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Episode 258: Current events
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well um what's uh what's new in the conspiracy world uh guys last last time we talked you guys went for the whole show and we loved it i mean i got i got i got a couple emails one was asking for sources and one was asking for you know just a little bit argumentative but mostly positive so it was kind of fun to hear you guys talk about it i think we mentioned the main the main source in that last show was just nick wade's piece yeah which people can find uh but there have been some others since then so we can we can put those on the website or elsewhere yeah the uh i'm going to let you go doug because i have a small dog situation i need to attend to so we gotta go ahead not good okay so yeah this way she's not implicated [Laughter] clever just like my sister always had to go to the bathroom after dinner when it was time to do dishes right there you go the um yeah i was that kid i was just being a very bad dog yeah i think that the more i read about this of course i'm uh i i'm kind of entertained in watching this i've got some some concerns and i also have a lot of hope so i have i'm having a lot of different reactions and um uh it i think the one of the things about it is i'm probably more i'm i i was feeling pretty well on hold and kind of bored with coronavirus and just waiting for it to wash itself out and now it turns out you know just like a good novel just when you thought you knew how things might just get boring it gets all exciting all over again so um i uh now we're watching the the press suddenly say oh oh oh my goodness you know wait uh maybe maybe we can't rule out the lab leak um which i think is hilarious uh we can rule out everything but the lab leak in other words it's definitely a lab leak and uh for those of you that that would uh are interested you can look up not only obviously the article by nick wade but also by uh there was a a uh what was that jen what do you call that an op ed or something in the wall street journal with uh stephen clay qualifies as an op-ed yeah and so he they they wrote he he and a berkeley physics professor i don't remember that the man's name uh uh but the two of them wrote a synopsis of the evidence that makes it exceedingly clear beyond any shadow of any doubt that this was a created virus the uh it's a it's actually absurd even contested at this point but but this is all what you're watching now in my judgment is a bunch of uh fascinating grandstanding and posturing uh that's going on all over the world and uh as basically people are now pretending uh you'll watch fauci and his friends all pretend like oh my goodness oh um oh well it could be you know we can't rule it out we're gonna need to do an investigation more funding yeah yeah more funding so that's one thing of course that's that's one part of the show but the the more i think about this and the more i've i've read about it the more uh i see several possibilities the the possibility that it was a jump from animal to human i rate that as zero one mathematician has it at one in 13 billion uh just in case you wanted to know if somebody's actually punched some numbers there's a chance there there's a chance exactly see now there's somebody talking like this they got some openness in their nervous system that's not zero no it's not zero it's just one of 13 billion it's like you finding the right guy that i that has a special message for you somewhere in south america and his name's juan go try to find the right one yeah see how that is what are the odds of that happening to me multiple times in every country i ever went to so anyway so that this is a created virus it's very clear any any geneticist that looks at this all the geneticists who said opposite have been on the take uh they've been basically uh amazingly what these guys did as soon fatsy fauci it was immediately recognized that this was um engineered virus and what these guys did was fauci immediately knew that he was going to be implicated because he had been funding research in that lab on coronaviruses and their alterations to to make them infectious to humans this was he he's been preaching about this for 20 years he's been extremely interested in it and uh and so he knew damn well uh what had happened and so as a result uh what happened is these guys circled the wagons with a secret meeting and then they put together a big list of big shots in biology and pushed their way uh and got the lancet to publish uh uh a basically oh no this couldn't possibly be a anything other than a natural thing which was total [ __ ] and they they all they knew it at the time this was a secret handshake and these guys did not disclose their uh their conflicts of interest there's incredible conflicts of interest the guy who is the uh the dude that got the money from fauci and funneled at the china was was on this thing he was actually the ringleader so to say that you were not uh that you had no conflicts of interest it's like unbelievable it's like oj doing his own investigation then it gets better the uh the dr she the one that did the research uh in china uh when she when she print uh uh printed i believe it was in nature so they got these people can get access to the top journals that impresses everybody uh when she published she neglected to put in the gene sequence that was the gene sequence that they inserted into the virus that would have been recognized by anybody that is up to speed on that on that issue about how the gene slicing is done so she just decided to not make another accidental totally accidental it just just so happens that they left that out of there the i think it's the cgg or ggc i can't remember what it is but the uh it's a longer sequence than that but yeah i think it's nine or something yeah whatever it is it's a it's a gene sequence that uh just so that people understand it's it's been identified long since it's a gene sequence that you can stick into a coronavirus to make it more susceptible for humans and it's never been found in a natural coronavirus anywhere and it just so happens it was found in this virus and it's just so happens that they left that out when they published in nature i mean god bless peer review god yeah it's like this is yeah so nothing like having nature and the lancet uh actually uh back you up and so so what you have then is probably is essentially an a reasonably honest press corps who is heavily motivated uh obviously against