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Gustavo Tolosa: Dr Doug Lisle Exercise yes or no Caloric Density Water Consumption
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welcome everyone I'm Gustavo Tolosa the webinar host for dr. McDougall webinars and today while we wait for everyone to login I wanted to show you dr. McDougall website his website is dr. McDougall comm I wanted to ask you to go to programs and look under programs and you will see the three day intensive program that is coming up on may 5th I cannot encourage you enough to attend this weekend it is one of the most incredible weekends you will ever experience you will receive all the information that people receive during the 10-day program but at a fraction fraction fraction of price of course you don't receive the medical care directly from dr. mcdougal or dr. Anthony lame but you do receive all the information and you get to taste the food for you know breakfast lunch and dinner in the marvelous buffets that they offer and you get to see and hear in person dr. mcdougal Mary mcdougal dr. Doug Lyall chef and then you also get to hear Jeff Novick and you will get to hear seemed like Mary mcdougal Heather mcdougal and basically meet the team of dr. mcdougal and I just want to encourage you again to go to this website and take a look at the schedule to take a look at the recipes and to plan to attend either the May 5th or the September 8th all right so I'm Gustavo tolosa I want to welcome everyone to this week's webinar I am not sure if you heard what I was saying earlier but just in case I was showing all of you the website where you can see dr. macdougal's upcoming three-day intensive weekend where you can receive all the information that people receive during the 10-day program you just don't receive the medical here from dr. mcdougal himself but it is a great weekend and very very accessible price and fee so I want to encourage you all to go to dr. mcdougal calm and look at that and attend I was planning to attend and I'm a stickler but I'm not sure yet dr. mcdougal is there his wife Mary dr. Lyle Jeff Novick and dr. mcdougal daughter Heather Tiffany Hoff and I mean is that the great team so I wanted to announce that and I want to welcome dr. Lyle dr. Lyle is the psychologist for the MacDougall program and as far as I'm concerned he is one of the most brilliant minds of today's in today's world of psychology and I know that all of you are very appreciative that he gives us this time once a month it really is a treat dr. Doug Lyall is the author of this wonderful book the pleasure trap if you don't have it I would highly recommend that you get it so we're going to get started today is mainly a question-and-answer session so feel free to type questions and I have some questions that ever some of you have already sent ahead of time but we will do our best to cover as many as possible and I want to welcome dr. Doug Lyall how are you doing great how you doing Gustavo very good I am so glad that you have joined us today and thank you again for making the time eat that buzzer very good I'm I wanted to start with a comment that I think is going to interest a comment slash question that I think is going to interest all of people because a couple of weeks ago we did a webinar for a special group and you mentioned a new study the have come up in a very prestigious public publication about exercise and how you know it challenges all what we have learned during these years about exercising called - I know that a lot of people you know are in different stages in their lives about some people exercise more and they don't do it specifically to lose weight but I thought it was very intriguing and actually then I went and I bought because I think it's an article that is copyrighted so I went and I got that article but I wanted to start with that if you could give everybody a little bit of the you know a summary of what the article is about and why is it kind of controversial in a way this is an amazing article this is in Scientific American February this year and I forget who the author is but Scientific American always has people that are at the top of their game in academia so this is a this is a major researcher in in this case physiology and energy and all that sort of thing and what they discovered apparently this discovery has been percolating for a long time and but it has it has not I wasn't known to the general public and I had never heard this idea before and that is that that if a person essentially all animals have a budget and energy budget so for example if you're an aardvark or you're a whale there's a certain amount of calories that you can burn a day and in the case of humans the average woman burns about 1900 calories a day and the average man about 2,500 now what's interesting about this is that if you are completely sedentary so if you sit under a blanket and just stare at TV that that woman will burn maybe sixteen or seventeen hundred calories and then she will burn most of the calories in her budget the if if she does moderate exercise let's suppose she walks around the block in the afternoon and is up been busy and moving around she'll burn about 1900 calories if she runs a marathon that day she'll burn 1900 now this this is the shock so we have all assumed I certainly did that the more muscular action that you did in a day the more calories you would burn and this is apparently not