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good how are you like I got a new meme uh chair novid oh geez too soon there could be another variation yeah I mean it's it's certainly that is the most appropriate historical comparison that I can think of at this point in terms of just the the extent of the uh insanity and the damage and the cover-ups multiple and um long-term legacies and everything else yeah who knows we're gonna we'll learn as we go yeah yep okay let's let me get a couple are we on are We Live we're we're live but it's you know we're you know we can we can say whatever we want and go go ahead I'm getting it set up here yeah the um yeah for just for for our people that uh obviously we don't talk a lot about that here the uh but that's certainly there's a disturbing Trend uh that is that is being observed in Germany and the UK where the the excess deaths expected deaths um are substantially higher than they have been in previous years and it it cannot be by accident the numbers are too high and so and it looks like these deaths are cardiovascular uh but predominantly which is exactly the big threat of the the vaccine in terms of clotting and then throwing people throwing clots and then winding up with heart attacks Etc so um it could be isn't this Steve Kirsch was starting to observe This months ago right like he was looking at these numbers and pointing out these Trends starting last summer right now we have but now we have big macro data being reported from Big databases uh looking consistent uh that that is extremely disturbing in other words it looks like the excess deaths are somewhere on the order of 10 and if it's ten percent higher than it would be expected whoa that's a lot oh yeah that's a lot yeah yeah uh seven percentage of that some percentage of that is probably covered so it could be 20 of that 10 could be coveted for example but if we have an eyeball estimate of of uh of that then it could be that um yeah we don't know what to make of it yet all we know is that it's that it's a terrifying number and we don't know whether or not we've got Chernobyl or not that we might and this is uh this is why uh our our stance here has always been that that everything uh just at the point where you have a catastrophe is exactly the point of why it is that you went to all of the trouble in all of the preceding decades to Define rules of operation for when it is that you had difficult decisions to make that is the uh as one person said you know uh that that when you're in trouble that's when you need your manners the most um okay it's when you're when you're least likely to use good manners is precisely when it is that you need to use them the most and precisely when you're in the middle of a crisis is precisely what it is that you don't need to have a a Maverick uh attitude and so this was this this threat was not a threat at the at the at the level that we needed to throw aside everything that we had thought through about how to handle a problem now if you had it had a a uh what do you call it an Airborne Ebola that was killing 80 of everybody that ever got infected then yes you have a completely different situation on your hands this was not and as a result what we did we had a president in America who had a very can-do uh hell with the government attitude uh that that contributed and uh to what was already a cabal that was in place uh that wanted to Institute all kinds of uh of changes to the world and they went right forward with this thing without the five years of safety testing that would have normally been needed for a vaccine program and let's hope that they got away with it uh we would hope that that would be true I I hope so since a hell of a lot of my friends are vaccinated and all kinds of wonderful people in the world are vaccinated but right now it looks like we could have a fiasco and uh and right now it is very disturbing evidence and we don't you know again what do we know well we know it doesn't look good and we know now uh you can imagine people that may actually know the data far better than we do and let's suppose you're some of the advisor who knows that you've got a fiasco um well not fight pfizers any morals so we don't know what they would be thinking but there are people out there in the CDC uh that may be looking at this and thinking oh my God I wish we had done our five years of testing and we hadn't been shoved along into a radical uh process of ignoring everything that we already understood about how it is that we should be making these decisions so an awful this this is well this is like the O-rings it is like the O-rings yeah it's the the Challenger disaster yeah if people don't remember or don't know the story the um the Challenger explosion was warned about extensively for years there were many uh shuttle launches at cold temperatures that showed major um issues with the structural Integrity of the ceiling rings on the booster Rockets um that they had evidenced and paper trailed and they covered it up and covered it up and pushed it up and uh dismissed it and they actually before they launched um had a sort of all night meeting about whether they were going to do it or not and the engineers said don't do it uh the thing will blow up don't do it and they they went ahead and did it so all of this came every single engineer yeah yeah I mean they were screaming as loud as they could from the rooftops this is a mistake do not do it and NASA of course just covered it up as fast as they could the um the the sort of lack of discussion there's there's an amazing documentary on this that came out fairly recently for for people who were interested or don't know the story but it's the same story of every disaster that unfolds in this way you just have these entrenched interests who the costs of reversal are so high and the um they had a they had a window to launch that shuttle and they had a quota to meet that year to to keep their budget and a lot of other pressures um some of which we still don't know uh entirely everything that was going on with the shuttle program and what all of their who all their masters were and all of their obligations were um but uh but they they knew there was a very good chance that they were going to have trouble with that launch and they went ahead with it and it was the worst case scenario so Titanic's a similar example where you know they were trying to be beat the deadline trying to try not only to be the the biggest ship but the fastest ship and didn't have Moonlight to navigate and cut a bunch of corners and ignored a bunch of warnings and it's just it's always the same story yeah there you go warp speed warp speed should have told us something there you go but the point the the what it comes back to is the it's it's chernobyl-esque and Chernobyl of course being the other classic example of they they knew the problems they knew the the again temperature issues with the tests that they were doing and everything else um that the the extent of the cover-up the the political uh importance the the just the the inconceivability of admitting your error um and even sort of the the human psychological inability to confront the degree of the error and the responsibility and uh there's just so many forces when you make huge scale mistakes with a lot of blood on your hands to confront those honestly and certainly to communicate them honestly so if we are dealing with some sort of fiasco on the order of these or or even