterday because of Omicron so you know this is this is responding to this is actual Public Health responding to a changing um changing evidence in real time which is something that we have not seen much of throughout the pandemic um but there are some encouraging signs of that happening apparently in Finland certainly here in the United States and so um kind of sitting back and waiting to see if that becomes you know contagious in its own right and and people start to kind of be like okay actually the the now the the wind is blowing the other direction and it's we're not going to lose as much face if we sort of quietly change change tack here so stay stay steady yes stay steady and we hope for the best yeah yeah let's see what else we got here um this fun question do we support the legalization of all drugs in the libertarian Spirit or are you more wary of the pleasure trap what about regulations that manage Channel factors to reduce drug consumption once they are legal you know um I would say that's an interesting theoretical question and that it and it will remain forever a theoretical question so that is a um I I certainly wouldn't do it the way it's being done now so I'm not exactly sure what uh what is in what is in Humanity's best interest and how to handle it uh I can't I can't tell you I I um uh and the thing is it's you know it's a it's a look it's a bit of a cop-out but not really completely um because probably the the best answer to that get gets into an interesting area which is true for all kinds of government interference in an economy which is that at some point you have to get empirical about the problem so you're actually going to need data uh to actually drive your decision making and then you're going to have to have a representative government vote on on being as informed as they can be about what it is known so the way it's done now is of course ludicrous the uh the now you incite mafioso behavior all over the world is what you do so obviously the way I would suspect that it would be ideal would be a great deal different than it is now but whether or not we would actually have a free market free-for-all I don't know that that makes sense um I don't you know if you could get heroin into three-year-olds uh and you could have people taking their lunch money and and getting you know making a dollar off of a kid and giving them 20 cents worth of heroin I don't think that that is the thing that we want to be possible so in other words there's someone are out there there is some reasonable limits and how it is that we would go about engineering those I'm not sure what what an optimal solution might look like that's all I really could say does that make sense yeah I mean this is this is where you run into the limits of theoretical libertarianism um and you you have to where did I I saw somebody recently it's like Libertarians in the real world just vote Republican or something like that or sort of a cynical perspective that there's there's sort of like political theoretic libertarian ideal like you know that absolutely we we get rid of all Distortion in the economy and everything works just as it should and so heroin into a three-year-old would be so cost prohibitive that it would never happen you know this kind of you could you could go down this uh theoretical Rabbit Hole um but in the real world you have incredible social costs of certain things and you have to weigh them you have to weigh them against personal freedoms and this is what the whole conversation about mandates has been about as so many other conversations and um and so this I don't think either of us know too much specifically about this area but you know very smart people have thought about it and said interesting things but that I would just offhand say that the answer is not some purely theoretical libertarian free-for-all um that just that that is a I can I can I can Envision the philosophical debate defending that um but when you apply it to the real world it just does not make sense um so we can we can say that much um but yeah anything more than that is It's Tricky and complicated but an interesting question though yeah yeah um some a couple of questions here both in the chat and in the Q a asking for evidence that the the Vex of vaccine harm um I've had a ton of people email me about this and as far as I know I've responded to everybody who's emailed me but I always lose emails and accidentally archive them so if I've missed you just email me again but I have sort of cut and paste lists that I can send to you of um Talks by Peter McCullough uh Steve Kirsch um Robert Malone Jessica Rose I mean there are a lot of people who were in the vares data who are doing their best to Jessica Rose and um Peter McCullough co-wrote a paper on elevated myocarditis risk especially on young men um that was sort of accepted and then and then uh censored by the Journal that accepted it um so there's there's lots of people doing this work it's just not uh it's not on mainstream sources um and it is at odds with the official um you know there are sort of the trial data shows that it's very safe there there are long-term surveillance studies that show that it's very safe um of of the public and so the the question is there is this difference between what we see in the vares reporting what doctors on the ground are reporting Doug and I have both anecdotally talked to lots of clients who've had had bad reactions along a spectrum and so there's sort of this this real disconnect where not everybody is coming up with the same answer and when people are coming up with such different answers looking at the same data that just kind of keeps the question open and is cause for concern and that's why we're so kind of hesitant because it's like not all the evidence is in the science is not settled it depends how you ask that question and who you're talking to and what they're looking at and how they're designing their studies so um and and I think everybody agrees we don't have any long-term multi-year safety data it doesn't how could it exist it doesn't exist at the population level or the pre-clinical level so um that's really where we're coming in it's um it's not as if there's some Smoking Gun that everybody agrees is is there apart from the the myocarditis in young men um which the the CDC agrees is a I mean you can look at different countries that have pulled some of the vaccines for that reason so the U.S is still vaccinating everybody with with moderna and Pfizer and NJ um but uh I can't remember which European countries have have actually um blocked moderna in particular for young men for this reason because they've looked at the weight of the evidence and decided that the cost benefit doesn't make sense um in in the case of young people or young men specifically so there are known risks that are generally agreed on some states have outright acted on them um the United States has not uh but that I mean these conversations are out there um and people are