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Gustavo Tolosa: Dr Doug Lisle Live Webinar QA Session
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hello hello everyone we are live here with live with dr. mcdougal only that today we have a special guest dr. Doug Lyall and as many of you know dr. Doug Lyall is the psychologist for the mcdougal wellness program and the director of research at true north health center and dr. Leah has lectured at Stanford Cornell and many other universities and of course is the co-author of the pleasure trap in just an amazing book that I recommend for everyone and what recently he has started or founded the website in dynamics at esteem dynamics org which I will type later on in the chat and I cannot recommend enough that you at least try once to make an appointment with dr. Lyon even if it's half an hour it will truly change your life I want to remind all of you that next week is Thanksgiving and we will not have a webinar that next Thursday but that would be a great time if you have time to go to dr. mcdougal calm to his website and look at past webinars and you might want to watch one of the many many webinars that we have done with special topics I also want to remind everyone that in December dr. mcdougal is doing one of his 10 day live in programs in Santa Rosa California I attended that three years a little bit over three years ago and I cannot again just tell you how much that influenced my life and I recommend that you try that it's a perfect time of year you go to the 10 day program and then in January you're ready to start actually you're ready to start then you leave there and we also have the Hawaii trip adventures in January and all that the wild trip and attend a live-in program you can sign up for that and his website dr. McDougall comm so I would like to now welcome dr. Lyle who is in California and will just have a very fun and exciting time together with questions that you all have submitted which I have here and if you want to submit any more questions please type them on the chat will do the best to get to as many as we can today so how are you doing the clinic great to see you yes you're a genius for getting this colonic people have no idea how good you are and where I were up and running that's great good good we are up and running and I had a great time seeing you last weekend in Atlanta at the remedy food conference that was a great conference and it's usual you presented a great lecture you changed it right because of the time of year right I sure did yeah Wow very good so today before we start with the questions I thought we were talking a little bit earlier that it would be a good time for you to just say a few words about this month of November and December which is full of parties and dinners and all sort of situations for the holidays where people will many people will struggle so would you just take a few minutes and talk about how we can navigate this time of year yeah I just have probably a few simple ideas and that is that what we have what I call the religion of eating which we go salad vegetables and then then more concentrated food and I would make sure you maintain that around Thanksgiving so the notion is is if you kind of go crazy we don't go crazy on an empty stomach going all for the rich foods the so that's a I have done this before so on Thanksgiving I had eaten myself up to the gills but because I started with the low density things then it's not that bad you're really having gotten that far out of line you're not even that uncomfortable so that's a that's a thing to keep in mind particularly around Thanksgiving in the holidays the other thing has to do with all of our relatives this is not a time for us to be engaging in any arguments with these people and so we just have the attitude that we're just you know we're trying to do we're trying to you know do a pretty good job and and that if they cross examine us and they give us any any arguments we say well they probably got a point you know who really knows and I'm not sure that these people are right about everything ie dr. McDougall so it's the notion is I think that these are some good ideas but I'm not sure they're right about everything and if we if we give that kind of a little bit of opening to to the notion that we don't have all the answers and they aren't all wrong then we can get a lot of peace in the house around any of these kinds of discussions so we're it's not worth the trouble it's it's much easier to just slide past these things than it is to take them head-on unless you have dr. MacDougall's personality at which point it was why they asked for it all right so that's how I would deal with it very good thank you yes that's that's right but dr. Mutulu you just don't mess with it that's it dr. Lisle we are one of the people here is asking what this person can do if she is allergic to all sorts of beans and legumes I know that a change FHA doesn't need any because she's also allergic and it's perfectly fine so what do you say yeah you just have to get your carbohydrate from other sources so that you're gonna need to make your life out of out of things like squashes and potatoes and and you'll have to see how you do with the grains so beans are you know that's an occasionally a problem that people have most people have most problems with grains and that's a much more common problem so that's why for folks like this that have some difficulties we have to move people towards squashes or RA or a relatively underutilized source of complex carbohydrates and so sometimes we have to learn about those and learn how to cook them and sort of get more into those and that's how we get around that problem very