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Episode 257: Current Events May 2021
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we're not supposed to discuss this because it's against expert consensus doug it's irresponsible conspiracy mongerine to just to to nearly suggest that kovid could have uh been been leaked intentionally or non-intentionally most likely non-intentionally um from the the the lab that uh studies uh this exact kind of virology in wuhan so um yeah i mean i think everybody probably many of our listeners are more up to speed on this than i am i i don't know how up to speed on you are my most of what i know about this and how things have changed in the last uh just really last couple of weeks um has has been it's been really fascinating to watch this again with my social scientist hat on uh where you you kind of are watching the whole narrative shift where um so of course everybody if if we just go back in our little time machine you know do do a little wayne's world we're gonna go back in time yeah back about a year ago um when trump was pretty uh came out pretty strongly in favor of the hypothesis that kovid was generated in a lab and this got immediately conflated uh with the some sort of intentional malevolent international conspiracy to unleash this as some kind of bioweapon upon the world um and the the two forces of it being conflated with this conspit with this sort of conspiratorial energy and it coming from um trump's mouth instead of instead of fouchy or somebody else made it sort of unspeakable uh and there were several people early on who said oh this is irresponsible and um racist to suggest as much and this is a you know typical pandemic generated in the typical pandemic way it's jumped from animal to human and and there's no reason to think that this came from a lab despite the fact that you've got you know this this virology lab in wuhan that is doing exactly this kind of work and and turns out to be doing very specifically u.s funded uh what's called gain of function research to essentially make the make a coronavirus uh a novel coronavirus as the most infectious possible coronavirus to gain some insight into how to defeat future pandemics so that's the whole logic of why these places exist to begin with and these places have had all kinds of uh viruses get out into um get out of their security protocols before and into the wild uh caused all sorts of havoc and one of the the main circumstantial pieces of evidence that is pointing toward toward this scenario is the relatively lacks security at the levels at which they're doing this research in this particular lab a couple of blocks from the wet market that took the blame for the origin story of covet so that's one of so everything let's just be really clear everything at this point as we're recording in late may uh is still circumstantial there's there's no smoking gun here but there's very strong circumstantial evidence um including the fact that three uh workers at this lab were hospitalized in november of last year before before this thing had officially begun um with covid-like symptoms um uh doug can remind me of some other pieces of the business the lab seemed to be shut down for about a month there was no cell phone activity which suggested some sort of emergency work stoppage again about two months before the world knew about covid um there are several several different things um but uh yeah certainly for anybody who has um you don't have to be a a major conspiracy theorist at this point to start putting this together um and it is all still circumstantial but the the main piece that i'm looking at for my information on this is written by of all people it's written by nick wade nicholas wade um who uh has written a book that we've discussed on the podcast before which i can never the troublesome of troublesome i always want to say disagreeable inheritance or problematic inheritance that's one of the not a very uh easy name to remember but a troublesome inheritance which is um about kind of how personality aggregates up into culture and recent adaptations and and evolutionary histories among populations uh in the world today and so it's it's easy for people to latch onto the fact that he is the author of this piece and say oh the great discredited nicholas wade despite writing for the new york times for eons and having this long and storied journalistic career because he wrote a book about cultural and and personality differences among populations in the globe he is uh as as the kids would say on twitter literally a eugenicist so yeah so but he he wrote the sweeping piece that gets into every last little detail that you could possibly want to know um about this particular lab and its history and its funding and what they were working on exactly and all the little permutations and of all places it was published in the bulletin of the atomic scientists which is a really interesting place to find this piece um they they are if people are don't know or don't remember this is the outfit that manages the infamous doomsday clock they've been managing this you know for oh god at least half a century at this point um so this is you know it's 100 seconds to midnight right now i believe and it moves back and forth close to midnight depending on how dire the situation is in the world on any number of dimensions and one of the things that they've been using for the last uh last five or ten years to kind of um determine how close to doomsday we are is internet misinformation that's like one of the big causes of you know the reasons that we should be worried about collective apocalyptic results is all of the misinformation that's rampant on the web so they're very worried about that so the fact that they either approached wade or wade approached them but they they they chose to be the ones to publish this piece is really