far less than that um the likelihood that we're being communicated with honestly about that is zero so you you uh all we know is that we have this 10 percent higher than average all-cause mortality rate and some percentage of that is Coveted related but not all of it and and so what explains the difference there um yeah yeah well we we will learn the scientists will figure it out just as they they figured out Chernobyl afterwards yeah uh you know afterwards in retrospect everybody can look back over their shoulders and say oops but hey you know in real time uh let's let's cross our fingers and hope uh that the the damage has some reasonable limits so off we go Dan making the comparison to the AZT Fiasco um which you know has modern day comparisons as well especially given fauci's personal involvement in that and I I can see that as well um very very much so the sort of the the championing of a drug that is a wonder drug for HIV uh which actually turns out to be doing a huge amount of damage um is basically a chemotherapy drug um and uh and was uh very very detrimental to many people who took it and probably hastened a lot of death um that did not need to happen so um yeah people can not like this would be unprecedented yeah not at all down to the actors you're right down to the very people involved I mean just like yeah just like Wars tend to be you got the same actors in The White House just playing out their history over and over again pursuing their same goals I mean we all made these observations about the the bush White House during the second Iraq war and those actors being exactly the same you know so this is how it works yeah yeah if people who are here for whatever reason are more interested in hearing us you know catastrophize about world of politics and our Collective uh Doom you can always watch the the sort of designated space we have for this which is the hawk blocked show that we do weekly ish as long as one of us isn't on a crazy extended road trip um and that's on my patreon and then a couple days after it's on patreon it gets posted on Odyssey so you can reach out to me about that or find it on my website lots of lots of different ways but that's all politics all the time so all right all right all right um we do have we have up voting enabled in the Q a so if people um are you know want to uh vote for questions that they prefer over other questions you're free to do that since nothing has any votes yet I'm just going to start at the top so uh L says Dear doctors I'm a business owner with two new employees one of whom I want your opinion on because I'm not entirely sure it's whether it's going to work out I definitely want to give them a fair shot they're a clever PhD educated doesn't mean they're clever 36 year old mother of one I put mother in scare quotes because they're actually transitioning into a male which we did not see coming at all I'm not sure whether this means they're still a mother but that is beside the point yeah whole big literature about that they've got a lot of experience in publishing in Academia uh perfect I thought and was the strongest candidate on paper for the job but we didn't have many applicants they started three weeks ago have so far been shockingly slow working at a snail's pace not very responsive or go-getter about things incredibly erotic cannot multitask I'm going to kind of summarize this very long question they're reasonably Cooperative when I get when I push them or flag errors they push back defensive and dignant patrolling boundaries I know they have potential I've seen them take hours being very meticulous um I am concerned they're not going to solve the big business problem I need them to it's especially concerning because I've started them at a high salary 55k decent money for an entry-level role uh I am highly conscientious a highly conscientious in that case maybe the problem is me I'm struggling to trust this employee I'm getting exhausted I wanted someone to join the employee who had great Zeal and energy I.E they they misrepresented themselves at the interview as as the best employee you're ever going to have and they're sort of uh not panning out is this person likely to adapt do I need to fire them uh remember she didn't have many applicants to start with so I think that that sums it up there off of their heads off with their head it's not going to get better yeah yeah um just yeah get rid of it yeah just face it you know and I it's always uh it's always difficult I watched Alan go through this kind of thing Alan has a good sized operation and uh so over over 30 years you know it's grown to the point where there's a lot of employees there's always people coming and going and the when you have somebody that's a problematic like this it doesn't get better yeah right if they're showing these colors early it's it's just nothing but trouble from I mean that's the thing it's it's like early in a relationship people should still be on their good behavior for some amount of probationary time and I'm sure your hiring contract included most most do maybe yours didn't but some sort of 90-day probationary period Etc um if it didn't this is a lesson to you that that might be a valuable thing to to add in to your future hiring protocol but yeah I think if somebody's not hustling hard in the first couple of months after you hire them um and trying to prove their value as an employee then then you're you're in for a long uh difficult road with them it's it's just a it's a mistake yeah it's uh it's a very this is what uh Harry Brown would call the previous investment trial and you you don't want to have to go back over the same ground again but that's a mistake as soon as you find a weed you pull it that's what that's what our recommendation would be yeah yeah yeah and I think it's um all of the stuff with their personal transition everything's totally irrelevant they may be very distracted and they may try to use that as a uh you know cause for um it's you know you can't fire me because I'm going through this and yeah but I think you're probably well within your rights early in the employee contract to just say you know it's just not a good fit it's just we we're going in a different direction we're uh really sorry but last in first out you know so big Louie is always your friend there yes yes we're in a brutal mood let's see what else we've got going all right uh I observed that some people in depressive episodes especially after a long phase of burnout or physical illness shy away from doing steps into improving their circumstances or competitive standing they're still holding on to an old view of their performance they're therefore ego trapped but they also reject the small steps because it seems below their indignity below their dignity you're too small to be worthwhile I.E the ego trap um how can these folks be helped to accept smaller steps and start the process of recalibration and achievements that is a really interesting question and the uh I would say that the following is true that unfortunately the modern environment makes it possible for someone to sit in the ego trap for a lifetime and still totally first time in history yes so in the Stone Age they couldn't do that so they they would be forced by uh by essentially biological necessity to do the very best they can very quickly so you might you might spend a little bit of time bluffing to the village that you're not trying but sooner or later you're going to have to face