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Gustavo Tolosa: Dr Doug Lisle QA Why exercise, salt intake and high blood pressure, addiction, night cravings
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hello I'm Gustavo Tolosa and I am in Dallas Texas I am the webinar host for dr. mcdougal and his guests every week and today we have a very special guest that we have been working on getting online here and that is dr. Doug Lyall and dr. Doug Lyall is the psychologist for the mcdougal program and he also works at true north health center and it's always a privilege to interview him and to have him as a guest and that you all know his book the pleasure trap and I just wanted to say a few words today about the trip to Hawaii last week and it was amazing you can see a little bit of my hair my redness in my face it was great food great company I highly recommend that you try next time I don't know when the next time is going to be I met a lot of lovely people and it's just a great way to get connected and to get support in order to be successful I also want to mention that tomorrow is the beginning of the weekend of the advance study weekend and as I'm waiting for everybody to log in I will show you the screen so that you all can see I think there's still time for you to read and you can see the web site here this is the this is the next 10 day program and you can go to dr. McDougall comm and sign up for it it's on March 3rd as you can see here and then there's three more after that and the Advanced Study weekend is right here and I think that I don't think it's sold me may be sold out but maybe there is still some room it's a very great conference to attend amazing guests so I definitely recommend that and I would like to welcome dr. Lyle now you are on screen how are you doing today from California they're gay did you see the sava nice to see you and I know I'm going to see you this week and I'm excited as usual and I'm going see you the following week and also because that's the test said the healthy taste of Sacramento right yeah yeah and you will be there and dr. mcdougal will there if anybody lives in the Sacramento area or in Sacramento I highly recommend that the to attend is going to be dr. mcdougal Mary mcdougal his shine and Craig MacDougall's and you're going to be there chef AJ two other chefs and I think there are a few other doctors I'll try to show you everybody the website later on as we finish so as dr. Lyle I have some questions that people have submitted sure I was just wondering if you don't mind would you tell me what what I wanted what is one of the most common questions that you get from people whether it is in a group setting when you do the 10 day program or in private sessions when they're trying to you know get used to the plant-based weigh weight of eating I mean do you do you see a pattern of something that most people ask or struggle with during that transition yeah I think that the most common mistake that I see where people are lost is a lot of people that get into this arena haven't a notion that healthy eating means salad and steamed vegetables and fruit and sort of not sure what else and as a result a lot of them will think that they're being a good kid by having a big salad at lunch for example and they don't understand that the center or the healthy diet is starches and I like to add something to visit sometimes people see something more clearly and that is that the starches need to be wet the starch dry starch is like bread so that greatly increases the calorie density because we pull the water out of the food the starches should be wet so owed meal is wet and corn on the cob is wet and a baked potato is wet and Rice's wet even pasta which is more concentrated than a purely natural starch is wet and therefore filling half the calorie density bread which is essentially the same chemical and so this is the biggest mistake that people are making is that they don't understand that starch is the center of what it is that you're going to be eating that's going to be healthy and the fruits and vegetables are actually at the periphery and so if you don't know what your starch is that you're eating for lunch you're in trouble oh I also your white potatoes beans corn oats pasta etc these are the big starches and if you if your day isn't centered around those then what happens is that people get hungry through great self-discipline they're picking around with some fruit and salad and maybe some steamed vegetables and they are thinking they are not sure what to think and at that point a lot of times they'll they'll start diving into some very rich foods now this is where the peanut butter and crackers or bread comes out because people are hungry and they're craving greater calorie density and the calorie density that they're creating would be satisfied by by the major starches right right and it's such a good like that people stationed such a good blender because we forget the starches are what key but what is fine sure very good so here we have a question by one of our viewers and this person says let's see here there is a popular theory being that one should not exercise at the same time that they're attempting to lose weight because of the willpower that maybe gets washed out or something and makes it harder to follow the diet what are your thoughts on this yeah it's very interesting I understand what their what they're trying to say and what they're trying to say is this and that is that the concepts modern thinking about willpower is that you only have so much ability to change so many things in your life and that if you add exercise to the pile then you're going to not give do as good a job on your diet turns out