really i just a extra little social science fascinating piece to me so that's kind of my 30 000 foot view of what's going on here i i i along with doug i think have always considered the lab leak hypothesis to be a very viable hypothesis to no reason to throw it out um untested or unexplored but it it it is this really interesting example of something that became um unspeakable very early in the pandemic because there was this expert consensus around it and and that was the science and if you questioned the science you were getting people killed um and now we have this pivot now if you open up the paper you know fauci himself is saying he can't rule it out if you've got the cdc saying yeah maybe there's something here they're forcing biden to acknowledge it um and and you have cases where uh vox which is this online left-leaning online magazine was caught in the act of going back to their articles from a year ago and editing them to make it sound as if they weren't dismissive of this hypothesis from the beginning when they very much were um so they've been they've been caught doing that um and there are probably other people who are doing that who who want to claim oh we we we never we never tried to shut down debate around this and we we we're we're open to debate and we're very fair-minded when that is not how things have gone with the loudly hypothesis or really anything having to do with covid so this is just very interesting i mean it might be the the opening bell of world war three and so it might not be but we might not be calling it very interesting here pretty soon as this this gets us into massive international intrigue and a cover-up and our relationship with china is uh profoundly threatened by this and lots of other things but uh for now it's interesting yeah yeah yeah this is uh i'll i'll tell my i can't i can't uh don't let me forget my punchline gen which is that this is why i'm a libertarian so i i don't want to map do you ever forget that punchline i don't i don't think preach yeah i think that's deep in there so here here's my jen you you just heard the the uh the super high brow academic among us uh that we that we have on our panel to really doing an incredible job at parsing words and being uh politically correct but open and intelligent and fair-minded now you're going to hear my version [Laughter] so jen and jen and living and beat your jeans get to live on i will be canceled and probably put in some gulag somewhere this is a smoking gun this is o.j simpson they definitely created this virus there is no doubt i have zero doubt they the uh apparently a very sophisticated mathematician rates the odds at like 99.99997 percent like he actually has run the numbers on what the possibility is right this minute that this was actually natural it was not natural it's obvious if you read nick wade's article uh in the atomic what's the atomic atomic bulletin the bulletin of the atomic scientists bulletin the atomic scientist it's obvious so it's uh there's so much evidence there and there's there it leaves no doubt this is quote you're convicted beyond a reasonable doubt it's um i had many reactions to this uh reading this and it's like part of it is the aha caught you you know pointing the fingers the other thing though i had i actually have a lot of relaxation and some degree of hope and and increased fear so let me sort of walk you through my reaction my reaction was the in the worst case scenario in the very worst case scenario coming from the the way out conspiracy theorists was that somehow an international consortium led by bill gates well wait before you go too far with that that's actually that you know he's not having the best week either so there are definitely definitely people in internet land that are like things that make you go hmm we've got these unflattering photos of bill gates emerging for the first time since his divorce announcement at the same time we're rewriting the narrative just you know just putting that out there you can you can make up your minds as you will i have i have no doubts that bill gates having gamed this thing out way in advance i don't doubt that he knew how to profit from this i don't know what all of his motivations were in and around it but here's bill gates is a sideshow to this the real sideshow is actually amazingly benign in my judgment and jen can jen can chirp in and modify or or you know comment on this please do but i see this as actually not very surprising so the uh this is my basic understanding of the story and i'm i mean my only getting this 90 right but the spirit of it it's 100 right and that is that these two big uh problems that we had too these things that that got loose i guess sir sars one and mer mers or whatever the heck it is these things were from animals and they were dangerous as hell and they scared the hell out of virology scientists and so incidentally as a side note they did come from animals and by the way folks those animals were found it was it wasn't in one lousy bat it's in all these bats so in other words they can find it pretty quickly and easily yeah not difficult so in other words if there's a if this if some coronavirus mutated from an animal uh coronavirus and then wound up in a human you can find the animals because they're all over the place now guess what we're 15 months into the biggest pandemic in a century with all the modern technology and all kinds of reasons to find that animal and guess what no animal [Laughter] there are uh just as a as another side note there's a these these people they're uh the people that did this are actually this it's a chinese lab i think is the doctor's name doctor she i think is the doctor i believe yeah she's a woman who's the head of the lab the bat lady ladies yeah the bat lady okay and she you know wrote a grant a grant the and by the way there's a reason why she's writing the