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on camera on yeah it's all dark and grainy there we go yeah it's a little better how's it going people I'm gonna come wandering in here so ah too many Zoom links to keep track of as always so awesome all right well where do we want to yeah are we still alive today that's what I want to know or are we doomed well we're doomed but we're still here those are two separate questions hahaha so far you know fighting another day that's right that's right oh my goodness oh man I yeah it's um yeah you want to kick around a few uh covered things before we answer questions we can um we can kind of see if people are interested in that um I had a I had a little a mole report back to me that there was some scuttlebutt on the Facebook group which of course I I don't look at at all but that people were um tired of of talking about covet I didn't want to hear about it anymore and I don't know if that was a selective sample or not um representative sample so but somebody out there is discontented about it so that got back to me so we can kind of see we can kick it around a little bit until people give us something else to talk about yeah yeah yeah well what I'm starting to see that's somewhat encouraging is that um it looks like a little bit it's kind of like a classic government BS thing and that is that the truth leaks out a little bit at a time with varying degrees of resistance and we've had a lot of resistance with this process because I don't think it's just government I think government is heavily invested in mutually invested with big Pharma big Tech whatever in other words it's a it's a it's a mess so as a result but still in this free Society the truth is leaking out there was a USA Today uh uh article today opinion piece by Marty m whatever his name is from John Hopkins uh Johns Hopkins and he was basically saying coldor for he's uh I forget um but he's basically saying hey um okay if you want to have vax passport type things fine but don't be an idiot the people that are immune or immune and they're way more immune from their immunity than they are from any vaccine and so you know as the data just came in from Israel that the natural immunity is is 6.7 times more effective than the vaccine immunity so the it's very clear that it's operating you know the way we would have thought uh that if you're that if your immune system basically has to take on the whole Army then then it actually has to deal with the the tanks and the Infantry and the and the Jets it has to deal with everything whereas if you just have it attack it with just the Infantry then it defends it knows how to defend against the Infantry I.E the spike protein out of this you know uh [ __ ] vaccine I call it [ __ ] because it is not the whole virus so you're only learning to deal with a part of the virus so as as expected the um the the natural immunity is much more robust and much more comprehensive uh than than the vaccine so therefore the moral High ground and outrage that everybody needs to be walking around with the backs passport of course makes no sense at all unless you include the 50 percent of Americans that have natural immunity is what's estimated at this point so this becomes an enormous [ __ ] show uh about now now you're going to have to have a whole bunch of discussions about how to assay whether or not you've actually had natural immunity in other words are the antibody Tests reliable how reliable are they if I take 14 of them will one of them come up positive that I've got it just by by chance and then I can get my vaccine passport like what the hell so the point is is that the fact that that discussion discussions like that I've not seen a lot of but to see that come out in USA Today is showing us that okay there's a lot of smart people that are neither hysterical on either side of this equation that are saying hold everything let's and uh Dr Marty there is saying why the big push for vaccines particularly you know in people that are younger and certainly it doesn't make any sense he doesn't say it doesn't make any sense at all he says that with so few people under 18 having died I.E about 355. and the all the indications being that those are highly compromised individuals uh I think he points out the the death rate from covid or something like 0.3 per million okay not point three percent point three per million kids yes yeah yeah be true that that when I run the map that's actually wrong but it's uh if there's been 355 kids and there's 70 million kids it's actually about uh it's actually more like three per million so they somehow they they didn't do the math right but instead of checking it in my head they've got it wrong by an order of magnitude what do we expect I think they're so often Wrong by an order of magnitude when it comes to public statistics that's a very common problem we just dropped to zero we added a zero it's all the same yeah the other thing is is that he points out that uh severe complications for young people with the with the coveted vaccine are 50 per million so it's like okay well getting the math right if three per million could die from covid but 50 per million are getting severely adverse reactions the idea of giving your kid that vaccine gets to be super interesting about well is my kid particularly susceptible is my kid one in 250 000 for immune compromise is is he 400 pounds is he been a diabetic since he was nine like why does he have leukemia like what is the issue and literally I believe we know that basically no healthy kids they uh drop dead of coven so now that that that starts to put the the there is no uh justification for people taking that kind of a risk even if the risk is in this case one in twenty thousand that a kid winds up with a severe uh reaction to the Copic vaccine one in twenty thousand is winning twenty thousand and you're trying to to push this on 70 million human beings so this is a so anyway the point is that discussion that that goes around my dinner table every night now finally gets to USA Today out of the Johns Hopkins Professor which is exactly what we need we need precisely this kind of discussion uh about this he is very pro-vaccine which I'm not uh at this moment but but he is still talking through the evidence in a dispassion and intelligent way and he is directly contradicting the CDC and he's saying no I completely disagree that's useful for people to know that professors at Johns Hopkins are simply stating their disagreement with CDC policy so we don't have this bow to the emperor attitude that if the CDC says that it's almost certainly to be true because they're very careful and intelligent well so is it Johns Hopkins Professor people uh that's a fancier job than the CDC let me tell you so let's uh so when we so in terms of authority uh Johns Hopkins Professor easily ranks with the CDC and deserves equal time to be uh having this discussion and having us understand the data so that I'm seeing encouragement that that not everybody is bowing to groupthink and uh that that is even in conventional uh Chambers so that's really good and uh I'm glad to see that and now we cross our fingers and hope for the best yeah I mean all of that is really important I I worry about that kind of shift in the discourse is still um it's it's yielding ground on a high concept that I don't want to yield ground on until we have to which is the vaccine passports are necessary or just or make people