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Gustavo Tolosa: Dr Doug Lisle Talks About The Perfect Personality
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well hello everyone and welcome to another week with our life with dr. mcdougall webinars and today as it's usually the case and every second Thursday of the month we have our guest of honor dr. Doug Lyall dr. blood Doug Lyall is the psychologist for the true north health center and also for the 10-day living program both in santa rosa california for dr. mcdougall and it's always always a pleasure to have what I and AJ as well I have to quote her we think that leave it dr. Lyle is one of the most brilliant minds in today's world of psychology and if there was an Oscar for psychologists it would have to go to dr. Lyle so we are thrilled to have you here central I know everybody's is just can't wait to learn from you today I just want to say for those of you that may not be aware that dr. Maya wrote this magnificent book the flesh of trap I encourage you all to get it also he has this amazing website steam dynamic and I thing can't encourage you enough to visit the website of the perhaps schedule a phone consultation with him and I heard dr. I about two weeks ago in the healthy taste of Sacramento and he presented a lecture that is called the perfect personality and I thought it was one of the best show of course it's hard to say which one is the best because they're all brilliant but this one I hadn't heard it before so I asked if we would present it to us here it's very informative and it's very fun as well and I think we all need to know a little bit more about our personalities and that hopefully will help us in our journey through our plant based diet and without any further ado I will like to present you all dr. Doug Lyall and I think dr. Lyle we need you to turn on your camera there you go so high and very good so let's see if I can bring you to the screen there you go I play today just everything's good all good at most very good very good well like I said earlier thank you for making the time to be here it really is a time of a lot of fun and learning and we're all appreciated so everyone today it's gonna be a little different we have been doing questions and answers today dr. Lyle is going to give you one of his inspiring presentations with this wonderful drawings and it's a PowerPoint presentation and I will disable the chat so that you can really listen I want you all to get this most out of this lecture there may be time for questions at the end but if not we will when we have you back next month of July maybe we can work on questions about this lecture we said okay for a solo alright very good so i will put your powerpoint presentation on the screen and you're ready right all right ok so here we go give me a few seconds all right ok because you do see that right there we go all right well this is the story of what I call a perfect personality and what this is about it has a little bit of history to it and that is says you know many years ago driving digable I can't just after after we had done the closure traps and he said well I think there's more to the story than what you guys did and you got a piece of the puzzle here without white is specifically but you don't there's some things missing and Alan of course world with eyes and I said well you know there is there's a whole other part of psychology that we didn't really talk about in the workshop and that is the psychology is broken into two major fields of Investigation one of them is going to be what we call general psychology that would be the equivalent in anatomy in medicine as Grey's Anatomy in other words what are all the parts of how they all work that's general psychology and the pleasure trap was written time thinking about general psychology in other words how did the pressure mechanisms work out of people get addicted to things how does modern processed food get people into trouble does those are those are issues that fit everybody in our species and so but there's a second part of psychology that equivalent to becoming a specialist in medicine and that is that once you learn about how the kidney works now you have to learn if you want to be a kidney doctor you need to learn about how each individual kidney walk what about the individual differences between kidneys and in psychology that's akin to what we're going to call for smelly in other words general psychology is the pleasure trap personality is about how are people different from one another that makes this problem more difficult or more easy for different people to solve and so I decided to go on a conceptual search for the perfect personality the first thing that you would we really got but here if you're trying to find this person that they would be a person as soon as you presented them this information they would just take this information and go with it and not have any trouble and then I wanted to look at all the reasons why it would be easy for them and get a vote for the rest of us because most of us do not have the perfect personality solve this problem so we have to look at the problem of personality as as an individual one of our strengths and weaknesses and then figure out how it is that we're going to work around our weaknesses and play to our strengths alright so in the history of psychology there's been a lot of theories about personality and though there's Ben Sigmund Freud and you have you about this and if your toilet training was a little off at some point or another than that made you I don't know anal retentive or explosive thank you why does he had his own ideas Carl Jung had his ideas BF Skinner the great Harvard professor had his ideas and astrologers had their ideas and their there's a bunch of P I over the years students have their ideas say they wouldn't appreciate being pulpy on but there's been the big thinkers