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Chef AJ: What Can Low Starch Weighing and Measuring Do For You | Interview with Dr Doug Lisle
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we have one of my very favorite guests today and you probably know that because if you subscribe to my YouTube channel there's more videos with him that pretty much anybody else of course I get a frog in my throat I'm fully dressed today no surprises and I'm wearing a very special shirt in honor of my guests it's not I know isn't it and look at this I even have earrings to match it's just there's so few places dr. Lyle that I can really wear this so I figured I'd wear diner up the soap you know alright so everyone he doesn't need an introduction but if you don't know who he is just look at the show notes that's the blue box it's underneath the description in youtube but he has something really exciting to talk about today in and honestly we did not plan to have him in doctor Hawk two days in a row it's just worked out with their schedule but we couldn't be more fortunate because they have a new venture that they're gonna talk about that's ridiculously affordable and just you're just gonna love to hear about it but first let me welcome dr. Doug Lyall oh hi AJ great to see you same here you have a very nice haircut Oh finally after three months yeah you look totally different the back I was starting to look like I skateboarded you know oh that's terrific oh not know I'm myself again oh well you look great oh you too AJ oh yes I look great it's your fault it's because you told me what to do and I did it so I blame you Oh which reminds me you know I'm in that's right you know the truth is we've always been friends AJ and you know and that was the like you wouldn't you came here to cook for my dad when he was sick which is fantastic you invited me to your great conference then of course the biggest thing that he did was I when was when did we have that conversation eight years ago so it was uh it was the Sunday after Thanksgiving in 2011 Wow almost nine years ago so people in our arena all of us know how how unusual it is to have anybody follow your advice it's like you know usually they just think oh no matter your you tell your relatives tell your friends you tell your spouse tell your kids tell your mother it's like how many people fly everybody you followed 90 bucks bought my life and then you went out and then told a million people so this is like the greatest thing so here always be a star except this spring you stepped in it you totally stepped in it needy I think I'm gonna be scalded friendship is on the rocks right now nej because you just you just couldn't keep your sticky fingers out of the matchmaking you just do it good yeah well that's what I'm known for I've been using a very scientific method called astrology since I was about seven and a lot of people actually got married from my matches and I have people now watching the live show that are sending me their photos and asking for my expertise yes well now so a certain famous plant-based doctor now has a new thing on his daily dozen which apparently is canoodling with my friend my co-author so just dr. Michael Greger you introduced introduced him to Gen Hawk who apparently sparks and flown Wow Big D I'm so happy for him I am tonight because I didn't want either of them to go to somebody not good and like when you have two great people you just want them to end up together yeah well now that Elvis is in my building like I can't get her on the phone so just so you know the book that what she and I are working on apparently her efforts are kind of grabbed it will halt here for a while because and so when it's late next year and you're pointing at me you're saying where's that book talk just know that three fingers are pointing back at you age your fault okay anyway wonderful terrific so happy for them I'll get over it alright anyway yeah we have this new thing called the Gemini just released a new addition or update to the esteemed Begum's web site where we now have a new library of videos that are available we have all the old stuff that's been on there for free and will add new stuff to that too but we also have a website part of the website that for three dollars a month or for a $99 lifetime membership which which comes with our book or three dollars a month people can come in and see everything that you do it's a full cast everything that's on the website there were constantly adding things it's called the living wisdom library because the library is alive we're going to keep adding to it and I've been planning this for years and just never got around to it and Jen finally said you know what you know she said you we just got to get you in front of a camera and giving you an outline and just start talking so we you know she just pushed me into it we did it and I pushed her into talking which she she's a little shy about that but she did a really good job so we've really done a lot of explanations about psychology this is a place to to explore all these different things in life not you know we have a little bit on health we leave the health stuff to you AJ the are this this is about romance it's about friends kids family your mother-in-law your your boss your career