uh trump to to say oh no this is no lab leak what a terrible thing to say this is a racist thing against chinese people this is a terrorist this was all [ __ ] uh this was the the guys that were guilty covered this up very clearly and it's and now now finally uh a year later and now we finally have uh enough facts put together by people like quay and then obviously nick wade that and nick wade's voice as i'm watching is has shaken the trees so that an awful lot of totally uh honest you know eve left leaning journalists are saying wait a minute okay we know this guy and this is scary as hell and now everybody's upset so now you're watching the the whole thing turn towards oops looks like it could have been a lab leak well that that i am concerned i mean if that's true i'm if it turns out that that's what it what happened then i'm super happy and the reason why i'm super happy is not because this fiasco resulted in several million people dead early but i'm happy that this was as bad as it got and that this will will give rise to an awful lot more government detail and scrutiny etc on this kind of research it will probably reduce the likelihood of lab leaks like this in the future etc so if it um if it turns out that this is what happened then on this could be one of the best things ie the old story that the worst thing that happened is the best thing that could have happened um that's a possibility however there's another serious possibility that of course is considered everyone needs to adjust your tinfoil hat buckle up yeah i'm at the edge of my seat yeah there's another very serious possibility now the same scientist that that told us a year ago that she saw the gene splicing in wuhan she knew this virus and she said no this was created um and was shouted down buried by the articles in nature in the lancet and by the entire world press corps etc she was right okay and so now she's saying something else so this is a chinese doctor phd md big shot big publication record this is no joke and this gal says guess what this is actually this was not a leak okay this was a planned release now that is a whole different story okay and that story is uh there's reasons for this it may not be true uh but it may be true and it is not crazy at all and it's not far out now fauci was just asked about this i believe yesterday and he said oh that's pretty far out like what would be pretty pretty far out yeah pretty much what we're doing that's what he said he didn't deny it no he didn't deny it it's very he didn't very strongly um like he didn't say oh there's no chance that's true he he kind of did that very clever you know it's it's the kind of thing where once you've got the tinfoil hat on yeah you're sort of like why isn't this a more muscular sort of refusal of this hypothesis you know he's he's gonna just chuckle and say oh well that's pretty that's pretty crazy for you to even suggest that yeah okay take it as you will yeah yeah my thinking is the following the um that the notion here is that there was i mean there's a lot of pieces to this this starts this starts making you know our favorite show house of cards look like a girl scout picnic i can't get house of cards out of my head the last couple of weeks like it's just like oh man what would frank underwood do you know it's like all of this you just see frank underwood everywhere you look it is i actually i have to tell you jen i haven't talked to you about this but i i've actually had a different set of thinking about fauci in the last 48 hours and that is that um i was you know irritated about him about being obviously a smooth-faced liar you know for the last year obviously if anything he's a pawn yeah i actually have a feeling that this is what i'm learning is is that obviously he he and many others uh uh have had their opinions and there's been substantial even public debate about this among top-level scientists where his attitude has been listen this i mean step forget the natural stuff which of course you'd be worried about but what they've been worried about is the manufacturer of coronaviruses that could be lethal as as bio weapons and so they wanted to do gain a function of research so that they could look through and see and understand the possibilities and understand how to figure out how to vaccinate essentially figuring out how on earth to be prepared and so fauci i believe uh as he said it would have been a dereliction of duty on his uh from his i mean he you're watching him leak some of his feelings and thoughts where he's saying it would be a dereliction of duty not to be basically in bed with the chinese doing research on coronaviruses because that's where they are this is where the coronaviruses are they know more about coronaviruses than everybody else they've got all these bats they've identified a whole slew of them and and essentially the i think the notion uh i now now i'm totally mind reading but what do i care it's a our wacky podcast the the um if i were fouchy i mean i could see fauci being essentially a pawn in a frank underwood game that stars the president of china where where essentially fauci uh get you know says listen we want to be in here with you in case some terrible shitty regime like iran or somebody gets a hold of a coronavirus and manipulates it which we know we can because we can do it and so it's just a matter of time before some [ __ ] you know third rate uh nut gets a hold of this and could spring it on the world we need to be prepared for that possibility and so let's work together that is totally reasonable from one point of view until you understand because if you're dealing with dr xi and you're dealing with a bunch of a bunch of chinese scientists you're not dealing with the sociopaths the sociopath is the head of the communist party that's who that is that's who that's who's running that show who do you think got to the top of that immense dominance hierarchy and so the it's entirely plausible that uh as and let me there's little elements in here that i'm of course putting things together i'm speculating like crazy and i'm openly admitting it the best case scenario just like the the intrepid reporters at the washington herald if our listeners haven't watched house of cards it's worth watching it's it's horrendous but amazing yeah especially the first three yeah i guess the first four seasons are really solid yes yeah so then it kind of gets really weird right yeah the washington herald is the sort of the opposition it's the it's the mainstream but still kind of