and then the smaller thinkers but it's going to turn out that they've all been wrong they sometimes they have little tiny pieces of the truth said no nobody exhale recently is actually had this figured out so it's going to turn out the solution probably in solution wouldn't have been possible before at least in mid twentieth century because it turns out it required some very sophisticated mathematics should be developed that mathematics had never been developed for industry and so then also because the mathematics is so complicated to perform we really needed computers in order to solve this bubble so if it wasn't until computers became widely available and psychology researchers around the world had access to computers which really didn't happen commonly until the 1980s I did this really bad merge and emerged around the world in the laboratories of several different people and it all came up with French solution solution turns out to be what we're going to call the big five so personality turns out to be in essentially six ingredients we call the big five because there's a six ingredients intelligence it doesn't quite fit under the normal umbrella of personality almost its own thing so we call the big five plus one but the other ones big five are things that you're all going to recognize as very important ideas in the way we describe each other it turns out that when researchers click the English language or any other language under the microscope in English language the average speaker on notice of 60,000 words and eighteen thousand of those words have to do with 36 context so so there's about three to five thousand words that all means these six works I mean for each one of them so for intelligence for example you noticed several thousand words for intelligence and we just don't know that you do but if we started you can start talking about them for example dummy genius brilliant bright stupid all the average dull those are all the same concepts it's all about essentially where is that person on a continuum and so we have literally hundreds and even thousands of words for that single idea now when you start to see that there are thousands of words for one idea you start realizing how important that concept is people that's y xk minus has 35 words for snow because they're so expert in no it's no support in their environment but they can it can use words to give them subtle variations and so that's what you see in the human personality we find out that are we are very subtle and the way we explain these individual differences between people to each other you can imagine for example you're talking to a friend about some guy that works on cars might say stand up guy use honest these or you can move shifty these are all essentially speaking to how conscientious person is and these are very important description to the use in order to inform each other about these feelings we have with other people and the dealings that they should look out for so and now a big question for the ages as then where to date where the big five custom there was maybe too good parents make kids that are conscientious and and smart and emotionally stable either they do that or reduce the social environment make people into well I don't know make them very open do sperian so if you go up in California are you going to be kind of more wild on these it inherited or just a mystery that won't work as well I was going to turn out at the same time that that personality here is discovered the big five they also a set of other researchers working independently figured out where they come from so we now know it's no longer or subjective speculation it's going to turn out that there's a great natural experiment that helps us figure this out and it's happening in Minnesota in the state of Minnesota for years for decades ago in the 20th century they were keeping track of the birth of twin I don't know why they were doing this they just did and so every time mother's a twin birth is recorded in a registry and then over the years over a decade a certain number of these twins were adopted out and oftentimes one twin went to one household and once when was another output and once in a while we twins were identical so now we wind up with a fantastic natural experiment to test one of the great theories and personality which is how much is personality and inherited so now we're going to be able to see whether personalities inherited them I because if personality has learned if it simply shades lighter social environment then it's going to turn out with its two identical twins go raised in different households they shouldn't be alike at all and in fact we should probably be very much like the people that adopted them because the birth there watching them and indicating them and getting reinforced item and so on this should also be a lot like their sibling of the families that they are adopted into because we're siblings a raised in the same environment the day off so this provides a fantastic natural experiment to test what we're going to call genes versus environment or nature versus nurture and so in this way in 1985 psychologists found the answer not well publicized but this is what it is this is what happened first has two identical twins their one we're dressing in red and one in blue and we're going to send one of them to Florida because to live with the smith and smith do things their own way and the e workshop boat drinks a lot and swears and Sedra and then the other one's going to go to oregon go to another family and that this people are very straight-laced go to church three times a week all right but out because our little guy in blue there wind up anything like the family to be sued opted into it the answer is now doesn't wind up then you can write them off in other words she's no more like them that a random member of the street so he could talk off the street we'd be like them