grant and that's because these grants are funded because there's agencies in the world like the national institute of health in the united states and the national institute of whatever that thing is that fauci is ahead of those are places that are worried about one of these pandemics getting loose from some wet market somewhere and so they've been thinking that they needed to do research on coronaviruses because they might mutate out of a wet market at some point and cause a big problem and so they said we need to know more about how they're structured how they work so that we can you know figure these things out i don't know maybe come up with you know how we're going to do vaccines out in front of it like whatever the hell they've got all this worry and concern and so in 2012 anthony fauci was proposing that they do this kind of research and a lot of people were pushing back and saying no it's too dangerous you you're you're walking into trouble many scientists were saying don't do it don't start splicing human genes into rats so that you can test whether or not you how to make them more effective to try to figure out what mutation could take place and then what we're going to do about it and fauci said no i think it's worth doing and he's on record for that now not uh we fast forward it was banned for a few years we fast forward a few years later and anthony fauci is the head of the agency is the head not not a cog in the wheel he's the top guy he and the top of the nih both of them were facing the the problem that there had been a ban against this kind of research and they looked at that thing and they said you know what we what we like that research both of us so they signed waivers for the research they didn't just sign a waiver for to do the research they funded the research from the grant application from the dr xi in china they paid the chinese lab to do the research what research did they do honestly not directly yeah they i think they paid the university of north carolina right whatever the point is anthony fauci didn't just write a check of thousands of checks that he wrote this was a highly specific important you know personal interest etc that got a waiver from fauci and the head of the nih whose name i don't can't remember but i can remember fauci because he's supposedly a star okay and so what they did was they gave them the money they contracted because they wanted the research done so in the in the grant application right there plain as day right on the in the blockchain okay right there the grant application is basically we are going to create a sars2 covet virus and we are from bats and we're going to we're going to alter make it as infectious as possible we're going to make it as infectious as possible and we have learned how to splice the genetic code in a particular spot to enter a gene that will make it you know transmissible to humans and all that sort of thing and we're going to use humanized rats which they're able to do don't even ask me what those look like okay but the point is is they are genetically humanized rats and we're going to test it okay to see if we can create a car sars 2 coveted virus yeah that will be infectious to humans this is the grant application they then are bragging about it in 2019 in december they are bragging that it has been accomplished four to five weeks later oops it's loose well they're they're doing all of this research in a most of it at a level of security equivalent to a united states dentist's office right yeah a level two or three like there there's there's some gloves there's some you know you spread it down now yeah but this is not wearing the spacesuit doing things you know because it because they don't like it because it's harder to work that way uh researchers don't like to work in that environment and they just yeah too soon too soon that's really good okay but the but this this is like a you know the likelihood because none of them are um vaccinated obviously so so the you know the potential for contamination and infection is very high yep and they did so their people got sick and the coronavirus got loose because a mouse sneezed that got infected with this and it had had the human genome spliced into it incidentally it spliced in exactly the location that they know exactly where to put it and not only that it that that is the mutation that they would worry about possibly possibly happening in nature but not too much it's a very specific place that geneticists know how to do it and it turns out that no other of the like hundred plus coronaviruses that they have been sequenced any of them have that gene in that spot just sars covered you know 19 or two whatever the hell this thing is that this one is the only one that has the splice that gene in that location that is a known location to put that gene in okay this is o.j simpson and his bruno molly's shoes and his blood and his cut up hands etc and his footprint okay and yet it's only a one in 37 billion trillion chance that it was him okay i mean that it wasn't him but you know it could have been an alien from from a foreign land that happened to have oj's dna it's it's actually all of that plus writing the book called if i did it which he also did so so the the fact that i would say that like he then goes on to do this like hypothetically if i were going to kill my wife and her friend um this is how i'd go about it so this is very actually very similar this is what vouch she's doing now so anthony fauci in january knew damn well that this was the covet virus that he bought and paid for it it's not anything else and that it now now we're looking at something interesting that i i'm far less outraged and worried than i was before people by the way because the truth of the matter is this is just normal government bungling is what this is this is not you didn't forget you didn't need me to remind