looking at this really actively so do you have anything to add to that or any sources I missed in terms of no safety data you know those are the main I do my uh I've certainly seen a lot of things that are raising super great concerns and I would also say that the following is true the um obviously people can can get the tone of where it is that I'm sitting on this I.E I don't trust the abilities uh that that wasn't true two years ago okay so I I I was perfectly had you told me well the CDC says this or bad about ballots yeah yeah the uh I I shrug my shoulders and assumed that it was probably a reasonable rendition of what our current understanding is to the truth that's what I would have assumed now I don't okay because I've read the quote safety study that was used to get approval for these things I've read it down to the letter of it okay this is this is absolutely dishonest so these people that have perpetrated this stuff have been deeply dishonest and so now once somebody has been scientifically dishonest you you have the hair on the back of my neck up and now I I don't I don't trust anything that they said so that's that's how that's how it is if the if once I see that the egg boards study that showed that the cholesterol didn't go up and it didn't hurt anybody's uh heart disease once I read down through the study and figured out how they uh they did the trick how they basically produced a false document and got away with it now I don't trust anything that they say so this and this is our bias we have this bias we have this bias because of where we stand in the plant-based world and natural hygiene world and this kind of General weariness of regulatory capture and you know big Pharma doing but what big Pharma does um and and a very well evident skepticism of them of them lying and misleading and zombie studies and all sorts of stuff in in the major journals and so we see these studies come out in major journals and they they may look good um but there is you and I both do have a bias toward this sort of like squinty-eyed skepticism that's like okay well maybe but these other guys over here looking at the same stuff or coming up with something different and so help me understand the difference here um and so we we do I mean I I fully own that bias for sure and we probably have a little too much of it I don't know um I don't call it a bias I call it a sensitization in other words I got you know certainly I've been sensitized by John McDougall for 40 years and then after that the next time I got re-sensitized was by Robert Whittaker okay and that's the thing we sat down in red Whitaker we it and and the the great harms done by Noble lies um over the last several decades and it just it gets it you know you you it part of it is this D distorting process where the scales fall from your eyes and you start to see the truth um and then part of it is you get a little cynical about it and it takes more to convince you and and you know you're you dig into the sand a little bit more um and you do have a predisposition to uh be very wary um and totally risk-averse yep uh all all believe it you know well after this is all over and if it turns out uh that there's considerable multiple lines of evidence that shows that this result was all a good thing then you've got me convinced okay not until then when even even if we are to take New England Journal medicine at face value and you know we've got long-term uh public surveillance data safety safety studies um it's still that's for six months or for a year or whatever it is um it's it's says nothing about what happens to people with repeated boosters um putting that sort of pressure on the immune system over and over and over again um it says nothing about what might emerge two three four ten years down the line like and there is no there's no control group like we're not that that data is not actually being collected as we as we go forward with this it's wet by Design By Design you have to understand people they mix the control group anybody for ethical reasons right if anybody that thinks that we're out of line here for being suspicious has to understand that they the the people involved here deliberately made sure that the science could could never be done proper that's what they did really on on the biggest Public Health process in world history you made sure to make sure that none of us could actually hear through this thing and see and it would have been very easy to do this thing right very easy nope they made damn sure that they clotted the microscope and made it impossible to see through and you're going to have to use all kinds of different scientific uh methods to try to to triangulate on the truth none of them will be as satisfying as a random assignment condition long-term outcome study which would be the definitive evidence they made damn sure that that definitive evidence was never going to be collected that is no accident that is absolutely by Design so when you do something to make sure that science cannot be effectively and convincingly done by Design you have my full attention as a corrupt okay so you know how much damage is done or how much good is done by any of these products it's going to be exceedingly difficult to determine and it's going to take very sophisticated analysis it's going to take quite a long time it's going to take a triangulation and very complicated uh methods of analysis and making inferences this didn't need to be this way this could have been Child's Play to do this thing right you would already have very strong evidence if it was going to be if it was truly safe and effective you would have excellent evidence by now and actually even before now about that now they deliberately made sure that that was going to be impossible to do so yeah I don't trust these people one bit and so therefore my recommendation Remains the Same as it was when this came out which is that you know wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay if you personally feel vulnerable and you feel like uh you trust the evidence that it was helpful for you fine free country still okay but the notion that that anybody should be forced into this for their job or their health or their to get their kid to a school or to go into a restaurant or to get on a plane or to do anything else is absolutely nothing other than totalitarian control so that's where I stand on that thing so my attitude my advice to everybody is delay as long as you can personally afford it yeah it's a it's a really important point that the it's it's so uh diluted and so I think I compared the data to a Jackson Pollock painting at some point and sort of what we're dealing with because you it's it's just as sort of problematic and and suspicious to say oh it's definitively you know problematic it's it's these are these are definitely dangerous in the following way so I have people ask me this all the time I had people bring it up in the group last night is there a link to cancer for example