safer or or um that we're willing to make that sort of trade-off with personal privacy right and we're just racing toward that I don't have you heard about the news from Apple in the last uh 48 Hours yeah so they've they've uh they're now um I don't know all the technical details of this because it's beyond my far beyond my wheelhouse but essentially they've developed technology to which I'm sure they already had but now they're selling it to interested parties to uh inspect your photos on your phone to see if you have any photos that are known to be uh particularly like porn child pornography or um linked with any existing sting or anything else but you know we're going to be looking at the photos on your phone and deciding if they're problematic and if they are we'll be reporting it to the appropriate agencies and of course you start with with Kitty porn because everybody's like well yeah that's you know we should definitely be handing over our devices to see if there's something like that on them but this is the what really struck me about it is um the the sort of the way that they responded in an internal memo that's been making the rounds uh saying that we're the the minor the screeching minority upset about privacy intrusion um like to to imagine Apple talking this way so far from Apple 20 years ago Apple's always been a very Pro privacy company one of the few in Silicon Valley um it's been their brand is is sort of their you know theoretically iMessages or end-to-end encrypted although iCloud Is Not So for anybody out there who's paying attention to these sorts of things your your messages are encrypted as long as they're not backed up um and uh and you know they're just kind of privacy minded on lots of other things but here they go uh you know know down this road and not only are they not very apologetic about it but they're sort of like well you know we're we're looking out for those children who have been victimized that's more important than privacy and this is just how it starts and so similarly vaccine passports it's like well we're in the middle of a crisis it's you know this is we're we're we need to have this temporary solution to um better deal with this problem let alone the fact that you know we we know that there's um asymptomatic and symptomatic transmission from vaccinated people as well as unvaccinated people so you have a vaccine passport what good is it doing if somebody is is is transmitting it in a vaccinated group it's it's like I just feel to give up on the heart of that conversation and what we're really talking about there and to instead get into the space where well I don't have anything to hide so I don't mind if you tap my phone you know it's sort of it's it's similar where I have natural immunity so just give me my vaccine passport and we're all good um so I absolutely right Jen and you know what I had I was guilty of sort of you're you're you're looking for an island of your own freedom and protection rather than looking at the bigger picture and you're absolutely right makes absolutely no sense uh at all it it ceased to make any sense at all the day we found out that vaccinated people are shedding virus right at that point you have no justification for anything of that of course that's true shutting just as much virus like certainly if they're symptomatic and possibly more yeah so so this is it makes zeros incoherent it should it should have died right then but it shows you how much momentum it can have that I didn't quite grab onto that to that concept quite until we just had this discussion so you're absolutely right that that concept is dead as as anything useful at all and now it's nothing other than a monster with momentum yeah a lot of momentum and and you know just a lot it just sort of embedded in a larger Retreat from individualism and personal privacy and um the sort of just we see on every front this major major cultural shift and I'm increasingly feeling like I've been ranting about on Hawk locked every week that I'm sort of on the losing side of this historical struggle like I I think I'm actually in the minority as as someone who um you know really is more comfortable with trading off my security for my privacy and really wants to fight for that concept and really um you know uh feed the world through that lens primarily rather than can the government make me safer in the short term um uh yeah I feel scared because of a crisis I just I part of because my my politics were forged in the wake of 9 11 with the Patriot Act that was like this really pivotal moment for me um and just growing up in the shadow of the Cold War and you know this kind of Soviet relationship to personal privacy and um the censorship and everything else and being really really conditioned by all of that so but I think I am um I think there are not a lot of people who think that way anymore and increasingly uh generationally that's just shifted and we're moving into something that's more like other typical Consolidated democracies around the world that are nowhere near as um friendly toward free speech and free expression is the United States historically has been um and possibly into something that looks more uh authoritarian leaning than that so but at the very least something like Canada something like Europe um where you know Free Speech has its limits right yeah yeah all right well let's take questions if they got any because my my bitching for the day it's always the same song but it's like the most important song uh okay we've got a few things here um there was somebody who is asking she's asking about sort of practical advice yeah how do I mean financially secure I know you'll like this question um amidst coveted inflation uh or the current current inflation right now um heading who knows where do you recommend investments in real estate or stocks or other I would appreciate your insights yeah obviously neither one of us is an investment advisor yeah we don't have detailed uh detailed recommendations to be making the just in general the concept is in a potentially highly inflationary environment you you want to be in hard assets um there are limited stations to that so that obviously so let's talk we can talk uh where we are now where we could be and then the worst case scenario so the um the worst case uh the where we are now is we are in a moderately inflationary process that uh is likely to have sustained momentum behind it for as long as we can see and so the uh the reasons for that are are numerous and complex and if I say that I sound intelligent and as if I know but I don't have time to tell you and the truth is that I don't know that it is an immensely complicated web uh but of of all kinds of factors internationally that are going on uh but it's but it turns out that right now um uh the the inflation rate is uh the inflation rate is largely under the control of the federal government and it is in the government's best interest to push the envelope on that uh for it's such a bunch of Frank Underwood's there's so many different agendas that it's hard to tell it's hard to act like the government is a single individual with a single agenda because it's not however there is there is a pressure uh on the system when you are 30 trillion dollars in debt and you also want to spend more money than you have through honest uh taxation uh then then what you're going to do is you're going to create many uh and if you the 30 million 30 trillion dollars