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Episode 261: Current events 07 26 2021
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yeah i think i think there probably is uh jen what do you see is most most interesting or troubling or whatever for yourself at this point i i see a couple of things and they're all uh you know intersecting and of course this is all nominally about covid but i really see it more as about politics as i see most things covetous about politics but i guess the the two things that are that are most catching my attention and most have me the most agitated is um the uh seemingly uh lack of efficacy of these vaccines against the what we what we now are calling the delta variant and potentially other variants and so we're seeing this case rises rising everywhere i think even you know the white house and the cdc are starting to acknowledge that this is happening um and this was predicted by a lot of people who were a little bit skeptical or concerned about the vaccines because the you you can get into the weeds with us um if you want to we've talked about this a little bit on hawk blocked and elsewhere too but the general idea is that the vaccines don't prevent infection they're they're quote unquote non-sterilizing so people are capable even if they're fully vaccinated of contracting covid and spreading it to others um less likely to do so than unvaccinated people so the story goes but but certainly capable of doing so and that what that does with this this sort of hypothesis has held since the beginning since i've been paying attention is that it puts selection pressure on the virus to to mutate in ways that evade the vaccine essentially um and so you were you were increasing the fitness frontier for this virus to uh get around the fact that it doesn't it doesn't like a vaccinated body very much and it can find other ways to propagate itself and and live its little successful virus life and and since viruses are not living things in the same way that we think of um you know most living things it's it's a it's a little strange to talk about it in this kind of way but it's definitely mutating and replicating in exactly the same sort of way we would think of natural selection pressure um being put on fruit flies in a lab that are in a hostile environment that have to adapt to it and so there this hypothesis has been around for a long time and there's a very good case to be made that that's part of what's going on with delta and potentially with other variants this goes by various names most most usually the swarm hypothesis particularly if kovid came to us as as a lab leak from a lab that was attempting to develop a vaccine for sars the idea is that covet itself could be an attenuated version of sars i.e sort of a watered-down version of the original virus and that if that is the case and you expose it to all of the selection pressure out there in the wild with a bunch of vaccinated on and unvaccinated people who are intermingling and engaging in high risk behaviors because they have the false confidence of high vaccination rates and so they're just spreading it all over the place you're you're a bunch of millions and millions of walking petri dishes as this sort of global gain of function experiment for this for this virus is happening and that potentially if it did come to us as an attenuated version of sars it it retains the memory of that high fitness state within it and could uh sort of de-attenuate back into the most virulent version of itself this has happened before with other viruses this is the sort of thing that will happen um to chicken farms in in uh china when attempting to eradicate this sort of viral uh spread it certainly there's a history for it so that has me concerned just on its own merits and then the intersection of all of that with the current trend politically with uh this sort of this this manichaean setup where it's us versus them where it's a divided nation it's it's uh the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated and that if things start going to [ __ ] it's the unvaccinated people's fault um and this is a very tried-and-true sort of political trope it's very intuitive it confers a lot of status and virtue on people who feel like they've done the right thing against the the evil doers in their midst when in fact this we we don't know exactly what's going on here we don't know if the increase in cases is going to go anywhere dangerous or have any sort of relevance for human life or if it's just going to be sort of this little bump in cases and variants like delta which don't look that bad um as variants go delta's sort of a a pussycat of a variant of this thing um or so it seems the the fear is that you do get worse variants potentially even more virulent than covet as we know it and that you have the scapegoating going on of the unvaccinated which may or may not be accurate but is certainly politically expedient and leads at best to calls for increased state coercion um increased control increased vaccination mandates um and at worst leads to great social unrest and you know a sort of a civil war type situation so i'm i'm concerned i'm looking at all of these things kind of not knowing where any of them are going not knowing how worried i should be but seeing a lot of ingredients in place for a really perilous kind of situation that has a precedent historically in various other contexts and just through my political science goggles feeling a lot of angst around that wow dr can you talk to us about some previous political situations where this has happened well i don't think there are anywhere it happened um around biology in this kind of way but definitely it is in the um the sort of uh you know pitting citizens against each other sort of authoritarian playbook this goes this goes way back so we can see lots of um corrupt states of