the case so apparently the way this works is is that if you if you work very hard physically work your muscles out very hard what's gonna happen is is that you will start to divert energy from other systems for one thing you will do less action in the rest of the day you won't notice it but the main other issues is that there's other bodily systems and you will start to use essentially steal or divert energy from those systems for example the immune system and so this is this is amazing so it's not it isn't anything like we like I had thought I had thought calories in calories out was fundamentally accurate and that if you worked out harder you would burn more calories apparently this is not the case and so I commented on a previous webinar we did a private one we did with dr. mcdougal but I was astounded not only by this research but also by dr. MacDougall's insight into this he he did not know this but he intuited this and has been intuiting this for 30 years he's told people it is not you're not going to exercise extra weight away you're going to need to eat a much leaner diet you need to view very moderate exercise walk around the block and call it good it's essentially what he's been telling people and it turns out that he was right on target and I don't I actually don't know of anybody else that thought I'll warm these lawns so very interesting once again we find out it's all about the food moderate exercise is good probably intermediate even hard level exercise can be good for some purposes but it's not going to be part of a weight-loss program so keep that in mind if if a major reason you're exercising is to lose wait don't feel like you need to do prodigious amounts because that turns out to be simply not not in your best interest as far as that goes yes you know what you said you know we should not be surprised none of us here because we know that dr. mcdougal is a walking encyclopedia in medicine and his is brilliant and so whether you know like you said whether he instinctively known or somehow right other he that's what he's been saying and he was right dr. Lyle what if if we don't really need to exercise to lose weight what other reasons can you give it two or three reasons why exercising might be a good idea to include all exercise is a very good idea for a lot of reasons first of all for one thing you want to get up to your calorie budget so you you do want to exercise moderately and pretty consistently because you don't want to be sitting under your calorie budget so you want to burn the calories that you're designed to burn and get there the however there's also other benefits to exercise so for example just your musculoskeletal fitness exercise is useful for keeping your bones strong exercise is also very useful and important neurochemically in order to essentially dissipate stress and help your neurotransmitter imbalances so that your mood is better the it also will help you sleep better as sleep more deeply so which is useful so all of these things exercise has comprehensive health benefits but we spinning on the spinning machine for an hour and a half to burn supposedly 350 calories so you can have that piece of chocolate cake turns out to not be true that's just how it turns out we all thought it worked that way I certainly did and it turns out we were flat-out misinformed and so that is not going to be a benefit of exercise so keep that in mind right right dr. Lyle would would exercise in your experience whether it's personal or by seeing patients does it in does it help to increase the amount of energy that a person has during the day or um I can't I you know what I don't really know I think the energy the most important issues with respect of energy are is it going to be sleep and so the to the fact that exercise can help dissipate stress and help people sleep more deeply that that is a useful thing but the most important issue there's only really two kinds of energy there's there's a caloric energy and then there's neurotransmitters essentially the electrical energy in your brain and if you're fatigued you're either out of calories or you are your brain is fatigued and so the that's the most important variable when it comes to people feeling good and feeling rested and energetic is to not be short of sleep okay good good thank you that's great to know there is someone who's asking a question here and she says why do you think that after two years of eating plant-based would I feel so no energy really low and always tired what could it be there mmm well that must get a blood test and we need to see whether or not we've got some kind of anemia which there's different ways that the person can get anemic and they can that that will make you fatigued there could be some kind of infection low-grade infection that is causing a person to be fatigued in other words the the plant-based diet is not going to get you fatigued the plant-based diet should not result in you having any kind of deficiency that would result in an anemia or other condition that would make you tired now it could so for example if you if you're eating a plant-based diet you could if you're not if you're not watching it you could wind up deficient in b12 for example and if you're deficient in b12 you can wind up with an anemic condition and then that then you could be fatigued so if you are tired if you're feeling tired and something's not right and so you're you're either not get enough