good thank you um one of our one of the people that submitted a question says just wondering what are your thoughts on self sabotage any helpful hints yeah self sabotage is a there's sort of two things that I would say about this the first thing is is that most of the time time when people when people crumble a little bit and they get off track they will see this as self sabotage but it isn't self sabotage what's happening is that that they're simply following the natural program that's inside animal nature and the the major the major guidance system that you have for food whether you're a gopher or a horse or human your guidance system says eat the richest food in the environment it's a very simple program and so we can override that program but only with a significant amount of cognitive dissonance so a human being is sophisticated enough to have essentially two independent programs running at the same time in its brain one of them is going to be the instinctual program that says eat the richest food in the environment and the other is going to be the forebrain bundle that says wait a second I heard that that wasn't such a good idea alright and I heard that this is actually going to undermine my health and undermine my fitness and happiness and attractiveness so wait a second I shouldn't be doing this but folks that's all learned none of that's instinctual so the closest thing it comes to instinct is essentially that you you are your understanding that this is self-destructive in principle and so your your cell protective instincts then rise up and make this part of your motivation to try to avoid this problem but this is not a natural problem this is an unnatural problem and therefore you will generally lean towards the natural solution which is to eat the richest food in the environment so when you do that this is not being self-destructive this just means that your determination to have your your higher-order brain function override lower order function is yes been compromised either you're tired you've sort of had enough you're too busy you don't have enough time etc or you one other thing can be all in incidentally so that the notion that says eat the richest food it doesn't say eat the richest food it says we eat the tastiest food be really excited about that okay so in other words that's that's what's happening that's the motivational system so that's a difficult problem so I don't consider that self-destruction I call that the pleasure truck so that's that's simply that your normal motivational system has been hijacked and it's very hard to untie jacket but we can we can do it with organization diligent effort good consistency we can make the pull towards that that solution less okay so you can think about for example how difficult it is if you have a bunch of really rich naughty food in the house it's going to be very difficult to stay out of it because you're your natural tendencies are going to try to be to consume it whereas it's much easier to stay on a healthy track if there isn't any junk food anywhere nearby you have to go all the way to the store or restaurant to get it so statistically you're going to do a way better job so that's the problem of the pleasure truck now the person's wants me to talk about self destruction or self sabotage that's something different that is actually a very different looking problem and so let me describe what it feels like what it feels like is I've I've succumbed to the pleasure trap and part of me is disgusted with myself and part of me says well then just forget the whole thing and just give me the entire half a gallon of ice cream and the heck with it I'm just gonna go for it that's a self-destructive that's his self-destructive motivation and so bad self-destructive motivation comes about through a very elegant process where what we have and this is what I describe I describe this in a series of videos but one of them is called the slow fast way where we have a webinar on this so people can go back and consult it but the the notion is is that if you let's suppose that you have a parent of a child and that child was a pretty good student got mostly is but a few B's but was a smart kid and the parents said you you should get used to you you're a straight-a student you should get straight A's now if the kid is not sure that they can do it what they will do is that they will oftentimes completely flunk out they will make it make it very clear to the parent that they are that they are not trying so they they did not then fall short of expectations they kicked over the table and didn't even try that is a way to save their status with the parent because the parent has the expectations too high the child cannot reach those expectations and so what the child does is go on strike and completely blow up the entire operation so this is not an uncommon this is self-destruction this is self-sabotage so this is the kid that's expected to ace the SATs and get into Harvard or Yale at his high school knowing that he's not gonna ace the SATs because he's taking practice tests and he's falling short so he's not going to be good perfect scores so what does he do he goes and gets drunk in front of 15 of his friends tonight before the SAT this is a way to make sure that you have protected your status against the fact that your performance is not going to be living up the standard now the same thing can happen is that the expectations don't have to come from the outside they can come from the inside so we have an internal audience that has expectations for us and and those expectations can get set by the fact that you may have done three weeks pretty well on the mcdougal program or you may have done three months pretty