various stripes that essentially you know set warring groups whether they're ethnic groups or groups that have different political interests they keep them distracted and a house divided against each other while the the corrupt state is uh actually managing to get away with whatever it wants to get away with and so that's you know there are just countless examples of that pretty much every civil war on record is is that story um and so when i start to see dominant narratives that are really in the business of othering part of the population as as you know um i mean there's just a there's so much rhetoric i'm gonna i'm gonna have a bunch of clips on hawk block this week that just put it all together so people can hear it out of the mouths of the actual politicians but you know when one guy was saying uh someone from i think the uk was saying that these idiots just need to be sit down and do what they're told they don't deserve a voice anymore um there's this kind of it's it's not fully i don't want to use the word dehumanization because i don't think it's reach dehumanization um but that is kind of the that is one of the things that you watch out for in a nation that is on the brink of a lot of unrest is when the different groups are regarding each other with this dehumanizing lens um and that is definitely we are on the path to that if if not already there um and you're seeing national leaders around the around the globe using this language like it's time that the unvaccinated people start to pay for this you know you're hearing that sort of thing from governors in the u.s um the prime minister new prime minister of israel was was using very similar language like these these people those people they don't deserve anything they are responsible for the situation that we find ourselves in and they we are not going to pay the price that they have you know wrought upon us and that's all well and good if in fact they are to blame it's still a political disaster and can lead to really really uh horrible crimes against humanity and everything else but my concern is that in this case it's not even accurate that ironically what could be going on is that the vaccinated are um there was somebody on twitter who said he used the very evocative term um spewing mutations like confetti from their jabbed bodies [Laughter] and that that is that we're all equally guilty of that vaccinated and unvaccinated because we're all acting like this is over and we're all mingling together and we're just swapping it back and forth and the thing is following its fitness frontier as as everything on earth does so um yeah no reason to panic necessarily just this minute maybe by the time the show comes out it will um but i i am concerned i i have a lot of i have a lot of things that i'm that are keeping me up at night wow yeah does uh does what's happening in france keep you up at night at all well that's one of these great turns toward us and them yeah this this very manichaean very you're with us or against us i mean this is the language that authoritarian regimes use um and it's it is it can be and historically is extremely effective and you're seeing enormous protests including in france um around the globe uh in my beloved australia we saw these enormous protests the other day uh this weekend july 20 24th uh that were met with significant violence from the state you know these videos of these police beat downs and in you know the the square where we stayed doug you know i'm looking at these buildings and i'm recognizing oh my god that's that's our cafe that's where we have the acai bowls you know it's like this sort of very surreal experience to see my favorite city in the world um having this experience and then uh the the fallout from that is the the premiere of new south wales is is taken to the airwaves and is saying this is i'm disgusted she used that word i'm disgusted by these people i'm disgusted by this behavior this was in response to really draconian lockdowns um you know really locking about a million citizens essentially in their homes in response to i believe two deaths two kova deaths and something like a hundred cases uh and so understandably generated some some protests and the the the backlash has just been this disgust and and uh you know we're gonna identify each one of these 3 000 protesters and they're they're looking at the footage and they're trying to id people and they're encouraging people to snitch if they know that they had a neighbor that went to the protest you know there's a special special line to report them um and this kind of thing is troubling it's very very very troubling and if it were happening in the shadow of ebola um and right and something you know horrific happening in this this incredibly virulent contagion that was just in indiscriminately destroying lives um that would be one thing and and kovid is you know not a very friendly virus it's a it's a nasty hoe as someone on twitter called it which i thought was a nice little way to characterize it it's a nasty nasty virus and it really wreaks havoc on people and it is it is worse than the flu by quite a bit um but it is it there is some trade-off there between uh how how authoritarian do our technologies and our techniques get to try to manage a population that is resistant to vaccination that is resistant to lockdown measures and it seems to be globally the answer is just leaning fully into tightening those screws uh and you know that all of the directions that that could go i mean our imaginations can run wild with that so yeah concerning yeah definitely holy smokes the um yeah it's uh i'm just completely and utterly disgusted uh by by the whole thing i i feel extremely fortunate to be insulated uh that i'm not working for the va administration or that i'm no longer a prison psychologist in california as now california is is requiring state