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Beat Your Genes Podcast & More
Episode 181: Showing weakness, Dominance Hierarchy, Sharing Evopsych, Ego Trap
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dear dr. Lyle men often have to listen
to pop psychology telling them to quote
get in touch with their emotions not be
ashamed of showing weakness etc it seems
to me that pathetic communication or
showing weakness for a man is a pretty
honest and carefully weighted signal in
the ancestral environment because
although it may bring them help in
sympathy it's also going to hit their
mate value pretty hard do you agree and
do you think that there are situations
where a man showing weakness to a woman
can be positive conversely can women get
away with it easily or weak as weakness
also or weakness also a signal of sexual
interest when it comes to them hmm what
sort of more than one idea floating
around there
the first idea I think so one of the
more ludicrous things is the notion that
men should be doing this or men should
be doing that you know from from some
fool that's writing in the media it's
going to sort of try to try to explain
how it is that that the people that are
out there actually trading for real live
chips with real life stakes in the world
don't know how to run their own show
when it comes to expressing their
emotional responses that's ridiculous
so of course this this writer has nailed
it that men aren't suppressing their
emotions and looking tougher than they
are they're just following evolutionary
guidelines and so that means of course
often though the the way the mind works
it has possibly know two or more
competing agendas and on the one hand it
might be wanting to draw a sympathy
because it feels like it's got a problem
but on the other hand it recognizes that
to do to do so and try to cash in some
insurance ships to get a lighter load or
to get some some kind of resources or a
break or some kind of assistance that
it's going to cost it okay and so I
think I just I just had a memory
very few listeners are old enough to
remember a classic movie called the
summer of 42 work I think a kid named
hermie lives next door to a beautiful
young woman whose husband has gone off
to war was Jennifer O'Neill and he he
comes over and he starts helping over
things because now she's a she's a
single lady effectively with her husband
off to war and at one point he's she
wants some things lifted into the Attic
and her me who's a pretty strong young
kid of 1718 high-school student
he is lifting this this like a toolbox
or whatever it is and he's he see him is
beautifully done he's grimacing like
crazy as he he lifts this box and it's
all he can do to lift it into the Attic
and he wants to make it look like it's
easy and she might even say do you need
some help or oh no he's fine uh what guy
hasn't done this okay so me a lot
because without a lot of that a lot of
strength I got to do a lot of bluffing
when everybody was watching so anyway uh
me and my dad used to compete as to who
can take the most amount of groceries
with one trip you know when my mom
brought them home right right you know
held open oh yeah that actually and in a
classic finding in in ethology the it
was gosh I know the guys name it's going
to kind of leap out at me it's Amos a
hobby and at the University of Tel Aviv
I believe you know in in studying the
Arabian babbler which is a little bird
how the male's will beat up the other
males that the other males try to help
out by defending the the tribe it won't
let them do it
so like I know we don't need your help
okay if anybody's going to get killed
it's going to be me
so no one is there's a correlation
between between birds like that and
whether or not they like the movie
Armageddon yeah exactly so so this is
excuse me so this is clearly males have
to to essentially deal with the
competing demands of survival and
reproduction and and so you're you're
best off looking like you've got such
great Fitness that you don't need help
don't need assistance don't need anybody
to give you directions you don't need
anybody to give you any sympathy and so
yeah if you are if you are literally
crying from the pain of whatever it is
don't show it okay so this is so the the
notion that men should quote show their
feelings more is ludicrous they were
they're designed by nature to display
their feelings when they're
evolutionarily advantageous and they do
so and so every situation is different
so there of course there's going to be
times when it's going to be great to
show your feelings like here's one of
these times so you're you you you
thought that you were in love with a
girl but it turns out lo and behold
after you're successfully we were into
bed you're playing cow mating strategy
and didn't know it and so now you have
some feelings guilt about this and some
feelings of confusion this is a great
time to really show your feelings of
confusion and your feelings of angst
about how puzzled you are in this life
and how difficult it all is for you and
how how you you really have deep
feelings for her
but at the same time you're confused ah
there is a good times to show your
feelings okay
and there's good times to not show your
feelings spits out what the feelings are
depends on who the audience is and what
the stakes are so yeah so I can't
remember the rest of the question but
forget we don't have a hard or dr. Lao
now no big rathne quark I'm in enough
trouble as it is I think that is going
to the next question
every male Linder all right he just blew
you just blew our secret how did you
alright alright what else do we go I'm
just kidding no no we're okay all right