you this is not the chinese communist party trying to figure out how to do germ warfare and going in and creating some problem and then letting it loose and go wreak havoc all over the world that is not what happened here i was worried that that was a possibility okay and i thought man that you know i thought it was a little weird that it would have been to their own people and you know i didn't know how do you know what how do you know what a communist dictator is thinking and why but the truth of the matter is i was worried that this is what this was that isn't what it was it was anthony fauci and the head of the nih and their buddies saying we really need to be ready in case there's ever an animal transmission of a coveted virus that could be a big problem so let's make one you know where what we're going to do is we're going to contract it out to a wuhan lab but that's what they do oh son of a [ __ ] it's loose well what are we going to say now you can imagine as nick wade says the back room deal right there the americans go hey you idiots we contracted you to do this thing and you let it loose what the hell and they're saying hey you you paid for it it's your idea that's what this is and so everybody everybody it's denied and i deny this is right out of the guide to the married man okay a movie in the 1950s the guy is caught cheating and his wife walks in and pretty soon the other chick just starts getting dressed and walks out and the wife's saying that what that girl and the guy's saying what girl that girl what girl and just wait till she leave wait till the girl hot girl leaves and the wife just like oh she's gone i guess there wasn't anybody i guess there wasn't anybody here so everybody is totally in denial okay and trump of course got some information obviously from somewhere that said this is [ __ ] like this this is exceedingly unlikely that all it would take was one of his staff to look up hey did we have any government contracts to build a sars covered virus you know uh in china oh guess what we did particularly in wuhan it's right there in ruan it's right there it's got anthony fauci's signature on it damn straight we did that okay and it's like wow isn't that a little miracle that it broke out in wuhan thousands of miles away from any animal that could have passed it there so yeah they know specifically thousands of miles away from the bats that are carrying the closest the the the version of this coronavirus that can jump to humans so there are some of those bats in yunnan um but those bats were brought from yunnan to this institute um and you know caged there for this research [Music] so like the the dr she went and collected them that's why she's known as the bat lady um they are not they are not a natural species in the in the wuhan area that's very far away yeah and then they would have been in hibernation during that time evidently yeah so the bottom line is is that this is a this is o.j writing the book anthony patchy really should write a book if i had funded the research [Laughter] that so it's it's very it's like robert mcnamara is in retrospect right like it's sort of it's it's uh very like hey i had the best of intentions you can't like and i'm sure he did oh yeah you know i'm sure they all did you know there's this is this is a huge i mean the the specter of a global pandemic is has terrified a lot of people for a long time and um there's good reason to engage in risky research around this kind of stuff but you know this particular type of risky research with this particular level of control and containment obviously was an absolute catastrophe irresponsible as hell yeah it was arrogance and irresponsibility beyond belief and the anyway i look at this thing though as not sinister which is interesting now jen the political scientist can see all kinds of sinister things happening afterwards okay oh yeah yeah yeah this is the sinister consequences yeah there are very simple as everyone tries to manage their you know position themselves and manage international status and i mean this is a massive international incident it's not it's not good and of course all of the records are sealed the lab is sealed like nobody nobody can actually point to this directly um nobody's talking in china um so so short of some whistleblower uh who is we did have one asylum um yeah we didn't want and she said exactly that she said eight nine months ago i saw where the gin was split and it split in the wrong place and i know what they did and and she's you know was boo hoo booed out of the out of the u.s uh newsroom but the truth is that lady was telling the truth exactly i hope she's still alive i'm sure she's buried in a bunker somewhere in arizona yeah i'm not sure what i haven't heard anything from her in a very long time so yeah i hope she's we probably probably got a banned twitter account you know but this is the thing i mean this is if you this is amazing i mean people really need to wrap their heads around this because six months ago if you went on twitter and you talked about the lab leak you'd get your account banned from misinformation and it is not misinformation it was just a contrary heterodox against consensus opinion and that doesn't mean that every heterodox opinion out there is equally worthwhile or valid but we've we've embraced the silencing and this rallying around consensus opinion as if it is stable and everlasting and uh can't can't be overturned by additional data and that is anti-science it is it is a path of destruction for everything that science represents and and we need to get a hold of that before this goes any further and so if this is not an instructive case for that i don't know what would be yeah the uh i have so in other words i don't think i i don't know enough about anthony fauci to have an opinion about the guy's personality i know that i i actually try to get a sense