employees to um to be vaccinated this is unbelievably stupid uh from any scientific point of view right now the let me explain why there is no rationale for this at this point the in order to argue that the vaccine is worthwhile for an individual you must be able to run a cost-benefit analysis it was interesting that robert malone in his interview i believe with brett weinstein said that the cost-benefit analysis is not complicated it's actually pretty simple it's pretty simple arithmetic tell me all of the things that go wrong with the vaccine tell me how much it looks like it's helping and help me self-identify within a cohort male female age etc and pre-existing conditions where the uh where it may be particularly helpful or particularly dangerous and harmful and there we have it we got a nice little grid uh so that a human being can make an intelligent decision none of this is happening the what people hear are blatant flat out lies coming from the government the government does not fouchy all these people do not report the truth they are absolutely distorting the evidence okay and they know they're doing it it's disgusting beyond belief let me lay out for people what what kind of data we need and is probably it would be a little bit tricky to get it but we could get it at this point we could get very good estimates uh at this point if anybody wanted them but let me tell you what it is that you would need you would need this is just to determine the the death issue okay forget the the other issue that is more perplexing for many of us would be what are the risks of you know infirmity as a result of a vaccine so that's a different issue and the uh but just to figure out where we are right now with respect to this pandemic let me give you a calm mathematical analysis of the questions that are here first of all we are seeing a vast decrease in the amount of deaths all over the place so for example in in the uk the deaths are vastly less than they were before the united states they're vastly less than they were before so in other words the numbers are clearly um i think the united states as of today let me think about this it looks like we're averaging in the last week about 238 people a day dying okay that is way less than where we were in january january were two or three thousand a day so this is a factor of 10 difference now the uh in the in the uk right now supposedly you hear the delta variant is raging yeah it's raging 40 people a day are being assigned death from covet and incidentally there's questions that those need to be modified by subtracting by about 20 off the top or 25 off the top because of the essentially inaccuracies and over reporting of covet deaths but we're that's nitpicking about one part of the parameters i want to talk about the big ones why are we having vastly less deaths that's that's an important question the if you were so obtuse as to think that the reason we're having less deaths is because the vaccine you are too stupid to be in charge of a lemonade stand there is no reason to infer that that is the reason why we have significantly less deaths now okay the death rate in the united states was crashing crashing folks before the the vaccinations were even off the ground okay they they had already uh already gone through about 80 of what they were gonna go through earlier this year with the big wave by the time two percent of the united states had been vaccinated so the vaccine had absolutely nothing to do with that reduction these charlatan criminals are actually uh saying they are using data from the first of the year and saying 99.9 percent of the people that have died are unvaccinated that is because they are including all of the people from january 1st which means almost everybody that's died in the united states okay had died of the people this year almost every actually i don't even know what data they're using they're definitely using oftentimes when they quote it they're using data from january 1st sometimes they use the entire epidemic they throw that data in there too so you can you can make these numbers they are faking faking faking and lying right straight to your face so first of all the delta uh there's several reasons why we could be seeing vastly less deaths than we have been seeing number one the delta variant could be much lighter weight okay it could be a way lighter weight uh mutation at this point there's good evidence to suggest that that could be true but we don't know that that's the reason all right but that's one reason that's so there's like four reasons that i can think of second of all the vaccine could be helping i actually think it probably is okay so i think that if you were honest about it you could actually put the grid up there and show us how valuable that the vaccine might be now from my last look at the data in in the uk of the people that are dying about half of the people are vaccinated and about half of them aren't vaccinated now god help you if you say that on in the united states you're likely to wind up getting lynched for god's sakes okay but the truth is that's what the evidence shows in the uk now that being the case the truth is i think uh way more people in the uk at least in the the older people that are the ones that are dying by the way more of them have been vaccinated quite a bit more than have not been vaccinated so that suggests that the vaccination has potency that's useful that would help us understand how valuable the vaccine would be okay but we're not getting that all we get is steamrolled propaganda from a lying state telling us uh what what the numbers are rather than a good cold uh calculus actuarial view of this thing thirdly it could be that the reason why we're having less people die now than we had die in january is that we've paid forward a lot of the weaker people in our society that we've had half a