sleep or you're the quality of your sleep is not good or you're you're battling some dysfunction so that so we need some help to essentially understand that so it's it's not a turkey sandwich deficiency though that's lightning could it be that the vegetable green veggies and orange and yellow don't happen give us less energy than starch like potatoes potatoes rice beans or that doesn't really matter well it wouldn't in principle in other words if the person was extremely thin and for some reason they were eating to satiety on foods that were very low calorie density and they were essentially dangerously thin and they told me they were fatigued and that was their situation then I would be suspecting that they were an unusual kind of a person that could hit satiety at not actually eating adequate calories and that their body was essentially caloric deficient I think I've seen that a few times and I think I've seen people that when we got them to eat more more hearty food put potatoes and rice and beans in their diet that they perked up so I have seen that on rare occasions over the last 20 years but it's rare so most of the time if someone's fatigued there is a there's a essentially of physiological compromise of some fashion and we need to take a look at their blood you had to see what's going on so the best thing for this person would be to first of all do a blood test yes absolutely okay very good very good everybody if you want to keep typing questions please please do I will address them I'm going to go to a question that someone emailed us emailed you and it says here on February 14th of 2016 the subject of your presentation at the weekend seminar I attended was success forces vampires wizards and the position of power do you plan to give this presentation again and if so where and when I contacted you via your email and you responded that this presentation was one of the free sites but I could not locate it I would like to you basically know if it is available I hope I hope it is it's not we have to we have to find talk to Bob about that if they got it so in theory it should be recorded and I would I would like to get a hold of it myself but I'm sorry I don't I don't have I don't have my hands on it we could do a webinar here with those same slides okay okay if we can't if we can't get a hold of the recording and make that available then that's what we should do that would be great maybe we can do it next month yes all right what always pushing me quick yeah yeah all right so another question that was emailed any advice for me I very often get sad and overwhelmed at what is happening to the animals people eat and it breaks my heart just about daily Wow hmm yes so this is a this is this hyper conscientious highly agreeable soul that has empathy using out of every pore and Wow there are people that I advised to don't be going to the animal rights websites and don't don't don't be listening to the doctor Barnard's or anybody else in other words if you happen to be a very sensitive soul it would be the equivalent if you're a person that's fearful in the dark don't be - horror movies and so part of you might be morbidly intrigued to go to the horror movies but then you're up all night and if you are a sensitive conscientious and agreeable creature that is very sensitive to the suffering of animals then your your suffering through this process is not going to help the situation so you need to understand this so you you are you are one of seven billion humans and we need to intelligently look at the situation and realize that this is not a set of data that you need to be flowing into your life so you need to barricade yourself like in like an alcoholic needs to stay away from the bars a sensitive soul about this doesn't need to be inundating themselves with all the horrors of what goes on with the animals we know it's there you know we we know its existence we know that there are that there is a growing sensitivity in unity for the plight of animals this is this is what the philosopher Pete Seeger has called the expanding circle so this this began with human beings first having empathy for each other that empathy then extended from small family units out into a little village but then extent extended to from a village into 10,000 years ago into small towns and and then into cities and then into nations and now even into continents and so you you have a and now the expanding circle this very simple fixed moral principle or capability of humanity to actually understand and feel what another is suffering that is now expanding human beings are capable of expanding this indefinitely into including other animals and and even even plants for goodness sakes okay so this is this is a possibility of the human imagination to continue to expand this circle but it's not easy because the natural circle is very tight and very parochial by nature so the the world follows and it follows sort of slowly this this direction of the expanding circle but it's we are relatively early in the game and it's going to be a few hundred years before the average rank-and-file human on earth has the same kinds of feelings that you have today and so so don't don't feel like you cannot rest and be at peace until this project is done and everybody sees what you see they will they're there will be a small tiny incremental improvement in human sensitivity to these issues during your lifetime that is all that there