all right so dear doctor loud love to
hear a Doug download on the perceived
difference between a competence
hierarchy and a dominance hierarchy
objectively I'm not sure there is one
but subjectively relative to the
perhaps there's a huge difference if you
look to the far left every hierarchy is
based on dominance if you look to the
far right every hierarchy is based on
competence so don't find anything
particularly interesting at the extremes
what interests me is in the middle and
how our nervous systems seem to be tuned
to pay attention when we appear to be
operating on a dominance or competence
based a competence basis I'm
particularly interested in the
individuals who seem to be tortured
about disappearance some people seem to
be so driven to compete and rise to the
top however their internal audience is
constantly asking them are you sure
you're not being too dominant is this
step-up worth it either directly or
indirectly in the form of general stress
emotional stability seems to be a huge
component how this plays out on an
individual basis
that'd be curious to know what you think
curious if you think this competence
dominus inner battle is part of what
plays into the pleasure trap seems that
those some people are unable to resist
the pleasure trap the further they rise
in a particularly particular hierarchy
as a way of compensating and reducing
their appearance of dominance there boy
quieting the neural chip inside them
that is constantly monitoring their
confidence dominance status hmm
I think we better stop there because I
think it's wandering into the weeds I
don't think any of this has anything to
do with the pleasure trap
pleasure trap is a is a novel
evolutionary problem
that doesn't have anything to do with
human evolution so
the now the notion of a competence
versus dominance hierarchy also doesn't
really make any sense
now there's the the least not to me the
it's a hierarchy itself implies
dominance okay so just a matter of what
degree we're talking about so rather
than use the word dominance let's just
call the whole thing influence so you
know dominance may be a word that
conjures up a great deal of baggage that
comes with it that can get confusing and
then thinking that that we have to parse
this thing out into different dynamics
rather than the one that there is think
of it think of the whole thing as a
hierarchy and so that hierarchy has
influence so the hierarchy there's a
hierarchy in Miss America contest all
right so the nobody needs to be more
competent than anybody and nobody easily
be dominating anybody but what we're
seeing is is that the winner had more
influence over the voters perceptions
for whatever reasons bought some people
off slept with somebody who the heck
knows okay but in principle what there
is is there's a there's a slotting of
relative influence that's the way to
look at this so that that obliterates
the competence dominance dichotomy which
is a false dichotomy so now it's going
to turn out that in different
circumstances so when we start talking
about dominance hierarchies in general
we're talking about its leadership over
a group so the so what's going to happen
is that that different conditions
different ecological conditions with
respect to a group and what it needs
what its weighing these things are going
to have different you know judgment
criteria so the that's how this is going
to go so it may be that you need to be
the funniest it may need the men to be
the kindest that
see how this hierarchy is being slotted
the you may need to be the best
all-around balance between compassion
and strength so you can imagine in a
Stone Age village the the the
individuals involved - are themselves
essentially a congregation of a
marketplace of different trading the
trading of different values most
predominantly insurance production etc
against the vicissitudes of life across
various dimensions could be tribal
warfare it could be famine could be
injury etc so there's a there's a many
criteria that could be used and when it
came to leadership and dominance
generally in in human in human history
there was not one criterion so this is
not this is how human beings are one of
the many ways that human beings are
significantly different than so many
other animals they literally have
dominance hierarchies and the dominance
hierarchies is literally physical vigor
its size strength viciousness this is
these are the dimensions it's literally
who is willing and capable of doing the
most damage to a competitor
that's how dominance hierarchies are are
dealt there's no other way to do it the
two to Stallions threatening for the
mating rights to the herd those those
are vicious fights and they're not
resolved until one stallion has
demonstrated to the other one that if we
continue you're going to get the worst
of it and it's going to be bad okay
humans are far or Vaseline more complex
than this there's more on the line than
just mating success there is a member of
the insurance pool there's also the
entire safety of the insurance pool
completely so in our modern political
environment the great angst of the left
when at this point in this country is
that they many of them
honestly and deeply fear that trumps
personality is destabilizing and
dangerous a set of characteristics they
could walk us in a nuclear war walk us
into all kinds of disastrous
consequences so that's one of the things
that they are deeply fearful and why it
is that they dislike him that's that's
one of the reasons is that they feel
like this is not anything close to an
ideal leader this is actually vastly
eons away from it in terms of the
criteria variables that they would use