of personality the same way everybody else does which is sort of reading the cues listening to the guy talk etc and in my in my opinion you know as a an expert in psychology seems like a pretty decent guy okay he's uh he's a decent guy who has his own pet opinions about what's important and he's a powerful government bureaucrat and now you're gonna hear have my libertarian hat come out why is there a powerful government bureaucrat in the first place okay so so what we have is we got uh governments unelected officials overriding the the concerns of all kinds of scientists and quite frankly you know i'm old enough that i started hearing about things like gene splicing in like 1982 okay and and i remember there was concerns when that sort of thing started to be able to happen like whoa this could be a big problem and i remember that and to me it kind of went by the wayside of hey a nuclear bomb could drop somewhere that could be a big problem so and those were i mean we had a very serious near nuclear catastrophe and i guess the 1980s jen might know exactly when it was famous case when the russians thought that we were attacking them and it was actually nothing other than a computer error on on seeing much clouds and there's one guy that stood up and just said no i don't think it is the americans even though that's what the computer says so in the same way i mean one guy with some guts and his supervisor literally saved the world okay and so the um they can't acknowledge him though because then they would have had to acknowledge like where is the nobel committee you know what i mean come on people so uh truly so uh anyway but in the same thing i remember you know you were hearing things like we're understanding that biotech is getting more and more and more and more sophisticated you know they clone a sheep like th we know it's get like we we are racing towards greater and greater knowledge and we're just disturbed about it we're disturbed about monsanto and roundup and all kinds of things yeah rightfully so but i've kind of shrugged my shoulders feeling like i've had this sort of background feeling of that that maybe looks kind of like this and that is you know what you better not drop a nuke because if you drop a nuke we're going to drop 10 nukes and it's going to be a big mess so if you're iran and you threaten the destruction of israel it better be you know a few shitty little bombs at a time because if you ever come big your whole place is going under so hopefully your own you know ability to conceive that you don't actually rule your own fate here if you do that hopefully can sink into those brains i don't know if that's true but it seems to me that it should be the um and so i also felt like you know what i hope the virologists and the bureaucrats that that guide them in the world like a guy named anthony fauci whose name i will now finally learn that i'm thinking that you know 20 years ago you know i hope you guys have enough sense to not do some really stupid [ __ ] and and i hope if you're some chinese or russian you know bureaucrat who thinks we can i don't know what spread in anthrax or smallpox or something all over the united states like i hope you understand that it's going to come back to haunt you and that and including you personally so my thinking has always been people should be reasonably smart enough to know that biological warfare other than saddam hussein gassing some people that's localized but something like this an infectious catastrophe could be unbelievable out of control and no way to stop it and it could get you and yours so i've always had this feeling that there would be enough brains among people that were down bending over the microscopes to like have a little lab meeting and say are we sure we know what we're doing and we should be safe boy was i wrong it's like no that isn't true these guys are inherently curious and inherently uh ignorantly arrogant to the point where they cook this thing up just like dr strangelove would tell them it's like holy smokes you went in there and you spliced the little thing and you put it in the computer and then what do we got we got just what your your grant proposal said except we got three million deaths on our hands and our name's anthony fauci and we were one of the two main signatures that made that happen and then we're gonna get up in front of the cameras and do what deny deny deny guide to the married man that's what this is but at least it's not you know it isn't adolf hitler it's not mao zedong it's not it isn't out for the destruction and the rule of the world no this was just stupid government [ __ ] and you know what when you have to you know a whole bunch of money directed this is the kind of things people get into if the research and development is left to procter a gamble all you're gonna get is a better frito that's what you're gonna get and who doesn't want a better freedom okay really keeps me up at night but i i'm actually enormously relieved that it is not in fact a biochem warfare thing gone wrong no it's our little friendly ancient anthony fauci arrogant ignorant you know uh government bureaucrat that let this thing loose and he's right out in front of the camera saying well could be you know the thing i read recently is he's saying well it could have been a a an animal thing that was brought to the lab no anthony go read the grant proposal that you signed on [Laughter] they gave you exactly what you asked for so that's what happened maybe this new political group that you predicted last year is going to be anti-fowl oh well yeah there's anti-faucism you know there's sort of that is that is definitely that is a a movement that exists i mean fauci i i i my knowledge here is limited i'm getting into territory that is uh i only know a little bit of his past but you know he he's um a very important figure in the aids epidemic and