so he is that kid as a total fish I walk in that house turns out the very same experiment is taking place over in Oregon where this person the little guy gets adopted into the straight-laced family he doesn't become straight legs doesn't become anything like these people so this is an extraordinary finding now we're going to find out whether or not these two individuals ah the twin or like each other when they come back together when we bring them into a room 35 years later it's going to turn out that they are they are extremely alike that's what we call their correlation coefficient about 26 to which means they are extremely similar to each other now they're not the same for some they're not exactly the same but they are extremely similar turns out that their intelligence is even higher even more poorly than that so if one of them is really smart the other one is also going to be really smart on the so this is if one of them is average the other ones can be average and if one of them's below average the other one's going to be below levels so this this tells us essentially bc2 proof that they came with this study to show us that personality is overwhelmingly dominated by nature and also that if you're a mom and you have three kids he probably already knows it considerably but those three capes are extremely they have similarities to each other because they share some of their Jamie but they are actually quite a bit different from one another so and this is essentially the story of how we are with walk and our personalities are not going to particularly change overall I find a little bit they'll mock by the rail off but potentially we are what we are here's me working in a maximum-security state prison now odd-eyes like that as i always am and they're like that as they always were i beat these guys with tattoos all over the forehead and keeps missing from all the fights a demon and there's a reason why it is the date that they wound up there obviously sometimes good people get yep hard hard circumstances that lead them astray but more often or not the people that were in there for the things that we did it wasn't an accident alright we're going to now look at on some different features here we're going to look at big five plus one we've come from nine will have some description he's come from bumper stickers off of as a book by Jeffrey Miller who's a brilliant on young psychologists University Mexico who describes personality in his book called sense where he tells the story of how are individual differences in personality on essentially caused us to do the consumer spending of you so when people buy a Prius there's a reason and when people buy a pontiac firebird there's a reason what they're doing is that they are essentially expressing their personality and their consumer choices so it's an extraordinary book if you ever interested and you see some of the bumper stickers that he found out found driving around Albuquerque that where people were advertised on who they world by the bumper stickers on the back of their car so it's talk nerdy to me as a bumper sticker you saw this is the person signaling that they consider themselves I intelligence and they're telling the world are two day off I've already call a small smarter than your honor student there you go as somebody thinking about intelligence said etc just is making an issue out of it go ahead next slide don't see ironically mean for incidentals there you go that's that some smarty English teacher is going to tell us all how to how to use the language now we're going to look at now we're going to get into the big 5 and this is going to be the first one we're going to talk about it openness and so this is a very open person here with the caches and wild hair and and he knows what substances they've been taking to the eyes took a little play now my karma just ran over your dogma there's a there's a high openness person sort of using if anybody ever uses the word karma you can count on it that they're likely to be a bit of a virgin ultimate question reality there you go the next slide legalize freedom yes I out here in in the coastal California don't see a lot of old VW buses still driving around 50 years later and there's still second in 1950 and they still have these bumper stickers all over their car so they're telling you that they are very high openness next slide there you go reality for the future delivery guy comes from these are these are people expressing news is that they are working on what's on the back of their car go ahead next slide now we're going to look at low openness and we got a guy in a suit with a dark tie and a briefcase and he's already signaling to up but he's very likely to be low and openness let's see what he says on its call shut up hippie there you go my dad used to say this when I was a kid my dad was not very overdue for sex life live it up Center my there's a reason why my dad wasn't very high an openness my grandfather was a that is minister and so he would actually say this so what part of the bow shalt not don't you understand this is right on the back of somebody's car they're letting us know that they're get their low and openness you may not know that that's what we're doing before stereotypes make life easier there you go God didn't want to feed animals he wouldn't made them out of meat there you are this is a person it's not gonna be open to the concept as a vegetarian perspective because it's out of bounds of normal and so if someone's listed on their car they are signaling something that's signaling also some disagreeable but also signaling a lack of openness alright high conscientiousness now I conscientiousness it has to do with what you would call character doing the right thing etc and so high conscientious people have a lot of anxiety to do things properly and the the mood sleep at night because they worry about me sure everything is done