like maybe there's links I mean there's reports and bears there's definite anecdotes all over the place but we can't say that definitively any more than we can say there's no link um because you you don't have this random assigned to condition blind trial um or anything resembling it and now in the real world you have people you know who got the J and J shot in April and then they got a Pfizer booster and now they've had a modern booster and it's like you this is actually this is not things are being mixed and matched people are not being tracked systematically it's it's a total total disaster as far as following the data and figuring out what's going on long term so um it's not stopping people from trying and using very sophisticated methods to do so and and they are coming up with some problematic trends that that are very concerning and um and that is that's enough to intersect with our natural suspicion to be enough to say okay just just hold on just wait um is that I meant scientific estimates is to figure out whether or not they've got a winner would take at least 10 years yeah well that's what vaccines take I mean that's the thing that's the thing like if this you know if the big safety studies six months out uh public surveillance it's like hey this thing's safe and effective like oh it's not as effective as we thought but it's still 60 pretty good okay if that's all you need to be convinced then then why haven't we put every other vaccine through a six-month process and called it good why do we bother to go well like continue trials for 5 10 15 years we do that for a reason because a lot of these signals take a really long time to show up um and you can't preemptively you know decide what you're going to look for and then just measure that you have to wait and see what bubbles up that you weren't anticipating that's the whole point um and that's what varies this for and we see a lot of a lot of really worrisome this is the vaccine adverse event reporting system that that um the brainchild of the FDA and the CDC which is subject to its own reporting problems there's definitely some bogus data in there um but there's also probably some Under reporting that goes on so nobody knows nobody can sort this out everybody's just doing their best and trying to figure it out yes while we made sure to obscure the random assignment petition study that would have given us huge answers which is their MO which is and in their defense they do this out for for you know pressing ethical reasons because they have gotten to a point in the trial where they have realized it's so effective um that it's unethical to keep it blinded so you you want to give the powerful uh Curative drug to everybody it would be unethical to prevent them from taking it once you've determined that it's safe and effective and so this is a very clever sleight of hand um and they're they're um undoubtedly cases where that is Justified um where you you do there are really ethical issues where you continue a placebo group telling them well yeah you got the drug but they didn't get the drug and their disease is progressing or they find themselves at greater risk when you could prevent that um that is not the case here please yeah all right let's see if we can answer a few other things funny we we occasionally get complaints for being too uh covety but this is a very coveted coveted forward show that we're having here so um okay here's here's a different flavor what is your read on Elon Musk charlatan and Theatrical narcissist or good big Tech buy guy maybe it's supposed to be guy I don't I would say those are not mutually exclusive he's a little column a little column B I don't know anything about him so I have I have really no I I've never listened to the guy to talk more than two seconds uh so literally I don't know anything about Elon Musk yeah when you say you're spectacularly successful serial entrepreneur you know that I have no idea sorry about that yeah I I would say he has great aspects I mean I'm also not an expert have don't know a huge man of him I stay somewhat attuned to his movements because I find him fascinating and and uh he he contributes more to the world than most humans currently on planet Earth so Jeffrey Miller had a great tweet recently that was uh who on Earth will be remembered ten thousand years from now or something like is there is there anyone among us who even a thousand years from now will be remembered in any kind of significant way and his name came up more than anybody else's because he is taking more risks and thinking outside the box and putting his money where his mouth is and trying to get us to Mars and you know doing crazy [ __ ] and and so if if the if humanity is to be transformed in any significant way um it's more likely because of what he's doing than anybody else so he's a significant character uh he has aspects of theatrical narcissism I think he would be terrible to date seems like he's a very bad boyfriend human but important humans contain multitudes all right yeah all right um what's the what else here people asking for my email it's just j-w-h-o-w-k at PM dot me um and I am terrible with email I lose it all the time I miscategorize it I I especially with my new email things threads get archived and I lose them so if I if I don't respond for some ridiculous amount of time I probably lost the email if I don't respond for like three days I'm just taking my time and and scared a female so um do email me again if I've fallen off the face of the Earth okay let's see what else we have here how does EP Define human connection I find myself yearning for connection with my partner and with friends I'm trying to decide if this desire can set myself up for disappointment because connection could be more perceived than actual than than real and I start to feel a loss in many relationships when I can tell the value is lower than I initially thought I then doubt myself other people and the whole concept of connection itself is connection a reasonable or a distorted goal I think all the connection that you really mean is you're looking at a steam signaling so that's what connection is whether it's your what do we mean by connection well there's some there's some signaling process from one Consciousness to another Consciousness that you are valuable to me and then the other person signals back yes and you are valuable to me that's what we call connection okay so um so therefore I'm not sure if there is any question of any significance once we get clearer what we mean by what a connection is so you're designed by nature to seek Out quote Connection in other words you're designed by nature to uh essentially try to acquire and keep as much esteem as you can get that has as much survival and reproductive value as possible so that's why you only have so much time and energy for example and you invest that time and energy in the best cost benefit targets available to you in order to acquire and maintain as much steam as possible