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Episode 169: Finding a dream job, Drama at work, Helping parents find happiness
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so today's show we are talking about it's titled finding your dream job and some drama at work so we're going to talk about some questions that we've had from listeners on that topic and speaking of work drama and dream jobs came up I was reading a study there was an article recently that came out in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and this was this was a study actually was eight studies done out of Dukes Fuqua Business University and the study was called understanding contemporary forms of exploitation attributions of patents served to legitimize the poor treatment of workers and the name of the article in duke university that was published in the news was called love your job someone may be taking advantage of you so this reminded me of dr. Lisle yers the exploration the sucker triad so we are going to go over there was eight studies done yeah major stuff in this larger study this research so can go over a little bit I'll try to make it as brief as possible and then we can talk about the psychotria dr. I'll get your thoughts on this whole all these studies and then we'll get to the listener questions so in my study number one this was the researchers tested for something called passion exploitation at an occupational level and they were trying to explore whether people are more likely to legitimize exploiting workers from professions that are more strongly associated with passion so things like artists and social workers were going to be what they call professions associated with passion and the the other six studies they manipulated levels of the target workers passion and then they investigated whether people would view exploitative treatment targeted at a strongly passionate target as more legitimate versus exploitative treatment targeted at a weakly passionate person and then they explored whether this effect is mediated by the expectations that workers with the strong passion would actually voluntarily work longer and harder and consider work in a passionate field to be its own reward so then they had a meta-analysis which is a analysis of several studies of these eight experimental studies and then two replications of the third study and they tested how robust the effect of the passionate manipulation was on legitimizing the exploiting of the target worker so across the studies they also controlled for several potential alternative explanations and confounding variables like someone who has perceived more friendly as a proceed friendliness of the target worker that was in a few of the studies perceived confidence competence and liking of the target worker and then perceived may perceived status and perceived importance to the community across a different different level of occupations and then they also examined whether or not legitimization of passion exploitation extends beyond jobs that are associated with passion so that would be like consulting or store clerk or a high school teacher flight attendant and then I also studied the effect in an actual work study work setting in an actual academic setting and then outside of the work setting and so in the final ad 70 or 80 okay go yeah this is a is really detailed and so I mean it was it was a really interesting they had interesting you know compilation Elise studies they attempted to connect passional exploitation to justice motives more directly in the seven study and then they assessed whether people are more likely to presume that exploited workers are passionate and whether this is moderated by people who have what they called a bj W which stands for a belief in the just world and then in the final study study number eight they tested whether the belief in a just world moderates the tendency to legitimize poor treatment of passionate workers by presuming that they would have freely chosen this work right and so they these studies introduce the idea of some what they call passion exploitation and then demonstrate the logic that people use to legitimize it and so this would be mmm they would ask workers to stay later than they would need to or do demeaning jobs so for example they would ask a worker who was out at a family barbecue at a park to say oh by the way come back the office needs the office bathroom needs to be cleaned and they would be whether whether or not someone would actually be willing to do that or if they would do extra unpaid work so they actually found that that all of these conditions all these studies found that that it in fact is true that that that if you are passionate about what you do people may see or your employer may see this as a legitimate reason and other people may see this as a legitimate reason to exploit you so the researchers did say that that the research is not intended to be seen as anti passion they just want people to know that they shouldn't let the that finding passion the world also comes with in the work also comes with the human tendency to legitimize or ignore the exploitation that comes with that yeah it's an interesting perspective the the did they ever I'm just curious did you see anything in here about the identification of the personality variables conscientiousness an agreeable no now that was what's cool yeah yeah yeah they're totally blind so this is an example of this so this was done in the business school at Duke mm-hmm yep yeah so this is an example of the a lack of cross pollenization where some business school researchers wind up you know looking at a problem that interests them which is fine but they they didn't manage