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Gustavo Tolosa: Live Webinar with Dr Lisle Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
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hello everybody and welcome to another week this week in the life with dr. mcdougal we have a very special guest as we always have the second week of every month and it is dr. Lyle dr. Doug Lyall and he is the psychologist for the mcdougal wellness program and the director of research for True North health center and dr. Lyle has lectured at Stanford Cornell and other universities and he is the co-author of the pleasure trap mastering the hidden force of that undermines health and happiness and he is also the founder of esteem dynamics which in a little while I will put it on the screen so that you all can visit his website which is esteem dynamics dot org you can get a lot of information there plus you can also schedule a session with dr. Lyle himself if you email him directly act dr. Doug Lyall at yahoo.com I will you will see all this on the screen anyway but today we are very excited because he has a terrific topic since this month we have been talking a lot about weight loss and the best obesity and control and so dr. Lyle welcome today and just tell us in a few words what this presentation is gonna be about well this great to be here is always great to see you Gustavo the what we're going to be talking about today is is weight loss in a way that we do talking about it the MacDougal program but is usually not talked about in other places and I call it losing weight without losing your mind it's a way to do it the right way so that you only kind of have to do this once and you don't have to do any heroic things to get there where you need to go you just need to make smart choices I'm going to be explaining how that works and it's a kind of a good time to do this because right about now is about the time when New Year's resolutions have had become somewhat time to regroup here and and this is a good time to sort of get on track and now have a good plan very good I will let you set up your screen and in the meantime I'm reminding everybody that to always visit dr. MacDougall's website dr. McDougall comm so that you can see the upcoming webinars and sign up for them and you can see all the great information that you have there just let me know when you have the screen ready don't rely oh okay so here we go it's all yours right do I just leave it right where it is that's it okay that's great all right well what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a little journey on how we're gonna lose weight without losing our mind and everybody knows how to lose weight and that is you're gonna eat less and exercise more and this is this is the sort of mantra of the weight loss world that when a quote really comes down to it its calories in and calories out and therefore you have to eat less calories and then you have to push more calories out of you and that's how you're going to do this and what I will say is that this is fundamentally incorrect it seems obviously correct mathematically but it's going to turn it out there are huge flaws in this logic you do not need to be cutting back on the amount of food that you eat that's going to turn out to be a mistake we're gonna actually see what it is that has to be done as we take a journey in losing weight without losing your mind and you lose your mind when you try to eat less than you want and keep exercising more that's a recipe for disaster and it's not represent any kind of sustained success so here we go now what we're gonna do first try to understand life a little bit better and everybody knows what this is of course the I can I can hear that everybody's confused but of course what this is is a chicken crossing the road and the great question that we're going to ask is why does the chicken cross the road and of course everybody they know the answer which is to get to the other side but the really question we want to know is why does it want to get to the other side and so as we scratch our way through this chicken problem we're gonna find that there's a reason why this chicken is doing what it's doing there might be more worms on the other side of the road or there might be hens on the other side of the road or it might turn out that there's a predator that is chasing it to the other side of the road but no matter how we look at what was going on here it's not random behavior that what is happening here is that this creature is actually going through a process where there is a computational mechanism inside of it causing it to do certain things that are profitable for its biological problems and so what it wants to do is it wants to seek pleasure like worms or mates once a bit avoid pain like predators and actually it isn't just that for example there's food on the other side of the road potentially it's that the food may be more plentiful over there than it is on the side of the road we're on so really it's going to turn out that when we look at behavior of organisms we're gonna see that there's going to be three major reasons why it is that they do what they do they seek pleasure they avoid pain and they could serve energy and this is going to be a good basic explanation a fundamental explanation as to why literally you have every twitch of every whisker of every animal that ever lived somewhere behind that there was this these three processes involved and we call that the motivational triad or there's three big components to motivation