this is not likely to be the case that exercise is actually the one thing that you can add into your life that actually generally improves your willpower across the board and we're not sure why this is there's some speculation as to why that might be true but definitely that that is incorrect at least at this point of the game there's no no empirical support for the idea that that adding exercise is going to reduce your willpower in general actually quite the opposite so it's a good idea to if you're trying to lose weight incidentally you don't exercise calories off that's not the point the point is that you will feel better there's a possibility that by exercising you get better at kicking glycogen out of your liver essentially because you put demands on the system as you as you go through the exercise process and so as a result of that it could be that the the increased ability at mobilizing glycogen may actually improve willpower generally so that when you need you actually need support when you're kind of burned-out and tired you are you are able to mobilize glycogen more effectively and therefore support your blood sugar levels in the brain so this is this is speculative it's interesting we're not sure about what the truth is but one thing is for sure and that is that adding a moderate exercise program into your life is not going to reduce your willpower in general it's going to support it can you say if you were to buy what is glycogen glycogen this is basically the sugar that is stored in your liver when you eat there so if you eat a baked potato you don't burn up that the calories of that baked potato right away what will happen is is that some of that glycogen or sugar will be stored in your liver and also in your muscles so this is this is generally kind of like a gas tank that that your body lives on and this is what happens when when you go without food for about a day where you go on an all protein Atkins style diet you will lose that glycogen you'll burn through that glycogen in about a day and then you'll go into ketosis which is where you start burning fats so this is a glycogen is is what it is that your life is designed to run on basically right right okay very good yeah and dr. mcdougal talked a lot about ketosis and the last couple of times and I really encourage people to watch those two webinars so it was going on with the same target topic of exercise here's another questions I want to exercise more but my motivational triad seems to point me in the direction of the sofa it feels good to rest there's no sweat involved and my energy is conserved how do you get around this way of thinking to enjoy the wonderful health benefits of an active life lifestyle well I can say that that I actually went through this to be a little bit revealing I went through this with chef AJ a few years back so chef AJ and I had very good discussions about diet and health and weight loss something else and I was explaining to her that exercise is a very useful and important component not not to burn calories in weight loss that's not the point but to actually just feel better generally it improves your mood it's actually a lot of bodily systems and mental systems are are essentially meeting that sort of stress if you if you don't stress the system to some regard in the way that it was designed to be stressed there will be subtle compromises this is very much akin to osteoporosis for example when the astronauts go up in space they're not stressing the skeleton and so it starts to atrophy and in the same way same thing is happening to your body that your muscles will atrophy down to the minimum level that they need to do what it is that they're doing essentially if it's to lie on the couch and then just get up to get to the refrigerator that your musculature will become minimal in order to simply deal with those demands and no others and so obviously is that there limits to how much atrophy will go on but the benefits of exercise are more comprehensive and so if you were to look at cellular markers of health you will find that the very same markers that are improved by better diet are also improved by exercise they it all starts looking the same in other words they're say there's a very multi-dimensional complicated process involved in in how health processes work and so by not exercising we're depriving ourselves of that as it turned out chef AJ who is never an exercise fan started to do this I didn't say make a big deal out of it but do something so whatever whatever the plan was 15 minutes a day of walking around the block wasn't any big deal and she got so she really liked it and it sort of changed her whole attitude about it in I can't remember how long it took but I think it was within months she felt like she wouldn't want to do without it which is exactly consistent without what most people's experience will be dr. Lyle someone was saying at how long it takes to deplete the glycogen storages I think I heard once dr. mcdougal chain that it may take two or three days is that right pretty much you can burn it all in one day well it depends on tomatoes you are but yet it's on too many factors that are individual so it depends upon how much how much starts you've loaded up on in 24 hours as you go into the situation it depends upon what it is that you're doing during the time when you knock out all possible glycogen inputs to your diet so typically we will see people start to move in Te ptosis after about 24 hours of fasting that would be normal the fact that people could still have a little bit of glycogen hanging around longer than that would be no surprise and that would just be poor a part of a normal individual variation right okay very good sue is