to cross the street and go to talk to anybody in the psychology department particularly somebody in the field of personality that would have told them hey guys all you're really looking at here is conscientiousness and agreeableness that's it that's what you're looking at okay so we didn't have to we're just talking about the exploitation of conscientiousness and agreeableness and along with it what we're seeing is not we're seeing also something else that they're that they're making a big fuss about which is moderately interesting but we can we can analyze this pretty easily here which is that if you do you exploit people who you can exploit in this case the the conscientious agreeable person and it feels fair to you because you can see that they are more willing to do it okay so in other words you're they're not giving you the pushback that someone else is giving you and so as a result of that it makes sense that you would infer that it is fair and and so they can they can look at some of the little interesting cognitive elements that are going to go on depending upon the circumstances of the particular individuals in particular study like well they're in a more passionate field more passion driven field so that they would really love their work bla bla bla bla but the but the real interested there the real the main effect here is the following and that is that I conscientious people are are going to be much more quote exploited now also I would take issue to certain extent with their language they're being very confident about the concept of exploitation let's understand why the highly conscientious person is more willing to do those things the reason is is that high conscientiousness it is by definition an overestimation of the worst-case-scenario on average it isn't that they aren't sometimes right sometimes they predict that you know the tiles are going to come off the shuttle and they were right and everybody else is wrong but in general with respect to you know a entire universe of normal social interaction processes and human risk analysis the average person is a outright about figuring out whether Aunt Millie is going to leave you the you know if you do that she's not going to leave you in her well okay so the average person has pretty good intuition about these things the hyper conscientious person is going to overkill it that's why they're that's why they are not as that that's why that gene is not as numerous in the gene pool because they're over investing in the worst case scenario and effectively they're wasting their time and energy and they're not producing as much DNA as effectively as someone who isn't as conscientious so therefore what this means is or the subjective phenomenology of the person's experience being a highly conscientious person is anxiety that's all I'm going to lose my job okay or people are going to think badly of me so as a result they're so what's happening is is that if they get asked to do extra things it's a relief for them it's like yes of course I will okay so in other words they if they said no they would be very anxious it would increase their anxiety so they're they're over killing so the idea there that they're both quote being exploited is it's true in one from one perspective but from the second perspective you have to understand that that individual is pre-wired to not have any choice in this regard that they're essentially all things being equal they're going to need to do a better job than average just to feel like they're at an average level of safety in the pack that's because they're they're miss perceiving the realities of the situation in there and the risk that they're under for being kicked out of the village so of course it would make sense not just for employers to recognize this but everybody okay everybody recognizes the hi conscientious person now the hi conscientious person is disagreeable isn't going to be so easy okay because they're there just because they're high conscientious and they're they're worried about the worst case scenario doesn't mean that they're that easily to be exploited because they have a countermanding estimation where they feel like what's fair is actually not fair it's actually weighted in their own direction if they're disagreeable so as a result in with respect to a typical business situation and overtime situation these two things these two different aspects of the personality would be pushing against each other and you would wind up somewhere in the middle of the bell curve okay now so really it requires not just high conscientiousness it also requires at least average level of ability or we could actually we could you can imagine folks if we were to look at this as a two-factor algebra problem it's literally what your percentile on your conscientiousness verses what's your percentile on your agreeableness and we're just going to work this against each other and of course obviously the person's individual situation is interesting in every individual instance it's not from the standpoint of science but how much money did it have in the bank what are their you know what's their situation with spouse or support what's your situation with parental support how many kids are they feeding have they been quote traumatized by the fact that they lost their job four years ago and didn't get a job for year-and-a-half these are all the idiosyncratic variables that are acting on the individual's CV but all those washing out being equal across all parties what counts is conscientiousness and agreeableness and either one of those can be exploited okay so hi agreeable moderate conscientious can absolutely be exploited and high conscientious average agreeableness can be