and this is going to be why you're going to see fish swim in school because they're going to sort of draft on each other as they're gonna save a little bit of energy as they move through the water and this of course is everybody knows these are Canadian geese and they fly in this characteristic V pattern and they do that so that they can draft on each other as they as they sort of break their way through the wind just like a racecar driver does trying to save a little bit of energy in a race now there's one other reason they fly in this pattern that my mother tells me not to tell people because it's being overly thorough but if when they fly in this pattern when they poop they don't cook with each other's faces so that's just a little extra detail that we make sure that you have at the end of this webinar now the all we have is an interesting question in front of us we have actually more than two million species on the planet but I just put that up there for fun just to to I'd give you a something to think about think about that you have an enormous number of species on this planet but you only have three of them that are having weight problems and when we think about which those feces are it turns out they are humans dogs and cats and so this should be just a little bit suspicious to us that you know all through nature animals seem to be doing this right except the three creatures that live inside of human human houses now everybody thinks that they know the answer to weight loss and that's to be a really you know super bird that eats less worms and goes and runs harder this is the basic program that everybody counts for weight loss and I'm gonna tell you that it is missing the most important concepts in the entire game if animals needed to eat less and exercise more in order to maintain their weight you would you would see so much obesity throughout the animal kingdom because they wouldn't do it they're actually not eating less than they want and they are not exercising more than they want they are doing exactly what it is two comes natural to them that's why the that is why you don't see any particular problems in the animal kingdom but you do or you are seeing a bizarre situation with respect to humans and their pets now the people are puzzled by this and they actually think that people that are overweight or sort of gluttons that are eating extra past what it is that any normal person would eat and so that's actually what skinny people think I know this because being a skinny person other skinny people will talk about people that are having weight problems when I'm around so if I'm at a restaurant on a table a-and they're gossiping about one of their co-workers that's overweight they they don't worry about me because they don't think that I would think anything of it but I'm actually very interested in what's inside people's heads because what's a psychologist so that's what makes me interested in them the but they'll say things like oh my god can you can you believe so I would never let what has happened to Sally happened to me I would not do that I have more self-control than that well it's gonna turn out that these people have no idea what we're talking about but then people do not understand why overweight people are overweight then people have for example many times as I have eaten into the paint where you were completely full and then you ate some more and you didn't really have any need for anymore food but you did it anyway because the food was particularly enticing it's probably chocolate or you know something very very tasty like that that you went ahead and just kept eating even after you had enough now but then people look at overweight people and think but those people must be doing that all the time that's the only way that they could get overweight but that is not in fact the case so we're gonna now look down through why it is that people have weight problems and this is going to be some typical theories as to what's going on portion control I'm gonna destroy that as a concept today even though that's the number one thing that everybody thinks that you're supposed to do in order to lose weight it turns out it's an utterly worthless concept with respect to weight loss and portion control is not a part of any sensible weight loss program lack of exercise actually most animals do not gain weight when they are put in habitats where they they don't have to exercise that much in other words you are designed by nature to increase and decrease your hunger Drive in response to the conditions of exercise that you're in so lack of exercise is not a major factor however exercise is good for you so you should do some of it but you're not going to exercise away excess weight that does not turn out to be the solution stress people think that if they're stressed they eat more they do not eat more when they're strong so it's going to turn out that that that isn't the that isn't the issue it's also turns out that people think that they eat when they're emotional and even though people do eat when they're emotional it is not the fact that they overeat because they're emotional that is not how this works the we're going to now learn that stress and emotional eating cause people to drift into junky food that is true and it's the junky food that keeps on the weight not the stress or the emotional eating people think that genes is a factor and it is but it is not a factor in the sense that you are doomed to be overweight if you have thick genes it just means that there's you have to be extra