asking why do you think some people are so hostile to vegan diet well people are hostile to things where they feel like they're threatened so in this case vegan diets are threatening to the status of individuals who are not eating them because the the implication of the vegan diet is that we are doing something that is superior so there's no question does there say that there's a latent hierarchy that's involved here so there's two two directions of the hierarchy takes one of them is that it's superior physically and the other one is that it's superior or morally or ethically and so essentially it's going to be the case that that depends upon who the individual is on the other side of this that they may feel essentially criticized and so that is that is why it is that they're going to be hostile so they will very often then attack a vegan diet possibly on its merits physically if they believe that that they are being essentially criticized by by not being that smart and knowing the enough data points etc so they're going to fight about that or it could be that they are going to fight the grounds on moral ethical ramps essentially that the vegan position is a hippie dippie you know overly anthropomorphic silly etc and not not manly tough or for asserting human dominance and rights over the animal kingdom etcetera etcetera so whatever it is that's going on there's a sense of that they are being criticized and that's why actually my lecture on getting along without going along is all about trying to sand the edges off of the implied criticism that comes when we are doing things in a way that require more self-discipline and intelligence than the people around us we want to be very smooth about this because my goal is to actually execute this behavior myself and minimize all social pressure around it my goal is to not transport this information in new people's heads so I'm not trying to proselytize this in any way in my own private life the fact the fact that I that I do speaking and educating on this topic to people who are coming to us for the information and are asking us is an entirely different question so the roles there are now clearly defined that I'm an educator and someone is seeking information at that point I'll talk all day about these issues but when it comes to people that are not asking then I'm not trying to do anything to make them uncomfortable in fact I'm going to try to go out of my way to see to it that there's comfortable as possible right right I I totally agree i I've you know at the beginning when you fix - eating right and looking away you're so excited to talk to everyone you want to save the world well I said not everybody is interested in being saved so it's a it's a learning curve I see AJ here saying that she walks mainly ninety minutes a day then I takes a spin class for twenty five minutes three times a week ah and then do 2 or 3 yen yoshii classes for 90 minutes so anyway that I want to point out that that is a revolution what's going on five years ago as well not only was a revolution there was considerable resistance to the whole idea and clearly what we're watching is someone who discovered how good it felt to to exercise and be in really good condition and and then AJ being AJ here just there's no middle ground no others I'll retire as I am without very good but Thank You AJ appreciate you being here and being such a powerful example to all of us and dr. Lisle tennis a little bit about salt salt is it is an interesting one and it's one that I'm not that knowledgeable of but I'll tell you a few things that I that are being debated this is one of those debates where Alan Goldhamer dr. McDougall are going to snarl at each other a little bit obviously they they agree on almost everything but this is one of these little points of attention and so whenever I on edge with Jeff Novick in the middle of this because I'm not going to put up in the middle so there's nobody call on Jeff and ask him what he thinks so you want to use really good friends with both of these guys as I might the I understand their perspectives I believe and that is that Alan would say listen there's no sodium in nature where people were pouring it on their food they would get their food there we get their sodium from natural situations they would get it in low amounts it would probably be about 500 milligrams today etc and that's what we should be doing so that's what the food at turn art is like and it's bland folks I can testify that yes you could justify okay down a program I'm not sure how this is that it seems like the food has more salt in it I think it does the still very low sodium and so in both cases both the mcdougal diet which which has some sodium in it or allows some sodium Jeff a long time ago said that the right eyeball estimate would be that there are when you're looking at processed food one milligram per calorie so in that way that a person shouldn't be eating probably more than a thousand milligrams today of sodium because they would get a little bit from their natural food and then if they got one calorie per for one milligram per calorie for many processed foods that they're reading they would probably be on a diet of less than 2,000 milligrams today which is outstanding typical American I think eats about 5,000 milligrams a day of sodium now so what's the real issue dr. mcdougal is attitude is let's get the big picture right we're trying to we're trying to paint a really good picture not necessarily a masterpiece so we want to do a very good job you want to get an A in your health and mcdougal diet will take you to an eddy now let's suppose that were someone for example who is what pressure is not coming down that well on on imma do