exploited and high conscientiousness high agreeable can be murdered okay and that's that's what's going to happen but they're there they are doing so because the person on the other side of it is going to agree to this because of their anxiety that is as a result of overestimating the worst-case scenario so yeah so these folks did a bunch of interesting stuff um and what they didn't know was that their whole there looks like their whole Schmo can be boiled down to two personality variables sitting right in the middle of the big five well perhaps in future studies they can just have every subject just fill out the big five to be f10 yeah and then use that for later yeah at first I thought you know when I was reading this study I thought you know maybe it's that that the people who are most passionate about their work are going to be feeling so over rewarded that they don't want to lose the job and therefore this but they accounted for that in the study number three five and six when they are study believed at two three and seven where where they change the jobs around to something that's nobody could really be passionate about like being a store clerk or or other types of things right yeah the truth is is that another interesting thing that they're looking at is that when you exploit people that don't give you push back on on being exploited it feels reasonably fair ie the just world okay so it's like wow that's just kind of how it is so gee Karen can you stay late it's like I asked Karen because she's very likely to say yes we had it feels it feels okay then I didn't I didn't really push her that hard and so therefore it must not have been that unfair okay whereas have I asked Judy in Judy's like no way not a chance in hell my contract says I'm out of here at five o'clock it's like well I only have to ask her once and the truth is I already know that that's what I'm going to get from her before I ever asked her because she signaled that disagreeableness all down the line in a hundred other transactions so yeah yeah this is uh these characteristics are quite readable and therefore quite exploitable absolutely that's fantastic so finding your dream job includes finding someone who is recognizes that you're you know where your level of conscientiousness is so that they don't give you too much work that you feel burnt out and and they compensate you appropriately and they don't give you not enough work so you don't feel like you're contributing the that about accurate a lot of know the dream job you do something that you find really interesting that you like to do and that the that the social situation and the power situation around it is reasonable okay that's that's as good as it gets the so when it's unreasonable when there are difficult and reasonable exploitative humans above you life's going to be miserable if you've got reasonable people above you the life's going to be fine so yeah you do what you if you can if you can afford to pursue what it is that you really like to do then then the next move is the social ecology of where you do it just like the rest of your life the social ecology of your life ie who your friends are and who your mate is these are this is these are the key elements as to how how enjoyable your life is and the same thing is going to be true precisely when it comes to your work situation fast ending all right so our first question from one of our listeners this evening is the following dear dr. Lyle I'm halfway through getting a master's in public health I'm not motivated by the content and I have a personality where I need to do my best and can't settle for anything below an a so it's extra hard the only reason I'm getting a master in public health is just in case some magic job in the future requires it even though right now I'm content at my job I would get a small 3% raise with my master's so the question I have is do I finish which will take me three years at a slow pace or just quit now I constantly dream about the free time and free space in my head I would get if I quit all right really good question and I would say the following the person hasn't analyzed quite well and the reason why they're kind of in the trap is we're looking at a very high conscientious individual who is preparing for some theoretical possibility in the future that's not even very likely and and they and because of a high C you know they're not they're not willing to just go through and do a mediocre job and just get a degree so they've got it on their diploma no they the high C dictates that they actually have to do a really good job so it's not worth the trot this isn't worth the trouble so this is a bad cost-benefit analysis and we can tell because the right brain is screaming the answer to this person it's screaming don't do it we ought to be lying down on the Shea's lounge eating grapes don't do it we ought to be playing you know on a badminton we ought to be doing something else we shouldn't be doing this okay so take a cue this individual like I said looks to be very high C Masters of Public Health they've probably got an advanced degree in nursing or something of that nature so they're probably pretty darn secure and they're just looking to angle that some level up theoretically in the future and the truth is is that and masters of public health isn't necessarily a very powerful weapon in in that regard if it ever becomes obvious that that's something that you burn for go back and do it later for now quit that's what I would say you got plenty of right brain data telling you to do it testing you know dr. Lao one thing I really love about your approach is that you're not afraid to say hey just quit whereas so now are so concerned with