careful and make sure you don't make the mistakes that everybody is making with respect to your diet people also believe that fast food is the big problem fast food is not the big problem it is any kind of rich unnatural processed food it doesn't matter whether it's in a five-star restaurant or whether it's McDonald's it's the same thing people also think that too much snacking is the reason why people are overweight this is also nothing other than a variant of the concept of portion control completely absurd animals snack all day long if that's part of their natural history they do not battle with themselves at the edge of your tomato garden and as a gopher and try to figure out whether they've snack too much that day and they shouldn't have one more tomato they have as much as they want whenever they want whenever it's appropriate for them to be doing that and they do not exercise conscious override of their impulses now we're going to look at one of the species that's having a problem and here we have my cat here frisky and frisky does not have a problem with this weight however I have another cat named spot and spot does and so when I'm feeding them it looks kind of entertaining because one of them is kind of whiter than the other one now the the question is why this is true since they're both eating out of the same food bowl they're actually eating the same food you know what is it that's happening here maybe maybe spot has had some traumatic ador add some of his uh impulses block and so now he's sort of out of control or something this is the psychodynamic cycle maybe he's stressed you know he's more upset that there's you know too many birds chirping at him and frisky doesn't have a problem with this this is all or maybe maybe spots mother you know licked them a little hard on the head this is this psychobabble that goes on as people are trying to figure out why it is that they or other people systematically overeat and they're looking to often to the netherlands of human psychology when you can see the very same phenomenon taking place right at your kitchen table or under it with your domesticated animals so we're gonna look at is what's actually taking place here but we're gonna go back in time and this of course is Isaac Newton who apparently really did sit under an apple tree during the daytime and have it Apple hit him on the head and then question why the moon was not also falling to the ground and so he went to a little bit of trouble uni the guy had a few smarts so he thought well maybe I'll figure out differential and integral calculus in the inverse square law and comes up with the law of gravity well I don't know if you're impressed I don't dive that seemed like a big deal to me more exciting to me is what I'm going to call the law of satiety now well I'm satiety is that animals eating to full satisfaction or satiety in their natural habitat will over time neither eat too much nor too little for optimum health this is obvious all you have to do is look at the animal kingdom in you up to just think for a minute about biology and organism would not systematically overeat because that would mean that it would put pressure on its joints it would reduce its likelihood of being able to run away from predators or catch prey and it would be over investing its time and energy in the acquisition of food so of course it would be designed by nature to perfectly not an entry every second or every meal but over time constantly course-correcting get exactly the right amount of food and that is just essentially natural law so in the last forty five years I've eaten about 45,000 pounds of food that's about how what that translates to eat about a thousand pounds per year or about three or four pounds a day now if I were just 1% short that would meant that I was about 450 pounds of foods short which means course I'd be dead and if I was 1% over that I would be pretty substantially overweight so clearly my ability to target how much I'm eating how much I need to eat is extremely precise and it's engineered by miracles of biology so I don't know what kind of species this is but it doesn't really matter because if it looks anything like this it has a little organelle in its head called the hypothalamus and in that hypothalamus what it does it's a little module in the brain our brain I think it's about an inch about an inch round that this thing has tremendous computational abilities and it can figure out how much it is that you need to be eating now it's going to turn out that there's going to be two different there's more than this but these are two major mechanisms that the brain and the stomach work together try to figure out how much food you need to be eating at any given time in case anybody's interested this lady has her hands behind her back because she's very formal that's why you don't see any arms on her but she does in fact have arms now there's going to be two different counting mechanisms for figuring out how many calories we have one of them is going to be what we call stretch reception which is how far the struming stretches out in order to detect whether or not it's had enough food so you might be really hungry but if I give you three sunflower seeds that's not going to do very much to satiate your hunger that's because it's not going to take up very much space in your stomach the stomach needs to be stretched by the food that you put in it and the amount of stretch tells us essentially how much food we've got in there now the other thing is is that it makes a difference what food