the competitive realities and the recalibration of your confidence based on the fact of your recent history of failure okay so the uh but that is in the modern environment this can be put put on perpetually so this individual the best way to help such an individual um would be to have the attitude let me uh like I know just how to do this so uh the uh I'm gonna try to describe you because I don't know exactly what this our question or circumstances are vis-a-vis the the victim of this trap but I actually know how you do this this has this has to do with um this is the fundamental basis of this is going to be what we call Sharp angling and sharp angling is actually the the name I gave to the process by which you reject the person's complaints about the world and uh it was through through Jen's analysis of a dissertation that we eventually came up uh with a comprehensive understanding of what human beings are actually doing in their deceptive practices uh which the ego trap is a major category of deceptive practice and so the um uh but in generally what this has to do what this has to do with uh trying to be manipulative of being very dishonest about about what is actually going on with you vis-a-vis the environment either internally to yourself or to others uh and in doing so attempting to defend your status so this is it's as basic as saying hey you can't you can't judge how well I can do the spelling bee because I wasn't even trying you said spell spell dog and I said DG okay and everybody knows that I would have known to put an o in between okay so this is what's going on so what what we do with this is we signal to people that that the following the following signal which has Elegance to it uh it's a little tricky and somehow uh somehow I come by this naturally a Jen doesn't it requires a disagreeable streak yes yes saying if you're Whitney Houston some people are like me and they can't sing but this is this is one of these things and and Jen can I think probably half-ass do it I can do it if I'm sufficiently disgusted if I'm if I'm I'm sort of if you get me to the point where I'm just like I I just get to the your Baseline don't push me I have to be sort of like you know I mean I've told the story before with my poor my poor wonderful little grandmother who would do this little whiny thing Jamie can you help me with this and finally one day I was just so irritated with it I'm like yeah I'll help you but not if you ask me like that it's sort of it just takes me I have to have an iterative process and I think most agreeables probably are the same like pushy enough and you can you can snap at somebody and this is this is productive constructive snapping basically yes directed snapping so the the solution to the individual to to the feedback looks like this it's like oh it looks like you know uh whatever their whining is and and uh essentially giving you their great resume that preceded their failure which has now got them intimidated and now they're ego trap the attitude is well you know things change maybe you could do it maybe you can't do it who the hell knows it's like uh you that's the feedback you give to the Aging Superstar who had just had a very bad year at the at the plate okay and yet they were they were a batting champion four years ago and now they are scrambling for whether or not they can be in the starting lineup of the average Major League team and the feedback that you would give such an individual is hey maybe you can still play in the major leagues maybe you can't who the hell knows you know all you can do is do the best you can see what the hell happens that's the sharp angle like hey I'm not convinced I'm not giving you credit for your previous resume times have changed and maybe you could do it and maybe you can't do it now what that does is it puts them in a position where they realize that they don't have very much to lose at least not with you in other words they you're signaling and they have a lot to gain in other words if they can manage to get to be a starter on that team again then it's like huh what the hell you still got the chops whereas if you don't hey well if you don't you don't what the hell are we gonna do different what else you're going to do for a living cell socks and Sears you're a major league player you don't have anything else to do and so that's the idea in other words we are rejecting the underlying premise that the person's competence and expected capabilities are here when their recent performance is here and therefore the evidence indicates that they're here even though previous evidence indicates that they were here and so what we say is well maybe you could get to here maybe you couldn't get to hear how the hell do we know all we can do is try and if it doesn't it doesn't if it works it works if it doesn't it doesn't okay ultimately the way out of the ego trap is the attitude or the or the inference that we actually don't have anything we we have nothing valuable to lose by doing our very best and seeing what the heck happens okay that that's the that is the position of Power with respect to the problem we attempt to educate people or nudge them into that position by signaling to them that they have no excess status with us okay and that's how that's done so we give that a shot and otherwise otherwise they get to Stew and stew and stew and choke on the dust of their own regret until such time when there's nobody around that actually even remembers their previous era of greatness and has any expectations at all and their own performance is now 50 below what their actual performance could be if they got off their ass and they event said they they have to get choked out by reality before they get back into game and give it some effort it's a shame to watch that happen to people that should have been a two-week process in the Stone Age it can be a 20-year process in a modern human life so the the best thing that we can do is to Dawn our little disagreeable hat shrug our shoulders and act like we couldn't give a damn about their previous resume which can actually feel insulting to them which is fine it's totally fine that they feel insulted uh this is a this is a good way to go them out of their defensive position [Music] move some people I mean as we're saying this you know the circumstances of the the modern welfare state considered broadly um make it possible for people to sit in an ego trap for a lifetime in a way that they never could have um in any previous human generation so there is some percentage of the bell curve which given that cost benefit Matrix of sitting there stewing in their self-pity and and feeling um like they deserve greater entitlement from the village and they they could have been somebody and all of the things that go along with the ego trap there's some percentage of people who even if you sharp angle them all day they're just it's not going to cause enough of a fire under them to to get it to to launch themselves out of that they would prefer to stay there so kind of recognizing when the relationship has that Dynamic and and not getting overly invested in somebody else's success is important even if that person's very close to you and it's it's this the other part of this is what's the best thing you can do for them it's it's not to take on that responsibility for their success and their well-being because it doesn't that doesn't belong to you and the more you are signaling to them that you are responsible for