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Episode 135: Finding the source of depression - an on-air session
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today we have an on-air session with one of our listeners who's feeling depressed and doesn't know why now as we've learned in previous episodes depression is something that we feel when we get failure feedback from three main areas of life mates friends and training partners in other words if we're falling short in these certain areas of life our nervous system is designed by nature to feel depressed whereas when we get a lot of good feedback from those three domains we feel the opposite of depressed confident happy elated etc so in solving the mystery of depression we have to understand where this depression is coming from first and as we get more clear about what's happening we can then focus our efforts in the right direction and get to work on solving it thanks for calling in yeah no problem very good well you know just tell me story tell me what's going on what are we working on and what are we trying to get better okay so basically I'm calling in because I I'll just give you a little bit of background about me I follow a high carb low fat vegan diet I have for a while currently working on SOS free I still include salt in my diet the reason I'm telling you this is that I suffer from depression I I get enough sleep I'm not eating a bunch of processed food I don't do any drugs or drink any alcohol and I'm still I'm just kind of suffering with this feeling of yeah just depression and I don't know why I've had people ask me to tell me or to tell them what's wrong or to try to talk about it and there's nothing to talk about like I don't know why that's the audio got it okay now let's let's just do a little background check what's your age I'm 27 27 years old okay and and what do you do for work I'm a mural artist Mir artist okay yeah I paint god it's okay and do you get relatively steady work with that okay are you able to make a living or how's that work um I mean I do odd jobs here and there I'm getting more work right now I'm traveling all the states and painting in all of them so it's not it's easy to get paid doing that it's more so just like a personal goal that I'm trying to reach okay so it's kind of a it's a struggling artist thing to do yeah okay got it alright and what do you have like a level well now we'll get wide you have like a van that you travel in how do you go from yeah I did alright that's the thing I feel very Oh tight alright there enough no problem no you got to tell me is there a peace sign on the van hey there is a bunch of stickers on the window I don't put them there I didn't put them there okay the person all right before you put it there it all fits it all fits okay quickly all right so tell me a little bit about your let's go back just a way so where did you grow up um so yeah I'm from Hanna and I don't know I um you just want me to say like a background like family history or little family I am kind of then what happened as you as you grew up yeah okay so like my family medically diabetes runs in the family and obesity so from a really young age I have been petrified of getting diabetes and gaining weight and about two years ago I gained about 10 pounds and I freaked out and I slowly slipped into an eating disorder I didn't really see it coming and I do I have been battling it and be doing really well with it through the help of people like chef AJ and I do a lot of research and I just try to follow the vegan the vegan diet really helps me just because I wasn't restricting my calories anymore so that's just like a really brief history on that I do Stu I do still really struggle with a couple things and that regard like I never know what to eat like when I when I go to eat I never know like if I'm eating the right thing and I kind of tend to be a little obsessive about it and I never know if I'm eating enough calories or if I'm eating too many I am about I'd say 25 to 30 pounds overweight so I don't know if it's because I restricted for so long and my body is still holding on to weight just in case or if I'm eating too much food I don't know yeah so whatever you know what's your height and weight at this point I'm five seven and I weigh a hundred and sixty pounds so all right now and your if we were to look at your do you have any siblings yeah um nine nine okay well we're all going to know who you are nine siblings and know I know yeah sorry about that well we can make it but we should have said she said Illinois the yeah figured it out yesterday the all right you're nine siblings how are they faring in terms of obesity um so I have a stepsister and she she is pretty obese for her age in her height but she she just has always a lot of different I don't want to like speak for her but I think he has a little bit of she's got some issues as far as like her biological mother goes so it's not really like um it's it's not really basically all my my blood well my old my older brother he's obese um he's got two kids and um my sister she she doesn't eat very helpfully but she's not overweight she extra I think she exercises a lot so and then all my younger on my younger siblings are also young there's no way of knowing until okay because they're still like teens whatever they're just kids yeah they're just they're done eventine jet okay we'll say your that's true do you have who are your full siblings just this brother in one sister I don't actually have any like they're all half oh they're all I don't have