will be and so therefore if you if this makes you upset to be exposed to it barricade yourself that's the only reasonable course of action and realize that that there are others that are made of Hardy or stuff than you that can take a camera and point it and and force people's face in it that John Robbins is the world there's people that have a have have a a more ruthless grit that are gonna that are going to do the job better than you could do them with a lot less internal stress so this is why we have lawyers disagreeable difficult people to argue our case for us in court okay where a lot of us are pleasant enough and nice enough that we we can't handle or would not like that conflict but we hire these henchmen to go and do the job for us there are people that understand the ethical issues as we understand them and that they are fighting but but don't immerse yourself in it that that's just a prescription for misery right very good very good completely I agree thank you doctor I wanted to mention something because someone has made a comment here and I'll explain but I often spend time with Chef AJ we film videos or we attend conference whatever and I see her eat and she eats list tremendous amounts of food like literally twice what I eat or maybe more and she's still like a little stick but she wasn't like that always at some point she found a way and according to what she said to me many times is the type of caloric density that she chooses to eat and so it allows her to eat a lot of volume so become a saying that because one of the people here is commenting on how she would like to eat more food and if there is any way to raise the basal the basic you know metabolic rate and and eat more food so what would you now do that there's no way to raise the basic metabolic rate and so we just found that out inside the know the your if you want to eat more food then you're gonna have the food of lower calorie density and that's that's how it's going to go so you develop an affinity for zucchini her son that's right I mean that the differences in in caloric density in food is quite substantial it's a difference in for example between rice and potatoes is very substantial so potatoes are considerably less calorie dense than than rice and so a potato you can eat more pounds of potato than you for for the same amount of rice so yeah those differences exist throughout the the plants that we eat and so if if you are somehow feeling frustrated by the amount of food that you're eating and you feel like you have to essentially monitor that in order to monitor your weight then your best move is to shift to a diet where the calorie density drops a bit if you think in principle that we saw the eyeball estimate is that probably about the ideal calorie density average calorie density for humans is somewhere in the order of about 560 calories a pound this is just there's no magic number here but this is this is the penn state university studies sort of suggesting that that's about what it looks like however if you wanted to eat more volume if that was you then you take it down to four hundred sixty calories a pound and now now you've got the latitude to play with to increase the volume so that's how you look at that problem all right very good okay someone is asking you know I at one point I had this question field because we hear so much about you have to drink six glasses of water every day you have to drink a glass of water until I think I heard dr. mcdougal once I think it was him but it was like you know how many breaths do you take a day only the ones needed so how much is there such thing as how much water we should be drinking per day or just drink when you're thirsty yeah I should just drink when you're thirsty no interestingly enough yeah there's no there's no need to be monitoring fluid intake now I would say there's a little bit of a caveat possibly that and that is that elderly people may not signal their thirst or their dehydration as effectively as younger people so if you are elderly if let's suppose you're over seventy if you're over seventy I might suggest that you you might consciously just drink a little bit more water you know maybe half a glass of water a day more than you might otherwise think you might just file that away as a as a little project so but it wouldn't be anything major it would be very minor this is just enough to help the kidneys flush you know to not have such concentrated urine potentially so it wouldn't be a big deal would be a small deal and I think that that we can make a case that that would be a useful thing this is however a very minor thing for the rest of us you would never expect that the machinery of thirst if it was in your best interest to dial it up then nature would dialed it up there wouldn't be any reason to be messing with us to try to think that it was I either under shooting or over shooting it doesn't make any more sense to think that you should try to drink more then it should make sense for you to try to drink less okay so nobody's out there saying well gee I think you should drink less water a day than you're thinking so when you go to the drinking fountain you're thirsty make sure you don't drink as much as you want nobody's saying that but it makes just as much scientific sense as the idea that you should drink more than you feel compelled to so now that's just an absurdity with the caveat that I think I think there's just a bit