all the different relationships in life and things that are important and about self confidence and self esteem in each of these areas so that's that's what we're doing and we're glad to have launched this venture and we've had some synapse already so we're happy we're gonna have a place to talk about these things yeah and like you say for less than the price of a Starbucks you get all this exclusive content including live q and A's and that's why we had to spill the beans on on dr. Greger and Jen because I mean he kisses her on one of the videos and it's like duh you know I said the 12 daily dozen is now canoodling that's clearly what's going on that's hilarious hey Darryl's in the house hey dr. Darryl Woodruff people are saying Doug is the greatest of course he is he absolutely so so dr. Lila you know normally I just asked you a question and I showed up for an hour but have a little setup today because it's a little bit more complicated so we have done many videos together some for exclusive content and many on YouTube probably 30 and when I was looking at the metrics there were three that had the most views and the most comments and interestingly enough they were about weight loss as it makes sense losing weight without losing your mind had the most the second most was one that was called weight loss wisdom with dr. Doug Lyall and the third which was just a little bit behind number two was called dr. Doug Lyall on weighing and measuring your food and we did it many years ago yeah and a lot of people said oh thank you I needed this information but we got a lot of hate from that one people saying how dare you bash these programs we aren't and we are not bashing the programs if you're doing the wing and measuring program if you're doing whatever you're doing if it works for you please keep doing it we are not trying to convince you that our way is the best way or the right way what we're trying to respond to are the emails yeah the emails that we get for people for whom it's not working and we want to offer some solutions and that's why I titled this video dr. Doug Lyall on the efficacy and sustainability of a low-starch weighing measuring program since the sheltering began I started doing consults again I used to not do them except for people in the mastery program and it's almost like each person with rare exception was a cookie cutter of the other person it was a female who was 50 pounds or more overweight who had a history of these weighing and measuring or calorie counting programs where they lost a lot of weight quickly but couldn't sustain it and one of the things I learned is interviewing 100 doctors now for the truth about weight loss summit is if what you're doing isn't sustainable it won't be permanent they lose weight very quickly on these programs which completely either eliminate start or give them only four ounces a day then they come to our ad libitum style program which again it's not my program it's dr. MacDougall's program it's dr. gold hammers program it's doctor it's we're all eating the same thing I don't know anybody in the plant-based world that recommends weighing and measuring and then they don't lose weight quickly or they eat the starch and then they gain the weight from the glycogen and the water and then they let them actually end up with binge eating disorder which they didn't have before which I've heard you say is always from the lack of starch so what I did is one clients gave me the program and I put out a day's worth of food to show people what it looks like compared to my food and what was interesting is it took so long to do this I'm thinking how do people even have time to do it it took me like an hour to just figure out how to do this so let's just show you what about breakfast is and by the way because I'm plant-based I did this plant-based people do these weighing and measuring programs with animal products and oil I chose to do vegan and whole food so for breakfast what they're allowed is one protein which has to get one protein one ounce of a comedy show this is breakfast so breakfast they get a protein in a protein in vegan is either 2 ounces of nuts four ounces of tofu or hummus or 6 ounces of beans for their starch they can have 1 ounce of grain and then if they cook it it's 4 ounces or they could have a 4 ounce piece of sweet potato that's it for starch during the day they have to have a fat so I didn't want to use oil so a half an ounce of nuts the fruit must be 6 ounces I had to go to three stores to find an orange this small because when I buy an earth you know my oranges look like this so that's it and it turns out that's about 350 calories so then for lunch they have another protein which so this time I use beans it's a cup of beans you can have vegetables now 6 ounces they can have another piece of fruit so this time I found a six ounce apple which was really hard because you know I eat apples that are normal size and then again another fat so here's another half an ounce of nuts because I didn't want to use oil and that so breakfast was about 350 calories lunch about 450 and then we have dinner dinner is another protein and so I already did beans and soy beans so there allow you to have 2 ounces and nuts for your protein for dinner and then you can have 6 ounces of