that you owe it's in your best interest to see to it about 30 trillion dollars is worth less one year from now than it is right now and the way to do that is to essentially print up a hell of a lot more currency so if you can have the prices if you can print up five percent more currency for example than one year from now it still says that we owe 30 trillion dollars but actually we've just knocked off by percent of it so nobody can see it because the numbers are on the balance sheet right there on all the accounts says we still owe 30 trillion but really we owe 15 or 5 less than that so we've just knocked off one and a half trillion dollars that's pretty cool okay so if you're a government that can knock off a trillion five then what you are very comfortable doing is deficit spending a trillion five knowing that you haven't lost any ground and so it doesn't bother you to go from 30 trillion to 31 and a half okay and we're going to play the same trick next year on all the people that owe us the money we're gonna again inflate the currency at five percent so I think that we're seeing historically the United States has seen uh legitimate uh uh monetary inflation on the order of three or four percent for an awful long time now it's probably more like five or six uh they they've hit the gas on this thing to basically fund uh the operations of the government for the last year and a half in this crisis and instead of now getting conservative about it as the economy is springing back and being healthier in fact the tremendous push uh particularly from the left is to spend more and to just continue to spend at very high levels so as a result of that I expect very long you know intermediate term High inflation rates uh this doesn't seem like you know it happens so insidiously that uh that you don't really quite notice sort of panic about it because every day you face the same thing and every day basically this month prices might go up half a percent they barely notice it you don't notice on a day-to-day or week-to-week basis this is how it's done succeedingly clever uh how this is done this is the debasement of debt uh uh while you continue to over spend this is a very clever way to basically steal money steal assets from people who have fixed incomes and have assets that that are that are a Target uh of of uh that are an easy target for taxation uh in certain ways so this is uh particularly for example if you're on social security or you have a pension fund and you get three thousand dollars a month for your pension fund and they have a cap on that increase of two percent a year for a CPI increase but in fact the CPI the legitimate inflation rate is six the government just stole four percent of that thirty thousand dollars a year or three thousand a month it just lifted a hundred and twenty dollars a month right out of your wallet and you you never saw okay the uh so that that is not to mention that they'll tax you on the two percent increase from your CPI increase so it's like oh for God's sakes they lifted more than four percent of of your net income by this trick okay so that's how it works that's the basic plan uh and this is this has been going on really since the Kennedy administration in uh mildly and then Johnson Moore and then certainly under Nixon Carter Reagan it's this is how governments behave and so the and this government is probably the most profligate spending government that we've seen since the post-world War II inflation that was a very short-term extremely short-term process that was not ever repeated so this um so what do we do well one of the best things that you can do is to get into long-term low interest debt okay so any real estate that you can afford to buy if you don't own any uh this is a smart move and you might say that's crazy the prices around me have gone up 50 in the last two years there's a reason why oh the reason why is that they are those markets are been our beneficiaries of inflationary currency and so what you need to look out for don't worry about the price worry about what the payment is so very you know throughout Sacramento County right now if you were to buy a home that where you're uh that you could rent for twenty five hundred dollars your house payment would be 32 and yet 800 of it would be going to principle so actually you're paying 2400 a month and you have a tax write-off and you're already cheaper than renting and the inflation the 500 000 that you owe remember they're going to debase the currency by five percent a year so the government is going to knock off 25 000 a year of the literal value of the debt that you owe so essentially you are more than living for free you're literally making a living sitting in your indebted house why is this such an extraordinary deal because the interest rates are artificially low why are the interest rates artificially low because they're flooding the world with currency okay so the uh if you if you increase the supply of money relative to its demand you're going to reduce interest rates the interest rates are extremely low so we have no business with three percent mortgages they make that makes no sense uh rates have returned to Capital are typically five six seven percent a year so you should be having to pay five or six or seven percent a year uh on the interest of that debt the fact that you only have to pay three is the deal of the century so if you don't have that deal if you're a conservative person that has saved your money and is intimidated by real estate prices and is renting beware okay the rents are not going to be constrained by a fixed mortgage at all the landlord may have a fixed mortgage but they will continue to raise your rent okay they will raise it if it turns out inflation's 10 percent your rent's going to go up 10 a year if inflation's five percent it's going to go up five percent a year but it's going up and I would fully expect that rents in the United States would be up 30 or 40 percent in the next six to seven years in other words I think you're going to see five percent rate of uh five percent inflation rates so that's one thing that you can do you could also buy any car that you could that you would want for long term on a low interest rate uh deal so if you could get three percent on a forty thousand dollar car uh with a seven year payment that you can handle that is another way to get a hard asset uh that is uh that is essentially that the the money cost is artificially low uh other than that I would I would be looking at uh other other hard assets obviously or gold and silver which have actually historically been a fairly decent job at protecting people from major inflation area forces they haven't been great Investments there have been much better Investments but they actually kind have done have done their job in a lot of ways you would buy gold for for two hundred dollars an ounce in 1980 I think now it's about two thousand so it's gone ten to one which is not great in other words that's probably no better than dog paddling relative to the inflation rate but it is in fact in other words it's a way of storing your value uh and not getting not getting your savings sitting in some low interest account getting killed by an inflation so another thing to do would be to buy value stocks and by that we mean stocks that are that are not high priced and are actually making money so you can look at stocks that have good price earnings ratios which indicate that