well in the mcdougal program you may have done six months well on the mcdougal program and then when you start to get off-track a very interesting thing happens and the interesting thing happens is is that we have now disappointed the internal audience and we now are not so sure that we can get back on track and be perfect because we feel that we're struggling with the pleasure trial so we're actually in we're actually in some hot water we're not so sure that we can do it and as a result what very often happens is the individual then goes on a self-destructive bender and they essentially are showing to their internal audience I'm not even trying okay watch me while I clean out this entire pumpkin pie and a whole bunch of haagen-dazs ice cream why because I'm not trying to be on the MacDougal prep plan I'm not and this is this is self-destruction and so what this comes from is it ultimately comes from the from the internal audience accepting a standard that is too high and not respecting how difficult the pleasure trap is okay if we if we truly embrace and understand how tricky the pleasure trap is and how it seems like we should just be able to walk away from the pleasure trap we should just be able to hear a lecture by dr. mcdougal and call it good okay but that is not how it is it is a very slippery devious trap and so as a result when we have had some success with it it makes sense to us that we should be consistently successful that it shouldn't be a problem we forget how slippery this trap is and so once we get back into it very often we have disappointed our internal audience and now we kick over the table and we act self-destructively so this is this is the roots of self-destructive motivation and we we need to stop this process by by essentially honoring how difficult the pleasure trap is and to understand that once you've teased our way back into it we're going to have a multiple day fight you know probably several days before we actually are even allowed to get back in the group and so we have to fight our way back in the groove we can't just flip a switch and so that that's how I would let people know you are gonna have to fight if you wander off course and you're in a little bit of hot water accept the fact that it is a remarkable achievement to get out of this thing it is not an expected achievement it is a remarkable achievement and if you've done it before it did not come easily before and it won't come easily now and so don't set the bar too high and kick over the table instead respect yourself and have your internal audience educate that internal audience and the way I'm trying to help you educate it right now by saying it's not expected that you get out of the pleasure trap yeah it's a it's a great achievement to get out every time you get out of it so that's how and it takes us several days to get yourself out it's a reminder you know webinars every week with you with the Pomodoro with chef AJ so I'm constantly and I could go to lectures and conferences and one of the things that I want to say that helps me I don't know how people out there is that I constantly I'm reading we reading books I have I don't know hundred books over there one watching movies because it's so easy such a slippery yes row but you said that we have to be constantly reminded and of course if it's possible to attend conferences and and any other events where you're surrounded by people and hear this information over and over and over again yes it helps talking about over and over and over again that they've heard your lecture getting along without going along many times and it doesn't how many times shall I always get something from that dr. mayo and it's a brilliant lecture and one of the people that we submitted a question said what do I do you know one of the things you saying that lecture is when people ask you know where do you get your protein protein or where do you do this and all that kind of stuff you say well just mention or say I'm just trying this for a for a while and see if it works yes right now but what about someone that has people that know them and they've seen them now for a year or so and the transformation and they still given them a hard time and you cannot say anymore what I'm trying it for a while because now you've been doing this for a year or two what would you say yeah I would still say that I would still say well it's still you know not everything's perfect and you know I'm still learning and yet I'm still gonna try the while longer okay and so the we kick it we kick the thing out over probably another three months and this is how we put people to sleep so there there is nothing as permanent as the recurrent temporary we just keep making a temporary statement and then we we put people to sleep with this so well you know what do you you you need to eat meat I know that you do it could be a problem well you're probably right yeah probably right and you know I'm still still working on some things and I'm gonna give this a little more tried just see how it keeps going very simple we're not confronting they insist that we're wrong we just agree with them yeah you're probably right right did you see how it goes and leave it alone this is I've learned that this is at least as bad as any religious political disagreement you know they did she'll ever see the this is very threatening to people and they are there they believe consciously like they are concerned for your health which they're not particularly probably about 5% of their mind or 3% of their mind is concerned about your health and 97 percent of their mind is concerned that you are doing something fancy that's fancy than they are there requires conscientiousness and intelligence