million or five or six hundred thousand people die of covet and now the truth is is that we don't have as many feeble people left okay so that that is a possibility remember the vast majority of people over 80 that contracted even the original covet would survive well over 90 percent okay so that the notion that this is a death sentence is absurd okay finally it's possible that the reason why we have less deaths now from the delta variant is because of the including the non-vaccinated people that they have actually been previously infected with the code virus and that's providing essentially a vaccination natural so there's actually four reasons that i can see why we're thinking of two two additional oh one one's a big one seasonality okay right so seasonality is huge we would expect to see fewer cases in the summertime in the northern hemisphere um than than we would in the winter time so we that that was a lot of the plunge that came just as the vaccines were rolled out in cases and death counts was related to that um and the second one is is you know maybe more applicable in certain places than others i certainly noticed it when i was out and about in seattle yesterday which is that people are still practicing a lot of distancing and masking behaviors so so people you know a lot of indoor spaces people are still six feet apart um things are really still well ventilated uh you know there there's still lots of hand washing lots of sanitizer going on um and so the sort of to whatever degree those those behaviors make a difference and i think some of them do some of them are more questionable um but that that could be contributing as well um but the the one thing just to throw a little bit of a wrench in there is you know through the seasonality lens one of the things that does concern me is if you look at the uk yes of course you see fewer cases uh than you do and i'm thinking i'm looking at the uk in particular because if delta is something to be concerned about they're ahead of us you know they they sort of the wave is has hit them earlier than it has hit us um and so i i just had it in front of me let me bring it up again so they you know their deaths now are they're seeing more deaths now than they were this week last summer um so you know they this time of year last summer they were looking at no 35 i'm just world meters here 35 50 between between 30 and 50 deaths a day um and now they were between 30 and 50 about a week ago and now we're we're getting up to the 80s 80s 90s um and and those curves are climbing more steeply than they climbed during any of the other peaks too so that's just to throw that at you in your analysis that's one of the things that kind of has me a bit concerned is if we're comparing those apples to apples with seasonality it does look like cause for some concern well i have a couple of uh this is why this should be openly debated first of all the the uk has a hell of a lot of cases now so they have exploded so i'm not yeah i don't many as they did last winter their case count is huge yeah i don't know that seasonality is involved i think this thing goes in inexplicable waves so right now we're in the middle of the summer and we are having a huge wave in the uk all right so that's uh so i think that a year ago the uk for whatever reason didn't have you know it went through whatever process it goes through so i heard some governor thinking that you know he knew that in in august this or that was going to happen because that's what happened last year man that's the law of small numbers like there's no way we i i don't expect any shadow of 2021 to be shadowing 2020 at all what i what i see is a capriciousness on the part of this virus and if it were so seasonal i don't know seasonal how in other words it explodes all over you know colombia where it's not cold at all so i'm not i'm not seeing this so i think that i think the outbreak in the the us case counts there's really just one more data point just to throw in here and i don't disagree with you i just there's nobody who's having these debates like you know openly about these things so i want to just kind of like i'm trying to imagine what people would uh come back with and actually have that conversation somewhere that exists somewhere that people can listen to it so the other thing is if you look at the sort of states in the united states which is this little bit of a federal natural experiment in a lot of different ways and also a bit of a climate experiment um the states that started to see their cases climb in the summertime last year and had had big issues in the summertime are the hot they're the the southern warmer states where it's actually spread through air conditioning or so the hypothesis goes so it's this indoor air circulation problem that that is a little bit of that's interesting um you you see some differences in you know the northern colder states in the us have their peaks in the winter time the southern states had their peaks or at least you know with the tiny data set that we have right so if you look at the two maps of you know this week last summer what were the states with the highest case counts the highest hospitalizations it's the same ten states that are having the highest counts now um and so that's that and it's like missouri texas florida arizona um so that's an interesting little yeah that is that's jen hawks real smart that's why we have you on there real real real smart smrt well the from what i can gather the and this is where it gets it gets uh also tricky and that is that we don't well first of all the total counts of deaths are considerably down from where they ever work so if you look at if you looked at if you looked at great britain when they were in the the major wave early this year and now they're in a similar major wave in terms of when you look at case counts the deaths are vastly less