of evidence to suggest that that people in their in their later years might want to up it just a hair right right okay you know just before we leave the the previous question I wanted to ask you something to clarify it is is it possible to eat a plant-based diet and choose certain foods on a daily basis that actually are going to hinder it if you're trying to lose weight you know yeah that's hard it is yeah coconut dried fruit avocado nuts seeds yeah there's a as well as any processing of plant bull natural plant foods so dry cereals with soy milk and bread with Earth Balance spread on it and jam and nut butter yeah there's all kinds of plant foods that are essentially very concentrated and will keep excess weight on people so usually people go through a metamorphosis where their first large hurdle and healthy living is to rid themselves of most of the animal food a lot of times people will first rid themselves a meat and then they'll read themselves a cheese later or dairy products later so people usually go through sort of a natural evolution of their own and it doesn't happen overnight the and then they do that a lot of times that's as far as a lot of people go and potato chips and beer are vegan and sometimes the stay and the diet because that's as far as the system is gone in terms of delineating healthy versus unhealthy and some good comes of this but there's more good to come and which is getting rid of large amounts of the oil and reducing the amount of refined carbohydrate that's in the diet and then also finally reducing the amount of total processing that's in the diet so a lot of times people will will stare at me in horror when I tell them that if they grind their own peanut butter and put it on their own bread that they make this maybe recently healthy food but it's extremely rich and it's what's keeping the extra 15 pounds on them and yes but it's vegan and it's all-natural it's like well it's not all-natural because that that processing process essentially breaks down cells makes the food artificially soft makes it very easy to digest yeah very concentrated so yeah this is a process as we move towards the dominant amount of our food being unprocessed whole National planted I think you mentioned once how you had a patient that I don't know even now if it was you it was done from a little bit and who couldn't figure out why she wasn't losing weight and she was eating quite a lot of hummus but bought in the store with and she didn't think that he had oil done Hamas can be actually about of two weeks ago I went to a restaurant I thought I was choosing something healthy healthy and they brought me this hammers and he was literally swimming in oil yes of course I sent it back but yeah it's possible right oh sure a lot of oil without noticing yes knowing and a little bit of oil oil is so rich that a tiniest bit of it can put you over your calorie budget so remember your hunger Drive is designed by nature to hit that calorie budget right on target but if we slip something in the diet that is unnatural particularly oil because it's concentrated right slip it in there and now very easily you can be 200 calories over your calorie budget and if you're 200 calories over your calorie budget consistently there was that's a pretty healthy diet you're doing a pretty good job but that would cause you to sit at an equilibrium that would be above your ideal weight so nobody knows what how much that would be because individuals and genetics is involved but I have an eyeball estimate but it's a way to help people think about the issue and that is that if your diet is 10 percents you concentrated ie there's 10 percent too many calories in it after you need to satiety then I would expect that you're probably 10 percent overweight if your diet is about 20 percent so you concentrated all debts you you're about 20 percent of and so you know a woman that wants to be a hundred forty five pounds but is 175 pounds that person is 20 percent overweight probably her diet is about 20 percent sooo concentrated yeah they wouldn't take much wouldn't he wouldn't take a lot it might take an extra 400 calories a day to keep that but 400 a day is a couple tablespoons of oil and so she can be thinking she's doing a great job and in fact she can be doing a very good job but that that culprit can be her Achilles heel and be the difference between being 175 and 145 okay okay great thank you so much for clarifying that another question that was too emailed was what is the best diet and protocol supplements maybe for someone who had ovarian cancer ten years ago and a recurrence a year ago doing well currently is an implant based diet what supplements says what is the best diet and protocol and she puts in within parenthesis supplements with question mark well I someone who had ovarian cancer ten years ago and now it's requiring a year ago yeah I would I would write to dr. Alan Goldhamer at True North health calm my my recommendation that sounds like the person is already doing probably everything they can do with their diet and so the the next tool that that I believe is valuable in the drawer is the possibility of water only fasting and so I think you know we've been saying that quietly for years but now we actually have evidence that this is extremely useful particularly with a particular kind of lymphoma we've had several cases in a row now that that people have recovered and we published a one case study