to analyse what's in their best
interests okay so so you can see that in
different times a group of people under
certain conditions they would they would
intuitively and collectively tend to
vote for someone who would be very
strong very dominant very aggressive and
potentially unstable enough to be
dangerously protein so that his behavior
couldn't be predicted now this this to
some degree resembles Trump Trump is the
most protein president I think we've
ever had protein meaning unpredictable
you you can't tell what he's going to do
and so this keeps everybody back on
their heels it gives everybody wide
berth if you want to think about this if
you I have a friend of mine who's uh
similarly described 'el the that has
stated that once in a while what he'll
do when he's driving is he'll wiggle the
car into the opposing lane and he does
this so that you and I know this
individual maybe don't forget there's I
think the point of doing it it used to
be your boss the uh well the reason for
this is to let it have everybody give
him very wide berth so therefore make
himself safer that that's the point
that's what he does it and I would never
think of anything like this that to me
is crazy but it's not it's not actually
crazy it's a very
interesting strategy although its
aggressive and bizarre you can imagine
that there would be times in world
history probably many times in world
history where those kinds of
characteristics would have been
perceived to be advantageous and they
would have been advantageous if you game
it out in terms of game theory now
there's going to be other times when
that's not going to be true so in times
of relative peace where the person on
the other side of the river is not is
not particularly aggressive and is
reasonable then then we would want a
reasonable person to be at the head of a
representative our village so that we
can just maintain the beasts but if we
have somebody over there that's very
aggressive and opportunistic then that
may not be the best strategy so this is
so all the questions of dominance
hierarchy and competence this all this
is all going to mold together and
nothing other than an issue of influence
and in the case of a village a
generalized preference so the so in
human societies as opposed to animal
societies animal societies generally the
the herds survival is not on the line
these are on the decision-making of the
leader usually the leaders are they our
males fighting over mating you know and
in conflicts of interest within the herd
this is not what's going to take place
with respect to human dominance
hierarchies so they're their influence
processes and they they generally have
the interests of the group as a very
important integral factor of what's
being decided rather than just you know
sexual preferences of a bunch of females
and a bunch of males on the sidelines
that don't really have anything to say
about it so so anyway that's the that's
the answer here leadership ideals or
influence influence variables are highly
variable or quite a criteria are highly
variable depending upon situation and
the confidence dominance hierarchy is
say is it's an interesting interesting
conceptualization but it ultimately
won't hold up mmm and now to the to the
point about you know
furthering as you rise in a particular
hierarchy people may be more unable to
resist the pleasure trap you've talked
about this in your pleasure trap book
when you talked about Elvis Presley
where ah where you know that's a little
different issue so into the rope
that's uh that that's not it's not
because heroes in hierarchies Perseids
because he had resources
okay so anybody with enough money to lie
around eat whatever they want and have
it order or doctor around to give them
whatever drugs they want that that
person's in that same set of
circumstances so that's not rising in a
hierarchy that's just having a lot of
resources so yeah so that no I don't
think those two things are particularly
correlated in other words I don't think
that you're going to find that the CEOs
of Fortune 500 are in the pleasure trap
more than the average citizen in the
United States okay nice I would expect
that that would be less the case by the
way there's nine other words the
conscientiousness that's required to
rise in those hierarchies is going to
play itself out and the intelligence
okay so they're going to get less
pleasure trap than the average show so
yeah those are I see why someone so
might have made that connection reading
the pleasure trap at that that was a
that's a spurious correlation okay yeah
my assumption again thank you for
clarifying it my assumption was that
that the less village pressure you have
to make ends meet the more your
psychology will take over in such a
world of abundance but okay oh well I
mean yeah except that probably everybody
you're sort of watching the situation
now it's not like people get up at the
crack of dawn and strap on their tool
belt and work to their fingers to the
bone they where they might have 50 years
ago so most of the people in the world
they may go to work but they're that
they're not working particularly
physically taxing jobs most people and
so it isn't like they're exhausted so
and everybody has essentially equal
access to the pleasure drop so that it's
cheap it's easy it's convenient as hell
so yeah
I don't like there would have been a
time in the world where hard-working
people barely making ends meet wouldn't
have had the opportunity to get into the
pleasure trap because they couldn't
afford it it but that's no longer the
case here to thank you
now all right dr. Lyle dear dr. Lyle
thank you for doing the podcast you've
