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Gustavo Tolosa: COVID-19 New Statistic, New Hope, by Dr Doug Lisle
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hello and welcome my name is Gustavo tolosa and I am a webinar producer and host and I you may have seen me doing webinars with a lot of plant-based doctors and chefs and one of my favorite people to interview and chat with of course is dr. Lyle we all love human and really respect him so today we're going to talk a little bit about what we're all going through which is this anxiety and stress of the corona virus just in case the some of you're new here I would like to say a few words about dr. Lyle dr. Lyle received his undergraduate education from the University of California San Diego he completed his PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Virginia where he was awarded the president's fellowship and was a DuPont scholar he was then appointed lecturer in psychology at Stanford University and worked on the research staff at the Department of Veterans Affairs at the National Center for post-traumatic stress disorder in Palo Alto California his research and clinical interests have broadened to include health and wellness self-esteem relationship satisfaction the treatment of anxiety disorders and depression and optimizing achievement motivation in addition to his work with steam dynamics he is currently the staff psychology at both the True North health center and the mcdougal wellness program both located in Santa Rosa California and of course he co-wrote a book that we have all read the book is called the pleasure trap and I hope that you will get a copy of it and and start reading it so without further ado I would like to introduce dr. Lyle and thank you so much for making the time I know you're very busy to be with us today how are you doing just great your stava great to see you same here so dr. Lyle let's talk a little bit about this and then we have some questions about the the stress the mental stress that a lot of people are feeling and anxiety I can't say that I'm not feeling it because I also and I have this Lisa running through my mind on all the time did you wash your hands did you put your gloves are you wearing your mask did you put your shoes outside or don't come in with etc and I just would like for you to say a few words and then we can chat and have some questions that okay with you sure absolutely I think that yeah this is an unusual time the I think that that the greatest generator of anxiety is uncertainty uncertainty and fear about the downside risks so this is the not not dissimilar to if you're walking in the woods and there were the evening and you hear a twig snap your your first reaction is predator so you're designed by nature to have your mind reach for the very worst case scenario and have an emotional response on that on that inference that this could be terrible and therefore we have to be instantaneously ready so this is essentially what happened to you know an entire world with respect to this is that this is a big twig snapping in the woods and the the overwhelming likelihood is that it's a squirrel however there was a possibility that it would say that it was an African lion okay so this is the worst-case scenario entrance now this is now March 21st I think birthday is spring and I think that that by this time the evidence is starting to come in that this is not nearly as bad and this isn't going to be nearly as bad as that we feared but that that's reasonable so right now what you have is a the appropriate a reaction which is in retrospect will turn out to be a massive of a reaction as governments around the world race to try to make sure that we don't give up a once once it essentially a one-time opportunity to to impact the development or the essentially the spread of an epidemic and so they didn't have a choice as far as I was concerned they so all of these sort of draconian measures that we're seeing around the world including in the United States like right now I sit in California viz to lock down or whatever they call in other words you're supposed to be at home not out in the world doing anything unless you have to and that that's not unreasonable given what we knew or essentially what we didn't know but we suspect it could be possible a week or two ago so it takes time for the information to flow through the world's databases and get communicated now as today I I'm not nearly as concerned as I was a week ago a week ago it looked like we had for example percentages of death from infection in China looking like four or five percent we had the same kind of thing happening in Italy also looking like 5% or more it turns out that these are vast over estimates as a result of essentially that the people that were being tested are not a representative sample of the world that gets in contact with this virus we now have in Germany vast numbers of people have been tested because they have very sophisticated and a widespread testing program that's been in place now for enough days that we're getting a better estimate as to how many people are infected and how many people are likely to die as a result of this infection it's looking and the World Health Organization currently has this estimate posted online is between two and three percent this would be terrifying this retro and of course myself and every other reasonable person in the world looking at that we realize that this could be a tidal wave of carnage of essentially unprecedented proportions in the modern times the it's not the bubonic plague that wiped out half of Europe but if it took two or three percent of our citizenry in the world that would be an unbelievable number the however quickly the numbers look different so pretty soon we had a cruise ship or two that were infected we were able to follow those infections and then observe several 700 affected people I think on the diamond princess I think I'm remembering this correctly and it turns out 1% of the people became infected or 1% of people died you know 700 people were infected out of 2,500 