they're they're down around ten percent per per infection from where they were before yeah so yeah similar similar case counts you were looking at a thousand deaths a day at the peak um and now you got you know 100. so that's really the the difference there huge and you see uh in the united states the same kind of thing that you're seeing uh in other words when you're if you what what we believe to be true for example is that we believe that there's about about three cases in the u.s for every case that you've identified so right now we're identifying about 40 000 cases a day so just roughly call it call it a hundred thousand cases a day or probably uh being born in the united states and we are looking at about 250 people a day dying so that's a 0.25 okay if you look in israel they have about a thousand cases a day uh that they identify they may identify more per capita than we do just because they're so uh vigilant and it's a small well-organized country and so they're showing about one or two deaths a day i.e one couple deaths per thousand if you are in the uk you're looking at something that looks very similar it looks somewhere on the order of one in a thousand two and a thousand none of this uh this this is all by the way substantially different than what we saw six months ago or any other time in this thing so these these numbers are on the order of a fourth to an eighth they are they are indicating a dramatic reduction of fatality we don't know why the lying government won't tell us won't actually is not interested in getting the right information what i see is a totalian-esque steamrolling of pushing this vaccine on everybody without honestly accounting for a very open and honest accounting of all of the problems that are coming up from the vaccine all the reports very diligent follow-up as well as a grid that would honestly show that the vaccines are is for all intents and purposes worthless for young people so we already know they're lying and they they are absolutely not to be trusted with anything the notion that that people under 18 would even consider this thing is is ludicrous with virtually no deaths at all uh and yet they're going to go after these people just you know for some ludicrous reason like this is how you protect your grandmother incredible so i i am just beyond believe disgusted uh with our government and the uh the this entire program uh that they're up to and i and i fear you know i look at the the uh very uh the the moral righteousness that's involved here it's like really you you're you're more these young people for example i mean i could go with anybody this is it could be also there's a in case anybody's interested a pretty good i mean certainly criticizable as any little slice of science would be i mean actually any science i would present here i i could say you can look at my report and you could say well there's all kinds of holes in it well guess what we haven't even done the most basic cost benefit analysis on this vaccine on any of these vaccines the most basic cost benefit analysis that must be done before anything receives approval nobody is talking about this and if anybody comes out and starts squawking about the where is the cost-benefit analysis you're immediately anti-vaxxer misinformation kick you off of social media you're a bad human that's incredible we just want anybody rational wants to not be a member of effectively group think and basically say give me the numbers and don't tell me the lying numbers about 99.2 percent of the deaths are coming from the non-va you know non-vax persons that is bogus that is a lie okay that is piling data in on top of where it has no business in the analysis and so that and then even you know even if it were a significant effect that effect is almost going to be entirely in the elderly vulnerable people because that's where all the deaths are occurring anyway so none of that makes any sense to people under 40 which is half of the population or more so the notion that we're going to be mandating this thing to steamroll this thing through for what some social process where i'm supposed to be defending you because you even though you get to ch uh to take the the uh the miracle vaccine and i don't want to that i'm somehow responsible for a threat to you because you might have a breakthrough infection this all presupposes that the people that are dying have no complicity and no other chance not to mention a a remarkable lack of interest in any treatment options that the cdc yet still doesn't even publish there is no cdc guidelines about how you're going to do that except for i guess rem desevier the useless drug that's super expensive so the um the complicity uh not this is not blaming the victim this is your government not highlighting anything the um there is a lot of evidence deliberately misleading you and deliberately i mean the the thing that gets me politically what i keep coming back to here is that this is no surprise the the percentage of americans who are vaccinated i believe i have these numbers right i think we have 60 about 60 fully vaccinated of adults over 18. um and i think 70 69 or 70 of of over 18 adults full or one dose um and that is if you look at any gallup poll from the last 18 months exactly what has all its very consistently hovers around 60 you're gonna depending on the the political weather between 55 and 63 percent of of americans say that they're willing to be vaccinated um so this is no surprise that you have uh you know a group of citizens who are very skeptical or resistant or whatever their reasoning whatever their logic whatever they're waiting to see other numbers they have religious objections they have uh political objections whatever it is it's a consistently predictable number um and so whatever they're up to right now they they they knew uh if the whole game hinged on somehow coercing or