it the less they are apt to summon the resources that they do have and to and to reach whatever potential that exists for them um and uh so this is kind of the Trap people will get into where they're they're so so-called codependent where they're enabling somebody to not achieve Greatness by um you know trying to soften the blow for them so but if you once you have sharp angled you let the ships fall you you don't then kind of double back and try to fix it when it doesn't work you just have to at some point let people be who they are yeah this is a great example of this is to have a I think I had a recent 10th grade kid who was flaking out and started to flunk even though he had plenty of brains and the mother of course calls me all concerned and upset and worried and my attitude and the kid's lazy and my attitude is just tell them Hey listen you know you're big enough now and you're old enough now to kind of manage yourself so I'm going to quit managing you and I'm going to quit bugging you because you're and after the grown-up you're 14 or 15 or whatever you are and so hey you either get you either get to school on time or you don't and either get your work done or you don't if you don't get your work done and you flunk out this year that's not a problem you know there's always summer school and and uh and you can always you know you can always uh just do go to the remedial high or whatever it is and if you don't graduate there if you like out of there that's fine too you can get the GED one day if you feel like it it's fine fine with me so it's up to you and you're on your own like that's what you got to get to okay and if you're a mom you know we have to talk that through with mom instead of mom understands that whether the kid graduates from high school or not is irrelevant to that kid's future that that kid's future is determined by their genes and their conscientiousness okay it is not determined by their credentials and so you just have to to give up and realize this is the kid's life it's not yours so the kid may be an embarrassing marking uh device for your genes that you'd like to show the world that your kid is successful and that you're a good mother and all that sort of thing that you know what it's a kid's life that's a unique creation of genetics uh and chance and therefore it's going to do what it's going to do and you chasing around after it uh with with toilet paper and and cotton swabs and trying to do everything possible to do everything that for that child is a total waste of your time and energy that kid will get off its ass and Achieve when in the payoff Matrix makes it look like it's worthwhile and that it isn't worthwhile if Mom is doing two-thirds of their homework for them and panicking on her way to work to get him there and talking to every teacher to give him a break so that they can graduate with their class the hell with that okay don't give them any energy at all they come asking for help with their homework that's a completely different issue and you offer in case they need help absolutely but we are not chasing anybody for anything and that incidentally goes with this loser employee okay like if you this this is what turns that kid into this employee is if you're living their life for them this is where nurture does matter because our sort of our assumed analysis of the environment follows from our expectations of how things have always gone and so if if that's how things work for you and other people are softening the blow of your bad decisions all all the way then it's going to take some time to recalibrate and realize how life actually works so you're not doing anybody any favors yeah there we go all right let's see what else we got all right uh I say there's a couple of things in the chat that I've peaked at a couple of times um that I see you crazy kids are setting up a Discord I am officially too old to understand Discord so God bless I'm glad you're doing it I I have no idea how it works it's totally baffling to me so that's that's awesome Mitzi says great info as usual and then in all caps where's the book AKA like Arby's where's the beef same process so you have your actually it's very interesting uh the issue by the way of why the the book is going slower slower and has uh We've certainly learned a lot that the the book is about the nature of life and optimizing your happiness and uh in the last year a lot of the uh the book's philosophy has been challenged uh by by what we're observing in terms of the literally the global processes and the the dangerous uh nefarious processes that are going on uh with respect to life in free societies the secondary to covet so you you we could not stick our heads in the sand and basically say well we're going to teach you and explain to you what we understand about optimizing human life when you're being locked down in the free uh previous state of Australia or New Zealand and and we understand that the very same things that are leading to that are absolutely that is not an accident this is all secondary to World economic forum and in a major you know the concept of a great reset and some tremendously powerful horses uh that are that are bent on reshaping human life and how human beings uh what their freedoms are as we know it that is a a potential uh and in my in my personal feeling and gut negative now I understand that there would be intelligent people that could argue that these folks uh in many of the motives that may be involved may be very positive I understand that okay but I actually think as a uh and I believe that the the cabal that's involved which incidentally absolutely has everything to do with the players that you know Zuckerberg Gates Brynn um page these individuals these uh uh Bezos these are these are enormously potent players uh in this process of reshaping the freedoms of literally billions of humans now this is very interesting and so you can better believe that is we are writing our own work of philosophy about how it is to best help you make decisions in your life uh sitting over the top of us like a sort of democles has been a specter of an unprecedented the sense Adolf Hitler an unprecedented effort to uh globalize tyranny in an important way so we have obviously been spinning on these problems and and Jen and I at this moment are it's somewhat different locations our inferences and our feelings but none of it is all Rosy and good and we can't ignore it and the enormous uh a force of deception that that we have come to understand in the last few years is an incredibly important player of human life from the Casual mating issue issues with respect to males and females all the way to uh certainly we've we've known huge problems in in uh oh well in all relationships uh quite frankly all relationships have uh sitting under them uh under under the value for Value exchanges that drive the the cost benefit analytics and relationships underneath that is deception is a threat to the integrity and and the legitimacy and the sustainability of those relationships we now have are seeing deception at a mass scale uh behind tremendous power which is which ultimately is backed up by military power if you don't believe that then you haven't seen any footage from Australia okay so uh the fact that that uh that these changes have been so fast and dramatic and that uh that the powers that be would actually like to see things extremely differently than they are now that has gotten a huge amount of the