your esteem from one person isn't is isn't the same as your esteem from another person those two individuals represent a different potential value to your ability to survive and reproduce if we're thinking about the very very sort of uh technically about the architecture of your brain so your brain is analyzing the survival and reproductive value of that individual on the other side of the table if it's Elon Musk he has great survival and reproductive value to you no matter who you are okay because he has phenomenal resourcefulness and as a result of that you you know if he if he liked you you know what I mean it would light up your little circuits if you were almost any human uh on Earth because you would recognize the The Leverage that that esteem would have okay so the um so anyway I think that when you feel like you've lost connection or you're lacking connection what that's telling you is it's a signaling device uh essentially loneliness uh it's a signaling device to tell you that you're based on as your brain does a is a full spectrum analysis about um if you think about this your body is can do a full spectrum analysis to figure out if you have too much sodium in your bloodstream do we need to up the kidneys to try to get you know is your blood pressure Rising uh because we've got too much fluid and therefore the kidneys need to amp things up and in order to squeeze out some of that and then then it turns out you feel thirsty as a result of that and then do you you know do you have a little too much of this vitamin and too little of that and are you low on on you know are you super hungry and low on fat stores like in other words you are doing a very complicated analysis just just about your relationship to the environment with respect to nutrition that's just one thing then we could talk about other aspects of your relationship to reality well you have along with all of those problems you also have uh everything that is of value which means either positive value or negative value in other words threats and opportunities in the world each of those has as your nervous system scans your relationship between self and reality um it is looking for the the best ratios of when I put out x amount of energy and I'm likely to get why amounts of survival and reproductive uh Improvement as a result of that you know should I you know there's a doberman down the street should I climb on the hood of my car because he's loose off of his leash okay or no I see him on his leash but he's straining at the least so it keep my brain says keep your attention on that because little old lady that's walking and doesn't look like she's going to be able to hold that leash so you're constantly updating your analysis of your relationship between self and environment and you are looking to take action on those things that have the optimum or the best the the best payoff per unit of energy expended to increase your survival and reproductive probabilities that is the job of the brain that's what brains do that's what they evolve to do that's how their architecture is built in order to run those calculations So when you say well I feel a lack of connection that's because your brain says well gee relative to everything else you're doing I.E making sure you have a roof over your head make sure your toenails are clipped so that they don't you know so your feet don't get damaged as you put your shoes on like all of the things that you have to worry about that you've got a cat squawking you know what I mean and you you can smell the litter box that needs to be changed all of these things and one of them that keeps return turning your mind saying I feel a little lonely I feel a little lack of connection why because you're relatively under invested there okay it's the the craving of a semen or some some uh Citrus because he's vitamin C deficient so your brain says oh I need to make more connections and then the person says well I make a connection and then it seems good for a while then it doesn't seem so good because is is it it you know what what happened there well what happened there was the the person uh what represented is survival and reproductive value proposition in an exchange for your esteem you are mutually insuring each other or you're trading on some Dimension whether it's mating or you're trading in trade Dimensions uh or friendship slash Insurance dimensions and what you thought was a really good deal and worth a lot you know energy to establish it turned out to be not so great after all they turned out to be a lying backstabbing you know underhanded sleaze ball okay oh well there I I feel the loss of the connection and I'm not as motivated than God still feel lonely why because your brain running a comprehensive analysis of your relationship to reality says you're Insurance deficient okay that's what it's saying it's saying you need to you know you we would be better off if we we took a little energy from over here where you're learning how to whittle and it turns out that maybe you need to go to a vegetarian cooking class and see if you can make a connection with somebody there in other words Etc this is what your brain is doing so uh so we strip away the mystery and fuzziness of the concept of what connection means and we strip it down to survival and reproductive value that other people can can offer you that you must exchange for and compete for and whether or not you are in what feels like a good balance and when you are not in a good balance with respect to all of your other priorities then it turns out that you have a little chirp just like if you're thirsty a little chirp comes up and says you're this needs tension there is a imbalance in our you know time and energy expenditure and we need to and invest more in that basically what the brain is doing is it's running comprehensive investment strategies on trying to optimize survival reproductive success so any disturbance in the force is designed by nature to cause a feeling that is the is The Telltale sign of a of a imbalance of optimal investment That's What feelings are okay so if you're all excited about a new date that's telling you oh we need to get time and attention related to trying to secure that dating relationship that's why you can't focus on your math homework right because that doesn't the variances Associated that aren't as important as the variances in making sure that your card gets clean and it's got a decent haircut you've got money in your wallet and you know where you're going and you're trying to figure out what you're going to say to Susie on your date that's a hell of a lot more important than your math homework that's how the brain works so connection is a unmysterious aspect of of human of the human process which is simply nothing other than uh seeking a esteem good speech good all right um I see just a little housekeeping I see someone has their kind of hand up in the participant list we don't usually do it that way so if you have a question just