opposition paper that feels like underwood's just up to something right and that's exactly how i feel and so i feel like okay let's look at this this this is it's just too smooth to you know if this isn't how it is it should be so let's look at this so the chinese um uh because the chinese people by the way when i talk about the chinese that if i use derogatory sounding noises oh yeah this is an important this this has gotten people in trouble before you're right you're talking about the government i'm talking about the communist government of china i'm not talking about the billions slaves that they have that they the captives there i'm talking about the communist party i'm not even talking about the 95 million communist party members that have their little have been tapped on the forehead as the good little communists i'm talking about the the people in power that's who i'm talking about these are ruthless vicious dictators and so and obviously the the human rights atrocities that are that are uh perpetrated by these people are well known and the press wouldn't deny it they're just not paying any attention to it these are you know these are the descendants of genghis khan that that's who that's who you're looking at here you're talking about unbelievably ruthless people justice putin is a ruthless bastard you know that guy has got kgb written all over his forehead and so these are these are people that are that are i mean we have people like that in this society but you know they run big tech firms yeah they've got they can get really rich you know what i mean they're not they're not slaughtering people and imprisoning people they're just you know censoring them you know that's a that's fair that's reasonable we can have lawsuits and we can get buried by by them but we're not we're not going to get killed the um but the the story here to me looks very plausible uh and may not be true and i like i said i hope it's not true i hope that this was merely a bunch of scientists you know who are a lot of people around the world probably working on similar stuff and it turns out that you know they they messed around with this coronavirus and they you know they put the little receptors on the rats and then some rat got the coronavirus and it sneezed and somebody got it okay and because it was already got he had human receptor sites put into it so all has all it needs is a rat to sneeze somebody breathes it they get coronavirus and kaboom the whole world has it so hopefully that is what happened and if that happened it it is plausible that everything that you've seen in reaction to this could make sense the chinese basically say no the world health organization the united states no international commission nobody's coming in here you guys can all go to hell okay and all the records are burned and the scientists that reported this were rounded up and oh gee they're dead from coronavirus sorry about that it's like this is true this is how is what has gone down and so they have basically you know burned the boat there's nowhere to you know there's no way you're going to get anything clean out of there there will be no investigation you can forget it now that that is not anything other than that i mean the two hypotheses like forget the natural hypothesis there's two hypotheses hypothesis number one is accidental lab leak and that country uh would be extremely embarrassed by this and the united states also would be embarrassed by this our head people because they're implicated that means francis colin as the nih and anthony fauci uh the the infectious diseases so the ant including then you've got the world health organization they're they're you know complicit and and the cdc is complicit so everybody winds up circling the wagons lying like crazy blaming some bad in a wet market and you know i mean that's exactly what you're gonna do and just wait for the whole the whole thing goes away we get a hold of a of a vaccine you know and suddenly it's behind us and everybody you know no no screws got lost loose in the street well they're loose so now it's we could have that that could be what the issue is at which point i i would say of course it's been an incredibly expensive human and financial disaster but that's okay in other words life goes on and we wind up you know with with much greater international scrutiny and force on on on this kind of research and on the chinese et cetera in other words the whole thing we we probably get one notch safer than we were before the crisis okay so it doesn't mean that we're safe it just means we're we we were more vulnerable than we knew and it turns out that now we are taking steps after the horse has left the barn to make sure that the next horse doesn't leave the barn so that that would be the best of all possible scenarios a more chilling scenario is that this was actually planned and there are reasons that are fairly obvious about why it could have been planned that you have to remember that the last thing that the chinese would have wanted was donald trump elected in 2016. and so uh as of late 2019 uh trump was a and going into 2020 he was a massive front runner the united states economy was booming and it was going to be exceedingly difficult to defeat trump in that election except what if you had a coronavirus what if you they had been thinking very in a very sophisticated fashion about how to release a a lethal coronavirus on the world this is written up clearly with top china chinese officials written in a in a book in 2015. so this was a very important text for them this was no this wasn't just kicking some ideas around this was a very big deal and they uh the plan was if we did this we could do massive disruption to their economy we could basically undermine and overwhelm their health system this is what they were thinking okay now i don't know and i hope that rcia isn't like writing stuff like this up and planning to do [ __ ] to other countries you know i hope not i mean maybe of course they are well i mean i don't know what i don't know hopefully it's in retaliation okay but look at this so this is this is not out of line and this is uh what the what our little doc says uh that chirped up a year ago she's saying oh no this she's saying actually that they are misleading people about where they even got the bats from they are they're completely misdirecting you even now and essentially the concept here which is a very interesting one is that the wet market animal to human was the first level of [ __ ] and they were going