the status of getting the the masters that bill they'll end up wasting a lot of time oh yeah that's just a waste of life forget it these are some theoretical foggy very questionable benefit out there lurking in the future somewhere isn't a good enough reason to to deny yourself what the right brain is screaming which the freedom that comes from not having this essentially useless burden hanging over your head so the the evidence is in it's a it's telling her or him all that the person needs to do is is listen listen to the to the right rein the right brains coming up with the answer which it very often does I can't tell you how many people have told me after their divorce you know I knew the days I knew as a mistake okay the right brain knew there was absolutely you know plenty crystal clear and they did it anyway behind some competing demands and the fact that invitations have been sent and etc etc and all the expectations and push from other people but they they had it down in them that they were making the wrong move and so you know we you want to honor that you want to be listening to and paying attention to why the why your what I call the right brain or just your holistic sort of overall integrated assessment that comes as an emotional tone when you're considering something that's you know that's really worth listening to very often the right brain knows before the left brain can analytically and and articulately tell us why and sometimes it can never tell us sometimes you you can't say why you don't like you know cilantro you just don't and that's how that works I know yeah I didn't hit cilantro one way yeah we're going to hit it dinner later it's coming back around unless Heidi Klum is offering it to you dr. Lao I think you're going to be very gone for now different issue all right all right our next question near dr. Lisle I received a demotion and a large pay cut last year now due to performance but because the new employment director wanted to quote flatten the organization I had one direct report but now we are peers I want my attitude to be better and not care too much about this but I find I'm being passive-aggressive in situations and I'd like to shake that I'm disabled as well so that makes just looking for another job a little tricky I feel stuck but something has to change what say you okay and what's happening is that the person is angry and they're angry because it feels unfair and then when you're not when you're not sure because you feel boxed in and you're not in a position of power about something that looks unfair then that's when you get passive-aggressive so the fundamental issue is the concept of fairness and so of course anger anger is all about fairness that's that's the fundamental process of anger is it's a it's a it's a feeling that involves a social signal to tell people on the other side of a conflict of interest that they're treating you unfairly okay and you would like to threaten them but with with the dissolution of the relationship or other consequences so you can this is what I call the axis of fairness and if you can think of a line segment with down the middle of the line segment think of a horizontal line segment down the middle of it is what we call the axis of fairness on the far left would be anger and on the far right would be guilt and so anger and guilt are are the mirror images of each other so anger is essentially the statement that says you're treating me unfairly and I'm going to impose consequences on you for this if you continue and guilt is the feeling that says oh I'm so sorry that I've apparently treated you unfairly let me give you a concession to make up for it so this is these are twin adaptations and so so this person is feeling quote passive aggressive which means that they are somewhere on the anger side of the graph you can you there's probably there's probably 80 words that go from the middle of the graph out to anger irritation frustration etc but they're angry okay that's what we would call it in simplistic terms and there's reasons for that so they're you know the dominance hierarchy has been disturbed in a way that's unsettling essentially they've been brought down in the dominance hierarchy by bringing a peer up to their level the and so that that's that's uncomfortable and feels unfair there doesn't feel like there's adequate justification as the person says it's not for performance its other sort of reasons of restructuring from somebody's brainchild but things needed to begin differently the so that and that was a mistake on the part of the person that did this probably in other words you could still leave a hierarchy even though you may have flattened things out financially you still could have left the hierarchy in place which would not have bothered the person underneath provided the hierarchy was sound and reasonable so yeah even in in places where there's seventeen guys all doing the same job the guy with the most seniority is has ie he's making 2% more money than the guy that was there a year after him so in there is a there's a process by which there's a hierarchy still there and it could have been very easy for them to maintain some kind of a hierarchical structure there but they chose not to do that which is a problematic and unfair feeling outcome for this individual so whether or not they'll get used to it or not it'll probably hang over them for a while but a big part of when you feel like things are not fair one of the things that we want to do is we want to investigate our alternatives so it's not uncommon for for situations to change in an existing situation like for example a starter in the NBA heads down to the bench gets put on the bench and that's because