throw it in the um there's a q a tab at the bottom of your screen that's the that's the main place we look so um next one here is I've heard this is interesting too I've heard several well-off people say that they don't want kids because the future is Bleak because of climate change other reasons uh you know end of democracy Etc does such thinking really affect birth rates or is this just fashionable virtue signaling people in better circumstances having less kids than people in poorer countries would indicate the latter but perhaps there is a small effect to be found I think there's a small effect I think there's a small effect I think we haven't had a great um historical comparison where the virtue signaling can can aggregate in the way that it currently can and actually meaningfully move the needle on that sort of thing and people people don't need to have as many kids now for any sort of strategic labor provision reasons um and and so kids themselves are often a virtue signal but it's not going to completely override the human compulsion to reproduce but I I would be very surprised if there's not a small effect among the The Virtue signaling Elite that would actually suppress birth rates to some degree that goes above and beyond um wealth explanations I don't know what do you think [Music] I mean we have to get inside the head of people and uh why are why do they do what they do they're doing they're not doing things to reproduce they're doing things to get to improve reproductive relevant Behavior opportunities so in other words anything can do that whether it's you know sitting cross-legged on a Mountainside and pretending to be you know at peace with the universe and with birds and not interested in humanity but hoping like hell somebody's watching us and thinking that our kimono looks cool and uh so we could be doing that or we could be pontificating about the terrible state of the future of the world and how you can't bring a child into this world with this or that and that yeah blah blah that would be irresponsible right in other words that would be another way to get laid totally it's probably an equivalently equivalently good one yeah well I can actually see uh how it is I mean I think the sun told total of that about what how would that actually impact any birth rates would be pretty minimal uh that that I could certainly see that the reason why people are doing it uh the significant part of that is probably conscious or unconscious of virtue signaling makes a lot of sense the uh the uh I I have a a long-haired long bearded human that lives in this house named Sam bam it's not a good q a without a Sam's story sometimes we're gonna get you should have said I've just come in so that people you totally should just sit in the back and like eat some chips hold on oh my god let's get Sam let's have a Sam Cameo he's totally not gonna do it there's no way he's such a he's he's very shy your door damn [Music] that's it oh yeah forget the whole thing just drop it oh yeah there's no way he's gonna do it he's probably asleep Sam Sam does the night shift and has many important video games to play very important is a uh ecology major out of UC Santa Cruz so it doesn't get any more ecologically you know attuned to that and so uh but he will tell you uh and roll his eyes about all these different conservation measures uh Recycling and all this kind of stuff and they'll say no actually you know when all the math is done you know that's a loser okay but that doesn't mean you're gonna get rid of it because the inspiration signal that's right that's how that goes so Sam uh for four years basically educated me about one absurd public policy thing after the next and remember uh if if you if one day when we have the Cameo you will understand fully why he is completely and utterly believable because he looks like Jesus Christ see he looks like the love child of Jesus Christ and Rasputin yes he's he's there's no one like Sam oh yeah and so the point the point of all this is that the Ling runs heavy on people's behavior as you'd expect well and virtue signaling meets up with a sort of mating um and and so you do I mean there's an effect I I can I can look around and see the effect I just don't know if you can actually measure it if it's if you controlled for economic development and you know per capita wealth and everything else if there really is any persistent effect after that but I I don't know I mean a sort of federal state by state comparison would be interesting um to kind of look at uh you know controlling for everything except political affiliation and and preferred style of virtue signaling um my sociological it's uh uh yeah EP sociology right there would be very interesting yeah but yeah it's uh there's there's sort of the the survival virtue signaling that comes with all of the signaling and then the actual the the imperative to reproduce to get those genes into the Next Generation so that's that's going to continue continue happening as long as people have the capacity even if they they're a busy virtually signaling all the rest of the time all right what else are you doing what else do we have okay um I am oh so okay this one I felt like I was gonna lump that one with something else no I was gonna lump those two or something else okay so this one is I am confused about the role of testosterone and personality and sex drive are the most disagreeable narcissistic people the most testosteronized and therefore the most sexually driven does that mean asexuals are the most agreeable slash the most agreeable people closer to the are the most agreeable people closer to the asexual end of the bell curve um in general um I think it's oh that that's a good way to put it in general and I think that uh the asexual thing is not something that I know very much about so I'm not going to speak to that I don't think it's many people um there's there's a difference between people who truly are asexual and have no sexual interest versus people who do not have sexual interest in their relationship or um you know kind of get into a phase in their life where they're not particularly interested um but like there's there are environmental factors including physiological factors and and what you're eating and what you're exposed to in the environment all sorts of things that might affect the expression of your sexuality but being wired to be asexual and not having any sexual fantasies or and I know that this is a spectrum kind of thing and we can call someone asexual who has romantic feelings but non-sexual etc etc but I don't think that's a huge percentage of the population yeah I think that um I think that in general the the higher testosterone is more disagreeable and higher sex drive committed which I think that's just a basic uh it's a it's a scatter plot in other words there's uh whenever all of the dots don't line perfectly on what's known as a regression line then you know that there are more factors than just the one factor that