we put in there so it would be a disaster if an animal like a human if you could just put in a bunch of alfalfa proud to keep stretching it out and the organism would get satiated behind that because it got stretched out there's not enough calories in there for you to survive so the system also needs to figure out how much nutrition there is or how many calories in this case there isn't a food so it can actually detect differences in carbohydrate fat protein as well as fiber in other words you can quarter sniff how concentrated the food is and it adds that together or multiplies it by the amount of stretch reception and figures out pretty much how much food you have so there's basically two ways that the system works together to estimate how much food you've eaten stretch reception was what we're gonna call volumetric control or the volume of food and then the nutrient receptors inside the stomach and small intestine also looking at how many calories per unit of food or the calorie density so this is like estimating how much money you've got and a handful of change you've got a feeling for how much there is there by the weight of it and the size of it and then you also look at whether there's quarters and dimes or is it mostly nickels and pennies if it's nickels and pennies there's not much monetary density so there's not much money there if there's a bunch of fiber and water the system knows that there's not very many calories there so we would have to have more and more of that stuff in order to get enough calories in the same way that you'd have to have more and more pennies and nickels in order to come up with any decent amount of money so that's kind of how it is that that works and we're going to look at two people here and these two people are going to have both stretch receptors and in this case we're going to look at fat receptors inside there's their digestive systems and so the guy on the left has a bunch of stretch receptors and a bunch of fat receptors and so does the guy on the right but the guy on the right is overweight and so we might be thinking hmm I wonder what happened in his toilet training I wonder if his mother was a little tough on him or left the toilet seat up a little bit too often and that stressed him out and what happened is in his development got fixated at the oral stage and then that's why he puts too many things in his mouth and eats too much that would be one theory about why somebody might be wait that another theory might be but there's an individual difference in how many fat receptors might be in his digestive system let's look what happens if we put 500 calories worth of salad and kidney beans and I don't know some corn on his plate and we give them both 500 calories and it turns out that they both needed about 500 calories to go for the next few hours it was the right amount of food for their physical size and if we put that food in their stomachs both of them will be satiated at about the same time and they'll both say thanks for the 500 calories and neither one of them will have under eaten or over eaten they will have hit it just about right but now we're going to put junk food in their system and if we put junk food in their system the food the size of the food is smaller because the food is now more calorically dense so for example salad as 100 calories a pound vegetables or 200 calories a pound fruits 300 calories a pound but chocolate is 3000 calories a pound so chocolate is 10 times the calorie density of fruit which is a material that it is mimicking with its sweetness but 10 times the calorie density means that when if you put a pound of fruit in a stomach that will be satiated and it'll think it got 300 calories but if you put a pound of chocolate in the stomach it can fit it in there but it'll it won't be satiated till it hits maybe 3,000 so this is an extraordinary difference in how many calories people would eat before they hit satiation now this guy over here has so many fat receptors on the left that if you put rich food in there this little fat receptors can count it up really well so they're very sensitive so if he puts a small meal with a bunch of fat in there he's fine you can count it but notice that the guy on the right if we put a bunch of rich food in there there's not very many fat receptors so he can't tell how much fat he got and so he's more reliant on the stretch receptors to tell him when he had enough food and as we go back to this I don't know chunk of chocolate cake and a coke but the guy on the Left eats 500 calories of this food and can sense because of greater nutrient sensitivity that he has had enough food and he stops but the guy on the right does not sense it as easily because he doesn't have that many fat receptors he wasn't designed to be getting a balázs of high-fat foods he's not very well designed for it as a result he may only feel like he got 400 calories when in fact got 500 and that will lead him to now eating a little bit more he'll still be hungry and by the time he thinks he got 500 he'll have had 600 and now we've had an organism that systematically over eats now so how do we break the law of satiety these these creatures humans orangutangs water buffalo and sharks all have perfect mechanisms of loss of satiety there is no problem with our nature but if you start fooling the receptors then you can get mistakes so if you fooled the stretch receptors by shrinking the food down and making more concentrated by pulling the fiber out the stretch receptors are expecting to have a bunch of fiber and water