the companies are actually feeding out and making cash and that the rate of return is decent and so that's a that's a little bit of Investigation for you to to find some things to do that uh or a you know anyway those are some ideas for defending yourselves uh against the inflation that I expect to be I don't expect it to be crazy uh I expect it to be relatively heavy-handed I think the government will lie about it by two percent the way they always do you'll actually see that they very carefully pick a backs basket of goods in there that they pick a basket of goods which are pretty well defended against major price uh against inflation so it's a good thing to pick for example colored television sets uh because they're under such competitive pressure with respect to technological increases that that even though there's a lot more currency the prices can drift down so they they can if they're careful about how they gerrymander the uh the statistics they can they can square up and down that the inflation rate is not very high but but you'll see it in rents okay rents cannot be gerrymandered so you will uh so this is this is the kind of thing that I would be thinking about and uh there's no rush plan carefully make some decent smart moves and then you should be uh reasonably well protected with some of these ideas it's not running away from us it's it's it's it's going at 35 miles an hour when it should be at zero but it's it's moving so uh uh try to get try to get part of your life on the right side of it all right yeah all right well that's that's awesome we have lots of questions here it's funny the um it's so we have lots of people saying no and definitely keep talking about covet it's all I think about definitely want to hear more and a couple of people say no talk about other stuff I'm tired of it so this is we you can't please all of the people all of the time so this is always the problem um take another non-cover question yeah there's definitely some demand here for um some pleasure trappy type stuff so we have quite a few questions and quite a few people who say stop talking about kova talk more about uh pleasure trap type stuff so we'll we will follow the will of the people um there is a kind of before we get to that there's two questions about um wondering what the status of the book is so we should we should address that too because people are asking about that so um where where is it what's the plan Etc rod the Fiasco welcome to Doug's desk everybody if you can see the the full view you'd be uh you'd be amazed yeah there you go there it is it's it's in progress be patient it's uh we'll get there sorry about that the uh there's much to do and there's uh much much thinking to continue to synthesize and uh we're we're doing good work and we'll we'll get it when we get it yeah yeah well and part of it I mean it's we we work best when we're in the same place together and can um stay up freakishly late and drink a lot of fee and bounce ideas off of each other and we just haven't been able to do that we've been deprived of that experience every time we try to make a plan it seems the uh covet has another plan for us so part that's part of the problem too is we kind of continually get set back on our collaborative schemes but we're we're finding a way all right um so we've got a lot of okay so let's see here there was one person saying essentially how can you negotiate with renewed um sort of the this is a quasi-coveted question but not really a coveted question that sort of when it's a state of emergency or when you're going back into lockdown there's this um incentive that oh well this is unusual times and so it's time to eat crappy food and you know party while we can and she's in a little bit of a loop around that um let me see if I can find I can't find the actual question but that's the essence of it so how how to prevent yourself from treating um const oh here we go how best to focus on good food clean eating and staying on the straight and narrow path each time we go into lockdown I'm drawn into the Trap of oh well might as well have this ice cream popcorn chocolate alcohol mentality it's a vicious circle I think this person um also just for context is uh down under so they're they're subject to um a more volatile cycle than we have been but relevant for everybody um who knows I mean what what uh The Way We Begin any analysis of any problem is to understand the fundamental unit of psychology uh which is uh going to be the unit of thought feeling and action that integrates the life process of animals is going to be cost benefit analysis and so that's the fundamental unit so obviously the um what you do is you look at your environmental opportunities and your job is to analyze the best uh the best decision for Gene survival within that within that range of possibilities those range possibilities include not only the environment that's in front of your senses but also the environment that you remember and so the um so if you remember the fact that as you're sitting in your house today and you're on Australia and you remember the fact that you don't get to go out to any restaurant Etc or have any other kind of entertainment then that's a different set of circumstances that if you're sitting in your apartment in Sydney you know a year and a half ago when you could go out and do a bunch of other things and so that's a that's a even though the environment looks identical it is in fact not identical because if the memory systems are updating what your actual circumstances are so if you foreclose all kinds of opportunities for optimizing uh I.E your sensory experience through taking your body to places and doing things that are seem optimal for Gene survival I.E the best life experience as far as your nervous system knows the instead what's going to happen is you're going to to look around to optimize that circumstances within what your possibilities are and so at that point and you also May realize what differences it make If I gain 20 pounds there's no dancing and smooching to be done anyway so I don't really have to worry about it to hell with it so you can see how there could be quite a shift in the cost benefit analytics that go on to dry Behavior okay so the um and this is uh the pleasure trap is is a lot like communist politics it's always at the door okay there's there's always a pressure and the pressure is actually coming from the same fundamental route which is um energy conservation systems so the the animal is designed by nature to transform energy into genes and so that means the shortest distance or the most the most efficient distance uh about how to manipulate your environment or which means also manipulated your location in the environment in order to optimize the resource acquisition for Gene survival that's what the creature does so that's why political forces are all about essentially threats of a bigger group to steal from a smaller group that that is a uh and threat uh in a fractured kind of a quick situation like we have it's some little little group for example can try to be taking a little bit of money from a lot of people when they don't know it that's called um you know crony capitalism okay that's called having a friend in Washington that allows us to do something and not allow other people to do something so this is you can see how unbelievably efficient this is when when it is effective uh it's effectively uh the all kinds of people