workspace in our heads and it has made the further development and completion of where it is that we were headed uh to actually have been impossible to do because it would have been fraudulent it would have been us sticking our heads in the sand as to maybe the most important issue of the times that we are in right now and pretending like that doesn't exist while we go right on a merry way and finish on a schedule of something that we had planned we could not do that okay uh if you are if we were we're essentially going to do cosmetic surgery it may be a needed cosmetic surgery that would improve your life and then it turns out that you suddenly have you know that you're having a heart attack it's a hell of a lot more important to make sure we address the heart attack before we go back to the cosmetic surgery so that's I.E where the book is the book has been under very deep thought and development and uh and important considered uh changes and and different things that had to be considered in order to make it as comprehensive and and honest and useful as possible so that's where your book is and it's it's it is where it is and you'll get it when you get it God knows we're birthing a giant do you have the prop to hold is it on your desk at this moment usually usually is hanging around so um we've we've waved it around before so you can see what a monster it already is and uh more more all the time so yeah we just it basically it either was like okay well we're gonna finish what we have immediately and start another book that kind of addresses all of these things in light of this great sea change in our experience um or we're going to try to integrate it and it's it's been quite a project and it changes all the time I mean we did not anticipate such um a Consolidated command economy uh authoritarian turn quite so completely and so quickly um that we're we're watching unfold so um and again we talk about this all the time on Hawk blocked if people uh want to know our current thoughts on this uh we we just came we we settled in on the cabal theory last week firmly after sort of banding that about for a while and so you want to know what more about what we mean by a cabal and all of that you can watch the most recent episode so all right relatedly the the next question up that has the most votes so just a reminder that we can vote on questions you guys if you I'm just gonna I'm doing the bidding of the masses here it's popular democracy um how much push against mandatory vaccines if it comes to this is reasonable until employment income becomes threatened question mark or before that when the social costs get in the way regarding professional image slash personal life get affected I work in healthcare oh I think my my personal attitude uh is that that your that your personal finances um and your your personal situation as far as that goes is everything and um so therefore you you could be uh every individual's in different circumstances uh the so for example if I was um I'd probably wouldn't be I would be aiming at uh some mechanism by which to if I was attempting to avoid the vaccine which isn't necessarily what everybody's best interest is as they computed but if it is in your if you if you compute that that's in your best interest then then I uh I would be using uh I would be aiming at the means that would be the most likely to have success so for example um well it depends entirely on what your circumstances are so there are there are people that are in situations where they can test every week you know what I'm saying and that they are that that will opt them out of the thing uh if that isn't going to work then you have to look at uh exemptions that you're going to request uh and then you have to understand that one she's a request an exemption um then you're then you've cornered yourself you know I'm saying you're you're now fully identified as a conscientious objector et cetera Etc the um but I I would always be aiming my my thinking would always be Financial I'm not interested in making any social uh I'm not going to try to here's an important issue folks this is not an argument okay this entire issue has nothing to do with arguing anything it's not about arguing Freedom it's not our bad arguing science it's not about arguing anything no no this is an international cabal in this International cabal is is they've identified themselves okay this is they are out to to force people to have this happen that has absolutely nothing to do with health it is not related to it this is a tremendous multi-dimensional uh effort to reshape human beings and their interrelationships around the globe so you are just a little minnow that may get caught in a massive net okay now so your issue your personal issue should be wait a second how do I make sure that my personal finances my ability to just to feed myself and my family and house myself and be secure that is that is number one don't make some political statement to anybody don't make any objection don't go to any trouble to get on any committee band yourself together with the the people that like forget it don't do it that's a total waste of time you are that that is like a bunch of gnats trying to stop a freight train okay the only thing that's going to stop a freight train is going to be something else that's already on that track that is just as big and strong as that is and that my friends is the Constitution the United States and the Constitution the United States may or may not be able to stop the freight train we do not know if it's able to stop the great track uh my my expectation is that it will that it will have to give okay that there's going to be the freight train is going to take some territory that in my judgment it shouldn't take okay uh I don't think the freight train is going to blow the Constitution the United States off the tracks that's my personal intuition at this point I could be wrong and the fact that I could be wrong and I thought that uh that that that might be wrong has led me to an awful lot of sleepless nights in the last year uh as I've been attempting to try to figure out where on Earth this world is going uh any reasonable person would have that kind of panic watching a beautiful free healthy country like Australia go into martial law for what okay so what it is is the demands and of the cabal the ball is actually incredible uh they clearly have bought off the Vatican uh the Vatican was was a necessary purchase yeah that was amazing massive amount of the world's Catholics uh would have would have been intimidated and and and devout and basically being anti this vaccine uh how the Vatican said so but so the cabal knew well in advance that they had to buy off the the combatican which they did so you start understanding the the magnitude of the forces here that are at play and you understand that you have absolutely you are totally helpless you are an individual watching an avalanche okay uh what you must do if you see the Avalanche is you must figure out what the hell you can do to save yourself do not try to save the city who's sitting underneath the Avalanche that is not your responsibility don't even think about it that's how I that's how I view this how's that sum up for you John uh I mean I agree I guess I hate to agree because I I am steeped in the the sort of the The Velvet Revolution and the fall of the Berlin wall and the idea of people power and um this kind of uh this very strong feeling that there is there's