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Gustavo Tolosa: Dr Doug Lisle, PhD Social Pressure to Eat an Unhealthy Diet
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hello and welcome everyone here we are another week with live with dr. mcdougal only that today we have a special guest dr. dr. Doug Lyall and before we get started with today's program I wanted to take a minute to show you the website that we've been talking about and so let's see here I'm going to share something with you this is dr. MacDougall's website dr. McDougall com and I just want to remind you that let me see here there are a few things for you to look at we have the upcoming events first of all we have the education here we have the webinars you can always go there and you can look and you can find and you can watch all the past webinars that we have done with dr. mcdougal dr. Doug Lyall and other guests in the past and you can always register for the upcoming webinars I also want to point out that this feature here is just one of the best things that this website has for example someone was asking yesterday about coffee so if I type coffee there you will find after you pass the ads by Google we don't want those here you will always find what dr. mcdougal has to say about the topic you're interested in you have a newsletter on coffee and then you have a video that dr. mcdougal has done with about coffee and so I'm not going to play it now but you can play from there so make sure that you use this search button there and I think that there is a 10 they live in program coming up really soon and you can see the dates August 19th through the 28th I hope you can make it to one of these and then of course we have under programs here we have the three-day Advanced Study weekend and this promise is to be an amazing weekend on September 16th through the 18th anyway I just wanted to share that with you because I think I get a lot of questions every week and sometimes I think that maybe you forget that there is a way for you to get your questions answered really quick and you don't have to wait for a webinar so anyway that's enough for an introduction and we're ready to get started I just want to let you know that dr. Doug Lyall is a PhD as a psychologist for the mcdougal Wellness Program and he's also the director of research for True North health center and he has a wonderful website is called esteem dynamics org I will type it there for you in a minute and really you can talk to this amazing man in person by phone or I think he can he does Skype sessions I mean only for like $75 you can have a one-on-one session with him that will truly change your life I highly recommend that you get in touch with him his email is dr. Doug Lyall at yahoo.com I will also post it here so you all can see it and we have done at least three webinars with him make sure that you watch those there they deal with what we call food addiction and an emotional eating and and there's the invaluable information there today the topic is the social pressure the many of us feels I mean more than others with families and friends that perhaps don't agree with what our choice of eating food and they want to present us with this wonderful food that they've made just for us and you know if you don't eat it you're just such a mean person so things like that and we have a lot of really interesting questions I want to welcome dr. Doug Lyall and then he will talk to us a little bit about that and then we'll I will start presenting the question to you how are you doing today took life that's great it's always great to see kristov oh I saw I see AJ's logged in she says she loves us how great is that we love you AJ so it's great to have you here all right well what we're going to do is is we're going to give an overview of some lectures that I give in the big 10 day program and it's that the concept here is getting along without going along and the notion is that we are we're designed by nature to share good news with the village that's what we do we're incredibly social and we we want to get credit for it and so this is how we reaffirm our legitimate place in the village life and so four people have never heard me before everything's about the Stone Age village everything everything on your street is a stone age village your job is at a Stone Age village everything human nature was designed by nature to to be in these sort of ancient timeless repetitive social situations in the same way that your your appropriate food is Stone Age food it's all it's all the same sort of concept and and so what happens is one of the most timeless processes of legitimizing yourself and your space in the village was to bring new information and you can just imagine how excited a village would have been where the first guy came back and showed how he could rub Flint together make a fire I mean it would have been unbelievable uh he would have been a hero for his whole life and one problem though is what if you bring into the village the idea that they've done everything wrong and that everything that they like to do is bad if you do that you're not going to be rewarded okay you're you're going to be a pariah it's going to be a problem and so this we're going to be circling around this theme today that our social instincts are telling us hey we should be able to share this information with excitement and enthusiasm and we should get nothing but support and it's going to turn out we're going to get nothing but criticism or we're going to get disinterest and more than anything and we're going to get turbulence in our social relationships where they're going to try to essentially dissuade us and stop us and discount everything that we have to say that we're doing and so this is this makes this so whole social process of being a healthy living person a very problematic and so that's what we're going to be talking about with our questions and answers today very good well thank you so much dr. Lila and so we ready then to jump in we're ready to jump in all right so here's one of the questions submitted by the people who register how do you respond to food bullies who offer you tempting treats while making you feel guilty for not eating them