to do it and that it's a demonstration of superiority okay and they do not want you to get away with this and so they will attack it and these the solution is to signal to them that we are not doing this to demonstrate superiority so and to get out of the temptation that we are bringing this information to the village and that we deserve a whole bunch of credit the truth is is that this is great information and the teaching gene that resides in all humans that wants to share information knows full well that if you share this information with them and they implemented it they would unwind its tremendous amount of trouble in their lives and then they should be kissing your feet for the rest of their lives that's how it should be but it's not going to be okay and so as a result we have to essentially learn our way around our own instincts that say bring the information of the village bring it to the village get credit for it bring it to the village because this is this is how we demonstrate our worthiness to belong and we have to essentially kick this particular one aside and just say not sure about anything trying it out interesting seems to be working for me not sure how it's going to go and we just completely shuck and jive our way around this whole cross-examination that that's a very easy way to deal with things right right okay now a funny question okay someone says why is dr. Lisle so adorable well in the same way I've got I've got one cat that's kind of ornery and one cat that's kind of sweet and some of us were born a little more ordinary and some of us were born sweet so you and you and I Gustavo were born sweet there go you was born a little more ornery and that's just out that's how it is there's no secret well okay so now back to another question how long does it take to mirror adapt to the taste of whole natural food without sugar oil and salt so that you actually enjoy when you relapse do you have to start this process all over again from day one or do your taste buds adapt quicker yes now let's let's talk about what happens either research evidence would indicate that a true full-on neural adaptation to the whole natural food probably be about four months but that's not linear folks so you'll probably do 75 or 80% of that sensitivity in 30 days so we actually see a lot of it within 10 days of the MacDougal program people probably are halfway out of the trap in ten days and then they spend the next you know 110 days getting out of the rest of the trap and that's how it works that's how it works in a a so in a a the that the first three months are by far the hardest three months in a and then the person gets better and better at the process of staying out of alcohol for the next many years but the most important action is going to take place in the three months so the same thing is true with food except food isn't as potent as alcohol and so as a result you will go an awful long ways in literally two or three weeks so now let's suppose that you've been doing a good job for a month and you've had almost nothing naughty or you haven't had anything naughty at all in a month and now you have you know a piece of my infamous carrot cake you know are we starting from zero now no we are not the we are we are almost we are almost where we were before we had the carrot cake in fact we are very very close here's where we're not though so in terms of the neuro DAP tation of the tongue and the olfactory system you haven't lost hardly any ground at all if any from some transgression but that's not the problem the problem is is that we now have a memory in the system so your your motivational system is essentially run by memories your your motivational system is actually run by an interaction of three things number one you have a the general motivational mechanism that sits inside of every human so you want to be at a certain temperature you need certain kinds of foodstuffs of different kinds of textures and nutrients so that's why you like sugar fat and salt etc and you don't like wood because you're not a termite so you're you're human so you you don't want to be living at twenty degrees Fahrenheit you don't want to live in the water anywhere so this is you're a human being and therefore you have a universal value system that makes you human there's going to be two sources of data that come in and that that value system or your mind essentially makes decisions on those two sources of data are number one your immediate sensory inputs so just like any other animal you use your five senses to determine what your environmental circumstances are to help you make decisions this is why for example if you walk by a Cinnabon and you smell it it's a problem because your system is designed by nature to use its immediate contact with the environment as the primary data source for making decisions there's a secondary data source that it uses the more sophisticated the animal the more memory circuits it has so human beings have phenomenal memory circuits so they can remember what something tasted like that they haven't had in 25 years and so the they can remember where a little store was located where were they met a friend of theirs for the first time a record store on Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles when they were 16 and they can remember it very well that's not something that other animals can do and so we have a that's a big reason for your huge brain because a big memory system essentially enables you to estimate your environmental circumstances more active then another creature that doesn't have a big memory system so there is a good chance that that record store is still there it's still on the same side of the street that I remember