given an a tomorrow on mail Oh
hmm oh go ahead let's do this go ahead
to do this question now remember we got
a listen we got a yes I will do this
question then we'll get the listener on
hold so I thought you hung in there go
ahead yeah no worries okay do dr. Lyle
oh it's okay thank you for doing the
podcast you've given an 18 year old male
some wisdom to think clearly enough to
end a relationship gone south thank you
so much I'm a big fan of evolutionary
psychology and I often hear
conversations on topics that have been
perfectly illuminated by evolutionary
thinking but I'm often reluctant to
share this usable information because of
the social stigma around it there's a
new meme going around that people who
think in Darwinian terms are creepy
involuntary celibate misogynist
misogynist and I've seen female friends
of mine having a visceral disgust
emotion to it I want to spread the truth
of evolutionary psychology but I also
don't want to hurt my mating chances by
getting labeled a reject should I keep
my evolutionary thoughts a secret and
only explain it an easy to digest chic
talk or should I spread these ideas with
testicular fortitude I love both you
take pennant I wish now I added a new
phrase to my vocabulary just secular
fortitude yeah I love it yeah
unfortunately I had just barely enough
to Circular fortitude to
uh to just fail miserably yeah you
should be warned you know uh don't don't
do as I do do as I say
the uh be smooth talk ask them what
their sign is stuff like that ya know
this is a this is a wonderful question
and keep in mind that that these ideas
are are you many of them very
revolutionary counterintuitive and they
are also very threatening to many people
and so the one of the things George
Bernard Shaw said if you're going to
tell the truth make them laugh or
they'll kill you and I think that's
pretty close to an exact quote so this
so this didn't escape this writer and
this so keep this in mind that these
ideas the way an idea is introduced the
way that is said how it is said with how
much vehemence these are all very
important you know stylistic features of
sharing interesting exciting novel
controversial and threatening ideas so
many times I've given so many lectures
in my life I've given lectures where for
one reason or another who knows what I
was listening to on the radio or music
when I walked in the door but I came in
like fired up ready to take on anybody
and and ready to really lay the truth on
an audience and sometimes when that
happens that if I'm if I happen to be
God knows probably peeking in my in my
pathetic little testosterone cycle the
then it can sometimes get uncomfortable
because because I'm feeding too much too
fast too harsh and the people aren't
actually adequately prepared and it's
and there may be personalities in the
that are particularly threatened in its
you know it doesn't go well and I really
don't like that and I'm not sure what
purpose is served what what gains are
had by by such a sort of confrontation
process much better to have things you
know much warmer and it can be it can be
curious and interesting and somewhat
controversial but but you should you
should keep a kind of upon them and like
smirk a friendliness about it and a
warmth about it and a good humour about
it that that if you share these ideas
that we aren't going to battle so I
would tone down the testicular fortitude
and I would make things warmer and these
ideas can be shared in ways that are
that are inherently fascinating for
people this is this is what we call a
source code when you start actually
speaking directly to the way the system
is engineered it recognizes truth then
light start going on
as the system for the first time
actually gets in sight conscious insight
into its own design and so so it can be
it can be great there's a reason why
there's there's fifty women out there
who might not have ever given me a
second date but they had a very
interesting time listening to the dug
down bug in fact they might have written
any questions afterwards about it not
that they wanted to see me again but
they were curious and they had questions
so everyone gives you a placemat right
so yes they get to keep the place about
exact which that's been that's happened
more than once that women fold it up the
paper that I wrote on all over the all
over the tablecloth the paper tablecloth
and put it in their purse so yeah be a
little smoother and you'll have a little
better luck when it comes to gene
facsimile behavior around antastic
alright so we've got a caller on hold
and so we'd like to welcome to caller
Joe welcome to the show
thanks for calling hi hi there hi hello
dr. Lauer and Nate it was a very good to
hear from you I arrived a little early
audio trouble if you can keep your phone
directly in front of your mouth and and
tell us your question okay
can you hear me yes perfect all right
firewood risk I have a question about
bravery mm-hmm
so I've been watching the Hong Kong
protest and at first I wasn't I wasn't
paying at much attention to it even
though I have a lot of family members
there and I do go back once or twice a
year to see them and it's kind of my
second home but I wasn't paying a lot of
tension to it because to me this protest
is an example of David versus Goliath
and in this case David just don't stand
a chance and and why is David even
fighting you know so my first question
is what is the CD of the Hong Kong
people and then and my second question
is there have been numerous numerous
news about the communist government
harvesting organs from healthy freedom
fighters in China who practices Falun
Gong you know is a kind of ancient
meditation breathing exercise practice