what do you say when they say but I made this just for you come on one bite is not going to hurt you yes I think probably what I would do is I would say the first thing I want to do is let's back up for just a second if they are pushing this on us and they know that we are living differently then this means that they are embarrassed of their own Road and that they are actually wanting to drag us down with them so that they don't feel we're looking down on them so this is a this is actually the dynamic so this is what I all this is a part of what I call esteemed dynamics so if we're going to understand people we have to understand that people are all about esteem processes basically what human beings do constantly is they're constantly signaling the amount of steam esteem that they have for each other or how valuable they find each other and so when someone is saying to us here why don't you try this I made it just for you the the truth of the matter is uh well it could be honest okay and it could be simply I value you I want you to have a pleasurable experience with what I made for you but that is one problem however the the real problematic problem is when we know that this is actually sabotage and when when they know what we're up to and we know that they know that what we are up to and they are trying to sabotage us anyway and they're trying to put social pressure on us so that we do what they do okay and this is the esteem dynamic is they are afraid of us looking down on them from from a place of superior behavior and what we have to do is we have to be working this esteem dynamic in a way that solves the problem so in this case what we're going to do is we're going to tell them that the food looks great and so in this way we are we are instantly signaling that we are not actually living on a higher yogic plane where we don't like these things and we don't eat those things anymore and those things don't have any appeal to us because we're so great see that's a it's a problem if we say oh no I don't eat those fits okay then then we are signaling this sort of behavioral superiority I think that's a dangerous trap some people will do it and so on how tough your armor is John McDougall would just let him have it I don't guys what I do is I say a it that looks delicious or LAT looks fabulous you know I made myself a promise I was going to you know be real real straight for the next week or til the end of the month you know I'm saying and so I made myself a promise so no no thank you but it looks great okay so what we've done is we've acknowledged that we have the same impulses they have and that we are not on a higher plane and that we actually probably soon in some reasonably soon future would do what they're doing but we're not going to do it now okay and by saying we made ourselves a promise we essentially signaled that in our in our estimation our integrity is on the line with ourselves and so we're not going we're not going to budge and this gives us the moral high ground to say now now I got a I got a thing going you know I mean I promised myself so but boy it looks great and then I'm in it right there that's how we handle that problem right okay very good very good um let me get here I'm sorry I click on the wrong all right so another question here is when we go out to eat to a restaurant we know pretty much that asking for no oil will motor time means that they're going to put a little less oil or you know always ask for the food it has too much salt etc it's pretty much impossible to get food that accommodates what we want in the restaurant so it's it okay someone asks to go to restaurants and just not not eat is that really too weird and I mean so we're just going to go into a restaurant maybe with other people right right not eat sweetly uh usually there's something that you can have just to be social you know I'm saying so you just order a salad or something like that if you wanted to do that so uh but when it when it kind of so ordering sometimes it makes makes up the tougher vegans aren't going to have a problem it's the sweet ones that then have a problem and so you might feel uncomfortable getting waitresses you know or waiters too much information or in other words being too much trouble and one of the things that I've noticed is I can watch a waitress and I know how much information she can handle and usually they can only handle somewhere between two and three items about three items of special information is about all they can handle so we better be thinking about our order and triangulating on those three issues that we're going to be able to get and figure that if you ask for four you're only going to get three and there's going to be a problem so uh if I can see that the waitress is maybe for example a little disagreeable she's kind of businesslike and in a little bit of a hurry then I I may essentially call on her to actually summon up some willpower while she's going to listen to me and and what I'll say is I'll say oh it's just your luck I'm one of these health wackos I do this this is what I call a split brain technique and the split brain is is that instead of being a one-hole individual I've actually now split myself into two individuals and one individual is the one that is talking and the one that is talking is actually a nice guy that is appropriately rolling his eyes at the other half of them the other half of them is not talking okay but the other half of them strangely enough is actually an executive control the organism and is demanding what it is that it wants done so that's why so we literally confuse her ability to reject us as a whole person because the person that's actually talking is nice okay this is a very clever mechanism it's what I call the split brain so I'll say ah just your luck I'm one of those help echoes okay I got a bunch of health issues so I might say this and now she has to listen to the nice guy because I'm so reasonable so then I'll say okay here's things that I can't have yeah I can't have any dairy on there so no cheese say that twice make sure that if she's leaving you say that a second time okay and so then we asked for about three three stipulations probably no more than that and then we