people so a pretty good sample with 1% South Korea also showing about 1% fatality so this is also just looking ominous so this was about the best or most trusted data as if maybe a week ago so this led to a great deal of action on the parts of governments saying we have to stop now and hard we don't have any choice and so they did and I'm essentially proud of the world that human beings talk to each other communicated politicians but but partisan issues aside as fast as they could and we have acted with extraordinary cooperation and speed on this sort of once-in-a-lifetime threat remarkable however it now appears through more extensive testing in Germany and better data analysis that the threat looks more like 0.3% and it looks like 1% this is huge so this is the break that every epidemiologist in the world and every every learning person that has been staring at this problem was hoping for we were hoping that this would actually be essentially the equivalent of their very bad flu and that's what it looks like so you're seeing that the people that are for whom this is fatal are overwhelmingly elderly people are really quite old so in the 80s is where the vast concentration of this is and in the 70s and of those people that are contracted virus in their 70s for example the vast majority of people will survive only maybe a couple percent will die two or three percent and those individuals that die a large percentage of those will be smokers and there will be people otherwise who are quite unhealthy so in Italy I believe that 99% of the people that died so far in Italy all had very serious other underlying conditions so what we're seeing is exactly what we see in the flu every year in the United States we see the flu visit and we see many millions of cases to the flu maybe 40 or 50 million cases we see 40 or 50 thousand people a year die every year the people that die every year the flu are almost exclusively although not exclusively but they're almost exclusively people that have that are very are most elderly people and we are seeing that are elderly people that are already than this ill or or essentially the most people so that is what this looks like essentially it looks like a stressor for our species that's going to tip people that are already in serious trouble it's going to tip a few percentage of those people to their to their last day it's a not a good way to go the virus is a 17-day infection for those people so if grandma who is already in trouble and has a lot of health problems and it's essentially 83 years old and it's in the bottom 5% or health of 83 year olds if she contracts this virus she's trouble and and instead of her living in other six months she's going to live another a couple weeks so this is not a good thing and it is a very scary thing however it doesn't look like the calamity that that all of us were fearing so this is going to take a while to confirm what is that I'm reporting here what I'm reporting here is the best available evidence that I have as someone very comfortable with statistical analysis on the basis of my academic training I feel confident that this is more or less what this looks like so I'm breathing a sigh of relief I have an 87 year old mother who I am protecting carefully to try to reduce her likelihood of getting this virus however she's not anywhere near the bottom 5% Isle of an 87 year old she's safely in the mid range so we're on to dying if she contracted the disease or it's extremely small the so this is so I'm I'm concerned but I'm not panicked so the reason why people would be essentially extraordinarily anxious and very stressed it's going to be number one to not know the numbers essentially to not know what the facts are and the media of course is is bowing to a rule in media and and that is that if it bleeds it leads the most dramatic most scary thing that can happen is exactly what's going to be plastered on the front pages of the of any internet site and of any radio television show or or print media it has to be that way they're in competition with each other for eyeballs and eyeballs or money and the most dramatic scary thing is going to be the thing that draws the most attention because that's the nature of the species the species must figure out what kind of threat it's under and and what it must do on your uncertainty and so we're going to get blasted continuously for the next several weeks with this in order to essentially get your very Horton's and all all-important economic process of your eyeball moving to their page so you're going to get inundated with very scary information it's going to try to dampen any positive information that gets leaked or that you happen to find so I have seen many instances of the media of being disingenuous in their reporting about many things about this virus in order to see to it that everybody's terrified it's also true that many experts that you will hear interviewed that would seem to be incredible bigshot epidemiologists at some bigshot in university or with the CDC or the World Health Organization these individuals are are not unbiased this is their day in the Sun this makes what their life's work to be extremely important all of a sudden so this is essentially their Super Bowl and many of them have waited their whole lives to be crowned MVP at Super Bowl and this is the time to do it and so they're not going to be particularly reassuring and anybody that is reassuring and and gives a essentially very contrary message opens themselves up to essentially PAC criticism and so you're not going to see this happen however I have been looking for this individual so there are extremely highbrow sophisticated people that are looking at the numbers and exactly the same way I'm looking at them and are calming down in a relaxed fashion realizing that it is entirely plausible that when 2020 is over that the death rate for the United States will not have gone up at all that essentially the people that will die at this disease of which there may be 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 or 50 or even a hundred thousand those