to calm the nerves and I've never done
it before but I just heard that it is a
very lucrative business for the
communist government and the Hong Kong
people obviously knows about it and you
know if if there are a lot of cameras in
Hong Kong now and you have 5k quality so
yes if they if they get caught obviously
they will set a chance to be put in this
so-called education camp
and you know they send a chance to have
their organs harvested while being alive
and with no anesthesia so how did they
even get the courage to stand up to
protest against this evil giant and one
day I was watching this YouTube video
and about this lady who stood up against
one of those fake cops that were sent
over from China to pretend you know to
take down the people and and she kind of
yell at him and then because she was
because the cop was you know raising her
voice at her and then but she wouldn't
chew and stand down and from what I saw
she's she's highly disagreeable but as
the camera was on her at first you know
thinking that she's going to just the
cop was asking her for for her Hong Kong
ID and then she said hey can you be a
little bit more polite to me and stop
yelling at me in my face if you want me
to show you my Hong Kong ID why don't
you show me your police ID to me first
and then of obviously the cop wouldn't
show it to her because we just we think
he's a fake one from sent now from China
and that his video kind of became viral
and she's kind of became the hero of the
Hong Kong protests online community and
to me she's kind of brave you know but I
see the reason that she's brave - what's
him is because she she's disagreeable
and she's open to new experience so my
second question is is bravery a
personality trait that's strongly
associated with disagree ability and
openness to new experience or is it a
genes that's passed down from our
ancestors because some people just don't
have the guts to stand up to evil forces
when time comes and I would like to know
if it isn't gene oh yeah this is
definitely genetic all personality
characteristics are so and you're you're
accurately identifying this Jo that that
disagreeableness has a
huge amount to say about this so this is
going you're going to find that very
disagreeable people will do very
dangerous act and some of those acts
will be heroic and some of them won't be
heroic there'll be something else
the so when it comes to what what can
appear to be incredibly dangerous acts
of defiance or or your combat often
often in a in a potential rage of what
you're going to find is a chemical
called dihydrotestosterone and this is a
I think women have almost none of it so
I don't know what this woman had other
than just disagreeable but men had this
I'm sure we're going to find out as I as
you find out slowly about everything
that men and women have differential
amounts and the amounts are you know
considerably different that they're
they're going to probably be in both
genders now the but what we know about
dihydrotestosterone is that it's
involved with with essentially
essentially short-term supercharging to
the effects of testosterone so this is
this is where men get unbelievably gutsy
men and women potentially but
particularly men so men will get
unbelievably gutsy about taking on
someone or something where the odds are
overwhelmingly against them and the
question is why how how could such a
thing involved and the answer would be
that that there would be mating ships
that would be making up for the risks
that would be incurred by you know the
statistical likelihood of death as a
result so you could see that
let's suppose that you had a very
dangerous unfair untrustworthy adversary
who wasn't agreeing yeah would agree to
something and then was taking more but
would you you can imagine a situation
where you had surrendered and then they
let's let's forget the idea that we had
arms let's go back to a time when it was
hand to hand with with knives okay
knives and clubs and we we could see
that we were going to be fifteen against
seven and they started to hold us down
and then we said okay we cry uncle so we
have some local custom of how it is that
we we display this and and so we make
that display we're full of testosterone
we're our little tribal chief but we
essentially make this display and we
have all of our guys make the display
one of which is dead one of which is
going to be dead and there's five of us
left and there's fifteen of them and
we've damaged a couple of them so now
it's thirteen to five now now the the
sociopathic sob that happens to be their
chief comes over with his knife and cuts
one of our heads off
and now now what you're going to see is
the rest the remaining four of us
running the cost-benefit analysis and
the cost-benefit analysis is going to
say okay going belly-up didn't work with
this with this monster so what we're
going to feel is a surge of rage and
that rage is going to an energized an
all-out effort to at any cost and flick
whatever damage we can so that we we
potentially either you know either live
or die but we may actually be so
dangerous that they have to renegotiate
and so this is and effectively running
the CB that it's the best strategy you
could see how this would be you can see
that in in fights between men there's a
there's a cost-benefit about how risky
the strategy that you take how
self-sacrificing of your own health so
this is you can imagine two men in close
quarters grappling with each other and
one of them decides I'm going to bang my
forehead right into your forehead as
hard as I can
interesting strategy and it's a strategy
that if you are in serious trouble and
you can feel like you're otherwise going