there's inherent value in putting yourself out there because if other people see you stand up then they'll stand up and it's sort of there is that this kind of um Collective action problem you know it's it's like people people are unwilling that if there is a critical mass of resistance out there it needs to have a little more uh proof of concept before it can emerge and and this is the kind of contagion of Revolution that happens and so there's a part of me that wants to hold on to that and wants to see uh the value of personally putting yourself at Great risk and and being the one who is making the noise and getting suspended on Twitter I mean there was just a big Purge on Twitter in the last couple of days where a couple of people I follow who were just completely reasonable um like truly completely reasonable people who are just telling the truth as they see it and and you know stirring up a little bit of controversy and all these kind of mid-sized accounts nobody too huge nobody nobody totally tiny but these people with you know 10 to 50 000 followers um just being disappeared in the night and and people I follow closely who are just not saying anything that inflammatory and it doesn't even have to be anti-vax it's just sort of questioning all sorts of things um and so I do I do see as the cabal has a very strong interest in essentially as as Jim Scott puts it my favorite political scientist of all time making people more legible to the state it's it's its main interest is in figuring out all of the different parts of you that can be categorized and monetized and organized in service of political interests of economic interest it wants to get rid of any sort of uncertainty and noise about your experience and Tech makes this possible for the first time in human history this this is what everybody at the head of any government has ever wanted forever is is to have their populace completely mapped so they can be totally controlled so there's there's no uncertainty there's no danger of rebellion there's no none of this noisy Democratic stuff I I sent you that link the other day to the uh who was it the BlackRock guy who was talking about how markets hate democracy yeah like well obviously markets hate democracy because it's so volatile we much prefer totalitarian States and and he's like being very yeah he literally says that it's very straightforward about it and totally Unapologetic um and so there is this kind of digital totalitarianism that is being aimed at by the cabal which I saw AJ asking like what that is so you can think of that just as a conspiracy it's sort of a group of interested parties who have aligned their interests um in pursuit of a common goal um and so I don't think that cabal is unilateral I don't think they all want the same thing I think there's a lot of a lot of Frank Underwood's in there who are sort of trying to get a little more of what they're looking for but they're still interested in things like mandatory vaccines leading to mandatory digital passports leading to um just more documentation of of who you are and what your movements are and and um you know what your activities are uh all of that has there are many many state holders in that whole process and and they have a lot of overlapping interest so that's that's the cabal yeah um so at but at for for your personal life experience it's a prisoner's dilemma it's it's a it's sort of like a yeah you should probably just lay low you should probably stay out of out of Harm's Way and not make um yourself a Target in this process because the the game is to get all Harvest all of this information and completely digitize Your Existence in in your liabilities and to potentially use them against you down the line um we already know thanks to Edward Snowden that they've been sort of building dossiers on all of us for many many years um none of which is actively being used against most people it's not used against you until you become a problem and once you become a problem it's like hey you said this thing in this g chat in 2007 that you know we don't like and so we're gonna we're gonna haul this up and and create a whole case against you so that's happening now just at a a level that we couldn't have imagined even when Snowden blew the whistle so um yeah I I this is why I've been uh planning to do this kind of this webinar on how to you know freedom in an unfree World Revisited essentially so how can you carve out some sovereignty in the face of globalist takeover um what does that look like what does that mean um also just how can you personally deal with all of everything that's going on um so that's in progress that'll be happening next month or two let's talk to a friend about this and he he as I was sort of trying to describe this his his uh what he said was okay what you're telling me to do is dive under the big wave that's exactly what this is like now I think that we have a particularly intense wave here again for another year um well I think they feel the pressure I think they have the pressure I think they know that as we talked about in last week's show it's like you gotta get while the getting's good you know you've got you've got enough disruption right now that this is the moment where you take advantage of it you don't let a good crisis go to waste as Emmanuel said um and so they know that they I mean Jen saki just said this again out loud in a press conference the other day that that you know Biden is trying to make major changes to the economy and he knows that this is his opportunity and won't get another one um like they they are very aware that that there's this kind of limited moment this window of opportunity um so I think they are feeling pressure and they are escalating yes yeah that it's got it it's got a time it's got a desperate stamp to it okay it doesn't mean that they're in a positional weakness but they're in a positional weakness with respect to what they're trying to get accomplished uh they're not going to walk away with their their heads and their hands they're they're but they're gonna walk away with um they might walk away with 15 of what it is that they're seeking which will feel like a big loss okay so yeah and the the time tick the time bomb ticking on this as I see it is the midterm elections next year so the uh the midterm elections in terms of the United States actually the United States is a major figure in in how all of the world operates because as the United States has tremendous influence on Summits all over the world for how the world is going to get organized so uh the United States is the epicenter of the organization it's also the epicenter of the major companies that that make up huge percentage of the force inside the cabal uh they are uh they are Facebook Microsoft Amazon Google and apple okay that's who that's who these people are uh these are these are people that all want to entrench massive International monopolies uh they want to make sure that they they uh free enterprise was fine when they were climbing over the top of IBM and people like that but now that they are where they are they want to make damn sure that they don't have any competitors at all I actually when you look at this folks it makes complete and total sense this is this is no different than Alexander the Great or anybody else so this is uh uh yeah we're gonna have nice open competition until I've got control of everything and then you're all freaking going to be disarmed and screwed