to defend that and they knew they'd get tremendous defense from the west because they knew little guys like fauci and collins were implicated and that they would rise up and they had a tremendous amount of control over journals you know nature lancet god knows what else okay so at that point they they knew that that would hold the line for some period of time then guess what then it turns out oh well if it starts to leak out and the world's virologists a few of them speak up and say hey guess what the gene sequences don't this doesn't fit this is all [ __ ] okay this is clearly an engineered virus and so and and stephen quay basically is a big big time guy he's published his publication rate in science is in the top one percent of all scientists in the world so this guy is a big time dude and he's coming along and he analyzes the whole thing and says this is complete bs this is very definitely uh a laboratory virus now he's not saying anything not even a peep about the idea that it would have been released on purpose that's nowhere near quay's argument it's nowhere near nick wade's argument uh because that this is highly speculative but this is this little doc chirping up this little chinese defector saying no it was on purpose okay and and when we we realized oh uh she's i think state is saying that not because she has any inside dope but she has seen that 2015 publication inside china and it's like oh this was an interesting plan this was plan was taken extremely seriously when would you unleash shut supply she also said they knew that if they engineered the virus to kill off 10 of the population the whole world would figure out very quickly that it was engineered but if it only killed off percent or less they wouldn't and so it would pass more muster as a possible animal to human transmission now so let's just think about this you're the head of the chinese government you and your thug buddies and you're smarter than hell okay uh and you're you're looking at the situation where the guy with the orange hair doesn't like you and he doesn't trust you okay and your uh and so things things have gotten more difficult he's constantly threatening to slap tariffs on your stuff he's basically a pain in the ass okay and so you don't like him and he doesn't particularly like you and you know all is not you know he he's not going quietly and he's not just going along with the plan which is for you to just keep seeping your way in and getting greater and greater control over u.s economic uh in biological and everything else situations and so you decide you know what this guy's got to go and you know what you're you're the head of uh the communist party in china for god's sakes you guys can do this how are you going to do it well that's what we've already gamed this thing out five years ago this would be a perfect time to do it we don't want four more years of this sob let's go ahead and let it go and a guy like fauci you know for him it's essentially unimaginable that you would do that anything like that and to spring it on your own people because you're not going to be able to stop it but that's because anthony fauci isn't a sociopath okay he may be a bad guy he may have some he may have some bad you know bad genes in there that we wouldn't like the looks of if we got too close to it but he's not like that there's no way okay so i can see that essentially they had gamed this chess game one move passed where the fouchies and the collins had thought it through and the one move past is is that actually the lab accidental lab leak from wuhan is in fact the cover story okay so when people it's like having your treasure under the treasure chest it's like you dig dig dig dig dig and you get to the treasure chest and you open it you're like wow this is the treasure we found it's 27 000 in here oh my god let's go party and it's like oh you don't realize the real treasure is underneath it and he didn't even look for it okay so this this seems to me to be highly plausible so i hope not uh i hope that i hope that their little thing that they so very carefully gamed out and wrote about and had multiple major officials in china uh work on this plan about how it is that they could spring an engineered coronavirus on the world and that they could do so in a way that would cause tremendous disruption uh civil unrest and undermine the health system of other countries hmm interesting what other countries would they want to do this to oh maybe belgium oh you sure i bet belgium is a threat to them oh how about mexico oh i'll bet mexico's a threat are you kidding me they knew exactly if they wanted to disrupt somebody's economy and you wanted to unseat a political force what would you do okay so to me this is uh entirely reasonable and i believe that it is considered reasonable in washington uh and i will say this uh because a very interesting thing happened i think today it was i think they're voting on it tomorrow which is tuesday you guys are hearing this wednesday a day late uh one of the more heartening things as my brain has been swirling around and trying to put this thing together was to read chuck schumer uh as was quoted i think in the new york times article yesterday so oh yeah it was the new york times right yeah it's amazing now this is something else i wish i had it in front of me uh maybe jen can look it up or whatever chuck schumer i can probably find it chuck schumer is a obviously a very left progressive he's the head of the senate uh he is you know a fierce obviously trump opponent and he is a you know he is a uh a relentless left politician this guy stood up yesterday and said things that that made me want to vote for the guy this is amazing yeah okay jen can you read it to people because it is it it is a remarkable uh statement go read it if you can yeah yeah so this is in a new york times article uh published yesterday called uh the headline is senate poised to pass huge industrial policy bill to counter china and the lead is all about how this is one of the few things that there's bipartisan support for in congress blah blah blah you know u.s has to improve its position invest in in industry to counter china and here's schumer's quote around the globe authoritarian governments smell blood in the water they believe that squabbling democracies like ours can't come together and invest in national priorities the way a top-down centralized and authoritarian government can they are rooting for us to fail so they can grab the mantle of global economic leadership and own