in the correct way there you go the police never thinks as funny as you do drop the Sun and crash alrdy there was a very high conscientious person wouldn't want you on the phone just because you can doesn't mean you should Jesus would have uses turn signals there the high consciousness person is letting us know that we're not quite living up to standard next slide now more conscientious inside going to have a lack of anxiety and not very interested in making sure they do the right thing and they're not you interested in worrying about their rent so I would like to show it Saturday out the morning greenhouse is a sign of a waste of life the these are all these signals of people about a lot of anxious tension and not necessarily concerned with you and everything properly now we're going to look at the next dimension is the drawers and an extra version and so the world have Bobby people differ considerably on the cement go ahead let's look at nice slide my cult-like following is now accepting applications that's an extrovert go ahead next party trying to gain a point you know as a as a young person I would TV bumper stickers all over Southern California and I always wondered when you know there's ever going to be a party in being a point that I would have to be invited to and it never happened haha go ahead it's less drowns my drug of choice now we're going to look at low extraversion and you're here at my introverts or heading to the library and you feel a relaxation come over it it feels like the white plates go ahead next why Eagles going flock don't bother inviting me i won't come all in it so I this is not one of Jeffrey Miller supper stickers I actually wrote the 20 on myself because this is my motto I'm really quite introverted and so I actually don't want to be invited as I will go ahead X lied now we're going to look at a high agreeableness and so there are people that are very sweet very agreeable and there's people that are very disagreeable so we're going to look at that the differences in our next slide there you go that's one that we've all seen commit random acts of kindness and senseless beauty that's it that's just hide readable sweet first in the month the whole world would love each other codes if I should have put the tea sign in their and there we hosting that mess off your stickers all right next slide so I've lost the whole world no exceptions I mean low variable these are people that that have nothing but contradiction for you see on discussion with them and everything is meaning unique they're like the night sustain me out of money Python and we can't get them to agree to anything go ahead next slide there we go haunting you never seen an Uzi fires of a car window letting you know right now we're disagreeable and there's not going to be pleasant because I my mom doesn't mean I care there you go yes it's my truck no I won't help you move we go ahead next slide now we're going to look at the final dimension which is stability eating this is sort of how emotional people are and we're going to now look at the differences here in people on this dimension go ahead and next slide there we go if the first you don't succeed redefine success this is a very stable person that is not going to be thrown by any kind of negative feedback not a problem for them there get up for severe best thing when lights are not things very stable people not not too excited about anything and very stable smile and let it go no problem go ahead next slide now most ability these people are very emotionally vulnerable so deserve this is a whole different different kettle of fish here some days it's just not worth knowing through the strap not whining if you wave a handgun tell me where is this bright spot beside you speak up so now we're going to look is we're going to look at profiles in perfection so I'm now on the search with the big five plus one in my mind and I'm going to search through the people that I know and the people that I met and I'm looking for the perfect personalities so here are the big five we're going to assume that when it comes to help this behavior you're going to have to be pretty smart in order to even caring about this so people that are not very intelligent never are going to read enough and make the connection or rarely will that food and health are going to go together so we're going to ignore the intelligence issues we know that you have to be smart enough to know this is serious business that's our science but that underlies health and that it makes sense its food and health we be connected we are so what we're going to be spending our time on is the big five so we're going to start with the cheerleader now a cheerleader is going to be pretty open she's going to be pretty conscientious fishing got to go to practice and show up and it is routine she's going to be very extroverted so it's not going to do this any good that was very introverted cheerleader because she's going to be reasonably agreeable and she's going to be a little bit emotionally unstable doesn't do us any good to have a cheerleader who when the team is winning a big game they're like help whatever take it or leave it we need to have somebody volatile more excitable and when they when they lose it needs to be a big cheer rolling down her cheek about how how important this game was so that's that's what a cheerleader would look like in terms of profiles all right good we got football coach that's right so somehow we got this to the coach is not particularly open he's pretty conventional very conscientious he's not particularly extroverted it may look like they could talk this out of the camera but the truth of the matter is is that a lot of coaches work is done behind closed doors planning practices very carefully coaches are relatively disagreeable and surprisingly enough that they're reasonably in the middle for stable their knees are very excitable nor