you're looking at so we know there are more factors than just testosterone but testosterone the correlation coefficients are strong enough that we know that it's a major factor right so that's that's how we look at that so uh if you've got a big strong guy with full muscles and he snarls when he sits down at the bar and he's got you know uh a tattoo that when he flux and flexes the thing flexes the tattoo he's got two Burly guys hitting each other in the face you know what I mean because then we we can be reasonably and I have a assumption that his testosterone levels would be very high uh or at least they were when he got the tattoo yes not 20 years later after drinking beer at the bar every night and eating Cheetos all the time yeah Alan had a uh a guy who was a uh he was a uh bodybuilder um and he I I could be misremembering this I don't think he was a bodybuilder I think he was a I think I'm mistaken he was a martial artist of some kind something like this I wasn't a bodybuilder and um he was he would get tested for testosterone levels and it would be too high and they we kept telling him hey you're you're over the line here we know you're using steroids so he's like no I'm not and Allen said he wasn't he was like Mr Natural and wasn't going to do it and he was just Ellen he was tremendously musculature uh actually not particularly aggressive psychologically um just a another would see he wasn't he wasn't a pain in the ass as a person at all but is the testosterone is going to infect everybody differently you know in different places just how it is that each individual organism is wider and so he was strong as an ox and athletically motivated Pleasant and had testosterone levels that were you know probably at the 99.5 percentile which that's where they're going to cry foul okay so he wasn't he wasn't using steroids but most people in order to get there uh would have to use a considerable amount of steroids but that was just his biology of course no that that's how that that's how that's going to be so yeah yeah as a general tendency there how tight that correlation coefficient is I don't know I don't think it's that tight I think that there's uh I think there's a general tendency for more testosterone more sexual more disagreeable okay so I think it's I think it's a 0.6 correlation coefficient in other words there's a lot of slop uh in there but it's a useful it's a useful general guide I think there would probably be less slop if we lived in a more ancestral environment um and if people were healthy weights and hormonally balanced and not you know sucking down a bunch of plastic and environmental toxin crap and you know we're sort of you know actual humans expressing their sexuality in a healthy way corresponding with their level of testosterone I think probably a lot of the slop is environmentally and also situationally expressed where people um you know a lot of a lot of asexual expression is coming out of sort of giving up on them on the mating Market um and finding some virtue and some I have you know while I'm not interested it's an ego trap it's it's uh hey I'm clearly not competitively successful probably because I'm in bad condition at some in some way um and so here I'm gonna shift my sexual identity to a point on the Continuum that makes it hard for you to call me a loser um and so there's a lot of that going on and then there's also just people having less innate desire because they're in poor health um and so yeah if we were if we were to take a bunch of healthy humans um and take them out of this really nasty environment that they're in and get them in in proper condition I think you'd see a tighter correlation yeah I think uh it's super useful thing for us clinically to always look at any funny looking thing in a person's life and trying to look at Through The Eyes of Stone Age Village that includes this issue of connections that we started with today which is that I'll have people that are clearly connection division in the modern environment they it's not so disturbing because they don't have enough anxiety because they've got insurance they've got money in the bank they've got a husband in other words they've got they're unsafe circumstances and they don't have some flashing red light in their face that are telling them they're in serious danger but what they aren't feeling is that they aren't feeling the connection that they would have to half a dozen females and their children in a Stone Age Village of 42 people okay if you get up and go to work with every day all day long so they're they're their intuition is something is out of balance I'm not that happy I don't feel that secure I've got some free floating sort of anxiety and the the answer is yeah you've kind of got all your eggs in one basket you got a 401k Allstate you know health insurance and your husband you know what I mean that's what you have and and if that's all you have it's it's enough to you're physically comfortable you don't have any evidence that you're in trouble but your Stone Age brain can tell you well actually you are in trouble you're one bad hide away from losing your husband you don't have any of your other close friend is in Des Moines Iowa but from high school that you you send her a Christmas card once a year got a few people that at the yoga class that you say hello to but you don't have anybody who absolutely has your back and your you know your sister's a [ __ ] and so is your sister-in-law so the whole thing is kind of like this isn't that good and so people about this this issue of connection and once again seeing through the lens at the Stone Age environment is an unbelievably useful heuristic heuristic for trying to sniff out you know what are the signals that we're getting and um and you know why why did just the modern world sometimes look funny in a way like like just that you're talking about it's all good yeah that's writing like artistically tie something you know no it's beautiful beautiful beautiful art um all right I think there's there's craziness going on outside with cars slipping around and like you know running into running into houses all kinds of stuff so I'm jealous of Sacramento [Laughter] um so these These are two that I was gonna kind of lump together even though they they're seemingly very distinct but I think we're gonna kind of cover some similar territory what are your thoughts on ADHD is it a variation of the big five or an actual condition via differences in brain region size due to things like prenatal nutrition deficiencies sleeping out of a line of alignment with your chronotype evolutionary mismatch of the modern environment some people diagnosed with ADHD are successful While others are not and then there's someone else asking us to talk about dyslexia um so these you know very different situations but um sort of both an interaction between genes and environment yeah yeah we uh our understanding of these things at this point uh are best our best estimate of what the truth