the innovations fantastic this is there you go this that tells me okay if chuck schumer was not incredibly worried about china incredibly worried i'm not worried about him economically i'm worried about i mean he's worried that's military fear right there that's geopolitical yeah that's using for for someone like schumer to use that sort of language yes i mean you expect that from a republican you don't expect that from schumer yeah not a chance blood in the water blood in the water and squabbling democracy you understand what he just said he said screw you you sons of the [ __ ] who may have and i believe you probably did do this on purpose and if you think that americans on the left and the right that they are not my friends okay if you don't think that i can't can shake hands with a trump supporter and that we can't that we're not americans together and we won't defend ourselves against you you're freaking wrong we're gonna do it okay that's calling that us a squabbling democracy is a absolute warm handshake to everybody on the right side of the aisle and that's exactly what you know what i i thought about that that i can't believe he said that that was fantastic that's a man that recognizes wait a second there's something an awful lot bigger than my domestic agendas that's going on right now this is serious [ __ ] i mean schumer i don't remember if he's on the intelligence committee i think he might be um but he would know he certainly has access to the the the top level of scuttlebutt at any time in washington the new york times i also love i continue to read it even though i i find it just so difficult to deal with most of the time but i do appreciate how they they have a long-standing tradition of sort of putting a zinger at the end of articles so you get rewarded for reading all the way through because the there's always kind of a wtf moment at the end of an article not not every time but often and so it ends with another quote from todd young who's a republican senator from indiana who says we can't be wedded to old doctrines the world has changed our economy has changed the needs of our country have changed and so you sort of read that and you're like oh this is interesting like the needs of our country have changed you know we we new [ __ ] has come to light has come to life we're looking at how china is not playing fair on a number of levels you know even even setting aside this whole hypothesis their massive industrial investment is um you know we got to counter it we got to counter it if we want to remain competitive let alone dominant which is more language that schumer uses he talks about um you know uh what does he say earlier something about these are the areas of dominance we need research in these are the areas of industrial growth great job growth yeah well too bad we're gutting the meritocracy at the same time but wait that's a secondary problem yeah that is a i tell you what i am i was all of the other stuff that goes on politically is of course irritating and it's like you know mosquitoes biting you all the time and it's irritating as hell but that's the core issue the core issue is would we um you know if you if you sort of had treated china sort of like you would treat japan in the 1980s as they made the point of that article if you say listen you're an economic competitor you could bury us in some industries that are near and dear to our heart like the auto industry in detroit so therefore we we think you're cheating because your country's you know diverting resources and propping up those industries so we don't like what you're doing and therefore we we need to push back and and blah blah okay that that has been sort of in the back of a lot of you know debates with republicans and libertarian thinkers about whether you should do anything like that and and liberals this has been like a puzzle about how to manage that sort of thing okay this is an entirely different issue this is this is nazi germany that you're trading with okay this is an aggressive absolutely determined massive dangerous uh force that's an existential threat you know they china does not want a world of bipolar or multi-polar power they they want unipolar power and they want you know they they don't we're thorn in their side yes so they'd rather not deal with us they would like a friendly government that can roll over and do what they want um and uh make life easier for them and and that's their interest they're not interested in playing they're they're in a position of strength they are not in a position of weakness like they once were and they're flexing that and that should be no surprise and finally washington is sort of like oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we've been asleep at the wheel for a really long time yep yeah i'm gonna sleep at the wheel and the truth is is that hearing that out of schumer actually you know i took a deep breath and i thought wow we're you know he's saying hey we're all americans and we love our freedom and we can squabble about how we should divide the pie and we can yell at each other and throw tomatoes and do all kinds of stuff okay but at the end of the day don't be freaking killing off our people okay and don't think you're gonna get world dominance because we're not gonna roll over for this and that i'm telling you that was so of the two hypotheses that uh that i can i mean and the i consider those to be i think those stand alone as two independent hypotheses where there is no middle ground in other words this was either it was leaked from a lab it's a question of whether it was leaked intentionally or not i think there's middle ground i think the middle ground is that it was it was accidental or premature to to a plan and china went well hit you know let's not miss the opportunity let's make him all the sun shines like yeah this isn't maybe not exactly how we would have liked to have you know set this whole up thing up we were waiting for a better moment a bigger bigger target um but hey as long as as long as it's happening let's not miss our chance to capitalize on it and they have i mean and i think part of part of what persuades me that that's worth thinking through a little more is the degree to which they they dialed up the propaganda factor early on um and you know there were these there were these videos everyone remembers early with people staggering on sidewalks and falling over in the middle of the city that's like seared on our minds early like oh this is this is such a deadly thing it's gonna