that are psychologists that are ineffective and useless are making 135 dollars an hour treating Medicare patients God knows what it is that they're doing because they belong to a government Guild with a license uh and therefore they're being overpaid for their actual market value for what it is that they produce the um they don't think of themselves uh as as people that belong to effectively a little army of armed thieves but effectively they are okay they've they've they've uh I mean God why pick on psychologists I can pick on one because I am one okay so but the point is MDS in the United States belong to a very very powerful Guild uh and and they are being overpaid we can tell that because we can see free marketplaces in the world that don't have a massive complicated Insurance governmental schemes where the MDS don't make the same multiples of of income relative to the general people in the population they may make three or four times as much they don't make eight times as much okay and so we can we can see evidence of that does that mean that your local MB is a thief no they're just on the right side of an unnatural Market process God knows where this Con where this came question came from I was wondering I have faith that I will find its way back energy conservation okay so energy conservation uh means that as you sit in your apartment you're thinking okay what's the biggest evolutionary bang that I can get for my buck and it's like well if I can't do this and I can't do this and I can't do this and I can't do this I can't I can hunt for high calorie density in a peanut butter jar with my spoon okay and I'll by God I'm gonna kill I'm going to kill some four ounces of peanut butter and that may be by far the most exciting sensory event that is really going to come your way uh in within the four walls that you've got access to moving around you so I think that it's understandable that that's what the problem is uh what to do about it you know you you could possibly change your understanding of your environment by by an interesting process and that is that sometimes what what one must do is use your imagination to look past the current constraints on your environment and look over into the future as to what is statistically very likely to be happening and then look out to the look at sometimes it's useful to look at obstacles instead of looking at them as obstacles look at them as opportunities because you're competitors will actually be stumbling behind the obstacle so uh it took me quite a long time to to grasp this principle and that is that when when I'm getting stuck by something it's good to look to the left and look to the right and realize oh everybody else is going to get stuck which means that if I actually go to the trouble to get past this obstacle which may be considerable trouble if I do that it's going to put me at a competitive Advantage relative to to some process it's competitive process so sometimes that's an inspiring way to change your cost benefit analysis and understanding of the environmental opportunity that's in front of you when you're feeling an obstacle that's a good time to feel like wait a minute this is an opportunity um this exam uh I had a lady a client that that has lost I believe now 135 pounds in about the last 16 you know about 14 or 15 months so uh she started out at 285 and right now last I knew she was at 149. uh in her 50s this is a massive metamorphosis of the human life she she looked at her situation with respect to covet last spring and said well now it's a good you know if I'm ever going to do it Now's the Time I don't have to go out I can't go out to restaurants I this is time to get my act together okay so she essentially saw this as an opportunity rather than as an obstacle uh but if she was ever gonna once again be in Slender clothes and get that kind of admiring feedback Etc if it was ever going to happen this is probably a better time than me so that's how I would have you look at any constraints that you're under under first understand that you're being constrained and understand that your nervous system is going to look for the path of least resistance to the to the to the fanciest shiniest thing in your in your domain but the next thing you want to do is look past the immediate constraint into the highly probable future and in a highly probable future that means that we can use this time to access opportunities uh these VR competitive process oops it's like we lost Jen for a minute I'm here I'm I'm having uh I don't know if you can still hear me but I'm having weird video problems again right so yeah I don't know why it keeps doing this I'm gonna try to continue fixing it on the back end here sometimes if I reset the preferences 15 times it'll eventually start to work again but long Soliloquy was really going to be time for you to say something and shut me up but hey I'm still here oh man yeah it's I don't know why it does this and the problem is because I'm the I'm the host like I can't leave and come back um and so it's just been doing this lately I think it's a um I think sometimes it just happens because I have too many things going on at one time although I tried to avoid that um okay well in the meantime while I'm messing around with that we have this other yeah other other good question here so um as an emotionally unstable and open young female I found my nervous system craving highs after removing alcohol SOS food and caffeine I'm starting to feel like the world is dull and so I find myself seeking out jimmies in the dating Market is this also something I need to remove for a decent life experience I get casual mating offers often but I find that the highs are usually worth the lows at least compared to the waste of time it feels like today to Horace on the flip side I worry long term about my value in the market making sure to settle when my worth is highest I'll be 35 soon is chasing the high of infatuation a distortion of my instability and do I need sobriety here too uh should she basically give up the the excitement of the Jimmy Chase and accept a boring horse and um and just settle for non-exciting love is that possible yeah I don't think that that's actually the trade okay the um the the excitement that comes with Jimmy is the the fact that we are signaling we're getting signal from a Jimmy that that we we are uh that we are acceptable but we just don't know for what and so there's a hope that if somebody is very particularly exciting they may be interested in this uh Beyond casual mating and therefore that generates a lot of excitement because you can sniff the energy conservation system in you says this is a fancier deal than I then I could normally expect to get and therefore the genes are saying that this is an advantage and therefore you want to reproduce with fancier DNA and that's what is drawing the excitement to the system it's just simply tastier fruit okay the uh is what this is so the um what you're seeing you're you're sort of getting away with it because of birth control uh you haven't you haven't had four children with four jimmies and then a single mom in the Stone Age grabbing it along and uh Etc and so you haven't you haven't had to face the consequences of this and therefore get a little wiser a little sooner so you get to play a little longer is uh is sort of what's Happening Now the the uh I I can't we can't know inside your nervous system what is in fact the optimal strategy