is comes right out of plumen's blueprint so plummet would tell us uh it's absurd to call it a disorder uh because there's nothing fundamentally wrong you're just looking at uh the equivalent of a guy that's five two you wouldn't say that minus five two is anything wrong with them you look at them and he's perfectly reasonably healthy he's just five foot two inches tall and um and so the the same thing is true with ADHD so ADHD is a um is a diff differences in how people attend to things and how long they attend to things all kinds of adhp quote ADH people uh do a marvelous job of attending the things that they that they find on you know very important in terms of survival reproductive uh stimuli they just don't attend the things that you want to attend them to so it's it's incredibly suspicious that boys are are diagnosed with ADHD at 10 times the rate that girls are but in class what a surprise they weren't designed to be sitting around listening to people talk they were designed to be jumping through the streams or looking for uh things to to hunt and to be making sure that they don't get trapped by a predator so they're going to have more rapidly shifting attention uh whereas females are going to be staring at your face and focused really well on what it is that you're saying to try to read your cues and your feelings because that's how they're designed they're they're designed much more for these one these you know sort of intensive social processes in conversation uh and so uh the the as a result boys aren't going to be and to be to be more pleasing to be better behaved to sort of like that that everything that is more required in a classroom is just comes more naturally to girls than to boys because they are you know sort of more vulnerable and so they have developed this capacity to like what is it that you want for me you know what can I what can I offer you that it seems like you want to make me safe and and protected and they they just they just have more of that so you put them in a classroom room and you say you know you have to sit quietly and work on these problems like okay I could concentrate I can do that so yeah a total mismatch all I can remember was one of the most interesting things in class for me was shooting rubber bands right attracting the girls who are trying to be pleasing you know approval from alpha over here and you're undermining me because you think you're more important yeah so there you go so uh that's ADHD so the uh and obviously there's certain problems in the world today that are better solved if you don't if you're not uh out out there on that ADHD area of the bell curve and so and that's why the mystery of well gee some people are successful with ADHD and some people aren't well they differ in all kinds of other dimensions how smart are they okay how conscientious are they uh what is the nature of their social talent and and uh and how coordinated are they and are they also fortunate enough to find themselves in ecological niche that works perfectly with their particular brain so of course that would be true so uh anyway dyslexia is the same thing that's just going to be genes for you know in this sort of language and symbolic logic areas of the brand Ohio so we can look it up in plummet but the truth is is that we know your uh this isn't because you mislearned uh letters this is a this is a some dysfunctional uh chips inside your head relative to people with a normal genotype in in the building of those particular neural circuits so that's what it is so the uh probably not uh actually I I think there's I think uh most dyslexia is is General some general inferiority um you know there's you you could be very smart and be dyslexic but it's not as likely and uh so you're talking about I think some some deficiencies in some uh you know relative it's kind of like some some guy who's can oh I don't know he's he's strong and he can do gymnastics but he can't run he can't run very fast it's like oh well you know you you're you've got some relative dysfunction in a given area uh of how it is that your mind works so once again uh unlikely to be useful to doing anything to correct it in the same way that you're not going to correct ADHD and you're not going to correct all kinds of things because you're looking at normal genetic variation so our job is to Mickey Mouse our way around those things to try to see to it that that we uh the person's interaction with the environment is such that they can be reasonably successful at their General life processes which is really hard to do when the environment is is built around the center of the bell curve where you are not so in both of these cases I mean you were the world is built for non-dyslexic people right-handed people people who concentrate in classrooms so there are these real sort of you know institutional biases that are working against who it is that you are um and so you're you're in a lousier situation than the people under the middle of the bell curve trying to adjust yourself to that um but that is the kind of the the tyranny of the majority is defining those institutions so um so yeah do you want to do one more or are we one more okay um or I'm a real is another vaccination question realtor and I'm not vaccinated I have a history of eye inflammation and from all that I can tell there's strong likelihood I would have a flare-up I also have other eye conditions that make make my eyes fragile so taking the vaccine at the screen is not something I'm willing to do I now have potential clients asking me if I'm fully vaccinated and boosted if I say no then business goes elsewhere any advice on how to handle this uh wow I can't imagine asking my realtor that that's interesting the um that's amazing that we would think that uh that that they're actually confronting that the uh that that's astonishing in a way that would meaningfully undermine business like yeah yeah well that's that's it's a it's a little hard to believe and I might I might actually cross-examine you because maybe this happened once you got a non-representative sample yeah what does it seem like a representative sample of the humanity that I know okay so uh I would I would ask you to to essentially um uh your your first move is to uh the first move is to see whether or not this is a legitimate question okay so that's uh and my my guess is is that it's not now if if first if a person forget this particular individual let's suppose you are in such a situation where for some strange reason your your livelihood depends on people that are happen to be neurotic as hell and and um you know the the watch mainstream media you know walking around a bunch of anxiety and or somehow in a situation the nature of the situation and the interaction emboldens them to be confrontational about your vaccine stats I don't know where that would be but I I could imagine that such circumstances could exist okay uh I don't know maybe you're a dental hygienist you know something something like that