they're watching analytics in practice and in games and they find that you know what turns out I don't think he's quite as good as the other guy and so they're bent and do they feel like it's unfair yes they do the natural human in any human there's a hint of narcissism in other words the human being is slightly biased at least in terms of what is that they think is fair and so of course our starter now feels like it's unfair and so they're irritated and if it doesn't change they want to be traded and they may demand to be traded and so now if they're traded what can happen is they go to the next team and it turns out that they're on the bench there and then they're irritated but it's not quite the same now they go to the next team and they're on the bench there and now it's like they're starting to calibrate okay now now now it's possible if they don't have a narcissistic streak they become calibrated to the situation and now they're not unhappy so happiness is the result of the feedback being consistent with your expectation of it's about what's fair or even better than the expectations about what you think is fair so the that's happiness's rule is the result of earning esteem in the right way from the people that matter and having that esteem signaled in a way that looks like it's commensurate with the esteem that you believe you earned that's how that process works so if it turns out that you don't believe your being a schemed at the level that you would deserve then you should be irritated which is exactly what this person is and so the question would be is it true are you actually being shorted and one way to find out is to shop yourself to the marketplace so I've had people do this and it's gone both ways sometimes they shop themselves to the marketplace and they found out that indeed the market was better the grass was greener somewhere else and they took it sometimes they found out the grass was greener and they came back and negotiated with their company and they said hey the grass is green or somewhere else but I'd like to stay here but this is what they're offering me okay ie take it or leave it because if you don't give it to me I don't leave it alright a third thing that can happen is you go find out that there is no bed our option that you're actually sitting in the best option that there is that can be a humbling experience but nonetheless valuable for the person's happiness so they can think okay this is kind of like you know you're house shopping and you think you found a pretty good house but you also feel like maybe it's too much money and then you go see 15 more houses and you find out oh no this is the best deal okay and it reduces your dissonance so the what I would tell this person to do is start looking for other options and and you know instead of being passive aggressive we're going to be actively aggressive so we're going to not be just just sitting there smoldering and trying to send send faint little signals that we just might you know we're going to either do less or that we might affect if you don't make things right which is just a lousy feeling to be sitting in that situation and that you can't that's why we call it passive aggressive and that's because you really aren't doing much threatening because you're you're not in a position of strength in order to do it the the right move is to go to the trouble and go to the effort to find out what where you are really calibrated in the world that's what you need to do and once you find out you get a better sense of where you stand with respect to the calibration problem then you will either be motivated to renegotiate with your existing people or you know under under a position of power and a threat where you're going to leave otherwise or you'll just leave or you'll stay and you're likely to be happier so that's the that's the solution to that problem and this doesn't work with marriages or relationships alright so that actually need what people do they do exactly the same thing so they if they are not happy they are very likely to do a little shopping okay that's what the flirtation process is that's why you know some somewhat in happy marriage started to go to lunch with people you know at work and and shopping the market a little bit this is precisely what people doing there would be no rational process otherwise in other words of course this is this is the type of process that people would go through you're trying to find out you know am I being over worded and rewarded or about right and when you feel like you're being under rewarded you're frustrated and you're unhappy and you're angry and what are you going to do about that well there's a number of things you can do you can you can directly bitch and tell the people you're being under rewarded but the truth is they're rewarding you the way they're rewarding you but because if that's how they value you and so it's unlikely that bitching about it is going to actually cause anything to change so really the the deal is hey you've got to figure out do they have a point is it that you're not bringing it up to the table for them to act more like they value you more or is it that you're in the wrong place and so you know this is the calibration process is an essential process and the the feelings of anger are an essential uncomfortable experience that are there to warn you out of the possibility that you're being splitted it isn't that you are being exploited it's the possibility that you're being exploited and so your job then instead of sitting there and suffering is to actually go and discover whether or not that is likely to be true and that's to help clarify and calibrate your mind so that your mind is in a position