that is totally this is nothing other than the Empire process that sits inside of human dominance hierarchy climbing so these guys got smart enough to realize you know sometime in the last 20 years wait a minute if we get big enough and powerful enough we can own the government as opposed to being essentially operators underneath government uh you know the free citizens operating in a competitive environment under the structure of a rule maker and police force called the government no no no no no no that's not how we want it we want to be in charge of the government and the government does our bidding to see to it that we wind up against consolidated way better situation okay so of course that is precisely uh the situation that is unfolding and you know life under such a such a mythical process uh may or may not be terribly worse than it is now uh may have some advantages who who knows but the point of it all is is that it ain't uh it ain't the freedom uh that that this country was based upon and so uh therefore it is it is with some consternation that I that I watch their effectiveness as they go about the process of consolidating their power I believe that the 2020 midterms is the is the Cinderella moment for this uh and we will find out we will we'll I could be like I could be very much wrong about this and maybe that may not be a very important timeline I have a feeling it is and that's why I believe you're seeing the urgency as well as the sort of draconian legal forces that that you're seeing behind us we'll find out the uh I'm not too worried I'm moderately worried now I'm a hell of a lot less worried than I have been hmm [Laughter] as you know I'm more worried we we know that this fits our personalities yeah apparently more optimistic uh about many things and you've been wrong a lot dude you got a big winning streak on this debate yeah my attitude is dive under the wave and uh live under the wave as long as you can I have great admiration for somebody like Peter McCullough uh who just is standing up and all the steel yeah what what an absolute Superstar of the human being yeah uh the but you know but but I you know I'm not in a position to be Peter McCulloch so I don't have to even I don't even have to think about it dive under the wave yeah okay yeah well this will be I mean this will be a big topic of discussion this is why I want to do that the webinar series is because the like how to reconcile those Tendencies um I wanna I wanna point out a a beautiful uh historical I think it's a fact okay which is that sounds really hokey but I I actually believe that this is true so when when the quarter pounder came out and it was extremely successful my understanding is and you'd have to look this up but my understanding is is that I think it was Wendy's came out with a third of a pounder and tried to cut the price in order to to get and it didn't work because the average American thought that a quarter pounder was bigger than a third of a pound oh Jesus oh that tells you why it is that I'm not going to stand up and fight and that was when the average IQ was x x number of standard deviations higher than it is now there you go oh wow I have tried to explain uh the facts the mathematical realities of this situation it hurts it hurts man run into exactly that level of thinking and so this this is why it is that my my attitude is the Constitution is going to defend whatever freedoms can be defended and I can't get in the middle of that mess not when they don't know the difference between a fourth and a third oh man that's really I just don't even know what to say I remember those Wars I remember the the ads and the the sort of Warring yeah well I mean it's it's it's relevant because I'm sure McDonald's had you know had a bigger picture of a burglary inflated it um they knew the right thing to do yeah yeah it's a it's a valid point it's sort of yeah who are you fighting who are you fighting for what do you what are you hoping for so yeah yeah all right what else we got we got one more question okay we have one more question I wanted to clarify there was sort of uh somebody was saying don't they already have all the information on us with credit cards tax grocery rewards Etc they do obviously um but it's all disparate you know things are just sort of collected in different places and it's um and it's costly it's no no one actor has access to all of that stuff in a in a handy digital ID or it or a did as they call them um and so if you have a digital ID that is assigned to you and they've already rolled out these programs of course in developing countries because that's where you always kind of try this stuff out before you you bring it um you bring it to a western democracy but uh you know in Ethiopia they put they put babies on the blockchain from before they're born and everything is logged about them every they have this kind of digital uh record that is following them and this is this is seen as this very advantageous thing I.E to go back to the first question you would know before you went into that messy hiring process who would be best for that job because you have this person you know everything there is to know about this person essentially there's a there's a social credit uh dossier associated with them what kind of Citizen are they uh what are their what are their talents what are their liabilities have they ever uh you wouldn't have to do the background check the background check is there everything is just very conveniently packaged and that is a very valuable commodity for a lot of different stakeholders and that's why you see this push for developing this sort of thing because it's they're just too many people who want to get their their paws into that sort of data and get it in uh cheaply and with great ease instead of having to buy this database and that database and try to put it all together on their own time so I just wanted to to clarify that yeah um it leads to Great stability of Empire yeah great stability that's what you're watching you're watching uh now it's clear to me this is a the whole idea here is a is a overarching Empire that uh it's essentially OPEC uh you're talking about OPEC uh but instead of the mid-eastern oil that's involved you're talking about all human economic activity on Earth it's exactly the same concept right and so that that is uh that's what's happening and it's really no surprise and it's it's no surprise that that it's it's being uh it's going to be bitterly contested uh and and we will we'll find out what the outcome is but you know I'm sitting on the sideline and whatever the hell happens my life has you know a hundred thousand hours left and they're going to be spent really wisely uh but we just don't know under what conditions I think in a lot of ways too people over 40 are sort of written off by the cabal they're not too worried about necessarily capturing all of us they know there's going to be a bunch of us tenacious Unabomber types moving to our Woods not employing Unabomber tactics to completely disavow those but moving out to a little Shack in the woods and just you know what like I'm not I'm not participating I'm not getting a digital ID I'm not doing it um so that the aim is more to just introduce this so it's normalized in its routine with with people who are being born you know it's just like you just get this into you you stabilize your Empire starting with the children essentially is what you're doing you when you really think