move on and uh when they screw it up and it comes back with something wrong then she's not so surprised you know she know that she she forgot and she also knows it's a fairly big deal and that they just manage it and so this is this is life in restaurants for me I'm not yeah it's a you it's it's a it's an art form yeah learn how to order anything if you smile and say I'm you know I've got a little bit of health crazy if you smile and say something like that then then it will you know I don't always do that but I often do and I just don't ever have a bad response format yeah you can kind of tell what kind of waiter or waitress what their personality yes go from there right very good um I know that a lot of people that log in here are parents and so one of the parents say as a parent of three children in public school how do I raise healthy vegan children when the culture is so filled with junk food hot dogs in the cafeteria doughnuts at soccer games and you get the picture it is hard to stand up to the system and for children to be different from their peers is there an easy answer to this question I think in general uh certainly I would have my kids eating the school lunches I'm saying so we're gonna pack their lunch and a lot of kids pack their lunch right and I would have the kids lunches depending upon the child uh and most kids want to fit in that's part of our nature um the food should look like other kids food you know I'm saying so it should be unremarkable looking food it's just it's a little bit different and and that's how I would look at things and so you also parents sometimes are perhaps overly concerned with the nuances of their kids health and this is actually this is actually a mistake let me let me explain this so that parents will will get this clear the the the big advantages to the lifestyle the that we support wine debt being generally very long-term so if you're going to look at if you're going to look at the situation it's really about it's really in the second half of life that the the problems are are evident now it takes decades to set up cancer and it takes many many decades to set up our disease so the nuances of your child's diet are not going to be substantial substantially important in determining their long term health we want them to develop good habits and we want them to know what good food is and we want to feed them a lot of good food but I never am worried about children and the junk food that they get into this is not this isn't having profound impact on their health parents are amazingly much more worried they have essentially an incorrect scheme in their head and the scheme is what happens very early it's like 10 times more important than what happens late that that is absolutely untrue what happens early is probably less important than what happens late okay and so what parents particularly parents and grandparents for example who maybe let's suppose we've got a parent that's actually fighting a battle in their own house with a spouse which is possible or we've got grandparents that are fighting a battle with their with their daughter and son-in-law etc the thing that I'm most concerned about with children is actually dairy products I'm really not concerned with coca-cola and I'm not concerned with french fries and I'm not even concerned with hamburgers because these things will take you know it takes decades of exposure and your children are not going to be overly exposed in their first 10 or 15 years of life not if they're living with you so this is not going to be the problem the problem is is dairy products dairy products are are suspiciously correlated with autoimmune diseases and the mechanisms are being worked out and I'm not sure it's not 100% it's not like if your kid has a piece of cheese he's going to wind up with rheumatoid arthritis however the it appears that it's likely that the greater the degree of Bossier the great greater the degree of likely autoimmune disease and so as a result of this you want to minimize your children's exposure to when I say dairy products I'm really talking about milk proteins I'm not talking about eggs I'm so I'm talking about the the milk proteins appear to be the bovine proteins appear to be particularly problematic and so if you're a parent or grandparent and you're in a fight with either your kid or your social environment close to the kid you're the most important thing that you focus on the place that I put your steak on the ground is put it at dairy products and and concede everything else that you need to concede to at least get that is much under control with this little exposure as possible so that that is what I would recommend to parents and otherwise do a good job and don't worry about this because the human being is remarkably robust and a little a little a little modern processed junk food for your child is not going to be the difference between health and disease in in this lifetime right right but sometimes you may be being overly protective could actually create the opposite effect it yeah undoubtedly could so you're you want to you know be smart about it and watch your kids personality make it as easy as your child as possible but if you're going to be a nut about one thing you quietly let them know we don't have to tell the world that this is how how it is you don't have to tell all your friends and it's and it's not like dairy products or sure poison that isn't how we look at it we just look at them as it's risky okay it's risky and we're going to in this family we're going to avoid that risk and so that's why we do things the way we do it right and what about my friend Jimmy he's probably going to be fine okay so don't worry about your friends this is just like this is kind of like us putting on our seatbelts okay most families if they don't wear their seatbelts there's no tragedy and nobody's you know they've managed survive and everything's okay but is it smart to put your seatbelt on sure it is and that's the same way we look at dairy products in this house that's all I would look at it very good very good analogy thank you so much you know and some of these same parents are also experiencing that their social circle shrinks when they change the