uh for your life that is because your nervous system is unique and it could be possible that for your nervous system that an indefinite uh set of processes that go along like this for the next 40 years is actually the best process otherwise we we can't sit here like uh you know Grandma Moses and tell you exactly how it is that you should be living your life you can't do that um I have known and Council people that were walked in very similar moccasins to yours and really couldn't quite see the reason why to put the brakes on it and then sooner or later got burned by a player and paid a six-month Pretty Dirty price for example I got run around the block pretty hard and then sort of came to terms with now wait a minute maybe this isn't the best strategy okay and then got more careful and then still gets firm okay so in other words you can still this this is uh this is the oldest game of deception that probably you know it's it's this goes back at least two million years it goes back to the moment where males started suggesting and indicating and coming through with resources for females um uh in order to exchange for sexual activity so this this goes back back we believe two and a half million years uh you say well how the hell would we know that we know that from a set of footprints of a family uh in volcanic ash somewhere in Africa so the the that that this is I think the late Australopithecus so we we know that if they were a family that means the guy was sticking around okay so there's two big sets of feet two little sets of feet it's like wow that didn't happen by accident and they they were the the most sophisticated of all you know proto-human at that point on the earth so that's about where families started so therefore this this dance goes back to them so the and males are extremely heavily incentivized to be deceptive and they are so incentivized to be deceptive that they they that the females are have had the males have become extremely good exception in the males uh and the females very good at detecting deception to the point where the males actually have deceived themselves as a way of actually Charming their way past the the female defenses and as a result of this you now are living in a situation where the males are exceptionally good at deceiving you and your uh your ability to detect that deceit is limited and in other words so you're picking your way through the people and the circumstances that don't seem too good to be true they just seem really good okay and we can expect that most of the time those will crash and burn within 90 days the uh because it turns out they were too good to be true and uh he was being honest at the time it just turns out after he'd had sex with you enough times to impregnate you suddenly he comes out of The Ether and realizes he wasn't that crazy about you after all okay so not his fault and the question is if you're a thrill-seeking female that actually finds great satisfaction in that ride then I don't I'm not here and I don't think anybody reasonable would be here to tell you oh shame on you that's a self-destructive path okay I would say well you know you might want to run an experiment for for a few months and not be don't be taken the bait and you'll probably be most incentivized to do that the next time you really you know you get crash you know somebody knocks you over the head pretty hard let me go ahead Jen I've talked too long you say something yeah well I I heard my thoughts on this in the village so this is um you know we've talked about this elsewhere but yeah I think that's it's it always comes down to experiments and you the only way that you can because there's so many other things going on we can't like always give some overarching prescriptive you know solution here because it depends on agreeableness it depends on openness it depends on all these other little nuanced personality factors about what adds up to a joyful life experience for you um and so one person who has very low openness and very high agreeableness might be better off with this kind of scenario that you're like I.E you know the sobriety that you're talking about um but if you don't have those personality characteristics that might that might feel more stifling and more cornering than what you're willing to tolerate but the only way you find out is through experimentation so um yeah I think Doug's right on with that yeah I think the some value that we bring to this discussion is number one understanding the Dynamics so that's super useful so I had a young lady recently that clearly was on the wrong end of one of these that had been going on for about four or five months um and and was very surprised because the guy was super sincere and all of it looked like it was lining up perfectly and he seemed like he felt so over rewarded Etc and yet suddenly we start to see these signs of getting ghosted okay and he was uh very good very slick about how he did that this is what I call the octopus strategy put so much ink in the water that the girl can't tell really where you are and so this is uh he did this it was all confusing and puzzling and uh and yet when we actually went down and looked at the whole context of all the evidence over the last six weeks it was exceedingly clear to me that this was nothing other than this process and she was able to to to take a deep breath and say got it that's super helpful I'm done okay like I don't I don't need to explore this further it's clear what I'm seeing and so it still hurts you know in the same way that uh you know you you need something that wasn't good for you and you get you get a bellyache and you know this is kind of what this is so she engaged relatively conservative human engaging in a well-meaning all signals in reasonable looking great possible trade for future process and it turns out nope yeah what he thought was true in March that turns out to not be true by Jim and uh that is that is literally page one of the baby book but it helps to have read the book yeah it's very very true yeah just an aside there's a lot of people who are sending um private messages either to me or to both of us uh stating your preferences for what we talk about here and you were completely split down the middle so it's like the the more the more sort of passionate your insistence that we do things your way there's somebody on the other side who is making just as passionate instances that we do it their way and they're all going the private message route to try to make sure that that their way is executed and all we can do is kind of like try to keep everybody at the at the same level of of grumbling dissatisfaction with not getting their way entirely because that's the most democratic way to do it it's exactly how we're going to do it perfect yeah yeah so sorry about that but uh you're you've you've you've been heard and we try to we're just we're trying to negotiate it um and in combination with our own interests too so we're just we we do what we can all right so um we had a another completely separate question so this is total total new topic do you have any tips books resources for learning statistics to degree level two I don't know what that means to degree level to learning it at the college level I assume um so teaching yourself really sophisticated stats I that's how I interpret that I might be interested um there's all kinds of introductory stat books so the the world is filled with them I don't have a