about this folks it's the end point of the consolidation of tribes so you you saw that uh tribes wound up uh then uh ultimately becoming Villages which ultimately became cities which ultimately became states countries then they ultimately 10 000 years later become you know the United States and then they become you know the EU uh they become the USSR so what you're watching is consolidation and the question is under under what under what processes does it become Consolidated it could become Consolidated under Mao and you wind up with a brutal dictatorship it's just horrendous for human life um for everybody that's not at the top of a food chain in other words it becomes an incredibly exploitative uh Empire or you could have a very benign process where the empire was that a representative government in the United States and you have free citizens that the the government is in principle employed by the people uh and they we can hire and Firearm so that that's an unbelievably great way for human beings to live and and no no surprise this winds up with the freest wealthiest uh Society in world history so and then it gets copied very imperfectly in Australia as we see okay so in other words they did not copy it well enough they didn't have enough checks and balances and distribution of power to stop themselves from the the ball and their influence come in and take over basically just take over the Empire so and to some degree a different Baseline personality just a different culture just a little more sort of Continental a little bit more why yeah a little more you know they gave up Commonwealth all kinds of interesting little historical details that we're not even sure what all the factors are it'd be very difficult to model what was in fact the centralized issue but uh and somebody's saying and don't forget Canada yeah what the hell is Canada Canada is a is a mirror image a mimic of the United States in almost every respect and yet what we wind up with a freaking totalitarian nut case in charge taking his orders directly from the cabal he can practically see the puppet strings on him quotes yeah it says use these three sentences or these two sentences and that's exactly what's cut magically comes out of the pr the president of the premier's mouth like you know 72 hours later but he you know Canada famously more agreeable country famously very different sort of national personality than the United States has a very very easy going very agreeable um and so there's some truth to that there's some truth of like you know uh there there was there we used to have these cultural arguments and political science um when I was starting grad school and then of course the first the first uh seminars were always devoted to completely dismissing them because they were completely baseless and you know didn't didn't take the institutions into account and I had one Professor dismissively refer to the the ever present question of why why does Russia love authoritarianism you know why is Russia always you know under the czars now under Putin what's the deal with Russia so he would dismissively call this the uh the swaddle too tightly as babies theory that the babies were just you know they just love to be oppressed um and so now we we see these little differences these cultural differences in different cultures around around the globe and how they're uh interfacing with the cabal yes and Canada is very receptive to it right and we're saying that the United States is going to be tough yeah a lot tougher and so the uh yeah I think the cabal makes a nice Headway uh but but I don't think that uh I don't think that they're going to wind up with with the Empire that hey you know what they they've been fishing around and speculating and hoping for a while and finally their predicted opportunity landed in their lap and they're going for it like well why the hell wouldn't you they cut their teeth with the war on terror so like they've had a couple of Decades of of practice and you know wealth accumulation and and getting there figuring out how to I mean this question um plays Devil's Advocate can't the accumulation of data also help protect us from extremists of course um you know and that was the main pretext behind the Patriot Act and this is why we need to ramp up surveillance domestic surveillance um to a level that was unprecedented in 2001 that that ushered in the TSA and the prison program program and everything else and all of this was under the auspices of we could we can't let 911 happen again and so there is there you know there is a benefit to this sort of data collection um and that's that's how it came into being um and then the you know just the cabal got a taste of it saw what it could do saw how it could consolidate their power keep them where they want to be uh keep their Capital where they want it to be yeah well let's hope we don't have a 10 excess deaths in the United States this year that are non-coveted related mysteriously hearing uh because that's going to be a quarter million people and so let's let's hope that uh that Chernobyl you know that that the the little hints of Chernobyl that we are are sniffing from Europe right now let's hope that those are some statistical anomalies and that they may not be uh uh if they exist if they're not of the magnitude that it looks like that they could be so uh but in any event I'm diving under the wave Jen's not sure what she's doing but one way or the other uh we're trying to make progress here and try to use our best judgment and use our our smarts and our alertness and uh actually and people that we know like the two of us are not only talk to each other but talk to other other people who are thinking deeply uh about these issues and we try to triangulate on uh perspective that is as close to Accurate as we can figure uh so that we can you know make the best judgments for ourselves and anybody that we talk to but that's what we're up to these days yep a little distracting yeah yeah we need to read every book in that Library behind you too I know and see it well this is I mean one of the pieces of advice we will go over in the how to find Freedom in an unfree world uh webinar is to print out the books you love get hard copies of them because Amazon can and does disappear books from Kindle all the time even if you've bought them it can it can go away so don't don't trust digital media all right I wish it were a real Library I think it's probably enough for one day yeah well we'll be back on I think AJ posted in the comments that we'll be on with her uh in about uh yeah 53 minutes or so so I will uh you guys can head on over there but um we will uh we'll take more questions probably more pleasure trap oriented and then um for those for those of you who are asking how to get questions answered here it's it's we don't have a great system we sort of people will email me and sometimes we get to them sometimes we don't we have the question tool on the website which nobody actually liked so we kind of are not using that anymore um I'm trying to use the up voting in the Q a to to guide us um but it's sort of just a chaotic free-for-all so um we're not we're not particularly organized but we do we try to get to questions um in one form or another whether it's on the podcast or here or on hot blocked um you just have to be patient with us great to see you Jen oh always I will see you in a few gotcha all right bye
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