yes I don't have any unfold about it okay what about your mother and your father biologically what was their situation I don't know my dad I've ever met him so I don't know anything about his side but my mom is obese okay all right so all right so this is all it means that that you've got you know thick genes in your that you're sharing with you and so to be to be 27 and 5/7 and 160 is is you know like not a crime this is yeah this would be now how long have you been eatin real clean like this so I go back and forth between like including things like tofu like I eat some processed foods every now and again it's hard with traveling sure but it's how I've been eating healthfully being conscious of my eating habits for about a year and a half well okay so um and I I haven't strayed like I don't eat any animal products and I definitely don't eat like processed sugar or stuff like that so I do include salt I mented that um but for the most part I I mean I've been on a kick for a week now where I've just eaten potatoes and beans like every single day just because I've travel I don't really eat fancy right okay all right so the your you're more or less you know 10 or 15 percent overweight and in that 10 or 15 percent I mean that that's a given given your basic diet it's it's it's a little disconcerting because it it's suggestive that that the genetic draw is remarkably Lee you know leaning against you so because I would consider what you've been doing brought you know a level work and we're doing a level work and we're getting B results you know exactly and that I've seen that before I've seen that many times the what do you this is not a big deal at all it's more of a deal with your depression but what's your exercise habits like um so I walk 2 miles a day mm-hmm okay that's good it's just really really good okay sometimes I go on a hike I'm sometimes I'm more active but honestly with my depression like I really don't feel like doing anything or like um I don't feel like working out so like making myself walk 2 miles a day is my um happy medium like okay I'm going to make myself do this but it's not going to be over the top and it's not going to be like forcing my body and exercise which is some play doom right not it got it but uh now we're going to talk about one other thing that's pretty important and that is tell me a little bit about your sleep habits I sleep like 10 hours and there were some yes yeah like I'll go to I'll go to bed at 10 o'clock and I will wake up I would I do this every single night where I wake up at 5 in the morning like I'm ready to get out for the day but I really my depression or whatever what have you maybe I'm just because I've read before that if you're not tired your body won't sleep but I will go back to sleep until 8 o'clock every subtle night or everything going yeah that's fine there's nothing nothing in the world wrong with that now do you do you want to wake up that fire though you want to yes yeah you kind of like want to get up and get busy yes got it okay the yeah the the thing is is that you're probably you're doing an awful lot of things between 5:00 a.m. and 8:00 8:00 a.m. in terms of sleep so the you if you chop it off one day and and you'll probably they'll be only one day that you chop it off because you'll probably tired during that day yeah the sometimes once in a while there's some there's a subset of people that that actually it helps them to chop off their their sleep you know by it by a day and I mean by uh by a few hours D and they can snap out of the depression but I've never understood this I know that this is a a well-known observation being I never I really have not put much stock in it and recent recent things I've read questioned the utility of that so let's look I will add real quick to that I do have irritable bowel syndrome as well got it like no matter what I eat got it okay yeah that's interesting so you've got irritable bowel mm-hmm and you've got now tell me about any any history with psycho farm you know meds antidepressants anything like that oh yeah I used to take I used to take birth control and I use potato that's not die so much but the only medication I've ever really taken as in birth control and I used to take zoloft for well you know I think it was like a year I'm not really sure this is all in my early so I can't remember few years ago but it's been a while yeah it's better I don't take any medication yeah all right so now let me let me ask you this so you've talked about a history of sort of slipping into an eating disorder the meting disorder were you doing a bunch of restricting was just more anorexia like or we also purging and bulimic or what was the story um yeah so a lot of restriction and rules around and then I would I would binge because I was restricting but I never purge I would purge a no exercise got it so that was my I never liked people I did a couple times but not like regularly right and the okay and that's sort of how long did that period go on when you were two years for what couple years two year in and how long ago was that um like it was I just I just like this year and a half I've been eating healthy has been like my recovery got it okay so but prior to this prior to eating yeah thing you were and were you eating kind of conventional foods Oh before before I went vegan I was on like a ketogenic diet where I would just eat like me and and meeting me vegetables yeah okay you're doing that and is that the diet that you were then getting restricting on and then binging and then etc yeah yeah it was like okay I