in the British Medical Journal that was extraordinary so I don't think that this is a panacea for all different kinds of cancer but it is a this is suggesting that this may be a very useful ancillary tool and so I would write to dr. Goldhamer at help promoting calm that's who you're writing tip and I didn't ask him about whether this situation makes sense and look get his opinion oh okay great okay another question is that this is my eighth week as vegan and I have started getting nosebleeds I never before had any nosebleeds and I'm starting to get concerned any ideas no I don't have any so this is this is why we need Jeff Novick around here and we don't know that's right we do yeah I I actually I mean certainly this is once again we circle back around to you know possibly an anemic condition developing that you wouldn't develop that in eight weeks on a vegan diet so this is somebody may know and but that's actually a question for dr. mcdougal next time around this is remember I'm psychologist I knew yeah about the medical side but I don't know that much that's right okay well I'm going to make a note and make sure next week I asked that question to dr. mcdougal so if you're if you're able to log in I can't remember I think what's wrong I feel able to log in next week we'll do that we'll ask the question and someone is asking for suggestions for encouraging a preteen to get on board with a whole food plant-based diet is that too young to start introduce information about the medical side of the diet it discussions about cancer or things like that yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't be bothering with this at all so let me explain the way I think about children and basically young people with respect to healthy diets the the only consideration that I have with young people is dairy is dairy products and the reason why is my concern that dairy products may be associated with autoimmune disease so I am NOT concerned about meat and I'm not concerned about french fries and I'm not concerned about coca-cola I just don't care these these problems that the long-term possible health concerns from french fries and hamburgers mayonnaise this all has to do with way out into their future decades from now the impact on their health and so the it is not setting up bad health problems early in life these these problems are very resolvable and will come out in the noise when they start adopting healthier habits later if they didn't want to and even if you you kick them out of your house at 18 after having the look perfectly for 18 years if they go and the conventionally they're they're going to face the very same problems that the conventional eater would won't make much difference when they're 60 what happened between 0 and 18 so the so we have to keep in context what we're really trying to do here and the most important thing that I want to do is I want to keep dairy products out of kids mouths the the the the total effect of dairy products with respect to autoimmune diseases and the reason I'm concerned about that is that cardiovascular disease isn't something that I'm concerned about with a child this isn't they're not they're not gonna have strokes and heart attacks early in life not unless they're smoking cigarettes for goodness sakes so the so I'm not worried about the major things that we worry about and therefore children know don't need to be focused on that or concerned at all I am worried about things like type 1 diabetes multiple sclerosis lupus ulcerative colitis I'm worried about problems that may be preventable or reduce our probabilities if we stay away from dairy products so as a parent or grandparent the only battle I want you fighting is to educate the children that we want to stay away from cheese and ice cream and milk okay but that's what we do in this family we weeks we don't eat very much of that we eat it rarely because there are problems for you possibly and we want to reduce that the rest of it don't make a fuss about it have healthy food in your home have them understand the difference between healthy and not so healthy but let's not let's not be worried about things that we shouldn't be worried about remember these little people are going to live to what their life expectancy is in their 80s eating conventionally okay so keep that in mind and so the the what will happen with their health will be determined between their 20th and 80th birthday it's not going to be determined early okay very good thank you dr. Lyle there's a question about let's see if I can pronounce it right gabapentin how does it work biochemically why did my internet search show that it's cause of problems and people are not satisfied which pain medicine are best for permanent ankle injury pain hmm yeah gabapentin is a pain pain relieving med and I wouldn't know anything about it that's all I do all right so that's another question maybe for dr. mcdougal yes all right very good so why maybe we have time for a couple of questions and more any suggestions on how to act in a new relationship where your partner whom you really like does not share your ethical vegan view and way of living yes I want you to know that you're most people sort of come to these conclusions or change their mind over long periods of time so I've actually watched dr. mcdougal change over 20 years so he is much more sensitive to animal rights issues that he was 20 years ago and so it's not that he wasn't