diet you know they don't get invited to so many places or if they do you know they feel the pressure I mean what works do you have to say people that feel disappointed or sad you know left out that they don't get as many invitations and they don't have as many for instance that you used it right I I would say there's several concepts that sort of percolate through here and and I would say that the most important thing is the esteem signals that we are sending to these people in our social group about our food so remember that you very likely have already stepped into the tar pit because you got so excited about sharing this information that you then shared it with these people and then they have a vision about how you see things which is that the people that are doing this are here and the people that aren't doing this are here and the esteem dynamic is that we are looking down our nose okay so that is actually the problem that you have is that esteem dynamic and what we want to do is even if you've already stepped in it we can shift that esteem dynamic if we are careful if we're strategic about how we do it and so these are the kinds of signals that we want to send people in our social environment whether we have messed it up already or not okay so when there's uh when if we are in their presence and we're and there's anything to do about food and we're doing things differently than we're doing what we want to say is I'm not sure this is really I'm not sure that these guys are right about everything okay I'm not sure this is the right way to do it so what we do is we are signaling humility that we are not sure okay now folks you might say well I am sure well you shouldn't be a 100% sure you should have an open mind to further evidence that would come in and so as a result I you know admittedly this is somewhat political speak but it's accurate enough and if we do this if we say I'm not sure that these guys are right about everything but I think there's something to it okay and and then if we also use the concept of experiments so I had someone write to me this week about what's the best mindset to take as you try to you know incorporate this into your life and it's the concept of an experiment and so if you have the concept of experiment the the notion is is that experiment is time limited and that we are being open-minded about the outcome okay and so if we say this even around our friends and family like wow you know it's an experiment we'll see I'll just watch it see what happens what the heck okay then we are taking out of this the the notion that we brought some great information to the village and they should damn well you know I'm setting appreciate this and bow down a little bit and give us a bunch of extra steam that's what our instincts have been telling us and folks you're right okay that that would be an absolutely normal situation in the stone-age situation but in this modern situation we actually have essentially drugs for food and so to tell drug addicts that they're doing things wrong and making mistakes trust me this is not a welcomed news this is not showing people how they can they can save energy by rubbing two fancy sticks together you know this is not an improvement in their life that is immediate and obvious that you get credit for this is a big hard guilt inducing you know willpower or challenging mess and so as a result of that don't even get into it and what we want to do is step outside of the problem and and essentially send the signal that we are not so high and mighty we're not so sure of what it is the of our position we're running an experiment it for ourselves and this is what I call the same strategy seems to be working we'll just have to say and we keep it right there and that hopefully the the we're sending a text message to their unconscious saying I'm not seeing myself as above you okay that's the most important message that we actually try to send with these strategies and and if it's hard for you to send those messages that I think you need to look carefully at you know what you're trying to accomplish by the messages that you are sending uh very often if it's difficult to back off and to actually send a softer message it's because we're determined that we have the esteem coming to us and we have to let that go okay you're you essentially have to let go of the idea that you're ever going to get credit for this right right like things that well one thing that I've learned in my old age is that you know if the best way to be unhappy is to try to convince others to do whatever it is you want them to do yes it especially when it comes to you know either politics religion or food like you're saying you know seems to be working for me don't don't it seems to me that you're saying don't be they'll try to push yes and when they push when they push we're going to be very very smooth about is that we are we're we're going to not get into it even if it turns out that what they're doing is sabotaging or that they are actually even trying to challenge us if someone challenged me and said you know where to get your protein from my answer would be I don't know okay so if I give them that answer then they are there it's sort of the end of the argument and I've sent a text message to their unconscious that I'm not lecturing them and I don't consider myself a melon or an expert right okay and so if they're a little then if they shift a little bit in our worried about me like I'm making a mistake then that's when I say well my doctor's checked my protein so he says it's fine right so now I bring in the authority that yes I heard what your anxiety was and you know it said or by the way if you want to know how your doctor checks your protein if you can walk in the door you don't have a protein problem that's a good detective protein all right so this is how we essentially slither around these kinds of cross-examinations concept of I'm running experiments not sure that I'm right is a this is actually an unassailable position like literally that position cannot be defeated in argument okay and so if you sit right there and they say yes but you know I just I'm sure you're wrong you say well you could be right well I'm sure I'm right