just remember it's kind of fuzzy for me but I just really remember like trying to eat like 500 calories a day and then like I would binge but it would be on things like watermelon and like really and like low calorie foods and that would do that for a really long time and then I would just go to the grocery store and get like a 12-pack of donut to me all of them got it yeah they were really very you're all wacky out of you know yeah completely everything's out of balance okay yeah these is your you're eating a you're eating a more balanced diet you're not evening in animal foods which of course some people would raise their eyebrows at that I have a actually yeah I think a vegan diet is fine as long as you're you're eating a bunch of healthy food so your your kind of main source of calories would be what would you say um so I I wish I can eat more vegetables than what I do but with me traveling is kind of difficult um yeah so I would say my main source of calorie comes from oatmeal I open you every morning and then probably potatoes being starches that okay how do you what do you eat with your potatoes um beans you potatoes and beans okay yeah potatoes beans oatmeal all perfectly reasonable the no problem I'm not eating bread okay I'm not eating a lot I mean it I still struggle with feeling like I'm eating too much just because I am overweight if I never know if I should be eating this much food or like I never know I stopped counting my calories right what's your what ant what's your weight done here in this last year and a half but you've been eating this way I mean technically I think I've lost weight but it's just been so slow I feel like I'm eating so healthy that it shouldn't be this well right got it okay all right so now let's let's ask further about this this weight struggle how much is it how much does it bother you how much are you thinking about it you know every day is just something that crosses your mind many times a day are we thinking quite a bit about it and have a lot of frustration kind of what what's your internal experience on this it's excruciating it's everyday all day okay okay it's every time I sit down every time I like any time got it so you're you're thinking about this a lot yeah all right mm-hmm now and let's let's just let's scratch a little bit further okay so let's let's ask following the at five seven one sixty you're you are in really in no way an embarrassment okay the that that's a pretty normal looking American young person the it's not it's not cool and chic looking but it's not an embarrassment okay yeah so tell tell me what you're tell me what the what are you thinking in your in your excruciating frustration with this tell me more about what you think about this I I'm just the type of person I don't know if you can tell that does everything a hundred and ten percent and so sorry I'm getting a little like dive in real deep sure um I I just know I can be better yeah and might like you said my diet is a plus and earn a whatever you gave it and driving be results and that's so frustrating and I also it's not embarrassing like well it is I'm embarrassed at this one guy hundred percent though um and it just I just feel really defeated and I'm I'm just really confused I don't know if I'm like I feel like I've tried everything not it okay um yeah that well good so here's the deal so you're mysterious depression I think we stuck our finger on it Hey alright so your depression is not so mysterious or in other words I'm not sure what else go on your life yeah and there's other things too that we could look at but it's so clear that when we put our finger on this area of your life and push it hurts and it hurts a hell of a lot okay and these areas of life have a way of having little neuron tentacles that go right over into for example the mating arena okay so it yet you are self-confidence in the mating arena is influenced a great deal by how we whether we feel like we are doing a reasonably good job of putting our best foot forward yes okay so you probably feel I'm guessing is a roving artist your there's no no boyfriend or girlfriend in the band with you you're all by yourself I actually do have a boyfriend like I don't even know why I do do this did Prout travel with you or what's the deal he he travels separately she actually sold me the sin but I traveling so let's I met him okay and we have a lot we just have long-distance relationships but we see each other for every couple months got it okay alright so and this is this relationships been going on how long um probably like three months three months okay so you've seen him so you've sort of met him three months ago got this van you've seen him a couple times and on the road yeah that's mm-hmm okay the alright all as well so you've but this is a very early going in this relationship yeah super super early super early okay alright so and probably with it being super early the do you probably feel are you feeling a fair amount of self-consciousness or concern about your appearance etcetera and whether or not you you're qualify yeah so like I'll catch myself I don't think that I don't qualify but I'll catch myself all the time being like okay I'm gonna see him in three months like I have to lose 20 pounds before I see I'm like I'm constantly like trying to lose that weight right you know that makes sense so and before you met him were you having a lot of the same feelings though about your about your appearance and sort of just general general presentation as far as that goes yes okay so let's let's look at this it's kind