particular favorite I have the ones that that I used you know 30 years ago packed into stone tablets and and passed from generation to generation yeah the uh so but it's all the same you know I mean nothing changes uh if if anything is you know that that's the beauty of of uh statistics is that it's absolutely not going to change there isn't an updated revised version where we now see it this way no no it's not at the conceptual level but certainly on the applied level with the tools have changed a lot so whether your book is teaching you how to whichever statistical program you're using like if you want to use R which is kind of what a lot of people are doing now you know that you really there's a big steep learning curve to that and there's some there's something to be said for starting off with learning stats conceptually in concert with the tool if you're if you intend to use the tool rather than investing in a big process to understand the concepts and then trying to figure out how to apply them to the tool I think that could be could work better for different types of people and probably the kind of curriculum you're doing but and this is this is anything but something like R is uh you know it's this command line stats programs very very versatile very powerful but not remotely intuitive if you don't know programming to some degree so there there are really intuitive programs out there and there are books that are written for those programs and so it's really just kind of what you want to use it for and um you know where you're starting from I haven't taught that in 30 years so when I when I was teaching stats we didn't use any computer program a lot you just drew a bunch of bell curves on the chalkboards sometimes I stand back and look at it and be like look at that people know the basic concepts you know before before you go too deep in any kind of Applied way um but you know there's like I I would there there are different textbooks out there for sort of statistics for the biological sciences statistics for the social sciences statistics for you know public health so either there are different applications and there are different Suites of tools and there are different tests that you want to know and they're like it's just are you looking at it to be um you know to be more literate and to understand the you know people's papers that are into you know be contribute to the literature just to interpret it um are you are you trying to create are you trying to interpret like what's your goal so lots of difference really good experiences I wouldn't have thought of that that is uh yeah if you're wanting to read medicine you know and uh then then I have I have to actually go through and translate the medical literature into my my own personal notation it comes from the social sciences to make sure that I understand what on Earth I'm looking at because different different language overlapping but yeah yeah so that's uh so yeah I might as well learn what it is that you're interested in reading and that's uh that makes a lot of sense I hadn't thought about but that's a very good idea yeah then there's also I mean there's this um to complement that or to entirely replace it there there are a million places online now that you can you know take classes so you can you can take mit's intro to statistics essentially um online or I don't know if you can actually take mits but you can certainly take high level college courses uh edx Coursera um there's the Khan Academy which is all free all online um there's there's a bunch of them uh and so and you can actually you can take the class for credit a lot of the time if you're if you want to pay some money for it and have your tests graded and have contact with the professor uh for a fraction of the cost that it would cost you to take it at your local University you can also take it at your local University I think this person who's asking does not live in the U.S but certainly in the U.S you can um here at the University of Washington I could register just as for any class that I wanted to um as a non-degree seeking student or I could potentially audit it if there was space so there are lots of options that's it you know what if you're curious I think it's a great idea our friend Larry has a saying that if you don't know stats you don't know [ __ ] and nobody knows it's very very important to at least know the basics yeah yes yeah the uh super super useful because particularly I mean no more important that I that I've ever seen than today in the midst of this pandemic as as I am well aware that the public and the talking heads are are lost they have no idea what they're what they're looking at and the experts are are two vast majority of people that have the floor are are being deceptive as hell and so it's very clear that they are by the way so in other words it's not my personal opinion it's very clear that there's high level coordinated deception on the part of this so we are uh so there you know we can peer through that the people that are knowledgeable about stats can appear their way through that and say aha there it is okay and believe me I've had many there it is moments in in this Fiasco so that doesn't doesn't make you all Powerful Oz it just makes you less likely to get badly deceived and so that's uh that's what and and for us to I I I'm starting to listen to I guess some some uh group of vegan docs talking about this and as soon as they started talking I realized now they don't know anything the uh this was like I I was not interested in listening to it further as it became obvious that they they thought they were experts in this area and they weren't so what are you gonna do so we uh yes it can if you're interested in studying stats uh one of the probably more useful and stats is also by the way folks if you ever get into it it's actually pretty amazing it's it's it's it's it's like learning how a Swiss watch actually works uh statistics is uh quite complicated in how it pieces things together into a coherent argument um and it's quite complex and it was a number of brilliant people were involved in the uh in in its development you could call it it's Discovery okay and that that didn't really happen I don't know until maybe 1920. so this is uh statistics is not very old real basic statistics are super basic statistics sorry but the the statistics that run science today uh were not actually known in 1900 so this is uh and we couldn't possibly be do decently at understanding the truth about anything complicated without it today and and it is widely used to deceive white okay so widely and easily okay so uh and so to be able to defend yourself against uh that deception uh useful to have a basic ground all right all good and then even if you do even if you do have the good grounding you realize that most of the studies are are flawed Beyond repair that they're they're all they're all zombie trials or they're they're they're they're ill-conceived in some fundamental irreparable way and so you you can have the the literacy statistically but you also have to have the the sort of ability to take that 30 000 foot View and look at the study design and um and then you're still some percentage of the time looking at absolutely made up numbers and and uh test subjects and everything else another another topic for another time for another day makes you makes you a little scientifically cynical after a while so we have um we have so