and vitamins and minerals and sugar for example in proteins so in feud an apple there's a whole bunch of fiber and water that comes along with the few calories that are in that Apple however if we take the fiber out and turn it into apple juice and then we dry the apple juice and turn it into apple sugar we can actually concentrate that food by a factor of 6 at which point you can tell that the stretch receptors would be in trouble for helping this problem out and they're going to make mistakes the same thing with nutrient receptors nutrient receptors are not sufficiently sensitive to high-fat diets because people generally just don't have that many receptors because you weren't designed for a world with super high fat foods and as a result of that you can overwhelm those receptors ability to count and now we wind up with trouble so there are these are going to be the two main problems that cause animals of any kind whether it's humans dogs cats or anything else that you domesticate when you alter their food supply and make it artificial rich we're going to get mistakes so the primary cause of dietary excess is actually fiber deficiency because you have removed fiber from food so if you took corn they would have all kinds of fiber in the food and you actually got rid of the corn sugar so we got rid of that and all we had was the corn we'll all we had left was the oil from the corn this is 4,000 calories a pound it's the most concentrated caloric food in a world is well if we essentially remove all that stuff and just leave the oil behind we will wind up with a food so rich that there's no way this creature can catalog accurately the amount of calories you can also leave the fiber in the food but damaging so when you chop things up by putting them in a blender you are actually making it so that the system does not have enough fibers stretching against each other so you're reducing the impact of the stretch reception mechanisms and as a result you'll over consume so think about what's more feeling filling a pint of ice cream or half and down on raw salad three years of corn to baked potatoes and kind of cherries that's about the same amount of food and it's it's fascinating to know that of course you could eat a pint of ice cream easily but you could not eat that second thing now here is a very carefully done scientific chart that shows you really what the story is that the Clerc density of food being a big issue begins at zero and fiber and water have no calories in them so you can eat all the fiber and water you want and you'll starve to death and you know in a few weeks there's just nothing in there for you to get so I've heard of course people that say that they live on just water and sunshine and I know they're lying so this is how this works you have to get some kind of food steps and it starts going to begin with the simplest of green leaves which is going to be salad so salads about a hundred calories a pound if we start to add vegetables like carrots and asparagus and broccoli and cauliflower these things are about 200 calories a pound those vegetables if we move to about 300 we get fruit if we move to about five and six hundred we get what dr. mcdougal would call the big starches potatoes beans rice things like that you get up to about 1200 yet looking at meat pure sugar is going to be at about seventeen eighteen hundred calories a pound bread and cheese is going to be about seventeen eighteen hundred cars to town chips twenty-five hundred cars a pound chocolate three thousand calories a pound and oil at four thousand now just look at how dramatically more concentrated the food is on the right it's not just a little bit more it's unbelievably more so all you would have to do is add a little dash oil to a salad and a salad that you thought was 100 calories a pound could turn into seven hundred carries a pound in a heartbeat all you would need to do is pour a little dash of oil on there and suddenly that what you thought was a low calorie density diet just turned into a high calorie density buy it now here's a look at this I think I stole this from the mcdougal plant actually from years ago it's still perfectly good wasn't in color but hey you know what can he do so here we see at four hundred calories of oil almost no way that you're getting any stretch reception in the stomach you get some nutrient receptors firing off but they can't tell you the story when it's that rich you're now going to look at 400 calories of chicken and then we're going to look at 400 calories of spinach eggplant and beans completely different situation psychologically for the individual that's eating these things and you're going to reach satiety on much less calories when we have the foods on the right here's a chart of us food consumption by calories you can see that we're finding in processed foods at 51 Darrien animals at 42 fruits and vegetables about seven you know you have different surveys come up with different numbers but this is pretty close and you can see why now this species is having trouble but if this is the food that meat it's too rich for their natural history and they systematically overeat if they eat to satiety no wonder everybody thinks that they have to eat less than they want to eat in order to lose weight they believe that because whenever they try to lose weight by cutting back even a little or shifting from from steak to fish it doesn't do any good okay that's because they're they're completely wandered off a point conceptually the problem is not that you eat too much food the problem