persuading that 30 or 40 percent of people like what what was the plan for that you know you can't you can't have you can't roll out a vaccine program that you know that 40 of people don't want to participate in without some sort of intended uh plan to manipulate coerce encourage convince persuade um so what did that look like and that just makes all of this this incredible push this incredible propaganda push that's going on really ring hollow to me um and makes me feel like it's about something very much else than convincing people because they know they're not going to convince these people they don't have anything new to throw at them they have they have the rotten data they have uh you know at best i do think there is some you know it's not that these things don't work at all it looks like you know they they but they don't work as well as hoped um and so they they work to some degree and some people that's great let's celebrate that um but it's you know it's it's even even in some places there's an argument that it's only you know instead of 99 it's 89 okay well that's great let's let's let's lead with that and let people make their decisions rather than transparently trying to drag them into some kind of propaganda process where you know that there's i mean let's let's be very generous and say you've got 40 of americans who are not so sure they want to get vaccinated you think you can persuade another 20 of those um through through some sort of cooked data or really great results or it's summertime and everybody feels like hey this is great whatever your plan is what's your plan for that other 20 if you need a 100 coverage of vaccination for this thing to work you're never going to get it without really forcing people against their will i mean you've got cuomo today talking about how we need to get out there and knock on doors and convince people and he uses the phrase put them in cars and drive them and go get them their shot in the arm that's the plan the internet the internet is full of oh well better cars than trains you know of response i mean this is was this the plan you morons was this that you're you're going to you're actually going to launch this door-to-door campaign where you were for like good luck with that 20 of americans who don't want it and they're not gonna do it like i grew up with those people those people are feral yeah like they are they you do not want to knock on those doors they're not going to come willingly with you so either the plan is that you are going to force them to come with you anyway or you were setting this whole thing up as a as a you know you were you're you were conditioning half of half of the good americans to blame the bad americans i can't see it any other way i don't know why else they would be doing this because they know they can't persuade those people yeah i'm so disgusted i'm disgusted with the mask mandates all over the place i i'm disgusted with the the notion the moral high ground bs that somehow if you wanna you want a vaccine great you can go have one if you feel worried and worried about covet go go get yourself a vaccine i don't care just not this is not my problem the fact that i may choose to remain vulnerable to covet and without the benefit of the vaccine that's my problem it's not your problem for you to say that that's your problem and that i am causing you a problem i'm infringing on your rights is insane okay and it gets worse when you actually look at the following evidence that that you're not going to hear about and that is that plant-based doctors around the world those people that work in hospitals and they're exposed to covet those people are vastly less likely to wind up with a serious infection than doctors that eat meat okay that that evidence exists that's a big effect size that was published in british medical journal about six weeks ago okay so it's like oh suddenly we've got a 73 percent reduced likelihood that goes from about a one in four chance of having a nasty infection down to a one in 16. like that's not important so when i look at something like that it hasn't even begun to be investigated and so these aren't all a bunch of young people they're all you know all different ages when you start looking at that it's like okay you're telling me that i am supposed to get vaccinated even though i do not personally feel threatened by cove but particularly the delta variant if anybody would ever crunch the numbers now as i look at the numbers delta variant looks quite uh significantly less problematic than the previous variant now do i know that that's true no but i sure see death counts crashing and of course there are four major reasons why those death counts may be less i don't know what the reason is okay so but i'm looking at it and thinking well whatever the reason is the death counts are significantly less and per case okay i believe that's true incidentally even in non-vaccinated people why well maybe it's because a whole bunch of them are personally vaccinated already through previous exposure how do i know okay but what i i know i don't have is i don't have the equation in order to run a cost benefit analysis okay so that's what i don't know so how on earth could i make a rational decision anybody right now that thinks they're making a rational decision to get the vaccine or not get the vaccine is it may be technically rational but it's uninformed okay anybody that right now thinks no no i know what the facts are you do not know what the facts are if you cannot give me the parameters on these four major variables so you cannot explain in any kind of detail that explains what the the beta weights are of these four parts of this equation you don't know what is the cause okay so that means everybody out there that is telling you oh talk to your doctor that's the new thing talk to your doctor talk to somebody that's