so um yeah then it gets to be an interesting question uh which is that do we uh now if it again if it impacts your and and the leading the next part over of this is how much hassle and disruption is it for you and this is how costly is it to you uh my attitude is is that they're not owed the truth because they don't actually understand it we are not putting them at any risk At All by being undocinated so their their question is they don't know it but it is a but it's based on false premises and it's um so if it was costly to me and they were making a mistake like that I'd lie to them personally I would uh the uh that that's because I would have I would have convinced myself as I am of the evidence uh today that there is no there's no uh Public Health irresponsibility at all any there's no evidence anywhere that that's a publicly irresponsible position to be in so again but remember where it is that I'm coming from from this it's a it's a chain of reasoning about the cost to you okay that's what it is and you have to in principle factor in The Wider cost to your reputation your own self-esteem everything else for me personally my people know me they know what it is that I'm about and if I got cornered into some bizarre situation like that where I had the light of the world I just do it okay and my people know what kind of person I am and they know how I treat the Coalition it wouldn't cost me anything with my Coalition okay so you then have to con uh figure out what you think it would cost you to your Coalition wouldn't cost me to buy self-esteem either by the way okay so I'm uh my self-esteem is proud of myself for not lecturing those people about their lack of understanding and their stupidity and their Prejudice and how they've swallowed the biggest lie in history okay so that that's a good enough job I've done my job by that person by being Pleasant and smiling so the uh but I'm not in those circumstances so I can't tell you exactly what I would do but that's my best estimate about what I would do but I would but the first thing I would look at is what what is the true estimate of those costs what are we really looking at and my guess is is that you are vastly overestimating uh the costs of of telling the truth there okay so if you if you lose one client out of I mean how what percentage of clients could possibly be asking you 20 of those of those uh 20 clients uh probably maybe all of them don't do business with you because if they're that neurotic to ask you you're probably going to lose those plans so the question is okay well so not every client's that profitable every one of them is on the edge for a cost benefit analysis for spending the time with them anyway okay so so they came from somewhere there's another client that's coming from somewhere so I I actually the overall logic of this doesn't hold okay so I feel like you're being uh you've been sensitized by a given interaction or possibly two and I don't think that you're actually running uh the CV accurately so uh if uh if it wasn't highly costly to me I would tell people the truth okay if it gets highly costly to me and I'm being cornered by stupidity then I'm going to get deceptive just like any reasonable human being with the people in the in the chat are saying that it actually happens a lot to them I think it's probably a a deep blue City phenomenon wow so a couple a couple of things occur to me here that I might strategize slightly differently which would be I would try to get out ahead of the problem by signaling my conscientiousness really heavily out of the gate so like hey before you know I can show you this house tomorrow um just so you know I just it's really important to me that everybody's really safe and so I do I ask that people wear masks you know what regardless of vaccination status um just like signal go over the top about how how conscientious and then if they still ask after that you could say something like well actually that's part of why I'm so careful is I I have a medical condition preventing me from being vaccinated or whatever um and and so I'm not but you know I do take everyone's safety really seriously but I understand if you're not if you're not comfortable with that um and then you know you're probably they're probably neurotic enough if they're still piecing out at that point that you don't want to go through the whole process with them anyway because they're going to be a pain in the ass when it comes to do appraisals and closing and everything else so so weed them out early and I can't imagine that it's a huge like the amount of people who would push Past after you preemptively signal um that's a pretty small number of people so um that's that's probably how I would do it um but you shouldn't be in this situation at all this is ridiculous your answer is just better you're higher conscientiousness more Authority mine is yeah I have a medical condition really what's your medical condition hi IQ oh the other thing because I did just go through the whole house buying process um I we all of the the tours that I did were FaceTime tours um because I I found Realtors through Zillow so I was not looking in my in my area so I don't know I'm sure that's a huge pain in the ass where the Zillow takes a big chunk and it's a big like I don't know all the ins and outs of this but if there's a possibility for you to sort of Move online and do more virtual tours with out of state buyers um depending on where you are and if you could just move a little bit of your business that direction to compensate for the the local neurotics who don't want to do a tour with you which I assume is the biggest problem um then that might be worth looking into all good all right good all right well I'm sorry we couldn't give you Sam we get to Sam the best way to guarantee that Sam will not show up is to try to plan for him and schedule him maybe one of these days if we do another like late night one for for you know our Australian people um we might be able to grab him um when he's up among the living my computer and we'll get him in here there you go there you go or you got a cool picture of a snake what is this I got some some picture of a reptile I don't know I can't idea you know no time if he would he'd be a brilliant addition for sure um as long especially if he brings the brings the is the chicken still living there or did it did it go elsewhere well the chickens elsewhere yeah people are also demanding Larry Sam and Larry I don't think anyone can handle both Sam and Larry at the same at the same time that would that would just be too much so all right awesome all right all right all right well I'm gonna go see how many cars this sliding truck just took out on this road it sounded very exciting out there um so I'm gonna go investigate uh I hope mine is not among them all right I will I will see you soon and um I'll see my group tonight and onward all right Jen I'll see you soon bye everybody
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