well I'm not sure you're right but you very well could be right hey where are they gonna go you need a long right we have canine teeth you know I mean uh you know I uh that this this position comes from doing this for 35 years okay almost almost forty years almost pardon okay and so 40 years of vegan believe me the first ten years I tore everybody's head off single plan the first year it came out in 1983 and at the end of that I I was I was 24 years old and I went after everybody in my way but about you okay but nobody was safe nobody the ones that I'm taping around dr. Lyle Oh 20 years later I finally realize you know what it's better off doing it the way Tom Sawyer painted the fence me I'm doing this over here Oh what are you doing no nothing special oh what's so great about Oh probably nothing you know I'm saying why do you might not oh who knows just I read this little dog and uh and so on who knows if it's right and you just keep it right there and essentially you take it away from them like they're not allowed to do it they're not even invited in okay it's sort of a secret okay if we keep it that way then they have curiosity now they're not going to probably be down your door but they might and if they do this don't try to lecture him just send him to a book we had a lady that came to the Booga program about ten years ago a very sweet lady and she came and she came from a retirement community in Sacramento and the she was very anxious very sweet person so she's very anxious coming because all the little retired people in the retirement community there had been like almost a an intervention to stop her from coming because they thought she was going to this terrible place because they heard about what it was about and they weren't going to serve her any meat and it was you know no dairy products and no milk and they were very concerned about her and so they were all upset there was a dozen little of these hens you know I mean we're all twisted up about this so she came and she had a very good experience and but she actually asked even after this lecture she asked for a private session with me because she says you just have no idea what I'm going back to these people are very upset and owing me etc and I said what we're going to do is we're going to use these strategies like it's interesting not sure that this doctor is right about everything you know I'm just running an experiment we'll see what happens so we we actually rehearsed her saying these in session and she's not very good in half an hour she got very good at at you know I got tougher and tougher I slowly I started out as one of her nice friends and then I ended it as you know the nastiest friend that she had and so we just make it a little tougher and then that she went home and then about two or three weeks later I get a call from her she says I got a new problem and I says I said what's that she goes now they want me to hold a seminar haha whoa yeah strategy and it's old and uh and so they were not threatened and now they're curious and I said well don't don't you she goes I can't do a lecture I sit down just show a video dr. McDougall and maintain the concept that it not sure he's right about everything but it just seems to be working for me right now and so I'm just going to keep trying and see what happens we right there and we had peace okay so this is uh this is I think uh you know at all my meanderings through the vegetarian world here since you know 1980 I think this is this is for many people this is the best strategy now if you're dr. mcdougal or your chef AJ or your own Goldhammer that's a different started you're not gonna do it that way you know I could be able to stop you okay that's why that's why we'll have different missionaries normal if you're normal like you and I that's right that's right then this is a you may find some value it's somebody's like you all right right well that's no that's very good the doctor a lie of people of course are saying this and I just wanted not that you need to hear this again but you are just a brilliant mind we appreciate this information because you put things in such clear words and you put things in a context thank you that thank you for your answers it's an or it's not more brilliant it's more like just hard knocks well it's a combination of experience but you do have a brilliant mind and I agree with chef AJ you should have some kind of an Oscar Award if they say um questions we have Gustavo alright so let's see we have something that people struggle with and actually I have experienced it too when you have family in the house um and they don't eat your way and they bring food and they're and for some of us it's easier to to not give in but some of those you know the smell bread or whatever it may be I don't know whatever yes people say at work lino day Stacy doughnuts or the people bring cake etc and for some of us it's easier to to walk away than others do you have any strategies for for walking away and not and not grabbing that that will take us down a spiral of other you know there's this magic strategy for you touch your forehead three times that's it yeah yeah at least let me try to use this question as a as it in to reiterate an important principle and and that is that this problem people will look inside themselves to try to figure out why they're weak and they're actually looking in the wrong place the you are not designed to resist temptation if things are tempting because they're those are biological signals telling you to do it mmm-hmm they're the most trusted signals that there are now so your instincts are telling you to get into trouble ah this wouldn't have been a problem in the Stone Age because the tempted the temptations were healthy food and it was that it was the richest and rapist of the healthy food that was tempting you that's not a problem today the food is artificial so it's been the the chemicals the sugar fat and salt that are are the inducements that sit inside of whole natural food in appropriate concentrations have now been artificially concentrated and we are essentially eating the signal rather than using the signal so when you eat when you eat an apple you are you are using the signal there's a