to make a better decision for your interests fascinating all right our next question is from a listener who has a unique situation dr. Lyle my mother is in her late 50s no job no ha no friends nope and not much to do at home since I'm the only child and I went off to university and only spend some weekends at home she is no doubt introverted and low and openness but I still feel that she could be much more productive and happier yet I failed to nudge her in any direction I've given us the job angle since her cost benefit is admittedly awful she has no skills and even full-time could earn a fraction of what my dad does but I also can't shake off the feeling that she may be all kinds of ego trapped and she has certainly let life go by can I do anything other than be kind to her and mind my own business it's a really good question and the answer is is that you're doing what you can do which is to ask somebody like me who might actually know how to get some leverage over your mom's psychology so you're doing exactly the right thing by asking now the the the problem there there there's a there's a multitude of issues here but the this person is right to think that this is not an ideal situation for the mom's happiness and we don't know the all of the reasons but certainly one of the reasons is probably because of low low confidence that she could go out in the marketplace and and have any success at all and also the the amount of money that she would be paid would be so small relative to the husband's that it actually feels insulting and highlights the fact that she's not that valuable relative to the husband so that that's that's a potential source of embarrassment and the and also this is a this is absolutely an ego trap where this is essentially an incompetent animal now a competent animal is one that is capable of doing what it needs to survive which means it needs to obtain energy in order to pay for the energy that it expends in getting energy so if you can't feed yourself you're in trouble and so this individual is is simply essentially a parasite and she has a parasitic relationship to the husband and she's not she's incompetent animal that is that for a multitude of reasons is intimidated or lazy on and absolutely we would expect that the net result of this would be that that what's sitting under here is fear and depression so I could be wrong it could be that there's somebody that's fundamentally lazy and feels very secure and is has no problem in a parasitic situation etc etc that's possible but it doesn't sound like it and it sounds like our our questioner is picking up all kinds of cues that indicate that this is essentially an animal in in inner turmoil now so what do we have the biggest fundamental problem that we have is the ego trap because there's such a thing as unskilled labor and there's unskilled labor these days in in the Western world in perfectly benign circumstances that aren't embarrassing and you're not down a factory floor you know I don't know digging cockroaches out of Almond Roca cans that you don't have to do this that instead you can live you know you can work in a nice little Hallmark store and sell how are marked cards and bring up stuff at the register and they'll pay you $12 an hour to do that now the what I would what we need to do is we need to have the person out of the ego trap because we suspect a big ego trap in other words it would be expected that she could get a job but she may not believe that she could get a job it's expected that that the job would pay you know some decent wage and she's not confident that that's true so as a result what we need to do is we would need to try to nudge her out of the ego trap by having there the expectations be way lowered and the way that I would talk to her would be the following I would say you know they when I see it just you know without without any employment so in the setup without a job which some lower brow word and a little more rod hmm a little more pejorative like you don't have a job it's like without employment it's a little classier okay so when I see you know you without employment it just makes me feel like you might be happier if you had something and you know I'm not talking about working full-time or anything like this but just a part-time job part-time position somewhere might you know I know that I'd feel a little lousy if I didn't earn any money and it might feel good just to do something and you know you might not like it maybe you won't like it probably you won't and it's probably not worth it but you might you might learn something in the process and you might like it who knows so it might be worth an experiment just scale for once just to try and see what happens and heck you know maybe there isn't a decent job around but you could try looking at a few places and who knows maybe something will happen so by framing it in this way it's an experiment probably won't like it probably not worth it you know probably won't pay you decently but hey it's just an adventure and you know who knows what you might like it who knows by keeping the bar super low you might just tickle the the other side of the ego trap the person has a decision node in their head in there in the programming of their brain and it says compete or don't compete and under the under the not compete there's the reason why the node shifts to not compete is the cost/benefit says don't bother okay and there are several possible reasons why it would go to that node one of them is don't could be because we don't have the chops to compete in that arena number two is that that I may not be able to be as competitive as everybody thinks I can be and therefore the right decision is to not