is that you too much calories and the solution is to reduce the calorie density of the food by getting it towards a natural diet I don't really like the slide we're gonna go to the next slide now this is a basically schematic that shows us the problem that on the lower access we see how artificially concentrated the food is so oil would be the most artificially concentrated food in nature at 4,000 calories a pound it doesn't get any richer than that refined sugar is going to be the 1,800 but most foodstuffs for humans should be somewhere around 500 calories a pound either solid at 100 maybe avocado at 900 you can have a few nuts and seeds of 2500 but the vast majority of human foodstuffs would be circulating somewhere around 500 cards a pound so the on the on the on the upper axis you're going to see how much excess fat would be stored on an organism so as you move from a low density diet to a high density diet you see that no matter what your genes are you have an increase in fat stores and so this is just basic science there's nothing fancy about this the if you have average genes and you eat a medium ly rich diet you're kind of going to be moderately overweight if you have very healthy genes and you eating moderately rich diet you're gonna be quite a bit overweight if you are skinny jeans and you eat a high density diet you're only going to be a few pounds overweight just because you've got genes that are so so sensitive to reading those calorie cues that you can get away with it you won't escape this isn't cancer from that but you will escape the excess weight and you'll think you're doing fine but you really aren't doing fine so this is a chart that tells us the story and notice that all three of these start at the origin the origin is whole natural foods creatures are not designed to systematically overeat and that includes all humans so all people no matter what their genes are if they're eating at the point of origin at zero where there's no artificially concentrated foods they will not be overweight and that is the natural history of our species and every other species now why is it that we would have individual differences in people that could be so striking well this has been a great question and there's been a considerable out of investigation and theory around this but it kind of goes something like this if you think back to several thousand years ago when the first people would have left the coasts of Asia for example where Vietnam is and Singapore and if they were to leave there and go out looking for an island the people that would reach an island out there somewhere would sometimes some of those people are going to die on the boat from starvation but once they're going to die on the boat are going to be the ones that were the thinnest of the group that started and the ones that are going to get to their destination are they're going to be were the ones that had a little bit of extra fat stores well a few hundred years later when they leave that island and go to the next island it's going to turn out that their descendants will start out a little bit chunkier a little bit thicker and then if some of those died on the way because there wasn't enough calories on the boat then the people that remain that get to the next island or the people that are a little bit thicker you do this for 3,000 years across the South Pacific how you get to Hawaii and if you get there you're gonna find the people are going to be beautiful people but they're gonna be thick the men are going to be big and strong the women are gonna be curvy that'll be the natural history of that of those people if you then add highly riched modern foods to those people they're gonna get huge which is exactly what is happening all over areas that have had this part of natural history so if you have thick jeans you have to Jeanne's because you had some ancestors that went through some periods where there was food deprivation some people didn't make it and that's the reason you're having weight problems not because there was some overly severe training in your background or trauma that caused you to be fixated at the oral stage now this is what I call the yell circuits and this is why you do not have to eat less than you want when you are overweight you actually have the what you have is your your brain knows that you're overweight there's little sensors that can tell and what happens is your fat stores are going to secrete a material called leptin and leptin will will be read the level of leptin will be read by the brain and it will say you know what you're overweight eat less so I call it the yellow circuits and this is why your hunger Drive will be naturally turned down a little bit if you're overweight now you might say well why am I always overweight the reason is is that if you eat a whole natural foods diet you would actually start to lose that weight automatically without having to eat less than you want because as long as you're overweight this little circuit is turned on and it's inhibiting your hunger below its normal levels now this is what I call the religion of eating people that want to lose weight there's a way to do it you eat in order I get dinner for example at lunch you might not eat all these things in a breakfast you might have fruit and some cereal but at dinner or when you're gonna eat your main meal what you want to do is eat in order you want to eat salad first vegetables second and concentrated carbs third now you might have some soup that has both the vegetables and the carbs in it but you