of look at this rationally the let's suppose that I'm trying to get a job that I think I deserve and in other words I think I can do the job and yeah the job pays we're gonna say $20 an hour okay and it requires some skill that I can do but you've got to have a certificate in order to get the job and you have to go through this kind of little learning program where they teach about the ethics of I don't know cutting hair or whatever it is okay so you're perfectly good at cutting hair you know plenty your mom was a hairdresser but you haven't gone through the little school that the state says you have to go through to know how to put the scissors in the alcohol etc you know all this sort of jazz right so really you need you know you you don't have to have the job you could survive without it but you'd really like to have the job and you're competent to have the job but you're not allowed to have the job because you don't have the certificate and it's going to cost you I don't know 1800 bucks and six months or whatever and you really you know don't have the resources and you're pretty fine gritted okay yeah so that that there's a sense of frustration that circumstances are such that you've got obstacles between you and what it is that you feel like you deserve okay that's what this feels like to me okay so I've got a person that is highly conscientious so conscientious you do a keto diet and you'd really try to stick to it very hard to do just because the human being is designed by nature love carbohydrate and as a result you know you'd grind your teeth on 500 calories and then you go and get a bunch of doughnuts okay yeah totally reasonable I'd do the same thing so hmm so as a result you you know being being bright and conscientious and pretty open to experiences artists that have bands with peace signs on them are you actually uncovered enough ground to bump into us in our whole arena and so as a result we say grand things like I have a whole lecture called losing weight without losing your mind and talking about how all animals eat the food of their natural habitat and not overweight and you're looking at this and in your you went and started eating the food of what we said was in your natural habitat and you're still 15 percent overweight frustrated as hell yes that make sense yeah okay alright so the now so what we're going to do is we're going to look at this thing and I'm going to I'm going to assume for the moment that this problem is a major component of your depression yeah so I'm going to now there may be other components I don't know how frustrated are you with where you are in life in terms of work and money and all that sort of jazz I honestly like I don't care a lot money that much okay I really don't I know it sounds stupid but like I honestly just love painting like I know here I mean I make money as I go and like it always shows up I don't ever worry about it probably not I probably worry about it too less actually like got it I got stuff I need to pay for a free-spirit artist okay yeah I want to that gasps and I've got food I'm good so I I've met your type before fascinating people now the uh I'll tell you a story that is amazing this is uh this is you know this is a certain certainly these characteristics are genetic I had a woman tell me the story that she she was a mural painter and she has no recollection of sort of how it is that she got into it and in by her late 40s I mean she she was very good at it and she didn't know how it is that this you know came to her it just was in her and she'd get these jobs and she would just stare at the wall you know for hours any thinking how on earth am I going to do this and what am I going to do and then somehow she'd get an inspiration and she knew it and one day I don't remember the name is how this happened but one day somebody told her your work looks like Santa's work okay janna turned out she followed up and it was her father that she'd never met no way and he was a mural painter that's awesome it's amazing isn't that enough three and a half okay so it's just in your people's blood okay it's my favorite I don't want to be doing anything ever I don't like going to bars I don't like any of that isn't that something that is just that is just something it's just an incredible story so fine I'm not worried about that you don't have your Obamacare no no okay I know they better not find out your name but the government is going to come after you and throw you in jail all right so here we go so I'm not worried about you making a living so that's the trade part of it you'll trade for whatever you can trade you seem very personable so I'm not you may be a little friend deficient from time to time but I assume that your confidence if you ever stayed one place for long enough for the grass to grow you could probably make friends yeah yeah okay so I'm not I'm not worried about you being friend efficient so that leaves us with romance now that I just like a normal person this should be fraught with conflicting impulses and insecurities which it is okay so here we have this young romance instead of this guy breathing down your neck and you know pinning you to the mattress in the back of the van and not letting you up instead what's happening is he goes off and does his thing and then you do your thing and if your things meet you know it's beautiful but it's not and that's just so cool babe haha okay oh so this tells us that as much as you might like him and how much he likes you he he's not frothing at the mouth and one of the reasons he may not be