are they very very very stable they have to have enough passion in there that they care when it counts and so that's what a football code specifically look like car salesman we're make a used car sales let me help you don't offend anybody now pretty necessarily open new experience not very conscientious so a car salesman is going to be someone who can tell you something that isn't true and it doesn't bother them that much now they need to be excavated you can't have an introverted car salesman and they need to be quite agreeable so the real friendly so if you ask that you can get that option and what we cost and just going to meet less $300 okay oh absolutely now the truth of the matter is it won't be less than three hundred dollars so that's where the agreeable and the lower conscientious are very effective at luring people in this transaction and they're going to be neither either highly excitable on or more they can be super stable to getting in the middle typically in terms of the mercial to the ladies now we're going to look at the perfect ation what we're going to want in terms of the perfect person that we take this information and run with it would be a person not very open to experience so I need surprises the reason why we wouldn't want somebody open to experience is we're going to want someone who is going to be able to eat a diet that is narrow that is not as wide as the world which we will keep telling the caviar know coca-cola no bourbon in other words it's going to be a person who's willing to narrow down their life and so it's the perfect patient is someone who is relatively not open they need to be smart enough to understand what's healthy but not that open to not looking at a diversity of experience we're going to be very conscientious so we're going to be someone who is determined to do things right and keep things orderly etcetera they're also going to be very introverted business in case to not have any friends because you wouldn't want any friend to actually invite you over and offer you food which would be a bit of a problem so if you if you did have a few friends and you were interpreted it would be a problem if you are agreeable because they would say she would you like to choose forces and you would have to say no but you're you're agreeable you say yes so being very useful to be very disagreeable as well as very introverted and very potentially narrow in your life and very conscientious and we also pay to be very emotionally stable so you want to be stable not excitable I'm not devastated by anything we don't want to be medicating with our food when we're down we don't want to be celebrating with food foolish fuel that's all it is we eat the brown rice and blocks every day and that's the personality that would be the perfect patient take this information so we're going to look quickly at one of my very good friends wild Larry who was a lot drummer and its really life and we're going to look at and then we're going to see whether he specification turns out Larry's very open you experience so he grew up in nineteen sixties and seventies he did a great number of illegal drench the miracle would be still functioning interestingly it up is a very high conscientiousness so you can be you can be very open and also be very high conscientious so people that are very open and very very conscientious you wacky things that they managed to survive so if you think about someone who cleanse not ever they have to be very open to experience and very conscientious to clean up a level while there is extraverted very much that way he's a little disagreeable so he'll argue with people that he's not not that disagreeable and he's one month table with values very excitable and then you also get down so it's going to turn out he's not the perfect ation because it's it's hard for him to keep it diet narrow you like to experience new things and travel when you went to New Orleans see I job I don't know catfish or whatever this is very I'm down there so even though he said you just need in is his exploratory instincts get the better of him and and then also when he gets down and usable soy ice cream to Medicaid and then when he gets all excited UD cool soy ice cream to celebrate so while Larry has some has some weaknesses in his profile he is a perfect wild Larry he his wife loved him just the way he is but from poor patient for this problem he's not the perfect personality and therefore there's a good job and he doesn't do a great job ah let's keep them figure out who this is this is a dr. mcdougall so dr. mcdougall is a bit open not super open e not as open as wild Larry the dr. mcdougall's you know swings with the sharks and goes to the Galapagos and learned or you know fly a plane not someone who is not open and so part of that openness growth him to to the new information so the open-mindedness as well as the adventure stuff that helped him become who this video's super conscientious is it's known by many people that he will answer your email before you have set it up so we know he's very conscientious uh neither introverted or extroverted ease in the middle please varying in the normal ranges for in a personal style I love this rebel and this is true with most pioneers they put up with a lot of negative feedback from their peers and it helps great deal to have some custom ascending to push back he's not super disagreeable but he's disagreeable enough to just stand its ground and so that that's actually a strength with respect to this problem any quite stable so dr. MacDougall does not need to celebrate and Medicaid as much as my friend Larry does so what are we seeing document Google's weaknesses here would be in his openness and so this is this is where it is a little sensor as adventure will will pull him a little bit away from from 0 to put diet and lifestyle not much obviously overwriting these things with great intelligence and great