will be likely to be individuals who would have died this ship there anyway and so that's overwhelmingly likely who those people are going to be so it's exceedingly possible that when we look at the death rate of the United States when it's all said and done that 2020 will look exactly like 2019 or if it looks a little worse than 2021 will look a little better in other words a very small percentage of people that are elderly and ill will have essentially given up these few months of their life early so instead of dying in two in early 2021 they died in late 2020 now this seems very callous and uncaring I'm not callous uncaring I'm extremely concerned I don't see how I could be very wrong based on the numbers that we're getting in from around the world and careful study of conditions that are representative of what we're all going to face as opposed to one representative which is what's being reported now it is scary it's nasty if we had you know a new flu strain that operated independently of the one that we have now that wipes out 40,000 people a year and we had another 40,000 people then we would need to seeing the same thing happen in other words we would have elderly and sick people and vulnerable people a few more of them would die this year as a result of that and it would truncate their lives some some modest degree that's what this is okay this is essentially it's not a flu it's it's own thing but it is essentially a very similar process it's a respiratory virus and it's going to essentially work very similarly it's worse than the flu so it's going to hasten this up or it's going to grab a few more of your most vulnerable 1% is what's happening so if you are not one of those most of all number one percent if you're walking around and chewing gum and walking and and not in the nursing home and if you are not a career long-term smoker then your odds of perishing from this are effectively zero yeah in cases where that's been not true for example apparently some young man died at this that was otherwise looked and healthy it turned out he added an undiagnosed leukemia so this sort of thing is going to be found it is going to be people that are younger that seemingly don't have a vulnerability that will lose their lives to this and they may have lost considerably more life as a result of this tragedy visiting so what would I tell you not a good thing proud of the world's governments and communication systems and epidemiologists and doctors and researchers to jump on this thing and understand that they did not know what the parameters were and that we had no choice other than to responsibly overreact just as you would is if a loved one was at a Mexican restaurant and just ate something with a lot of hot sauce in it and then started clutching their chest and having a hard time breathing the white thing to do is to call them 911 even though the odds are pretty high that it's not a heart attack we don't know so in in grave danger always overreact okay don't sit on 911 if your grandmother just took a spill and she's in the middle of the floor and she looks like she's in trouble don't wait around for three minutes to find out get on the phone immediately that's what the world has now done with this virus which is exactly what they should have done do we have a revisiting of the bubonic plague are millions going to die as a result of this is this going to be a unspeakable tragedy no it's not it's going to turn out that this is a rough wave of trouble it's going to visit our most vulnerable and people that that that don't have a lot of bandwidth left in their lives and it's going to push them early okay that's not good and that's a sad thing and it's worth trying to do what we can to mitigate that but it is not what it is that we must here we feared that this could have been something that could take out anybody and that it could in fact visit several million Americans if it had been a 3% like they were hearing or a two to three which is now being reported by the World Health Organization these are very misleading numbers based on what we now know that would mean nine or ten million Americans which would be worse than any World War we interface okay that's not what this is this is essentially a nasty nasty blip if we keep that in mind wash your hands be pretty nice but otherwise get ready to resume normal life because as this data becomes clearer and more evident to the powers that be over the next couple of weeks which in the next two weeks it will become exceedingly evident as more and more data comes in from around the world from from better and better sources we'll find out that it's not 1 percent that it's 0.3 or so maybe 0.4 maybe point 2 but it's down in those ranges the normal annual flu is 0.1 so this this means that as this evidence comes in the panic among the learn it that understand is going to subside things considerably the politicians will now then know that they don't have to do this it's not required it's not a responsibility requirement to go through the draconian measures that we are now and as this finally starts to become evident this is going to we're going to have a return to normalcy so that I can't give you an exact timeline on that but it's coming and it's going to come pre soon at least on wine I know this Davo is because the the incubation period from beginning to end to death is 17 days and we now have hundreds of thousands of people that have been have tested with many many positive tests around the world now now we're going to be able to see in the next 17 days a tremendous amount of people that are now well documented and we're gonna what the real base rates are or or this process that were to find out that they're not anywhere near to worst case scenario humanity just stepped on a twig in the dark and it's snapped or they didn't step on it they heard a twig snap it turned out it was a big animal but it wasn't a big predator the scary as hell and you know it it gave us a you know a bad few minutes that we'll catch our breaths and we'll be okay well it's nice to hear a reassuring message among all