strike you down in your tracks on the sidewalk you're gonna you're gonna seize your chest and fall to the ground and so there was a lot of this early fear that got stirred up that was coming directly from china um and all of the who recommendations and all of the sort of exaggeration and you the only way to deal with this is a complete lockdown look at us we've sealed up our apartment buildings you know this we're doing this right and then this triumphant you know we did it right by completely closing down and therefore you should too and if that's all a smoke screen it's a very effective way to to absolutely hold back your competitors while you're you're laughing all the way to the bank which is what they've done i mean china has been largely unscathed by this in terms you know just in in part just because they're huge numbers um and in part because they lie about their numbers um but uh but i can completely see a scenario by which the the central party sat around and said oh you know what's what's uh we're gonna let a few of our elders go a little early easy come easy go you gotta break a few eggs to make an omelette you know like what they they don't have a problem um you know with with millions or tens of millions of their citizens being expended in any particular political program so i can i can see this as not necessarily being an evil backroom scheme but a really opportunistic whether it was something that they were thinking might be deployed you know and weaponized at some point or not um i i don't know what is the document what is the the the book that she talks about this was written up in is this a party document or what was that yeah i believe so this is also it's been authenticated by uh by uh like i don't know some cia hot shot or you know in other words as an american securities expert so they spit ball things all the time we spit all crazy things all the time so there can be confirmation bias like oh look at this crazy plan that somebody you know gamed out a scenario 15 years ago like that just by by the odds there's gonna be some overlap very true but it's also uh i have to say that it was a very politically opportuned time for this to go down for sure okay yeah so this is there was no love lost no no love lost and and i i think people easily forget that in at that period of time there was it was exceedingly unlikely that trump would have been beaten with that economy oh people completely forget how high he was writing and and just looking at it as a political scientist i mean i'm sure we can go back to episodes at that time where he's got every advantage that we're that we've identified in political science he's got the incumbency advantage he's he's tall he's got the expensive wardrobe he he's got the alpha status like the the the the the what's that nate i thought all the bellwether countries they've always almost always predicted the the other states the states yeah yeah yeah the i mean it was it was pretty much a fade accompli for you know the whole year running up until kova was unleashed one way or another so and i don't think you can there's no scenario by which a sitting president loses half a million of their citizens in an election year and survives that election i mean that's a that's if they knew that that was a likely consequence they knew the united states would not be able to this is this is all hypothetical sure i'm not i'm not at all i don't know if this is the case or not but if they if they sort of looked at the situation and they knew its fatality rate and they knew the likely scenario they also know the united states is not like australia it's not like uh and not that australia is an authoritarian country but it's got a different culture that's tolerant of extended lockdowns in a way that the u.s clearly is not so they know it's going to be this half-assed you know patchwork quilt of lockdowns and and um that the virus is basically going to have its way with the country one way or another they know that looks like five hundred thousand dead um and they know that that's that's not survivable for an incumbent president so there you go i mean it's like that's a very a nice little tool to have in your hand to get a regime that is a little friendlier to you sure so well it's fair it's fair i mean russia installed trump so china installs biden i mean come on yeah the um yeah so i think that um we don't you know this again this is going to be some interesting digging and i was like i said i looking at schumer and this bill that they're talking about this this makes me feel like that there's some serious fear and anger uh directed to china now uh coming from the left that that i don't think that we've seen and uh i can't remember i think biden amazingly an executive order here in the last week said you can no longer invest in any companies that in any way money is directed to the chinese military now that that may seem that may be basically a toothless tiger or not but the truth of the matter is it's a very interesting statement okay that that almost now i'm talking way past the evidence but that can be foreshadowing what he knows that he cannot stop the american press that there will be leaks uh and that if it turns out that this was in fact a um that the next wave of of uh hypotheses that comes and cannot be dismissed is that this was a planned strategy on the part of china and now you have that sitting as an unbelievable turd in the international bowl like what are you what are you going to do well if you're joe biden what you're going to do is you're going to say well we're doing some tough things like you know you can't invest here you can't invest there we're going to do this we're going to do that in other words we're not going to start firing shots at them for god's sakes we're not interested in that but we we want to start signaling antipathy yes it's a new cold war it's a new cold war or it's an extension of the long running cold war where we've still been in with russia and yeah um and really every every bit of the soviet slash communist bloc so yeah yeah yeah no no nothing really new just new uh yeah new tricks new new rules well i i have to say something else that's disturbing and that is that you've seen these two big uh hacks these uh ransoms for right and it's like whoa you're starting to get the idea here that if the chinese put bio weapons on the table and that's only you're only scratching the surface these little hacks are nothing these are little profiteering individuals and you know that the chinese