to lose better to trade even okay for a
moment because maybe you just might get
the better end of it so this kind of
hyper aggressive very very dangerous
all-in strategy that also has a protein
component that it's whoa this this we we
went from one one side of the of the
matrix to the other side of the matrix
and this will very often get a stronger
more dangerous opponent to back off it's
like whoa we've got something to lose
here you can imagine going into a crowd
with a bunch of unbelievably dangerous
people in other words that are Pro Thien
ly angry and if you're a cop you don't
want to go
into that crowd there are you know
there's people in that crowd that that
they seem to not care this is the the
freakish thing that you'll see sometimes
on tape of people beating themselves and
so on and so forth it's like look out
they're dangerous
they quote don't care okay so this is
part of what it is that you're saying
you're seeing a there's an element of
this process that's going on and so this
is a that that's part of a deep
evolutionary strategy I saw this a great
deal when I worked in the prisons and I
saw effect similes of it in other words
I didn't see the real strategy but I saw
the strategy start to get activated
where we're less or less fearsome
prisoners would display high levels of
anger and basically say that they didn't
care what the consequences were about so
and so that that is you know threatening
them to take advantage of them that that
they you know I won't use their language
but the notion is I don't care what
happens to me
and it's like well if you can actually
make that case then you may absolutely
get concessions out of a bigger stronger
opponent the opponent's job isn't to see
you dead or isn't to when they're there
their job is to win and stay intact with
a minimum of damage that's a very
different outcome than just winning so
it depends upon an opponent having
measured risks and if your opponent does
not have measured risks they just got
unbelievably dangerous 125-pound little
male against a 250 pound monster that
hundred 25 pound males it's actually
extremely dangerous if he literally is
willing to go all-in and with the
attitude of I don't care what happens to
okay and you can see how this such a
thing could evolve particularly when it
comes to village protection because if
you've got wife children etc that you're
protecting you can see how you could
evolve an insurance scheme and bravery
that would be passed down through genes
that would drive dihydrotestosterone
that would most often wind up in males
you wouldn't want to put it in females
because they've got other jobs to do
they've got children to look after
children to protect and they they're not
going to be specialising in weaponry and
they don't have nearly the size and
strength amounts so we don't need it
there okay where we need it is we need
it in the males and we need it measured
and we need it tied to senses of justice
which it typically is and so under these
under just the right conditions you can
activate it and I've had it activated in
my head
more than once so me of meager
testosterone fortitude testicular
fortitude the had enough that under
conditions that that can activate inside
my nervous system and I do have the
attitude of I'm going to get you and I'm
going to do you buried serious damage
and I don't care what happens to me okay
now fortunately I live in a very
civilized world with people that that
aren't usually doing that much damage or
threatening that much damage and I've
got enough IQ and enough stability that
those impulses didn't go anywhere but
they were there just just right out of
an evolutionary psychology textbook so
what is what is courage and bravery it's
mostly the the the activation of very
interesting aggressive strategic
instincts that will come about under
certain conditions in certain
individuals that's and it is absolutely
genetic and it requires a
just like all instincts require the
ecological input in order to activate
them just as if you you know if you
light a fire in your gas fireplace and
it goes whoosh you go back automatically
that's an instinct to that threat you
have similar instincts to to when it is
that you will suddenly become Britt so
that's a very good question Joe and and
now thank you for asking
Oh No thank you very much hello hello
yeah yes yes I have something to add
yeah so I've seen a lot of women they
kind of stood up and they're kind of
brave you know standing in front of the
fake cops alone by themselves even 70
year-old or women they're doing it just
so happy yeah do you think that the
jeans kind of have evolved as time goes
by and now that because cut women don't
really need a man to stand and protect
them they kind of evolve not this
bravery gene as well no no it's got
nothing to do with that they haven't
evolved any such thing they are they're
smart enough that they're recognizing
that there's a wider force of social
processes and if they do this they it is
well recognized that they are helpless
and so a surefire way for a regime or
set of a regime of male dominance or
individual male to lose all credibility
and to have the wrath of the world
targeted them is to attack a female and
so that's what's going on
so those females are disagreeable enough
but they've also run a cost benefit and
they believe that they will not be
targeted in the in a way that a male
would be targeted for you know for
exactly those reasons so this is a as
though that that's what's happening
though they have not evolved some some
spectacular courage that's not what's
taking place there
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