this total madness hi and of course I'm just wondering dr. Lisle well first of all you might be highly criticized because you're telling us the opposite that we're hearing but these numbers are you talking about well do you think that it will become available in the near future like this said today it isn't all you have to do is you look at you look run from Germany so Germany has now tested as of yesterday over twenty thousand we have twenty thousand cases that have that have grouped themselves to be possible and this is a result of having to test a huge number of people because most people don't have virus so the remember that when you're in Italy or you're in China where you're in the United States and you've done very little testing the only people you're testing or the sick people so it's no surprise dat five percent of them died but if we go out and test half a million people then then now we find out okay well now that we've got twenty thousand out of half a million have been identified now we can have a very better look at these twenty thousand people because we've got a huge number now and they're not a bunch of sick people that we've met selected to see oh my god you're really ill narraboth let's see whether or not you got the coronavirus oh my god you've got it instead we go and test 500 people of which two or three are sick when we they're not two or three or sick but seventeen nor have the virus and now we see that oh my god you didn't even know you have the virus okay so now we're going to sit back and watch for 17 days whether you're dead and the answer is mMmmm you're not turns out it wasn't that big a deal so this is what Germany has found so Germany now is showing about 0.3 death rate in other words about 80 people out of 20,000 something like that whatever it is so there it's the it's about 0.3 now that is very I mean it's worse everybody is saying is this worse than the flu is true that is correct I mean all the evidence indicates that this is worse than the float it's bad okay so we're not denying I'm not denying that and nobody would be the insane to deny that but what it looks like is a very nasty flu it doesn't look like a you know an unprecedented modern pandemic that is ten times worse than the flu or is the World Health Organization incredibly you know what I mean I I don't know why that they wouldn't move a little quicker to give us a little bit better thing like okay it could be as bad as 2% because we look at national averages we average Italy in there but we already know that the Italy data is unbelievably biased we already know these are elderly people very old very sick you can't use that data that's like going into a cancer ward in the in the United States and saying well how many people are going to die this year and then then watching and then publishing that data well gee where I was 42 percent of the people body it's like that's not representative of the United States and so this is base statistics which is that you have to collect representative samples in order to generalize the results now fairly and reasonably that we didn't have representative samples two weeks ago so if you didn't have representative samples and you have to act now you can't wait for the representative samples this is so the world did exactly the right thing which is to push the panic button when it looks like you could be in serious trouble and you only have one chance to push it that is exactly the right thing to do but now we're two weeks later with twenty thousand confirmed cases in Germany and you know 0.3 of the people die that's what we've got we've got a cruise ship where 1% of the people died but when you adjust for their ages a make appropriate statistical adjustment the number looks like 0.5 so now it's like okay that's what and that's it worst apparently so the crease date is 0.5 the much better German data now looking at 700 cases but looking at 20,000 cases says 0.3 ok what are we going to find we're gonna find that this is a bad thing clearly and we're gonna find that it's going to visit the lives of very vulnerable people as does the flu or any other problem that comes to their lives it's going to be a the thing that tips them over ok so very many elderly people get some kind of pneumonia and they die from it they can get a cold and die from it so this thing is going to push a lot of people it's going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for for many vulnerable people however it is not going to visit the normal population in a way that's going to be catastrophic at all and so that that is the truth is best that I can tell it and I wouldn't be saying it if I wasn't staring at the numbers and you know I've got a calculator on my desk and I've got a brain and I can see what the truth is saying you have a lot of experience in statistics which is yeah yes most don't and so it looks very scary where do where are these numbers available like are they available to regular people happy these are mine if you if you look up Germany Germany coronavirus and you'll see the data and so if you read about it you'll see that the Germans have by far them a sophisticated widespread testing program South Korea is being lauded for theirs but it's behind the Germans and so you know we're not Germans to be methodical concerned like you said but not panicked because the concern be proven particularly if you have elderly people about the notion that we should all feel a tremendous responsibility to not be passing this virus around because it would create waves of disaster is mistaken okay so that it's fine that we did what we did flattening the curb etc reducing the spread this is all this is all legitimate but that I'm not seeing given the lethality of this I'm not seeing a catastrophic health crisis at all I'm just seeing a scared species looking at trouble and overreacting as they should and certain places are going to find out that if they didn't flatten the curve and they don't have adequate facilities their doctors are going to face some difficult triage choices like in Italy so there's going to be you know