knows well your doctor doesn't know squat your doctor wouldn't know whether or not this thing was how useful it was with no ability to make this estimation so that no doctor here everybody knows in the united states you have no idea how many problems this thing is causing no same doctor that prescribes statins probably or of course the same doctor the precise prozac and everything else haldol okay so the the they're they're well-meaning they think they know they don't know so what we see here is an amazing self-righteous push where people are not saying well actually what you all ought to do is go on a vegan diet and eat a bunch of natural food if you're if you're elderly and sick and you might be worried about covid well here's the two things you need to do get yourself a vaccine because the cb on that looks like it's probably good for you and the other thing you need to do is start eating a mcdougall esselstyn campbell diet that's what you need to do oh no we're not gonna do that we're gonna say that everybody else every little school children six-month-old people okay they need to get the vaccine so that they don't give it to granny when her vaccine fails her and why does it fail her and why does she die from some fairly light pretty lightweight virus why because she's in lousy condition so this is the six year the six-month-old's fault and now that person winds up with a lifetime of disability as a result of a vaccine that she had no chance to run a cost-benefit analysis on wow that's the that's the moral position that is guiding this country right now and i'm totally disgusted with it so that's uh that's where i stand and of course i look at this and i listen to jen who warned me of this a year ago but [Laughter] just over here cassandrine you know that's that's what i do a year ago i i was like no this is passing people aren't going to put up with this people people will take their chances you know what i mean et cetera et cetera and uh a reasonable notion that hey you know i can see if you're an elderly person you want to be in a position where everybody around you is careful you better you know pay attention etc whatever and take care of your health all that makes sense don't go to a big party some super spreader event you know if you're an elderly person and you are you know immunocompromised in some way fine that that makes sense to me here we are a year later and and we we are under constant draconian pressure from the government all the way to the cradle inexcusable so i'm with i'm with jen i i feel like there's such a bunch of monetary and political power interests here it's so convoluted and interconnected i don't even know who's running the ship i just know that it's dirty that's what i know and undoubtedly there's a lot of well-meaning people on that ship that are that have their oars in the water pulling for the state because they they are uninformed but believe okay that that actually summarizes a lot of doctors that i know they are all pro-vaccine thinks everybody should get it swearing up and down that it's safe they have no idea what the cost-benefit analysis looks like they couldn't possibly draw it up because the data isn't in evidence okay so they are uninformed believers that's what they are okay and if you are some and of course you know it's a it's a difficult decision for any individual because it's like well what should i do you know what i mean you're uninformed on either side of the equation well me personally never make a big decision when a small decision will do okay you're now looking at a virus that looks like it's got right now somewhere between two and three times the the typical death rate of the flu that's what it looks like okay and um it could be worse than that i think it was twice as bad as that i think it was maybe a 0.5.6 kind of animal uh earlier it looks like it's a 0.2.3 animal now looks a lot less severe i don't know if that's true though i just know that the death counts are way less per infection so the reasons why that is are not known but i have a feeling it's little pieces of number one the delta is lighter number two the vaccine is helping some number three some of our weakest people have died and number four uh there's previously infected people are somewhat already defended okay but i think a big part of it is the delta's lighter that's what i think is likely and i think that's true because it's my understanding that that when when these viruses are deeper into the lungs they are inherently more dangerous but they're not as easily spread when they are more active in terms of upper respiratory infections like the current delta variants apparently is they are not as dangerous in terms of they're not as deep as an insidious and they are uh they are likely to be lighter weight more like flu cold etc things that pass really easily and are good gene replicating vectors but not as lethal to the host so do i know that this is true no this is just a swirling cauldron of factoids about biology and and the the data here that's running through my head have i had anybody that's been able to synthesize this and give me this equation no and i've been listening and i've been looking and all i see is propaganda so that's what that's what i have to say jen what do you think it's i think there's a lot to that where you know the way that you're talking about this reminds me of the the story with the blind men and the elephant you know there's there's some of that too where you have very specialized bureaucrats who understand their their piece of the story and they're looking in in a very limited way at whatever's happening in front of them and people are coming to conclusions and they're running cbs based on that information but you really have to step back and and look historically look geopolitically look like there's there's so much going on and that i i don't think