not that he didn't care 20 years ago but he has become increasingly sensitive and so keep keep this in mind that that people walk this this process in in their own time so if you like the person it means that you're you are picking up all kinds of cues that you that you see a lot of good things about them and that that means their character or else you wouldn't like them so if their character is is acceptable and you're attracted to the to the person then be patient with this issue because they they come from a very different land than you come from and so they will they will they will listen but don't try to force it at them they'll they'll listen and they'll absorb this over time and if the relationship doesn't work out then you didn't waste a lot of time right all right let's say that blew your collar doctor bio was a cue shirt Oh AJ said the blue is your color well good all right all right so somebody's asked the same commented that I lost a hundred and fifty plus pounds and without changing anything at all have to lowly gain back 40 and I was like the hypothyroid when I quit my doctor any thoughts yes say this again so she lost 150 then gained 40 back about 40 and she was and she has she had hypothyroidism and she quit going to her daughter or his doctor doctor but she's hypothyroid right okay okay I this is this is now a doctor question because somebody needs to get make sure that the thyroid is right that the person is getting the appropriate medication so that because what if she's hypothyroid then that this could be the straight reason why was she's gained the 40 pounds back so we've got here sometimes there's a time and place for modern medicine not often and and sometimes getting the thyroid right getting the amount of medication right could actually be surprisingly tricky and sometimes there's some some effort and hassle involved in getting that just right okay right would you mind someone is asking describing what you have for breakfast lunch and dinner yeah I have I have goose table oh just saw me yeah here knew that I was eating some Ezekiel's cereal with almond milk and banana and raisins so I'll have that or I'll have oatmeal in the morning so it's typically bananas and raisins with oatmeal or some kind of cereal so that's breakfast lunch and dinner can look very similar so I read the reading Italian food ie am eating pasta with with tomato sauce and with salad and and usually some vegetables cut up into the pasta or I'm eating Mexican food so I'm eating tostadas where we're gonna I'm gonna have corn tortillas I'm going to bake them and then I'm gonna have rice and beans and lettuce and tomatoes and some avocado and some salsa on that so that's that sounds good right about now mm-hmm so or I'm eating Asian food so I will I will go out because I don't know how to cook that and and so I'll eat some Ethiopian food there's a place that I take my mother that we we eat the open food we did that last night so these are the kinds of things that I do and probably the staple of my of my dinner is going to be just a bunch of steamed vegetables with there's going to be potatoes yams carrots Brussels sprouts asparagus and corn just in a big steamer and that's whenever we do that we always remark that that's actually our favorite meal but but this is but I interspersed these other things right right okay great right I have to say hello - oh hey Nia here because she's from Argentina so only okay Nia come with us okay so she has a question but I think I better ask that question next week for dr. Mutulu okay for two reasons one is maybe more medical running out of time so thank you dr. Lisle again and everybody please send questions to the email to send questions is webinar not webinars a webinar add dr. McDougall calm and I think dr. Lyle you we have scheduled our next webinar at the end of May because there's a conflict that we need to take care of okay so thank you again I think I mentioned when we were chatting off-camera before that I printed the newsletter that dr. mcdougal the free newsletter from March and I saw a recipe here for the three bean chili and I made a beauty video about making that so if any of you here want to stay and watch that you're welcome to do it you don't have to but after we're done this I'm going to play that video okay all right thank you dr. Lyle and I hope you have a wonderful lunch with the would that you've described the taste so good very good we'll see you next month the replica stop I'll see y'all soon all right very good thank you and remember everyone that the three-day intensive weekend is in May and it's in Santa Rosa and it is an amazing weekend I think you is one of the best events you can attend because you get all the information that people get during the 10-day program but at a fraction truly a fraction of the price and I cannot recommend it highly enough so if we're going to end the webinar now and I will show you how to prepare the three bean chili that appears in March newsletter from dr. MacDougall if you haven't signed up for his free newsletter please do is invaluable this is brilliant he wrote about the civilized sustainable Health Care Act dr. MacDougall's version of healthcare but there are some really good recipes here so goodbye everyone and if you would like to stay in just a few seconds you will see how I make the three bean chili goodbye see you next week you
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