little bit of sugar in that apple ah you know 300 calories a pound be this so there's just there's enough sugar in there to induce you to eat it when you eat a chocolate Apple there's three thousand cars a pound you're not eating you're not using the signal you're eating the signal the whole thing is nothing other than the signalling chemical and so that's you're not designed by nature to resist this and so there's nothing wrong with you if you are failing at that resistance the problem with our lives is not us the problem with our lives is our environment okay our environment is a disaster with respect to healthy living and so your this is why I tell people you must work harder on your environment than you do on yourself the job is not to work on yourself the job is to work on your environment you have to be fastidious and weedless about working on your environment um so this is why rule number one of healthy living in the pleasure trap is no junk in the house that is rule number one of healthy living so here's my problem people will come to me and they'll say yes but my husband bla bla bla bla bla so now what do I do like all I can tell you is rule number one of healthy living we're going to go ahead and skip over rule number one of healthy living you know then what and the answer is if we skip rule number one of healthy living it's going to be harder it's going to be a lot harder you know how do I get to the Olympics if I don't train well you met a great do you better be great if you're going to get the Olympics without training and if you're going to skip over rule number one of healthy living this is going to be difficult okay and your success is probably going to be limited so what do we do we do certain things certainly we negotiate with the people in the house over things that are really problematic for us so I could live with somebody that that aids steak I actually could and the answer is I don't really want it they could have any animal food in the house there's no animal food that particularly you know is enticing to me um if they had cinnamon rolls in the house that's uh that's going to be a problem okay so in other words we have to figure out what's a problem and what isn't a problem and we would like the other people around us to have as much freedom as they can without essentially infringing on our ability to do a good job so we have this sort of freedom attitude that we're trying to optimize in the same way that we do with a country we want people to be is to free is do everything they want so long as they don't forcibly interfere on other people's rights to do the same and the same thing is true with people close to us that we live with so um you know believe me AJ wouldn't have any view better not they're not have any meat majors else not all right now but the point is is that so we want to have these discussions about what's a real problem for you and what isn't a problem for you and if it's a problem for you we're going to have to negotiate with people that we're close to and say listen these things aren't a problem for me but those things are a problem for me now if in and we have to make a deal now it could be true that somehow there is a there's just there's such a you know sometimes people are bullheaded for a reason and they may be bolded because the very same esteem dynamic problems that I'm talking about that we've got an attitude in our house that we're here and they're there and and we need to use the same concept of experiments not sure that we're right about everything we just want to see how this works out and we're going to give this a try and see what it feels like to live this way if we have that more of an attitude even for people that we've sold hard if we back up on that position we may get a lot more cooperation okay particularly if we limit the cooperation that we're seeking which is to try to have our environment reasonably cleaned up for us okay and and not not make their entire but environment pristine but get the things out of that environment that are a problem for us now there's a few other little tricks that I've you know pretty I've got I've gone down through this thing to the point where no we can't get that done and we can't get that like but we can't get any cooperation all right so here's then the what I would would recommend at this point I'd recommend people in the kitchen and within the refrigerator have their own locations okay so you have these two shelves they have those two shelves and so and your shelves should be the easiest ones to grab stuff out of so it should be like the most convenient things should be the healthiest thing and that's how it should be and whatever their junk is it's a hassle and you got to reach into the refrigerator you know there's stuff in my refrigerator that I never get to and I keep throwing it out because it's too far back it's like literally that difference is enough to make a difference and the same thing with cabinetry so the healthy food should be the stuff that is very easy to get to the junk food needs to be more difficult and through these very tiny factors we can make make a horrible environment you know thirty percent less horrible and and then eight our ability to deal with it so that that's what I those are those are the things that I know but I think tapping on the forehead was really the best thing right I'm like you said you know it if that's if that's the the case of our lives right now if someone lives with a husband and wife and kids that don't eat the same way we just have to accept that it is going to be harder it's really harder is it's not as easy as someone that lives alone or lives with someone that follows the same way of eating yes and that's we just have to don't you said find ways to make it easier in the environment but it's just going to be a little harder that's all we can do could you clarify something that you said earlier people have a few questions when you were saying that it takes many years for children to develop you know when you were talking about anybody need healthy I think that you were mentioning let's say kids of someone who is a vegan and and from time to time at school that we eat a lunch or something like that but you're