conscientiousness but it has not been as easy as it would be if you were lower and openness now we're going to look at Mary MacDougall's and we're going to see about that I'm area is also high and openness high and conscientiousness also middle of the road actually probably a little bit more introverted than John she's very agreeable and and very stable so it's going to turn out that Mary had no problem adopting decided lifestyle for the reason that because she was going to follow John freed and wasn't going to fight it I've seen many couples where one person in the couple's is going to go this direction or the other person in the couple was disagreeable enough they weren't going to go so fortunately he would have not dr. mcdougall had he not been married to meri or meri someone like Mary to get you needed somebody who is willing to go along with this really a revolutionary way of looking at life in this way and she did and that's how this worked out oh I had a tweet hard one and she was kind of wild so we could see the very high openness so I found about out I thought that openness in the early two thousand when I discovered that she had discovered a thing called burning man I told the story as dance every weekend I said you guys had heard of Burning Man and everybody in the audience seemed like they heard of it like where I didn't I never heard of it but hi open people have all heard about Burning Man and so not only did she hear about it of course she wanted to go and I said that looks to me like a bunch of hippies Howlin at the moon eating food with Pam in it and she said yeah I'm not great so she went and she came home a week later dust all over her in her ears and I said I was that she said well he was a bunch of hippies howling at the moon and eating food was founded it says was it worth it she says yeah never do it again but it was worth it that's too high openness conscientious free conscientious she was very extroverted pretty agreeable and and more like a cheerleader a little unstable and so as a result pretty excitable and so through this when you choose profile this is someone who's adventurous I'm going to want to eat the crawdads in New Orleans and also going to do a little celebrating and medicating with food and going to hang out with people and when they offer for food she's going to eat it there you go you're not going to have this is this is not 10 I'm leave you live for this person this person there's a good job I for this day but it's not a great job which is exactly what we would expect out of this personality now we're going to look at my best friend dr. Alan goldhandler and a co-author of the pressure drop what SI lo openness Alan could eat the same thing every day and it wouldn't bother him in the slightest brown rice and broccoli again he was all excited about those no problem he fits the profile for low openness he's very conscientious so this is uh this also is now sitting there was once he finds out the things first to do this is what he's going to do he's not extroverted he's very introverted and so this is uh this is perfect you certainly certainly talk to him he's not he's not shy each dish will closest he lives he lives in a remote area of our of our pledge santa rosa and he's very happy to be back into a deep flag lot where people won't even know he's there haha the disagreeable similar to do dr. MacDougal in other words he's not super disagreeable that he's disagreeable enough so if anyone ever did a scan hey Alan would you like a bite of this to say yes and if they said well why not he takes was I don't want to get sick enough and he would be very comfortable making everybody else uncomfortable about these issues and finally Alan is very stable so there's no need for him to celebrate or medicate about it food he eats the same thing day in day out in this mess problem so we're going to look quickly now at the issue of the strengths and weaknesses to come with us not being a further personality is in all my travels and all the people I've met I've only met one perfect personality and it turned out to be Alan bull hammer yes the perfect personality for executing health behavior he doesn't have the surface personality if you want to come up with a moving in Hollywood just they're not going to be that open you're not going to be that creative he's not the person that you want between the DJ it's your party because he's not extroverted not perfect for anything other than this and this he is perfect for which is why it is that that he grabbed this information as a young man and had no problem so we're gonna look at ourselves here and we're going to look at the big fly with respect to strengthen regions use URL first one is open you are going to be a novel keep secret so we're going to need anything to help that novelty seeking which is means you're going to have to do more work than the average with your glurk because you're going to have to have more recipes more things under your fingers that you know how to create on in order to make sure there's enough repertoire in your food and a variety which you don't get forward ah if you're not that conscientious then you may need to get help hire your kid I'll hire the neighbors the neighbors girl and you may have to help somebody help you get organized in the kitchen and even recently cooking for you so letting you that won't be an issue most people a better reason anywhere years at singer pretty conscientious but but paying attention to getting things organized or that can be very important extraversion if it turns out that you are both extroverted and you are agreeable the missions a bit of a problem because people are going to be offering you food and you're going to be a lot of social situation and you're going to be uncomfortable with doing things differently than other people so this is where we look at my video called getting along without going along and we