frothing at the mouth among others but one of them might be that although you qualify you would qualify to the point of giving him greater anxiety if you were 20 pounds lighter yeah okay but he'd have to guard you and he wouldn't want you to let you out of his sight for too long yeah so this is this is characteristic throughout the animal kingdom so that this extra weight mimics pregnancy to some extent and so as a result the males like and I don't have to be too worried because and I seeds already in there you're already pregnant I don't really have to worry about it so that is it that's a little bit about what's going on okay yeah so so what we want to do is we want to look not pregnant so Maine so this is the reason why we talked all around this is is that I want to make sure that I'm not just being you know a typical male diet psychologist saying well honey the source of your problems here is that you got to just take off some weight you know and that's the source of all your real so know we're going to take our time think it all through and actually we sort of circle back around there and there's a reason why weight loss is the number one personal goal in the Western world there's a reason why and that's because it has a major impact on our appearance and our appearance has a major impact on our sexual dynamics in our life and our opportunities and relationships and so as a result of that you know it's going to be the source of a lot of great deal of self-criticism anxiety and frustration and and worry does that make sense mmhmm yeah okay so yeah the good news is your mind is working perfectly you're not even the slightest bit crazy okay you're the depression that you feel and the frustration is makes complete sense the only thing that's that that's got me going is the fact that you've been doing one hell of a good job and we've got 20 more pounds on you than I would have expected okay yeah so that's our problem so now what we're going to do is I'm going to dig down into these details at a at a fine-grain enough level that I want to see if I can find a culprit okay okay I want to see if I can understand this and you know fortunately for you I have a great deal of experience with this problem so we're going to now we're going to now dig right into the mix here okay so you tell me in a given B in a given several days I just want to hear about everything that you eat just start listing it so I already got oatmeal what's on the oatmeal if anything okay berries and a little bit of almond milk and tv2 which is like we're apple tv2 is I dried peanut butter I put some of that on there tv2 this is dried peanut butter okay yeah all right all right what else we got okay so anything only might help in over several days okay I eat like a lot of rice not a lot of rice but like if I'm not eating potatoes I'm eating rice okay I'm trying to get leafy greens and once a day onion tomato a lot of those fruit I know what fruit apples sweet potatoes black beans garbanzo beans mustard sometimes as like my only continent kind of think I mean that's I mean I eat that a lot all that stuff mm-hmm okay the good salami watermelon I had a lot of water mom come on okay so let's talk about what isn't on there so any crackers no cookies no red soap any dried cereal nope okay the any oil No okay how about how about nuts nope I was doing I was doing the tablespoon of flaxseed and a tablespoon of chia seeds in my oatmeal because of how not to die but or Michael Greger does daily dozen he recommends it but but I recently watched a an episode of AJ and she said she doesn't eat it and she she recommended getting rid of all fat so I stopped eating it yeah okay and how about any avocados nope okay all right so how about any juice nope I only drink water so no crackers cookies bread dry seal oats nuts avocado juice nope okay so will we meat onions tomatoes fruit sweet potatoes black beans garbanzo beans watermelon leafy greens oatmeal berries with almond milk and so pretty much we've got beans and potato broccoli unique okay got broccoli we got rice etc okay really outstanding the how much is this peanut butter to you put on anything probably like three tablespoons but I just gave it up actually a long way laughing and Nate says I couldn't smoke weed anymore year oh you've been smoking weed well okay hang on I don't buy I don't buy it but I had called him previously talking about just my depression symptoms and told him if I'm at a campfire and it gets passed around I'm already began and I don't drink so I try to fit in a little bit in that aspect so how how often in the last 18 months have you smoked weed um I didn't know I stopped though like since I talked to him so I I'm not going to do it anymore but I would say like like in a week yeah I like 2 or 3 times a week now the so that's that's useful to know ok so yeah these are these little tiny details because they tell you something we're dealing with fairly fine details here yeah so the at 165 7 what probably at 145 7 you freaking looking great ok so your problem you know yeah you might want to get to 135 good luck ok good luck with those genes we don't know but if your 140 your freaking great shape yes now the issue is that's about hmm it's more or less it's actually less than 15 percent of your body weight it's probably more like 12 percent not much okay this is not much so what looks to you like a lot of weight and it's frustrating as frickin hell the truth of the matter is it's pretty damn subtle yeah okay so smoking weed two or three times a week weed is going to disturb the