still want to go in this order if there are three parts the reason is is that the salad has the lowest calorie density and the carbs have the highest calorie density and you're designed by nature to enjoy food with high calorie density so if you start on the spaghetti you won't want to go back and eat this salad so that's why we want you to eat the salad first the vegetables second the vegetables mixed in with the carbs if you do that then your overall calorie density of the meal will be less and that will help the process of you losing weight as you can tell I don't have a lot of affinity for psycho psychobabble and all the the convoluted theories of psychology talking about why people have weight problems it's really quite simple and in philosophy we have a thing called Occam's razor and that is don't put anything in the explanation of phenomenon that you don't need it turns out that if you take rats and feed them a normal rat chow the rats will eat exactly the right amount of rat chow and none of the rats will be fat but if you throw bread and chocolate in a rat cage the average rat will gain 49 percent of its body weight in 60 days so nothing happened to these rats there was no trauma there was no stress there was no depression there wasn't any emotional issues there was no rough parenting nothing all that happened was we just put artificial food in the environment and they are designed to like the food that is richer so of course they preferred it they ate that food to satiety and they systematically over ate because their receptors were not designed to catalog how many calories they were eating it's very very simple all you have to do is put the rats back on the original rat chow and they'll all have their weight go back to normal that it's there's no of course there's psychology in this we call it you know psychophysiology it's it's deep you know mechanisms inside the brain but it is not psychological in the way that we think of psychological this doesn't have to do with your your issues and and struggles this has to do with some really basic physiological processes we are this is course a moth being drawn into the flame the one psychological part of this the reason why moths are drawn at the flame is they're drawn they're designed by nature to fly towards the light because that's how it is that they they fly towards celestial objects to help them navigate in the world but if you put a candle or a porch light out you're going to draw them into that and you're not gonna be able to stop themselves that's what a natural foods are a natural foods are artificially bright and so it's difficult to stop yourself from going that direction but that's what it is that is the challenge that we have to face now do you have to be perfect and the answer is no you don't have to be perfect don't think that any one little slip defeats you but you need to be good and that's what it is that we need to be looking at I I have not always been perfect myself actually not even close but you know I do have quite a good job but this is this is a piece of carrot cake that I started to get into and my favorite store and then I got another piece the next day and another piece a couple days later and I had about 16 pieces carrot cake over a couple of months the my friend dr. Alan Goldhamer had lunch with me and could could see that I was staring at this carrot cake and the the point is is that all of us are under these sort of addictive pressures that we have to kind of watch out for I put the carrot cake away here he is by the way dr. Alan Goldhamer with a mcdougal medallion around his neck for doing everything perfect I have sacrificed my own hope for my duo medallion because I'm not going to do everything perfect I just want to do everything well here is the mcdougal program if you need help there's a nice pool there and there's people singing songs everybody's happy and there's John and Mary there's also their website to get information on this however is my friend Alan with mcdougal medallion he runs another place called True North health center it's not nice like that and people don't sing songs and there's nothing friendly about it it is however a place where there's whole natural foods and either way no matter how you get your help from any of these diverse places and diverse websites but the task is always the same we go this direction we do a good job we don't necessarily need to seek perfection but we need to be consistent enough to keep our taste buds up so that they're sensitive up that we enjoy healthy eating enough that it dominates the food that we take in so that our caloric density is not too high if it is not too high we will lose weight without losing our mind and that is the way folks that you'll get the life that you deserve I hit the shot stop sharing yes this to be was one of the best presentations I've ever seen you do not that they're I mean they're all captivating this one is brilliant because it answers so many questions that people like me I think that I am a food addict but maybe like you mentioned that is not the correct term right right so terrific sir thank you so much for having me well we look forward to next month's and we will be announcing your topic then so rapid thank you again and I have announced four people on the screen where they can contact you and you get more information about your program and what you do so I hope that they will very good thank you very much I'll see you next month very good we'll see you then bye-bye
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