just hiv research in general and he is i think very fairly criticized for being um very pro-azt which was this very toxic experimental drug um to to to treat hiv positive patients many of whom were killed by the drug rather than the disease i think that's a fairly well established situation at this point and he he was a um unfailing advocate of that treatment and and one of the one of the sources of criticism of him even at the time you can go back and read op-eds in the village voice that you know open letter to tony fauci um and uh you know other other pieces 30 years ago yeah um nearly 40 years ago nearly at this point um was that you you don't understand the science you're a bureaucrat you know you're you you understand politics you understand the politics of science but you're you're missing the actual science and so you know this has been kind of weaponized against fouchy in ways that are both fair and unfair i think um but this is definitely a situation where you have people making political decisions and trying to act in the public's interest um and you know maybe maybe missing a few steps and and and maybe uh leading the whole situation into a whole series of unintended consequences from really good intentions and those are the worst kind of disasters you know those are those are at the level of social engineering or um you know the worst kind of wide scale catastrophes are usually some combination of unintended consequences from from very good intentions or from well-meaning intentions um and then you you add in uh this sort of overlay of government bureaucracy and in multiple states and you mix in together a little just general human nature i.e researchers don't like to work in the spacesuits they want to work in the level 2 lab where they just have to wear the gloves and wash their hands and hubris sneaks in and you get you get this kind of situation and then you've you've got i mean politically looking back at this it it seems impos you know let let us let us uh stipulate that this is true okay so just just to remind everybody we're speaking a very strong language but we don't know that this is true but let's stipulate that it is true let's stipulate that o.j is guilty um and we again get back in the time machine and we go back to uh you know the the early rhetoric and the early conversations around this if you watch videos of trump being questioned do you have reason to believe that this escaped from a lab he he doesn't miss he's like yeah yeah i absolutely do um and so i think it is unreasonable to assume if this is true that trump didn't know it at the time and then you then i mean this just opened such a pandora's box i think i think even wade uses that phrase of all of the political decision-making how many lies upon lies upon lies upon deflections upon misrepresentations i mean how much of what we know about covid is true it's it's really and i'm not i'm not using that as an uh entry point into kova denial or um anything else that people will use it to do i'm i'm just saying you know the whole idea of consensus and follow the science and do what you're told i mean this is coming from a place of damage control not of honest information um and and that really just that's going to require a really forensic analysis to unpack everything that happened around that over the course of the year and is still ongoing of course with this vaccine roll out so this is which is its own fiasco heads heads will roll eventually i don't know i don't know if bouches is among them he hasn't survived this long he didn't get through the hiv crisis without being pretty savvy so um so who knows but yeah the fiasco upon fiasco the fall guy is going to be dr she you know what i mean yeah one of them that's gonna be yeah the the thing is that you know this is all gets to be a game of i don't know in some movie there's gonna be you know who did it and 17 guys are going to be pointing at the other 17 guys like this is what it's going to be and uh and they're going to put a cloud of mystery over it and it it's it's disgusting to see like what utter just bald-faced lying has gone on but what would you expect i mean picture yourself if you're anthony fauci or any of the other main players that you just let loose exactly what it is that has been a major issue in your life just to be able to help the public from defending itself for like you just blew it and you just blew it huge what are you gonna do okay you're gonna do a mia culpa come on there's no chance who would do such a thing who would have the guts to do a meal jimmy carter jimmy carter jimmy carter yeah might might have the guts and that's the only political personality i can think of who wouldn't just double down and deflect everybody else everybody else is going to minimize the crisis and they're and they're going to blame everybody like mcnamara i did i mean this is a modern mcnamara where the crisis unfolds it's getting worse on your watch and you you can't admit that you're you've failed and that you've sent all of these boys to their deaths and that you continue to do so so you just have to keep justifying the original logic that sent them there because if you if you reverse course now then you're you've got all of that blood on your hands and so you've you've just got to dig in stay the course yeah that's it that's why and then you write your book then you write your book later 25 years later yeah right you know a couple years before you die um saying you know in retrospect i made some mistakes yeah there you go mistakes so anyway this is the the mistakes were made mistakes were made yes you always want to use the passive voice [Laughter] that's it mistakes were made folks lots of them and uh and of course i'm i'm not shocked and appalled by the un just oh i know what i why i'm feeling heartened about this jen i'm feeling heartened because um it looks even though