that's not good the United States is massively better prepared Germany is well prepared there's other countries that aren't as well prepared to work I don't see a big you know isn't that I need to be egocentric about this I mean it's going to be I should care in principle about people in Italy as much I do to people in the United States and in principle idea but the the people that are personally closest to me are in the United States and so I know that me and myself and my own are well protected by a healthcare system who is going to be up to this task if it turns out that I need it I need it one thing that I wanted to get your opinion on is the damage of the financial heart economy because there this is it is crazy and restaurants and many many businesses that are basically going to have to close the doors forever yeah yeah I think that's why there's going to be a lot of pressure in the next couple of weeks as you remember you've got you've got a couple of hundred thousand people tested and in South Korea and a couple hundred thousand more people tested in Germany that we're watching and so in in Germany now with 20,000 infections as of today you're in the next 17 days we're going to get an extremely good number about what the real death rate is and it won't be disputable yes sir right now it's like well if it leads to five percent Germany six point three percent boy you know who we gonna believe well I think I know who to believe and so but but that's going to be unequivocal within two weeks so in two weeks once the parameters of this are better known and I should say you know and III want it I want to have a wild card in this discussion that I can't speak definitively all I can tell you is what the evidence is screaming to me so I expect to be greatly reassured in the next ten days as we now watch a significant percentage of those 20,000 cases aged their way into this problem those 20,000 people are not in trouble they don't know they have two critical cases out of 20,000 right now and so this is this is telling you what it looks like as of today so I think that we're going to find that in the next couple weeks we're going to see these numbers are going to coalesce around something you know probably considerably below point five which is massively less than everybody is fearing and as a result it's going to be clear that and it's also going to get very clear about who it is that's dining okay so once we see that it's now going to be more of an issue of hey we have to be careful in and around older vulnerable people to to shield them from infection but that doesn't mean the rest of us can't go out and dance that's a whole different issue and so other things have been parameters that have been greatly feared is that people can be carrying the virus and spreading it without being symptomatic I believe that does theoretically always the case for example with colds flu anything else in the Sun but I think that we also know that in the vast majority of these kinds of diseases that although that's true that is not the vast majority of the transmission so as a result as we get a handle on that in the next couple of weeks we're going to find out that it's not that important that we'd be sequestered and six feet away from everybody and everything else what it what's important is if you're sick or you're feeling a little bit ill don't go visit your grandmother or nursing home okay which was always a smart move but now it's going to be particularly emphasized so I think that the world is going to essentially get their hands around these parameters I think there's going to be a great deal of superstition and fear that will last for months but I think the powers that be and the real brands will know what the truth is quite definitively within 14 days and I think you're going to start to see a real action relaxation it's going to going to be it's going to be a responsible process to have to walk back our panic and when that happens I think these businesses are going to survive mostly okay and I think things are going to spring back and things are going to be looking very normal relatively soon if life doesn't look normal bye the middle of June all these I'll be pretty surprised I think what's up so I mean we could we could speculate that is going to be a few weeks but not 15 months not any months I don't think it's going to be a few months I think the evidence should be too clear to essentially everybody within 30 days that bad nasty thing but not the tiger we thought it was right that and that's what I think and I think that that everything will have to start normalizing after that and I think life by I think by the fourth of July I think what things going to be looking pretty good there'll be many sad stories you know there there'll be an identifiable cause of a lot of people's death that will be new and that will be you know there's gonna there's going to be a lot of mourning for a lot of people lost but it's it's not going to be what we are care yeah well I think you don't rely on you you are still doing online sessions are you from your website people can get you that if they wish absolutely and I have a new colleague dr. Jen hawk but I reduced your people to is just terrific so if you yeah if you want a little nicer version you want to get nicer than you came in in touch and also we have a we have we have some new materials we're going to be putting up on our website and steam dynamics that people might find interesting so anyway things for things are going good things are moving forward your table well we will put it here on the screen the website is teamdynamix is it Dodd or or calm yes sir dynamics that will put it here on the screen and you one more time for giving us this precious minutes here and we are sharing in us that this is not the end of the world right very good and that sometime in the near future we can resume our normal life you bet you that thank you very much that rely on wills I see fantastic thanks for having me I think everybody for joining us good man you
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