Goliath so medulla light has been shown to be outstanding with respect to helping high blood pressure but let's suppose that yours is a little sticky then I would say well maybe you should go towards the TrueNorth diet which is just a little bit more strict and when people do that typically they will get a little bit more benefit so that's that's one way to look at it and Alan also likes to point out I'm just get a good question so I'm going to give you no Alan likes to point out that when people eat higher sodium diets it turns out that are more likely to wake up possibly because they're thirsty so it's a little bit of a sleep disrupter and so you're more likely to sleep through the night more soundly with a lower sodium diet so he's all proud of this and this might be useful for people who are a little touchy in their sleep and maybe a little bit insomniac so they might sleep for four hours and then pop awake and then have a hard truck go back to sleep this may be a place where you want to give a little bit of attention to and and see whether or not a completely full natural foods diet ie a diet of extremely low sodium might be a benefit so these are just a few little details this is a mmm there was a fine lecturer in California in the 1970s and 80s and 90s by the name of Jim Rohn ad he's now passed away is a terrific motivational speaker and he used to say following don't major and minor things add and so this is one of these questions that it's a it's an interesting little question it's potentially important for a few select individuals but this is a minor issue the big picture as Jeff says get the big things right first then we'll worry about the little things that's that's true you know and I don't think they put any salt admit Google's program but they do have available God that's what it is you know and he says just put it on the carpet and you only need very little yes it is a MacDougal food I have to say tastes great yeah it's there's some things about it that are that are there's some genius there in the kitchen and I can't reproduce it on myself I don't application that's not very good very good okay here's another very interesting question whenever I try to give up the things that are keeping me fat and sick like chocolate peanut butter alcohol and rich sugary desserts I start to have cravings for these things and seem to have them even more if I'm honest with myself I realize that I want them all the time whether I'm abstaining from them or not but when I try and I go without them I feel a profound sense of deprivation yes I know I am NOT the kind of person who can have just a little of these things so I am wondering if the cravings and the privation that I feel are psychological physiological or both they're both so the craving is a psychophysiological event so this is all tied in together it's not one or the other just like the craving for heroin it's also the psychophysiological event so or alcohol or anything else so the you're this person is beautifully describing essentially an addictive process and it's not an addictive process it's going to wind you up on the street with a bunch of pencils and a cup and hoping to find a place to stay for the night it's not that kind of an addiction it's the kind of an addiction that is gentle but it's profound so there's this individuals in what I call the pleasure trap and the pleasure trap is day is a quietly devastating trap it's a it's it's not yanking you in gel that's not what it does it doesn't this is not methamphetamine this is not morphine this is not cocaine that's not how it works and it doesn't it doesn't destroy a life wholesale and basically put you in a you know psychological Jail that's not what it is it's just a tug on your sleeve that keeps you off course and so this this person the cravings that she's experiencing and the frustration that she's experiencing this is absolutely what this process is is this is an addiction and this addiction can easily and will be broken with a period of absence probably my guess is six weeks and this entire thing looks completely different so as I've talked about at other times what's going on is every time you you have some of this stuff what happens is is that the memories now are very very vivid and so the next day you're you can remember extremely well what this tasted like what the experience was and so therefore the images the mental images that you have as a result of the very recent experience now are chaining you to do it again the next day so this is this is how this works so just as if you had seen gone with the wind yesterday then today you would be flooded with memories have gone with the wind and it would be very emotionally cousin to you but if you saw gone with the wind six weeks ago for the first time it would still be interesting and you would still have feelings about it that it would be fading away to the periphery and it wouldn't be nearly as potent and so this is exactly how it works with with rich food or with drugs for that matter but the longer you go before you dose yourself the the more and more the memories fade and the less potency they have now that doesn't mean that if you go two months that you are out of the woods because what will happen is you have a little adventurous curiosity seeking trip inside your head that will want you to circle back around and to check to make sure that you aren't being a fool and leaving something really fantastic on the table and so very often people then circle back around and check and then they get back on the trap again so this is there's no secret to staying out the bottom line is is that it's tricky to stay out and it's hard to say permanently but getting back out of the trap is