compete that's the ego trap so this person is probably in a pretty substantial ego trap and so the way we get them out of the ego trap is by communicating as part of the social world that our expectations are actually quite a bit lower for that individual than they thought that we would be and we act very unashamed about it like hey IO who is me I would just want something part-time just who knows I just I just might run an experiment and see I probably wouldn't like it but I might and you know I might not get a job but I might and by by having it by having it be maybe I will maybe I won't maybe I can maybe I can't maybe I'll like it maybe I won't like it who the hell knows by having that notion of huh but something good might happen that that is bringing the bar down very far that the person may be now willing to make a few little efforts in that direction and if they make a little effort in a direction and they manage to get a little part-time job at the Hallmark store that could be a very anxiety-provoking process for that individual and exhilarating within a week okay and literally you turn that life around and give that life the sense that it's a competent animal so that's how I would would do that that's a little fine great analysis of some of the words we use and the tactics we use to try to nudge somebody out of the ego trap yeah very interesting all right dr. Lauer next question yeah dr. Lila on a recent episode you said oh I'm sorry one thing that worries me based on the past decade is that the media's and politicians abilities to manipulate and exploit human psychology seems to have grown faster than people's ability to set to see through said manipulation do you also see this trend and how do you think it will continue I don't know sounds like somebody unhappy with the election maybe I don't know yeah the truth is is that politicians amazingly are almost entirely irrelevant and so this is a this is a beautiful thing that that it doesn't matter how what they say and who believes what they say and whether or not they've got slick performances that wind up you know causing people to think this or think that it's all quite irrelevant the what goes on in the political sphere in the United States and and in most Western democracies is almost irrelevant in other words what you have is you've got opponent processes going on yeah that with different factions and so as a result of that they they're like a bunch of very strong people in a long-term tug tug tug of war and there's 40 people on the odd that have the rope on either side so you can imagine when one person gets tired and they tug a little bit to the left the people on the left are getting all excited because they just gained a yard but the truth is is that did this this thing is like a tea you know it's a hundred-yard rope so you gain one yard but you're not even close to beating us and it's going to turn out that you know a little while later somebody on the left side is going to get tired or they're going to get a cramp in their leg and they're going to have to sit out and then it's going to get pulled back to the right okay and this is where it sits so the to my way of thinking I really couldn't care less it's all it's all a very exciting you have people on both sides of various equations you know basically feeling like the other side is completely you know dishonest and and and and in dangerous and that's what everybody thinks everybody thinks the person on the other side is dishonest and okay and the truth is it's fine the that's why we have the brilliant checks and balances system that we have I can't even believe that these guys came up with this you know a couple hundred years ago but they did it came up with it and everybody's blending big Louie executive branch blames the the legislative Lance they blame the the executive branch and the judicial system sits around uh you know in the middle of this everybody's got somebody to blame and there's checks and balances all over the place it's grand enjoy it okay your job is to enjoy your life read how I found freedom and ountry world by Harry Brown and start enjoying your existence and realizing there's no burning issue that the world is going to overlook that's going to cause the destruction or massive disaster in your life it's not going to happen so the world is your your tremendously safe you're sitting inside an extraordinarily free country make the most of your life experience and for God's sakes don't waste your time worrying about the fact there's people you disagree with that are dishonest and dangerous because it doesn't matter okay all right let's go on yeah fascinating I think of the founding fathers who you know created this Constitution I thought you know how conscientious should they could they have been that they didn't want to get exploited open they had to be at that time to craft such a document really just an amazing I I don't I know almost nothing of American political history fortunately I've got a good friend who knows great yield likeness and one day she's going to sit down and educate me about this about this process about how this happened but but the truth is is it's extraordinary I look at the results of it and I shrug my shoulders and roll my eyeballs at at the fear and exhilaration of anything happening politically so it it's a it's like a big strong unbelievably well built ship and it's not sinking okay and when it runs into a few a few crabs and bumps into a shark it doesn't even feel it okay so the that that's where that's where the United States political system is today and that's where it's been for a long time and that's where it's going to stay
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