government is unbelievably up to its ears and figuring out how to hack our we have you know this open society with all kinds of freedom and our communications and all this sort of thing what happens when they you know when they applauded very carefully a takedown this is a little this is disturbing and i think that uh it just started to circle my thinking i think this is part of my natural personality is that i'm inherently optimistic that is true and so i look at i look at this and i say you know what i feel um i feel like the most important thing for me is that the leadership in the united states government is actually informed that they are aware that they are alert and that they're concerned and schumer's quotes to me that that i couldn't have anticipated this in my own nervous system but those quotes to me both made me feel proud and also even though i'm certainly concerned uh about the future of the world with that level of possible threat if that is what happened but i'm also i feel essentially um uh like our government uh will steal itself and i think that we will defend ourselves and as long as we are uh we are working diligently and now you know this brings back you know increase the cia's budget you know what i mean this is this is kind of what we're talking about is that that uh oh we don't just they're busy they need extra money to hire with all those people who have been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorders yeah absolutely yeah they're the ones who planned this no the thing is that instead of looking at china as a another japan that we trade with and we're annoyed that they may build things cheaper et cetera no you got to look at them as nazi germany and you got to be extremely careful if they're making the ball bearings for your planes you're screwing up you can't do that okay well they are though and they're making everything and they are i and they control our money and they i mean we're really not in a great position of power right um so you you can't come at them like the us went at the soviet union when or at nazi germany for that matter where it's like hey we're the police officers of the globe here and you need to stand back because your aggression will not be tolerated like we're just not in that position i mean we're this is a whole new ballgame these guys are they're playing at a different level and so it is it's there's a lot more um you know and there's a lot of like i mean all of the cultural tropes of shows of strength and losing face and all of that there's something to that there's their big cultural differences in the way that we manage our politics and they manage theirs and we we demonstrate patriotism and they demonstrate patriotism and and i a lot of that sensitivity is important um and they have nukes and they have they have uh a huge population and um uh you know it's it's complicated it's really tricky and without them we're we're hosed i mean we really need china right now so um and at the same time we're we've got a human capital problems getting worse by the day i mean we've been we have been sabotaging our meritocratic human capital process for you know quite a while now um and they are doing the opposite they're they're investing in education and uh you know siloing people where they belong industrially and educationally rewarding excellence yeah um and we are on this opposite track of of i mean there's bloom with the thing i sent you the other day in the bloomberg wire about like a serious opinion piece about if we really want equality in colleges we should just uh do admissions by lottery like throw out the admissions process like let's just have a lottery like you you start to have that kind of conversation in the us you are i mean you're in you're trying to assert your competitive your your your competitiveness relative to ascendant china like good luck you're not like you got to specialize in something else dudes like because you're not you're not going to be playing at the same game not not the same game at the same table as those guys scary really scared at least i feel like uh i come out they're buying up all our land too by the way as long as we're being paranoid they're buying huge tracks of western land so you know interesting we should we should you should just buy a little american property if you can yeah well it's only american property if your military can defend it right yeah so the um yeah anyway this is a cheerful discussion yeah very cheerful but i i uh but like i said i i think the thing the thing to worry about is not if it's a lab leak or not that would be the good side thing to worry about if it was an intentional leak okay uh that that we have to worry about i think it is worth worrying about and i think that they are i think the leadership of the country is very worried about that and i think they are doing a soul search right now saying wait a minute uh i.e the war starts when they say it starts not when we say it starts okay if you look at this as a pearl harbor it's like whoa this was it's like oh you know it's pearl harbor but you don't even know it's pearl harbor you know i mean we we we say that you know we drop those bombs on your on your aircraft carriers by accident you know that's we don't even know where they came from they were they were natural phenomenon oh well no actually they weren't natural phenomenon they did come out of our planes but we had bad intelligence we thought it was we thought it was the nazis we were confused we didn't know where we were i mean this is this is if you look at it from this perspective that in fact it's pearl harbor but you don't quite know that it's pearl harbor and i could see a guy like anthony fauci as as a as a classic dupe in a house of cards episode where he like he's playing along with them because he's working with them in order peter russo yeah he's peter russo he's like working with them because they want to work together with the best scientists in the world where the action is on coronavirus to make sure that we all prepare ourselves against some third world thug and it's like whoa what if they double cross you dude you're in the car with the gas hose on yeah what if they double cross you because now your hands in the cookie jar and what are you gonna do you're going to immediately go full force on what is their true cover story and their real cover story is oh it's sorry it leaked out of our lab by accident oh yeah that's the that's the big treasure chest you're supposed to discover and you're supposed to miss the