epistatic mechanisms and people are likely to eat more you know I I'm not disagreeing with you but you know we actually makes me lose my appetite you know yet that's you're not listening the truth of the matter is is what you don't know is what happens longer term okay okay so just just because it happens that way short term doesn't mean what the net effect isn't different yet weed we does mess with the static mechanisms so I it's very possible that that's three or three to five percent of that 12 percent okay as a we don't know where life is going to land six months from now not doing the weed as we're doing the weed once a month instead of two or three times a week okay now let's look also at the the amount of dried peanut butter that you were putting on things as is reasonable as that is in the context of a very lean diet the truth is is that that's very high fat okay yeah not only that dried food puts weight on people because it increases the calorie density of the food in general so that's why if you did the first thing people want to do with food is dry it out and that's because when they dry it out it's richer calorically so there's more bang on the tongue okay yeah so that's why everybody wants to dry their potatoes in an air dryer and they want to dry their cherries and they want to dry everything okay yeah well dried fruit is 1,400 calories a pound we're wet fruit is 300 Big Dance okay yeah dried fruit is literally twice the calorie density of meat for god sakes so yeah dried peanut butter peanuts are you know very high calories and so when we do i peanuts you know peanut butter dried peanut butter is super high calorie density I don't know what it is it's probably you know pushing 3000 calories a pound so a little of that is basically like putting oil in your diet and and a little bit of like if we were to look at what three tablespoons of that are it's probably like a couple hundred calories okay and so you at five seven you're probably burning on average mmm what a decent guess but nobody would know would be that Europe maybe 20 100 calories a day okay but that would be a good guess as to average females around 1900 or so you're a little a little larger then average at five seven males are up at 2500 so maybe you're you're just a chip above the average there okay so if you are eating a couple hundred calories worth of that peanut butter that will have almost no influence on society because it's super concentrated and you can easily be ten percent over your caloric intake and you're only 12 percent over okay you're in other words up you're my wild guess although I've never seen anybody do science on this but my my eyeball estimate is if you're ten percent overweight your diets probably about 10 percent too concentrated hmm okay so that with your flax seeds and chia seeds etc yeah I would let all the rich food go the you're getting leafy greens you're not going to die of essential fatty acid deficiency that's not going to happen I was worried about like losing my hair or like something I said because I have a lot of hair hair loss from the past and I don't know if it was because of that or because I you know I don't know why who knows what you know what I I would keep a teaspoon of flax in there are taxes flax is extremely rich in essential fatty acids and so grind up one tea spoon of flax let's keep it in there and keep you know that that should guard us against any any unusual you know characteristics that that could be a problem and otherwise we're obviously nixon the dry peanut butter the yeah the almond milk I'm sure is just a very modest amount in your own and that's oh yeah it's so trivial I just can't fuss with that the sides I like almond milk so that means I've got to declare it legal I just had so much add some almond milk is is high fat that it's extremely diluted and so as a result there's very few calories in a bit of almond milk although other than your eye I do need a lot of edamame as well I forgot to mention onion okay yeah I mean edamame is uh it should be just essentially so it up soybeans so I don't see that as a problem so yeah I think where we are is the following I believe that the difference of what I would have had you do in other words wait let's back this up and let's ask the following question and that is you know what's let's see if my theory about about the nature of animal life has been it's been contradicted I would say that an animal eating to satiety on the food of its natural history should not be overweight and you shouldn't be hearing around these 20 extra pounds mm-hmm but you're not eating a diet of our natural history we've gotten fried peanut butter and ground-up seeds in there okay some almond milk now this is frickin trivial and I think the peanut butter is by far the biggest culprit and maybe maybe we've overdone it a little bit on these other these seeds as well so we're going to back off the seeds get rid of the peanut butter leave the almond milk and I believe that that is literally enough to take your your your dietary intake down by 10% really how yeah and the thing is that's not a lot so that means in the course of a month we might we might shed say six thousand calories at a couple hundred calories a day difference so that means over two months we drop three pounds not a lot okay but let me tell you something if you drop three pounds over two months two months from today you're 157 you're going to be like whoa it's working okay yeah two months later 154 you're going to be like wow you know I'm not restricting I'm eating to society I'm comfortable