many diet questions I'm going to collapse a couple of these just for one more question here so just because we have so many of them so how do you how do you stay Whole Food plant-based while traveling um I find it very hard to eat out that way I also try to eat 100 organic but very hard while traveling and then this other question I I after six months of compliance Whole Food plant-based sofas free I broke down and had a small pizza no cheese no oil it was fantastic now it calls me every weekend how do I turn off the siren song of the pizza so yeah yeah would you speak up go ahead I'm running the questions over here it's a full-time job so yeah I think that the second I can start with the second one first that's uh you know you just have to let that sort of immediate um the the immediate addictive process run itself out and White Knuckle through it so the siren song will stop after some amount of time with the extinction process of the craving so you won't be thinking about that pizza as much next week as you're thinking about it now and in a month if you if you don't give in and get into the pizza it won't it you know barely be tapping your Consciousness at all so this is the process with any addictive substance whether it's alcohol or nicotine or processed food um but there's also kind of the you know this pizza that you're describing this multi-grain no cheese no oil um you know this gets us into the sort of more philosophical conversation about perfection and and letting Perfection be the enemy of the good and is there a place in your life for food that resembles that um I mean that sounds like it's basically you you made it yourself or it's like pretty virtuous as such things go um it's certainly not the end of the world uh and if if it's something that you can manage the you know you've probably been eating pretty systematically under your hunger drive for a while if you're if you're being really super strict um in the way that you describe and so this might also be your your body and your brain saying okay like let's break let's come back to a more sustainable equilibrium here that we can maintain over time um and that may include a place for more calorie dense foods and that's what this message is trying to tell you so it could be that the siren song of the pizza will go away if you give yourself more potatoes or if you eat more beans and cornbread and things that are sort of um satiating at a level that maybe you're not quite up to at this time so it just really kind of depends what the context is but it's um that's a pretty as as cheat meals go that sounds pretty virtuous and traveling I would say say much the same thing sort of like my My Philosophy with traveling is you just do your best you don't strive for Perfection because you're very like unlikely to attain it unless you are somebody who really gets put into a tailspin if you if you depart the flight plan you know if you if you really you have to maintain this perfect compliance or else you're in really tremendous trouble even with a departure as small as a cheeseless pizza um and uh and that that is repeated enough times that you just know yourself well enough that it's really important to stay 100 compliant IE AJ um then that's kind of what you have to do and you just you you do what you can and you prepare as much as you can you travel with your instant pot like she does but I think for most people you just do the best you can and then when you get back home you realize you might be in a little bit of an edgy addictive process that you're just gonna have to wait out and get back in your groove and get back to normal after after eating trampoline so that's my general philosophy there sure yeah every every bit of that chess board's covered I'll see that's all that's all you can do yeah very good yeah all right all right well we have we have lots and lots and lots of other questions and and uh disagreeable comments being sent privately and all sorts of things so you guys are really active today so we will uh we will do what we can to try to move these over to the next one and um and as you know we we have the podcast we have Hawk blocked we have um we're out there in about yammering about things in other contexts all throughout the week so so uh we will we'll see you soon oh oh you gotta tell them gotta tell them that we did it as a fabulous review yesterday yeah we sat down with with Dr Charles Murray yesterday and talked to him for uh about an hour we had some technical trouble at the beginning so we we got 10 minutes stolen from us um but he was lovely and uh very patient and we were able to talk to him about a lot of different things um current events and his philosophy his new book um and he was just very gracious and it was really great to be able to talk to him and my uh anybody that's listening to us uh Jen Hawk was phenomenal okay so I would not go that far it was just absolutely magnificent and the uh I would have been a deer in the headlights and in trouble and a little bit of flat interview yeah to me but but you get to see you get to see two Extraordinary People on display uh both these superb Minds in political science you see Jen asking you know one of the Grand Old Guard of the world uh about his thinking and his thoughts about America and a political situation now and uh Etc this is a this is a really interesting thoughtful um uh somber uh interview of listening to to one of uh Mankind's greatest thinkers and so I encourage you to listen and you'll you will see our uh Superstar uh the the light at home and just Sparkle So it's a wonderful thing to watch I I just wanted him to be our friend I want to talk to him again he's uh he's just such I mean such a d as we've said before I think the most misunderstood social scientist in history probably um and certainly of our time and uh has such important things to say and it his his pessimism about the current moment and the direction that we're heading in is so striking um that uh it's you know for somebody who is lived a very long time and um has has seen a lot and has been a big part of this conversation from the beginning he he is quite pessimistic but um we did find some little glimmers of Hope in the conversation so we I have to edit it there's some sound issues pretty significant sound issues his stream was really not great um we need to start a crowdfunding for better internet for Charles Murray but so I'm gonna try to even that out and we will have that up it'll probably be a beat your jeans episode um and I will publish the video on the uh in in the library and also likely at some point on the esteem Dynamics YouTube channel so it will be around you guys won't miss it I'll mention it and whenever it's ready I'll be sure to mention it in the uh the newsletter that I send out so all right all right well on we go I'm I'm gonna go do some of my apocalypse gardening breakfast give me uh the survival crops going so all right I'll go look for some raw Land by a river in Tennessee so that's working on it working on it oh man all right you guys well we will see you next time if not before so uh and I know you Village People I need to um send you I've never called you the Village People before but that's kind of cute it makes a lot of sense um I have not sent the link for tomorrow but I'll send that out this afternoon so stay tuned all right all right everybody all right have a good one bye
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