it's about the amount of square footage you see I'm saying so if you if you're a human being and you have a tremendous memory system you essentially have a better map of the environment than if you didn't have any memory system at all so I if I can remember that a mile down the river and across the way the cherries come in at about 8 April you know when the Sun is about so high in the sky that's a fantastic memory system to add to the immediate sensory environment the immediate sensory information in between those two things the internal computer figures out what what's the right move if you were just dealing with immediately sensory information you would essentially lose all the value of being able to compute things that you can't see into the equation but you can remember things that that you can't see and so it is in fact memories and immediate sensory information come together to compete with each other and interact with each other to come up with what you should be doing this is a very long explanation to the following issue and that is that if you eat a piece of carrot cake today then tomorrow you're gonna remember that carrot cake and you're gonna remember it very well and you have the memory systems create images that's why we call it your imagination that you actually can can have an olfactory you can almost smell it and you can almost taste it and you can definitely see it you can eat actually even here your fork clanking on the plate a day later that you can almost recreate that experience and so as a result of this those memories are very hot in other words they're really vivid if they happen yesterday and as a result it's as if they are almost in the sensory environment well the sensory environment is the thing that's going to pull you the hardest because that's your natural programming but if it's really hot in memory it's pulling pretty hard as well now if you have an have a piece of carrot cake in a year it's not pulling very hard it's in your memory that it's very faint so it's not having as big of impact so the problem with the pleasure trap or with with stumbling and having a little relapse the problem is not the neurotic tation of the tongue that's not what gets you this afternoon when you get hungry whole natural food will still taste very good the problem is is that the memory is now red-hot and you're very likely to circle back around there tomorrow and have another piece of that carrot cake okay and then that means the next day we're likely to have a piece of the carrot cake now when we build a chain of transgressions now we're starting to cause the Nerada patient of the tongue that's how that's going to work so it's useful for people to know that when you wander off course the the danger is not that the tongue nirodh outs the dangerous is that we're going to set up a repetitive self-reinforcing chain of a transgression and so that means when you wander off the reservation the most important thing that you do is that you slam on the brakes and realize you're gonna have to fight this for about three days okay three days in the memories are starting to fade very significantly and so by the fourth day they're back down to a very sane and reasonable level so it's is useful for you to know that if you if you wander off which we're all going to unless you're Alan Goldhamer witch or AJ so these people don't wander off anywhere but if you're the rest of us you're gonna wander off but when you wander off you need to know okay now I need to pay the price the price will not be that I won't like tasty food I will still like I will still like healthy tasty food but I will have a calling to me from my memory circuit to eat that rich food again and that one I need to get it out until it quiets down and so I'm gonna space a few days of challenge and that's how that's the challenge that we need to face right it's time limited somebody's saying they want carrot cake now that's actually it's entertaining because it shows you how good the human imagination is that's right even with words you can activate these things very effectively which means if words can do it you can only imagine what a recent sensory experience can do and that that's why this is this that's what that's the real source of the problem being Beckman yeah someone here says that they have reverse diabetes but now seem to have hypoglycemia is there a higher fat diet that is healthy to eat as my doctor says that I should lower cards to be Tiger a different doctor if you've got a hot if you're hypoglycemic the hypoglycemic a chronic hypoglycemia I don't know even exists so temporary type of glycemia I can exist but that's usually as a result of a little bit of a sluggish liver or not kicking out glycogen that effectively so we don't there are things that we would do we would I would want to know whether the person is getting any kind of regular exercise because that's a that is probably a useful thing to get the liver used to kicking out glycogen more often but we definitely don't move towards a higher fat diets trying to get the person sicker so that their blood sugar levels go up so we can mimic a little bit of diabetes no this is not what we do so the person I can actually remember one case many years ago a turnip health center where we had a woman it had some sort of chronic chronic intermittent hypoglycemia for probably 20 years and we we were convinced that this was a bit of a congested liver but that's typically what we see and so we fasted her and she actually had to come for about 3 or 4 years she fasted once a year for about three or four years for about seven days or so and it was finally on the fourth water fast that there was some kind of a resolution and and then the that