and you know by Christmastime we're 152 pounds whoa that's quite a substantial difference remember every pound is like a bottle of water that's about what about that's about what about a pound of fat is a bottle of water if we should rip up eight of those pounds in the next you know but see now and Christmas very easily and simply by the subtle change pretty significant okay now I have a another plan that is that we can add to this to accelerate it okay you I love you okay here's the plan to accelerate it that you may or may not like that is that I don't believe I have good reason to believe that our ancestors did not always get to eat to satiety uh-huh that once in a while they freakin faced it you know to me and Dad struggle and so this is where I would tell you you know we'll say once a week you drop these calories down to a thousand calories for the day so what we're going to do those days is I would drop the starches out of your diet just put the fruit and the steamed vegetables and the salad in there okay you rock at eight point yeah once a week one day a week so it's going to be Freaky Friday or whatever it is okay thousand calories is is not is not a trivial amount of food so you needle you can eat a lot of watermelon okay you can yeah you can eat you can eat basically you get a couple pounds of fruit a pound of steamed vegetables one thing that you don't have a lot of in here is steamed vegetables so yeah you can't steam them because you don't have a steamer yeah what I do is I buy frozen broccoli and I let it thaw yeah and I eat that but it's like not that delicious yeah yeah that's one of the problems you know we've got a logistical problem with the lack of steamed vegetables yeah so we I know I know I know I know right that's interesting it's actually an interesting problem and I'm not sure you know you could do something do you ever have a place where you've got we've got electric current okay yeah so I have I have a pressure cooker and I ten steamed vegetables when I have electricity I don't always have it all right but it's it's just when it comes down to it I can't put my vegetables in with my potatoes because they'll get really gross and mushy because you have to cook the potatoes longer so when it comes down to it if I have a power source I'm cooking the potatoes because I'm going to be hungry later well what you can do is you can buy another thing by a steamer by an electric an electric steamer okay well our whatever what's that oh yeah there's a little water in the bottom what's that okay I just never heard of that before oh yeah yeah this is a great thing this is a it's it's obviously oval so it's shaped kind of like a football and and yeah if you go online oh oh you Amazon doesn't deliver to to uh hey come on okay hold on okay all right the point is I think if you walk into a Walmart there there will be such things this is it I will make random friends with people and son stuff their to their house so like I can get mail okay steamer is a great thing so what it does what is you just put water in the bottom of it and it is usually a simple dial that's just on or off and you plug it into the wall and and it has a clear plastic you know thing on that cut that holds all the vegetables and yeah they'll have three layers so you can put the potatoes in the bottom and then asparagus in the middle and then the leafy greens on the top will grow right out loud you know at different times in other words you can yeah you can etc so this is a but what what is missing in your diet is you know a pound or a pound and a half or two pounds of steamed vegetables a day and they're very tasty highly diverse you know this is an excellent way and in this way we shift your diet slightly away from the starches yeah so if we could if we could put a pound and a half of vegetables where we now have a pound of starch we would let pass the satiety mechanisms we put 300 calories of vegetables in there carrots and yeah and spinach and etc okay there would I would say corn corns pretty low calorie density but it's a little it's a little higher it's more of a starch quietly out of a train yeah okay yeah what activate your weight my IBS really bad oh yes that makes sense okay now so here's the thing I forgot about your IBS so we need a steamer we need to be if you don't always have a power source you know steam a lot and so you know they'll they'll last for a while to last more day or two without too much trouble so the so we need far you know a big a big move to steam vegetables in your diet we're pulling the dried peanut butter out of there we'll pull in some of this nibs out of there we're not smoking the weed and let me tell you we jump through those hoops and I think a year from now you're 140 pounds you think yeah okay now if we add to that the one day a week read steamed vegetables and fruit and salad and we're not eating starches and we're taking down taking it down to a thousand calories then I think we'll be there in six months okay honey we're going to how do you feel about tofu not good really high fat rich food don't do it okay okay so let's pull that out of there okay so the so this is where I think instead of doing you know three pounds in two months by doing our little one day a week at a thousand one more like five pounds in two months okay okay so this is I would be aiming to if we do this religiously and we've got for two months to Christmas you know we can easily be down under 150 pounds by Christmas now that's a big deal okay so this is these are subtle changes and I and I believe that you're