one underneath it which is that no that isn't the treasure now the treasure's still hidden and it's the fact that we did it on purpose and it's the first shot of pearl harbor now i think that our leadership is wide awake to that now okay embarrassed vulnerable scared and also though uh that they have some guts and they've got money and they are there's a lot of power in the united states is you know an immensely powerful force and you know you don't you don't want to take us on straight up you want to sneak okay you want to do it sneaky that's how you want to do it and so now i think again once again sometimes the worst thing that happens is the best thing that could happen if this steals the resolve of the left and the right to meet in the middle and realize guess what guys you got a lot more problems than some domestic economic squabbling as you know to use schumer's term you've got an enemy and you gotta treat it like that and we gotta get ourselves less vulnerable and we gotta get ourselves less vulnerable in a hell of a hurry because the war doesn't start when we say it starts it starts when they say it starts and we've got to be ready so that's that's what i think is now being set in motion behind this and uh if if all they did was release this thing and create just this mess which is a big shitty expensive deadly mess you know what good because now if that will steal our resolve to work uh in unison on that specific issue no matter what other issues we fight about that will will will save the united states and save freedom and that you know that that this could have been actually a major strategic mistake on the part of the chinese and i i hope that that's you know whatever the truth is i hope that that's how it plays out unless it's just to to you know show us that they can it's really just a show of strength it's actually not they don't care particularly if trump is reelected or not he can continue to be a pain in the ass for another four years it's not the end of the world for them right um but but you know let's just flux a little bit let's just show you what kind of chaos we can create and then and then we're gonna you know we're gonna we're gonna do a few of these hacks we're gonna do some other stuff um just and that's you know so that's a tension with the the rising solidarity that you have in opposition to it because it's also this the show of power so right yeah it's um like hey you don't even try to negotiate with us you're not in a position to negotiate uh so you just like you know accept your new overlords basically yeah so yeah a man i know we have a lot of australian listeners if i were australian i'd be extra pissed off if this is true because i had over a year of my life stolen um and i know life is back to normal for most australians with the exception of victoria but um but you know the fact that there are people who have not been able to leave that no one's been able to come in that you were this hermit kingdom um i know a lot of australians support that but you the price of total isolation uh in exchange for this kind of geopolitical tyranny if if if it is purp if it is intentional or even if it is just sort of opportunity opportunistic just right either way even an opportunistic yeah and um either way yeah i i would be looking to morrison to be really really pissed off and and as everyday australians should be so just my two cents yes hand in salute ready for you to deputize me no yeah i actually uh like i have to tell you that uh reading schumer's quote uh to me made me feel it's amazing because i've i've been irritated ever since i learned who he was a couple years ago and now suddenly i feel like hey buddy you know finally we're on the same team totally i totally feel like i'm on the same team with this guy i feel like we're both americans and you know i i disagree about how we're going to spend the tax money and we can i can snarl at each other as far as that goes but hey you you are not backing away and sticking your head in the sand and and you're standing up and and saying hey we've we've got to do and you know what that's that makes me feel like okay fine this is now um it always was the whole thing is always entirely out of my hands anyway but if i feel like okay i don't have to start figuring out how i'm gonna dig a hole somewhere in the woods you know outside of lake tahoe to survive that i've actually got an awake national government that is you know what i mean that is going to stand up and and defend america so anyway that's what i'm thinking so i'm heartened uh i'm concerned and have anxiety but i've but i was actually um very much heartened by that uh by what i just read so anyway i thought you've got all this toxic toxic masculinity rousing patriotism going on whereas my female nervous system is like oh [ __ ] buckle up let's let's start don't ruin our party jen in the bunker we're stocking up on plants okay at least we're compromising someone's gotta have the the hole in the ground in tahoe ready when you guys come flee to it after you get you know retreat from the from the front lines that's right all right yeah all right that's great all right all right usa you got it [Laughter] all right well thank you thank you for the analysis well uh look for well we'll answer some questions next time we get around to sure i'm sure next week everything's supposed to be everything's supposed to be opening up you know a lot of things are supposed to be opening up next week so i wonder if we'll have more to say uh yeah i thought that was postponed in california that was the last time yeah again ruining the party jen right suddenly that all that crap is has massively less importance to me even though it is important but suddenly that's at the back burner the domestic squabbles and issues it's like no this is the big one this is where this is where we needed to be awake and in some degree of solidarity and i feel like i'm hearing it which means i know that these guys are scared and um and i think they're scared for a damn good reason so that's uh that's what i think is going on and thank goodness yeah that doomsday clock yeah yeah hopefully don't go exactly 100 seconds so all right well if any listeners want to go in on a yurt compound nevada or montana with me send me an email let's let's buy a hundred acres that's it you guys are very serious yes all right all right byoy bring your own yurt all good all right all right all right everybody see you guys next next time you
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