the problem was resolved and never came back so we got many multiple year follow-up on her and the problem was over so this is so that you know the solution is not to is not to eat quote a fatty diet that that's that's the wrong way to go but this is also this is a this is a very good question for dr. mcdougal either in a webinar or on an email the he might he might have some dietary suggestions but I'm pretty sure it won't be adding olive oil to anything right yes an interesting question here let's me ha what does true hunger feel like is there a difference between true hunger and emotional hunger when it comes to Whole Foods sometimes my stomach is full but my mind wants more yes there's there's a reason why the hunger drives gonna be complicated and there's going to be multiple motivational systems that are going to be involved so let's let's look at what happens as people get full on whole natural food and why they still might be hungry the you have to appreciate that there are really really two major motivational systems that are that are the the important mechanisms to satisfy in life for any animal and that's food insects so as a result what we're going to see is that food this is like a really big deal it is very important and as we sit down and we seem like we're finished eating the system is still saying well is there any food around is there any more profit that we could possibly biologically help ourselves if we ate a little bit more if we have some options which of the ones should we be eating the system doesn't say oh well you've had enough to eat there's a Safeway store you know how come from here with plenty of food in it that you're never gonna go hungry let's get back to your own personal growth programs do some yoga read you know a new novel or new new nonfiction work by Jared Diamond and learn about Guns Germs of Steel and let's become more educated no that's not what it's doing it's saying is there anything else in the environment that's worth eating okay that's about one of the most important things that it can possibly figure out and that's what it was designed to figure out it's going to try to figure out is there anything else that it can eat that's worthwhile it looks scans the environment and it runs a cost-benefit analysis on mating behavior and yet very likely if it's in my case there's nobody in the environment there's nothing worth it's no target we're seeking all right so this is how it works I'm in the and so as a result now if that's the situation you also mating behavior is more intense and it's more intermittent there's other motivational systems that are working automatically like breathing they are they're working automatically and constant but eating is probably the main most intense biggest time factor that animals do and so in the wild you will find that the majority of animals time is spent procuring food and in fact that's actually true of humans in the third world humans in the third world spend most of the days of their life most of the hours of their existence doing things related to getting more food and so the it's becoming less true as we get more effective at getting food in those places but this is this has actually been the case in in the United States as recently as 100 years ago and so it's no surprise that the the motivational system that's built into you is unbelievably interested in food yes so this is so now when we start talking about this issue of true hunger and what true hunger is I mean I've heard these bizarre discussions by non physiological psychologists taking place and a bunch of speculation about people that don't know so let's talk about things when you're hungry you're hungry when people say well actually I was just thirsty I wasn't hungry to true hunger it's in the throat or in the forget none of this is true the you are you the system would not be so stupid is to not know when it's hungry you say I'm saying you don't say oh gee I made a mistake I'm scratching my elbow but I forgot to breathe I don't know why but I had this motivation to scratch my elbow and that's not true elbow scratching actually I should have been breathing instead no the motivational system can't possibly be sent off track and be that stupid these systems are literally a billion years old they are infallible so when you feel hungry you're hungry not thirsty that's how that works now when you are recently full what's happening is is that the motivation for eating is dropping as it should okay that's all fine so uh and now what we're going to find is is that people are really not interested in cramming their stomach full of carrots that's not what happens we very clearly see that people's motivation to continue eating even whole natural foods what do you mean by whole mouthful foods well I've had this discussion with at least 500 people let me tell you what the whole natural foods are that they're eating when they're already comfortably full dates nuts you know isn't almond butter all natural food in other words what it's fun watching you nod your head just over there there's a little too vigorous of nodding and so in other words what we're gonna find is it's going to be high calorie density whole natural foods that are suddenly going to be the thing that's worth eating and the reason why that's true is that the the most dense foods in a landscape are by their very nature they're the most valuable and it's going to turn out because the most valuable human beings lived in packs and so you can you can assume that if there's a bunch of valuable around the other people are going to eat it and it's going to be gone before you know it and if you don't know that then your your genes are going to be left off the