important it's useful to know that if you if you dose yourself with your drug of choice here and you you are in trouble because you know you have these hot memories that you're probably about three days away from from being in pretty good shape so the that that's about what it takes for a little relapse to be put under control the but this is why it is that we we do some very simple rules like we don't bring any junk food into the house so that it's not easy and it's not accessible so we're not getting essentially reminded on a daily basis or several times a week about what this tastes like and what it feels like so yes this is a great question it's a great personal description and the answer is you have to be determined to get your environment clean and up and get clean you don't have to go through the kind of withdrawals that people that fight drug addiction have to go through but you've got to go through something similar you've got to go through something that is 15 percent of what it is that they go through and you will see in that 15 percent but this is no joke these things do grab ups grab that nervous system and they are you know this this process is not easy to to get rid of it very good thank you because I always wonder what not always but often wonder why like I know a couple of people that can have one piece of whatever it is I don't know if each other piece of cake or some birth and and it can be little and that's fine and they don't want anymore yeah did and does not mean of course and it's that something that is innate why so or is there even an explanation oh I believe that that's innate I don't think there's any question about that so there's there's tremendous evidence about the individual differences in in reactivity to different chemicals whether that those chemicals are artificial drugs or whether or not it's food there's huge differences and there's huge differences in sort of how how hot that motivation gets lit with respect to all kinds of different stimuli and so yeah so that's just ended natural individual difference between people and so that's that's the people that are there I cannot imagine what it's like to be an out-of-control racehorse going through a box of C's candy it's just not in them so they'll they will never understand us but up we do understand okay here's another interesting question one that I don't hear often and I would like to to be asking but it's just what is the best way to gain weight yes best way to gain weight is exactly the best the opposite of the best way to lose it so the best the best weight well actually not quite because when we usually when people are losing weight we are we're trying to get them out out of oil and we're trying to get them out of white bread and animal foods I see very about it outside of all the high fat high processed foods the best way to gain weight is actually to have processed healthy foods in the diet and so processed healthy food an example of that would be whole-grain pasta so that would be an example of that other things would be nuts and seeds that would be another thing a very good healthy bread Ezekiel bread for example these are ways that people ways that we process foods in order to increase the overall calorie density and that will that will have people have their weight creep up if they're very thin incidentally not necessarily that easily because the individual differences sometimes people are naturally very thin and it it's not that easy for them to gain very much weight so if you have somebody that's 100 pounds and they're eating a very clean diet if they eat a diet that's a lot richer you might see them slowly gain five pounds and that may be all that happens and so sometimes so the jeans are having an enormous influence on the what we call the reaction range of what can happen to a person's weight right right I see a lot of I see some people that have questions that may be a little more specific and I do want to take time to remind everybody dr. Lisle it can actually coat your help you online or buy a phone call if I'm if I'm right if I correct yes they can contact you at dr. Doug Lyall at yahoo.com but it or it all go to your website at the esteem dynamics yeah I highly recommend everybody I highly recommend half an hour with dr. Lisle it is invaluable we have a question here about night eating which is something that I sometimes if I if I have cravings because like you said earlier maybe one day I just didn't eat enough starches if I had cravings it for some reason it's always at night oh but I always am sure to keep sweet very sweet sweet potatoes or something that I can actually eat that is healthy any advice on how to curtail night time eating I eat enough during the day including enough starch but I just can't stop eating from the time I finished dinner until I go to bed it's healthy food like fruits veggies and starch but way more than I need and it makes me feel uncomfortable not to mention I can't lose weight yes I would say this there's more than one thing to say about this and that is that if you eat a bunch at night you're just going to eat less the next morning so it's going to all come out on the wash the however the it's also characteristic of our species to actually be night eaters interestingly enough so when when we have studied hunter-gatherer tribes around the world there's about 175 of them we find that they have the almost identical rhythm to matter whereas if they're on a planet and that is that they're they're essentially eating raw foods during the day that they could they could pick and eat and then at nighttime they're bringing the if men have hunted successfully and there's meat and the women have been digging for tubers or root