going to find you're going to find success with them I just don't know how easily how fast but it should be okay.you you're moving from being an A student to an A+ student yeah and I believe that if you're an A+ student with your genes you're going to get a - results I think that's what it is a - and we're going to take a - all day long ok yeah we're going to be very happy with a - and so a - get you get you the right guy guarding you like freaking you know Sinbad like no where are you going don't wear that it's too tight I got out of - real quick questions - uh no one one thing that's really confusing to me I don't know if it's for my eating disorder but like um like I never know because I know that you're supposed to wait until you're hungry to eat obviously but one thing I get really anxious when I wake up thinking that I have to wait to eat I really like I really just enjoy eating when I wake up it's important to me um so do you think that eating when I'm not actually physically hungry is adding a problem or should I just be eating vegetables at that point yeah it doesn't matter don't worry about when you eat can you feel like eating just eat it's the important thing is that you eat the right foods okay no animal on earth worries about this and we shouldn't be worried about it okay okay so the other thing is about your IBS so before we go I want it I want to AB this possibility and that is that that very often I IBS will calm down with a three-day water fast yeah I have one brand with Nate what's that I have one scheduled with me at his facility I'm gonna do a dad just brilliant I was going to ask you about that because I come from a past of restriction and so I don't want the last time I did a three day fast I ate a whole bag of cashews after so I'm gonna make sure I want to make sure that I'm not going to bring up those binging urges again that's really important to me because I've come a long way from binging regarding I hear you okay and that's why it's a good idea to do that in the controlled environment yeah though that's one of the reasons so going to Nate's fasting Escape is a is a very good decision and if you let me know when it is that you're going there then I'll try to plan to be there so I can so I can snarl at you and tell you everything that you did wrong okay excited okay from now until the fast I'm really gonna I know I know I've known that I needed up the vegetables but I just didn't really know how right right and I did another pv2 is a problem so yes you know here's the thing the truth is is that sometimes the difference between success and failure can be pretty subtle so you've done many things right and you've done your you know you've done your body a lot of good service here and you've coming off a long way and so where we are we're like a football team it's on the six yard line like we're you need to touch down okay and we're it's tough the defense is tough and the defense is your genes that are telling you what are you crazy eat the richest food in the environment like a glutton good night that's the defense okay so we're going to have to be very very slick about our offense so these are some very fine subtle points that we're going to try to you know run the right plays so that we can get you where you need to go okay do you think if I lose that extra weight that will tackle the since we're doing football plans be a depression oh yeah I believe so there there is there's no feeling like beads the increased self-confidence and the self esteem that comes with having earned it you know as opposed to having it cut out by some surgeon with liposuction or doing it on on you know amphetamines the self esteem having having made consistently good decisions and then having this slowly move your direction the sense of control that you did this and you did it the right way and then finally the result you see the the the way you then feel about yourself is is immensely important this this problem is that there is the root of your depression okay and and you know what I hate to say it this way because it sounds westernized mail sexist crap but the problem is is that it should be the rid of your depression yeah it's nobody's fault that we live in a land with overly rich foods and our instincts have everybody eat it but the truth of the matter is if a female starts looking pregnant males aren't very interested they don't guard their mates they don't give them compliments and then it feels like the relationship is not secure and the woman is depressed and anxious you see the chain of events makes perfect sense it doesn't mean they deserve it it just means we've got a an environmental crime of massive magnitude that people are sucked into this thing that I call the pleasure drop and it's very hard to get out of it okay but you are 95 percent out yeah so anybody that can get 95 percent out can get 99 percent out and that's all you got to get is 99 percent you don't have to be perfect but you got to be gillis that makes sense yeah okay alright we'll listen this is uh any lot you got some question brewing in your head one more um well I was just going to add I am going to be in California than on November so this true north needs a mural let me know okay all right we'll listen Amy you keep in touch with me okay and let me if you struggle with any of this and your your confidence drops or whatever you just let me know and let me know when you're going to be in town and and we'll try to make sure we meet up and make sure you're doing fine
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