make sure we get the lines down for the same strategy so we are very smooth at a diffusing of subtle cross-examination and social pressure that goes on there Allen didn't need it geta to dr. mcdougall my document you will never listen for that lecture doesn't like South pasture because it doesn't fit him at all we want people to just get it everybody's face and sell it off but we're not going to do that if you're a more agreeable person we need to have some strategies to make this smooth and that's that's the way out of the social issues and finally if you are someone that likes you celebrate will medicate with your food then you're going to need to have healthy treats but you know how to make and have those ingredients available and so this is where we have to turn to some areas desserts or chef variants deserve you have to have some ways to celebrate that are fun and and still health promoting so and how yeah so this is a story of myself and Alan so that when we had gone and done his speech on the pleasure shop in order coming home and his wife Jennifer told us that we were too late to get to get home to for dinner that she was going to fix it for us so we needed to go to a nearby cafe we need to find three for herself and this place called the Redwoods cafe that I had been going to for several months and I would every now and then order the carrot cake and so I would sort of the carrot cake guy I would always have order of eating wrap and I we were the carrot cake and I'd scrape off the cream cheese frosting I don't like Gary cause it'll clog out my sinuses so i would i would have this carrot cake every now and then so I go in there with Alan I Stalin said let's go to ridgewood cafe I'm thinking oh my goodness let's hope that they don't they don't say anything about this so I go right up to the weight of the Gulf counter I said okay I'm just gonna have even back when she said and a piece of carrot cake she's exactly what I didn't want her to do and I said no just to be to rap and she said are you sure so this is uh this is a moment when my face turns out 110 degrees and red and Alan never said of words Alan being stable Alan and disagreeable Alan that all I thought was some day I'm going to told story somebody's good appreciate those providing some misery writer I think that that could be it yes so there's a story your folks is that none of us have the perfect personality for to solve this problem I'm almost none of us and so that whatever your strengths and weaknesses are we can use this as a guide sort of direct you and to point you towards the places where you've got some weaknesses and these are ways to patch a way around those weaknesses so that you can do a better job and so that you can you can stay on track and have like a dessert thank you so much this is my second time I hurt you and I witch laughing link with the first time but thank you that it's so insightful to see all those five categories and start to think about where you fit in sure just one question I apologize everybody today we had to do the webinar an hour earlier because I have a very tight schedule and I'm going to have to go but I encourage you to write down questions while they're fresh in your mind right now so that when we do our next webinar you'll have the questions about today's lecture I don't know if I will be able to find the question that someone to see what do you do if your personality is not suited to this lifestyle but you're intelligent and you know this is how you should eat yeah you have to do all these patches these are these are like software captions you know how have google and apple or always have microsoft always have to send up update because there's some problem with their software if you don't have the perfect personality you've got the perfect personality to be you but you don't have the perfect personality for this problem so in some ways the perfect personality for this problem it's some really boring accountant it just does everything properly and make sure every numbers in the right slot and never gets too excited or upset about anything and so most of its own out that so we have to do things like widening our repertoire sometimes putting in some real effort bursts of energy organization so make sure that you've got all the equipment and the recipes and stuff stuck in your pantry to make you know about eighty percent of the job done before you start these are some of the things that we need to do and if you're real agreeable then you're going to need to look at my video on getting along without going on so that you are but you've got a few few words and phrases and strategies that can fly around the social pressures will come up so they're all we have to do if you have to attach our way around it it's this information that you're presenting today is this is it in the book or it's nothing but this is not in the blood strap so this is uh this is what happened when documents you just said you guys go for it that's that's what came up and Alan of course said what do you mean we don't have bowls for my fault by all this year ago was right i started this is become a favorite when people hear this take it see themselves or they could see their own you can see where they're vulnerable and so my great openness led me to pick up some 7,000 thank you dr. liya for being here today and thank you everybody for joining us and remember that next week we have we are continuing with dr. mcdougall's series on the digestive kuna and every time that you sign up we send you home work so that you can read and be ready and and get the most out of the webinar so we will see you next week now next week we'll be at the usual time of 1 p.m. central time or 11 a.m. pacific time thank you again and we'll see you in a few weeks then hopefully let's ask follow thank you all right good bye everyone have a great week
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