vegetables or other other starchy products they're bringing all those together at the end of the day and they're cooking and so the vast majority of calories for human beings are eaten in the evening so I don't know we have down light evolutionary biology for this but we certainly have a rhythmic pattern of how human beings go about their business that is consistent with us so it doesn't surprise me I'm the same way I will need most of my calories you know from 5 p.m. on now so I understand what this person is saying it just seems like a good idea to keep eating see I've also to become aware that you can change this and you can change this by having a hard stop so you may have a hard stop and say 8 o'clock and that's it and you just don't eat any more at all after 8 o'clock now here's the trick with us and that is that you are conditioned right now to continue to eat so that means that you actually have all kinds of mental physiological machinery that is anticipating that you're going to eat and so even when you're not hungry you can have essentially cravings cooking up inside the nervous system as you're anticipating that you are in fact going to be eating at 9:30 or 10 o'clock or whatever is so those are slightly uncomfortable and disturbing and they become part of the motivational system and so that can be dialed down that can be eliminated but just this is very much akin to the addiction process that I was just talking about and so it probably has a similar time frame prompt maybe less because we're not dealing with supernormal stimuli but my guess is is that in about probably three weeks you can counter condition your nervous system there right now believes that it's going to be getting food and therefore actually kicks up some digestive processes outside of your awareness even after dinner so you can you can essentially counter condition this by not making a hard stop and you should be out of the woods probably in less than a month so that's how you can do that all right very good thank you there was someone earlier here on the chat I think this person might be here still I'm not sure but was asking that I can't remember now if it was a man or a woman I think it was a lady and saying that she had had been diagnosed with cancer and had surgery doesn't need any other treatment and she was wondering if you could say something about the starch solution if there are certain foods that she should eat more off or less off in this case not that I know of my my my strategy would be that it is extremely healthy diet it would be essentially the diet that would be recommended by John McDougall would be the guys that I would be recommending there were different fruits and vegetables we I don't think the notion that there are particular foods that are higher in cancer fighting phytochemicals is likely to be true I know that there's people to speculate on that but here's the problem and that is that the phytochemicals are not well identified and so the fact that I found a lot of them in weepy greens doesn't mean that they're not going to find a whole heck of a lot of them in sweet potatoes that we haven't seen yet and so my my thinking is that I don't think that that is going to be a substantive issue with respect to cancer retardation I think that that the most important thing is what what you are not eating we want to make sure that we're not eating animal food we're not eating heated oils etc and we want to take every opportunity to so rather than eating bread we would rather be eating a steamed potato so it's for those starches so we want to be eating things as as natural as possible so that we're getting the chemistry that our natural history was was it was designed on and if we do that I believe that you're going to give yourself an optimal defense against cancer from the dietary point of view dr. Lyon do you uh I think I've heard dr. McDougall talk about how not come in a shell for a reason nowadays we can go to the store and buy a can and open it and just eat the whole thing but in the older times you have to open it up crack each one and it take you two hours maybe to have a little bag and now people are asking if it's okay like someone here's asking to eat chestnuts every day or vacuum-packed whole peeled book chestnuts useful for snacking and what are your thoughts I mean it's not unhealthy I don't think about it would it would we prevent weight loss oh I think it would and so I think the studies that have shown that it's not related to weight loss were done way too way too small of a tendon for not long enough period of time if I remember I think Geoff Nova kiss has covered this in fairly comprehensive detail yeah nuts oral high fat food and so they're not a food that our ancestors would have had 365-day your access to particularly not in large amounts are the healthy biochem MacLeish sure they are is it something that that it's one of the first places I would look in a really healthy diet if a person is 10 or 15 or 20 percent overweight but they're eating a fair amount of nuts that that would be a place where I would be looking to cut it down so yeah there are certainly suspicious in the fact that there are 2500 calories a pound and they are the richest foods in nature period there is no other natural food that it matches nuts and seeds for basically the same and so yes that they are should be used in moderation right right what are your thoughts I don't think I've ever asked you this about the environment do you follow a plant-based diet now more because of you know the dangers of the environment or is that something that doesn't bother you people differ a lot on this and people there's tremendous diversity of scientific opinion about all kinds of things