anybody can it it's going to take you know a lot of a lot of years a lot of foia requests a lot of a lot of classified documents right never sort all of this out but i mean i i'm getting to the point where i am uh you know quite agnostic about the vaccine per se i i don't know how important it is going to be in the long term to to the things that we care about because i think you've got i think you have three three key problems that are emerging and in front of us right now you have you know significant evidence of direct harm from from this vaccination rollout that you know there's definite harm that is that is happening we don't know how much we there's no way to track it through meaningful data as we've said before all we really have is this verse data which we know is not not great but we don't know how much truth is there or what we're really looking at in terms of direct harms from vaccines by age group or by other specific factors that would be important for people gender everything else um so you've got that you have what looks to be quite short-lived immunity from the vaccine so you already have the cdc recommending um boosters for elderly and vulnerable populations which you know a couple of months ago it's like no no no no that's never going to happen that's that's that's conspiracy talk to suggest as much but now it's it's just part of the narrative that well of course there are going to be boosters of course this is only going to give you about six months of immunity and that's you know particularly if you're if you're um in a compromised or vulnerable position so that's already just part of the story um and because of that largely because of the sort of limited protection and because it's working at this fairly superficial level of your immune system um the the possibility and the likelihood very i would think very high likelihood a viral mutation an immune escape that is essentially uh training wheels for producing variants out there in the wild um and the the potential havoc that those could recon on the population um and all of this intersecting with this insane politics of coercion and and repression and censorship and um everything else that's happening it's i've just i've never seen anything like it i can't believe how quickly this has happened um and where we find ourselves and the the writing on the wall and i'm just i'm very i'm very concerned about the winter i'm very concerned about what's what's coming both in the us and around the world i mean look like i australia is completely captured by this so yep yeah i have another comment to make i have this i just i want to like plant my flag in the ground the um i believe i could obviously i could be wrong but i believe the doc in israel has the problem solved so i think the the uh doctor in israel medical researcher in israel actually knows how to treat covet and the um and i this is a using a specific they've got a name for this particular drug that they they have known about and it's a useful mechanism for i guess treating cancer and lungs or i can't remember breast cancer or something but the point is is that uh the understanding is is that there is it's the big autoimmune type storm that takes place after the covet is under control that is the big problem and the biggest problem is in the lungs okay and so it turns out that he's got a method that can go in there instead of treating the whole body you just use an inhalant for five minutes a day for five days and it turns out that this works beautifully now the um he has said he's going to be like they're in i think stage three clinical trials now in greece uh and in um india okay so my worry when i heard about this a few months ago was that they somebody you know pfizer would just hand him a check for 40 million dollars and he'd go away and we'd never hear about this thing so the um but i don't think that's going to happen in other words they are they're using these arms worldwide they're going to do major research we're going to find out that's starts rolling in august we're going to know this the end of this they're going to know this story by probably you know no later than the end of october they are planning to actually request in probably december or january emergency use authorization for treatment in the united states now i'm going to be fascinated to watch what happens with this okay so what what is big pharma and our big government gonna do when it turns out the problem is solved and any coveted variant can be because it works similarly and is dangerous on the same systems turns out it can be knocked out by this treatment this is going to be really interesting to watch so stay tuned for what could be one of the most fascinating stories in modern world history if it turns out and i don't think this is israeli group is going to back down because there's going to be plenty of funding the israeli government is extremely proud of the fact that they they may have solved the crisis whoever this doc is is a you know a long-time researcher and you know that that guy if he's not human if he and his group don't understand the incredible prestige and great value they've given to the world and a nobel prize in the offing so i don't see them taking a check okay so this is going to be an interesting story it turns out it's a dead we'll find out but you know what i'll bet these trials are run honestly that's why i wouldn't run them in the united states if i were them i'd run them in india i'd run them in greece i'd run them in different places and uh and we'll we'll take a sweet look at what this data looks like because this problem may have been solved by some brilliant people around the world and uh if it is then what are we gonna do with the big dragon state that that we have now behind us it'll be it'll be an interesting theater you
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