planet pretty soon so the genes that made it are the genes that are hyper vigilant about keeping track about where the high-density calories are and even if you are full cram a few more in because they're not going to be here by the morning see so that's what you're going to see so now we've ended the nest mystery as to what true hunger is it's all true hunger so what's happening though is that even when you're not very hungry because you're pretty full the system still says let's look around the environment let's see if there's any really high calorie dense foods around if there are let's infer that they're probably not going to be here - by tomorrow morning because some other slithery unprincipled member of the tribe is going to come in and get it now that might be your four-year-old child or it might be your wife okay but somebody's gonna get it right and you intuitively have this feeling that that's a problem and so you're designed by nature to swallow all of it that you can up to the point where you feel almost slightly ill and this is why we don't want a lot of that rich food in your environment yeah that that rich food hanging around after you were fully satiated would have been a relatively rare event in the Stone Age and so your Circuit says cram it in there until you're all the way to the gills if it's there and so if you have it around constantly you've now put yourself in an unnatural environment and what we're gonna observe then is an unnatural eating pattern that's going to be taking place where we're going to be cramming ourselves to the goal gills every night if the stuffs around right that's the problem okay very good dr. Lisle inevitably we get questions every time about people that either have high blood pressure and can't elaborate on that whole food plant-based diet or they have they can't lose weight they say or they are there or they can't know where the sugar level and I'm just curious because everybody that I've seen attended today ten day program dr. mcdougal the blood pressure girl comes down in the day or two you know they lose weight same thing a true north I mean so when people say things like that would it be would it be really that there is something in the food that they're eating you but like for you to be able to tell what you have to have a diary of everything that they eat every day for a week what are your thoughts actually I can understand I think I'm not gonna say this is true every one of these cases but I would say this is true in at least eighty to ninety percent of these cases and that is that folks usually don't understand they they may make changes and they may do a good job for a week or so and then then they wander a little bit off they're looking for sometimes very fast results so when I actually explain to people for example that the process of weight loss very smart people who think they know an awful lot and actually it pretty educated actually are pretty lost about the the pace that we might expect weight loss to take place and what might be required to get there so for example a pound is on the order of 3,500 to 4,000 calories so to lose a pound in a week is pretty staggering there was you you that means that in seven days you shed five hundred calories a day which means you ate underneath the requirements to to maintain your body weight by five hundred calories that's a very substantial amount to under eat and to do it consistently for a week to lose a pound is pretty remarkable so the so it's not surprising that very often people might lose a half a pound a week so they might lose two to three pounds in a month well two weeks into this when they have appears they haven't lost anything that they've gone from 169 to 168th and it really doesn't look like anything's happening two weeks in they would have thought they would see a very substantial difference in their weight that you know two weeks worth of super diligent effort they should have gone to maybe 163 maybe they would have lost you know four or five pounds in a couple of weeks they're not understanding it's a lot more subtle than that and that the pace of weight loss on the order of for example two-thirds of a pounds a week a week is actually quite substantial and so in a year at that rate you would lose 35 pounds that's in a tremendous change in somebody's life so one of the reasons that happens one of the reasons we get these discussions is the because people don't understand actually the speed of change sometimes and the thing is as dr. mcdougal will talk about situations where sometimes the speed of change is dramatic and very fast that is true so sometimes you will get people that go from a really rich diet and they're way overweight they go to a mcdougal diet and they lose two pounds a week but a lot of our people are not going to go from a horrendous diet to a good diet they're going from a pretty darn good diet to a little bit better diet so we're not going to expect two pounds a week weight loss we're gonna expect 2/3 of a pound a week and 2,000 pound a week if it's if it's not stacking up to your expectations two or three weeks later you quit on it and you're like wow what's the point now I'm gonna go out with my husband and I'm just gonna have that such a such that I always like it well now you just had a little dose of sodium and a little dose of fat you absorbed a little bit of water and you get on the scale and now it says that you haven't lost any weight three weeks now you may have you have may have lost a pound and a half but now you can't tell because you just wandered off the reservation for five minutes got a little extra sodium in you and now and now you're demoralized so all so the problem is is that going from you know be