not talking about what we're seeing I think nowadays with so many kids having diabetes because you know five times a day seven days a week they're eating junk constantly sure is that what I mean can you clarify with tonight what I'm Chi even if a kid gets juvenile I mean adult onset diabetes when they're 12 because they're overweight that's very reversible okay so the things that aren't reversible or juvenile onset diabetes where we wiped out the pancreas as a result of probably dairy products and genetic susceptibility so in other words my I'm not worried about junk food for children I'm worried about I'm much more worried about dairy products than I am about junk food the junk food and for all for all intents and purposes junk food never killed the kid okay the the differences between junk food and healthy food starts showing up in the 5th and 6th and 7th decades of life and those children are going to be exposed to really good principles and good information a lot of healthy food and they will essentially be be the masters of their own fate when they leave home ok so whether or not they die have a heart attack or whether or not they get a cancer that was unnecessary will be decided from their 20th birthday to their 60th birthday and you won't be there looking over their shoulders so parents should not be thinking that every transgression at age 7 is worth 10 transgressions at age 50 that is not true ok and I know that some people think that and I know the reasons why they think that they've looked at some unusual cases in animal research which seems to suggest that but the the epidemiological evidence in humans does not support this and so we should not be panicking if our kid gets into a bunch of barbecue potato chips it is friend's birthday party this is not a problem okay the we just want to if you can push most of the food of your child's life to be healthy food you've done a great job as a parent if they go to their grandparents and they eat a bunch of ice cream oh well that that isn't that isn't going to do us in it would be nice though to tell those grandparents you know what we don't need ice cream so soy ice cream almond milk ice cream if you're going to have ice cream please these do it that way let's not have dairy products okay we're worried that they may have allergies about this so I'm worse right course you should be worried yeah most people are lactose intolerant so we can use that kind of leverage on grandparents for example or or anybody else and saying listen we're just trying to avoid this you know there could be sensitivities and we're concerned about it and this all my number one thing with kids is Dairy Dairy Dairy okay we're going to try to keep them out of that because let me tell you something it's fair that a kid engineers their own problems between age 20 and 60 by turning their backs on what it is that you encourage and eating whatever they want as adults but it's not fair when a five-year-old child between ages five and ten is fed a bunch of dairy products and they wind up with juvenile onset diabetes and they have to deal with this for the rest of their life because they didn't know right innocent little victim winds up and then can you imagine if you were a parent later on and you knew this and allowed this to happen and you'd say well I just you really liked the ice cream or you really like cheese it's like boy I wouldn't want to be staring my twenty five-year-old child in the face you know while they're injecting insulin while I tell them that I let them do what they wanted to do because I thought I was you know forget it no if there's one thing I would I'm going to be militant about and I'm going to be tough about with the entire family system it's going to be kids in Derrick okay and I'm going to do that you know is it you know is every kid gonna wind up with a problem no but you know what one in sixteen people winds up with a lot of immune disease in this country and none of them are pleasant whether it's all sort of colitis rheumatoid arthritis multiple sclerosis juvenile onset diabetes these things lupus these things are not pleasant okay and of course Johnny next door probably won't get it and Stevie down the street probably won't get it either but one in sixteen well and if you can take your kids risk from one in sixteen to one why wouldn't you right because that is the place where I set my lever and other than that in other words if we fight everything we've got too many battles to fight as a parent but if we fight one thing we can win the most important battle by far and we let the other things more or less you know we demonstrate tolerance everywhere else so that we can demonstrate militants in the one thing that matters very well said dr. Lisle and you know what this is a beautiful transition here to end the webinar because next week everybody dr. mcdougal is going to be talking about what you just said dr. Lyle and it is their responsibility that we as a society have to take care of our children and basically did what you just mentioned I believe is a form of child abuse when we feed food that we know that that you know that is causing harm for the rest of the lives so next week's webinar is going to be a little bit controversial it's going to be strong so I have dogs from igoogle he's at his highest level of passion and actually touches me a lot because all my life I've been working with children either in the music field or in opinion in hospitals working with music and children and the things that I've seen being fed to these children that were fighting disease was appalling and I think it's time to stop it so thank you for for these last five minutes for the whole webinar but basically for the talking about kids and I know that a lot of parents are here so everybody please go to dr. MacDougall's website dr. McDougall comm and sign up for next week's webinar and we'll see you then and we will see you in a couple weeks the flyer for our next webinar right and a really good lighting so you and I are oh I messes what getting better every time I don't thank you look like deep you're coming all right goodbye everyone goodbye dr. Lyle until next time
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