with respect to our environment and I'm not expert enough to to be commenting about this and I don't know that much about it I my my way of thinking about this is that by having a vegan lifestyle I'm certainly doing more than my part relative to the average American with respect to the environment but I had a lot of trust that the environmental issues will probably be fine there's going to be some continued impact of human activity on earth as it has been for thousands of years and I think that there's going to have to be you know cautious government and international concern about these things and as the future unfolds but I'm not personally panicked about anything I'm just going to do my job he helpfully be responsible and call it good right alright thank you thank you for that let's just tie to one motor topic and in the weekend finish the webinar and I want to thank everybody again for logging in today and just about a vegetable fat of course dr. mcdougal or you or two north and many of the other doctors don't recommend any process for any like oil or vegetable oil but when we're talking about the vegetable fat that comes from the vegetables are we eating is there someone saying how much vegetable fat can when even the mcdougal diet is there any kind of limit oh well I don't think so I would be an absurd looking diet over loaded with fat you'd have to eat a bunch of nuts and avocado and you'd be that we'd be getting the majority of your towers from there and then if you did that I don't think that that would be a very healthy diet I think you I think if you start eating a diet that's 50% fat I think there's going to be problems do I think that the system would tolerate it yeah I think it we tolerate it fairly well it tolerates a that excuse I've fat diet in a conventional American so you could eat you can eat very high quantities there's vegetable natural vegetable fat and you would survive and you would be okay would you be in as good a condition if you're ready diet that is more consistent with the kind of balanced system we look for no I don't think that you would be in description so yeah I don't worry about that on tents I'm not trying to measure it and keep it at 10% or 15% or whatever it is that anybody thinks my job is to eat the majority of my calories are coming from the big starches I'm surrounding those with fruits and vegetables and and and I don't worry about about fat content don't worry about the content of anything quite frankly I just run the food he just comes in the rise of proportions in the package for them now one more thing someone is saying that her husband has high blood pressure even though he has been on a plant-based diet for two years now it's hard to to know unless of course we knew exactly what that person eats on a daily basis you have any ideas of why or what food to this Carson who is on a plant-based diet might be eating that keeps the blood pressure high why I would tell them to be eat to eat a pure diet there was nothing other than then essentially cooked tubers you know rice beans potatoes steamed vegetables and fruit and call it a day and no sauces nothing out of a can no process anything no bread no Earth Balance spread no peanut butter nothing it was let's just see what happens and so we we do that for 30 days ie a diet really close to our natural history that probably has three to five hundred milligrams of sodium a day and we see what thirty days of that does okay if 30 days of that does not bring the blood pressure substantially down then I would write to me and I will tell you what you do from them yeah but first we do that because that is the first suggestion not the only but the first number-one likelihood is the kidneys are not keeping up with the sodium demand and even though the person could be on a very healthy diet they could have sufficiently reduced kidney function that they just can't handle even 2,000 milligrams a day so they may have to head for 500 and at that point if that helps the whole body gets caught up they diurese down they lose a few pounds of water takes a tremendous amount of pressure off the cardiopulmonary system and we wind up with much lower bowl of blood pressure so if that it's not the only cause it's just the most likely one and so if that doesn't work white to me dr. Doug Lyall at yahoo.com and will send you information to go from there all right very good well thank you so much dr. Lisle really really appreciate it I know everybody here it's super appreciative and excited for your time and I just before we leave if you have to leave please feel free see I just want to take a minute and all the healthy taste of Sacramento's or the people that may be wanting to attend a taste event and it's called healthy taste online calm and even though the event is sold out I think I saw that you can still get the online version available and so you can watch it from the comfort of your own home and I know you like I said earlier I know you will be there and I will be there as well okay here we are all right well thank you again dr. Lyle well and next week I will be back with dr. mcdougal talking about diabetes this is going to be a very very good webinar I suggest everybody goes to his website and read the newsletter that he wrote about diabetes I think is one of the most brilliant articles that he has written and it needs to be read by everyone and next week he's going to be talking about that and hopefully taking questions so I will see you in the in a couple of days that's Lyle in Santa Rosa and maybe I'll see some of you that are planning to attend the Advanced Study weekend all right but thank you and goodbye or get back bye-bye
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