it it looked like it was on life support we have a media it's like what do you know i found out the story what do you know nick wade got it published in a place and it got onto the internet and you said it to me and i read it and it's like got it now i actually know and so and and you're seeing it now leak out because nick wade has you know obviously the piece itself is unbelievably credible nick wade himself is highly credible whether people like what he says about you know the realities of behavior genetics or not is irrelevant the truth is is that uh intelligent fair-minded people a la you know somebody that might be uh politically upset by any of the the uh these discussions but a guy like richard dawkins region nick wade and has to say whoa checkmate okay there's really no other way to look at it and so you start to you start to break down the political divide about these opinions and you start to realize whoa no there's a truth here with capital t and we need to look at this because for god's sakes people you know jen and i did a did a uh a thing about a year ago uh for engine two called the ultimate fire drill coved and in other words hey could have been a lot worse okay and that was our point and you know and then that was wasn't that taken down i think it was taken off of youtube like it was misinformation but it's been it's it's been it gets flagged it's wow anybody who posts it somewhere it's it's uh it gets the little this this you know here go to the wikipedia page for covid to understand the truth because this isn't the truth that you're right right guys no i i i darn it jen we didn't get out absolutely taken off we didn't we didn't really make the cut we're not the varsity [Laughter] so anyway yeah and it is the ultimate fire drill that's what we're seeing it's like hey guys well yeah so we should be grateful that it escaped when it did instead of another year of additional gain of function research that made it even more virile i suppose oh it could have so easily been worse okay yeah good is so easily this this thing could have easily oh yeah well that's the whole point my hope is that everybody's embarrassed now they get it's kind of like uh it's kind of like me when i almost had an accident when i was texting and driving it's like okay okay get your act together that was that could have been a mess and so this was a you know yeah it's bad and of course millions of people have died and and people know my feeling about this that it's not good and of course it's a it's a great widespread tragedy but thank god it's it's not a tremendous amount of life a human life lost it's a lot of lives lost but it's truncating lives you know a short time behind next to their natural death so that is but that could have so easily not been the case that they could have monkeyed with these genetic codes and made this thing so that it was 20 or 30 times the cost of covid for human life easily and so hopefully these dr strangeloves get a wake-up call and hopefully the world is safer you know for a while because of it but that's you know as a libertarian i'm like what are you guys doing this research for like who's finding it why how's this all taking place it's like i don't like that you're funding it yeah i funded it you funded it our listeners funded it you the united states funded the cova virus through its bureaucrats that turned around and savage the world that's what happened including us so now we know that's why uh you know one of my good friends who i should remain nameless uh that that is a libertarian says always says yeah that's why i didn't vote for the bastards he's always in a position to criticize any administration democrat or republican and he tells people not my fault i didn't vote for him and so you know that's how uh you know it's a it's a it's an easy place to sit but this is an example of you know government intervention in human lives and how of course it's necessary but the the the you know the jeffersonian view to me is the right view that it should be as little as necessary and this you know what so an animal bites somebody gets loose etc sometime you know the the work should have been on preventing you know the the kind of things that could happen in the quote wet markets the work should not been gene splicing in a sloppy lab paid for by the united states so that this could get loose no that was that was not the right way to address this problem in my judgment so anyway that's what i have to say about it yeah it's a pretty good last word yeah you got in your libertarian rant so there's really i mean where else do we need to go that's right you got it yeah i i will just one final just just really drive it home like like i hope i don't think it will have you know yes i i hope it uh serves as a warning to the doctor strange loves of the world but i also would hope that it serves as a warning to any consumer of media yes that you know it just like check your arrogance a little bit you know check your certainty stay open to possibilities stay critical stay you know this is not an invitation to become an absolute conspiracy theorist but it there there is there are degrees of difference there and i i think they're this is a stunning example of just discourse being really closed off because of who was representing this point of view i i think anybody who argues that um this this was a unspeakable hypothesis for any other reason than because that came from trump is just fooling themselves it was because it came from trump and it was it just became um an absent part of any conversation about the origins of this virus and so this should serve in a perfect world is a really important lesson for everybody out there who's trying to educate themselves and pay attention to the world but i i fear that it will not but it should damn it yeah it should you
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