work to a work which is a lot of times what's required people of sometimes people have lost 40 pounds and they hit an equilibrium so they were 229 and now they're 189 and they still have 40 pounds so that they've hit sort of a nice interesting in equilibrium biologically and they've done this by doing B work now the truth is is that they're gonna have to do a work if they're gonna get to 149 pounds it's going to be a work and so they do a work for a week or two or three and that now not that much changes so the speed of change isn't that fast and they get demoralized so I think that that's that isn't the only reason there are people that that may have other other issues and that their situations may be individually trickier but I will submit to you that of all that all the counseling I've done in all the years that that is the biggest mistake so it's not like they're lying to us it's not like they didn't really try it isn't like they they weren't significantly diligent what they had was their expectations significantly violated and therefore they were they did not remain diligent because they didn't believe in it you know that that is uh that's the that's the biggest problem that I see all right okay we're coming to a close dr. Lyle I just want to mention to everyone watching I do see your questions here in the chat I also have like 500 questions here you submit so you know it is just not possible to fit them all in but please be patient because every second Tuesday of the month we do a webinar dr. Lyle and I as part of the dr. module series and if you keep logging in and your question will be asked also you can send your question ahead of time to webinar at dr. McDougall comm which I just put on the chat and I try to keep a balance between your questions and the questions that some people have already submitted and that's how we go so we will not be able to answer all the questions today but hopefully we will you know as we progress one more question dr. Lyle and this one has to do with people but I'm just gonna read this here someone wrote and said that they have joined a group which follows a whole food plant-based diet with no sugar oil flour salt and but they still are constantly thinking about food what I will eat next when can I eat again where to shop for various foods and she or he buy foods already that they already have because they look good new interesting when I finished eating breakfast I can't wait until lunch and after lunch I can't wait for dinner I think about fool all through the day all day long I eat plenty don't be straight portions or count calories how do I get over this food obsession oh well you know that's a little bit interesting I think that it's I'm not sure what they're going through and it's possible that what they've got is they've got some some dissonance in the fact that they are still there searching for maybe some of their the richer foods and the saltier and sugar foods in their recent history and so they're actually in some cognitive dissonance it's the system that part of their mind is saying we're on this new path this is what we're gonna eat and then their memory circuits say wait a second I'm not so sure this is the right thing and so they wind up once again this now when there's a conflict between two two motivations it's gonna you will see that conflict in your consciousness as that is you'll see evidence go back and forth and it's it's stirring up the system and making you think about it because it's trying to determine the right thing so this is for example if you're trying to buy a new truck and you've talked to the Chevy people and you talk to the Ford people and you're having a hard time deciding you're going to be tossing and turning about this and really thinking about it so I think that this person is in a is in a transition process where they are getting used to this idea and and that they have not quieted down all of the questions that their Stone Age brain has about whether or not this is really a good idea and as they as they become more acclimated to the food and this becomes more of habit pattern and we are not questioning whether or not this is we're gonna do this is what we're going to be doing this should quiet down to the point where you're not obsessing about food anymore than you obsess about anything right okay very good well thank you we have almost used an hour and of course you just flies by because it does within thank you so much you're some of the most brilliant minds that I know and we all are very lucky to have you here thank you doctor I am hope we look forward to seeing you the second Tuesday of December and I do and I know everybody here wants to wish you a very happy holiday and Thanksgiving now it's great to be here it's great to see you I was always Gustavo and and I'm glad to have the we're able to make it all work today very good very good I just very briefly I want to show everyone I'm well I don't know if I will be able to live if I can do this I want to show everyone really quick a the website for doctor of MacDougal so that if you're interested in this you can go there and you can go under programs here and you can go to the 10-day living program and from there you can see the schedule you can see an example of the schedule you can see the brochure and sometimes you can even see the recipes although the recipes are here as well and from here you can go ahead and add to cart' select the date and sign up for one of the 10-day programs and I hope that you will consider that and with that we will close the webinar and I wish all of you happy Thanksgiving we will see you all in two weeks thank you doctor I'll be back
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