vegetables so I chose broccoli and no fruit but you get to have 8 ounces of salad and that was about 400 calories so this comes to about 1200 calories for the day with like I said starch allowed his breakfast one ounce of green or four ounce of sweet potato okay you're not allowed to eat in between or anything like that now here's what my meals look like so when I do what dr. Goldhamer says I start them with a pound of salad which is twice as big as the salad they're allowed once a day and I can do this twice three times a day it doesn't matter and then I have my lunch which is a pound of broccoli you know about 100 calories and I don't weigh in measure I did for this which is this is 24 ounces of my favorite sweet potato which is called hammy yeah now obviously if I'm full I might not finish but I really don't finish and if I'm hungry and I'll just eat another potato now exactly what I and of course you know I'll have some dressing I'm out of my favorite Lemon Poppyseed so I'll use the lemon from California balsamic or their new Italian flavor so I don't deny myself dressing I just don't use oil if I'm still hungry I'll have some fruit for dessert now this is what I ate to lose 50 pounds and this is what I still eat and yet people are saying well but they can't if they eat whole natural food they can't stop eating and I just I really believe that people that haven't done this restriction don't have this problem so now I'm gonna do what I do best shut up let you talk about what the problem is and how to solve it for these people that just can't get off this treadmill of binge restrict weighing and measuring take it away yes this has to do with you have to be willing to run an experiment and so this has to do also with the feeling of time pressure so time pressure is a is an is an unknown or unrealized problem in the weight loss arena and AJ and you you manage the time pressure problem perfectly because you basically you ran this thing like an experiment when you did this it was you were I remember hearing you speak on this like wow you didn't believe that was going to work but it did and that needed to believe that was going to work and that it did so at the point it was an adventure of discovery and stuck with it in you you didn't have a time clock you weren't you didn't have a stopwatch in one hand and a scale on the other okay and so this is time pressure wines causing the following problem and that is is that if you're feeling time pressure that you've just got to get this done and you need to see results right away etc then what happens is you bail out on an experiment Thanks so one of the things that they have found in the analysis of business failures is that the biggest reason that small businesses fail like over eighty percent of them in any given year is is not because they were bad idea it's because they ran out of capital and so some something bad happens god forbid it's coronavirus or some such thing but almost anything that happened to small businesses some guy thinks he's going to have a vegetarian taco truck and he gets $14,000 together and he's got it all penciled out it's a lifetime dream we they got to figure it out and then he starts to taco truck and then I don't know what happens he gets into an auto accident and there's a three-week delay and you know that then there's a problem and now suddenly he doesn't have a buffer zone and so he can't cover a problem and now his business goes under okay so over and over again it is found that it's it's weird it's like in in in small aircraft accidents there's two things that always lead the ballistas to why swallow aircraft have fatal accidents they run out of gas and they go from bad weather it's like two basics the fundamentals yeah and the same thing with small business you didn't give yourself enough time you didn't have enough buffers them and the same thing is true with weight loss that if you if you go this direction you can't panic they you need to trust a process and run an experiment and there's nothing like the comfort of finding out that when you can eat to satiety on taste on a wet starch okay so that's the word that I've tried get introduced here last few years because John McDougall is obviously the start solution if you go to true north they don't talk about starch but that is the main component of the food that you get at your north there's bunch of fruits and vegetables there that the main component of your calorie intake of True North is absolutely starch and that's always wet there's no bread there there's no crackers there's no cookies they've not forget it okay no it's wet starches in their natural form after they'd been cooked so the wet starch beans rice potatoes they're full water and that's why you know dried potatoes and a little sack that somebody freeze dries that little things are I don't know sixteen eighteen hundred calories a pound it's a it's a dried starch when you add water to it or you know obviously a potato with water is 375 calories a pound completely different thing and so our ancestors were super well designed to be eating food in a 500 ish calorie counting range but that's kind of how we were designed to get society in this in this creature and so the the key to this is to move your diet from a richer diet to a diet of high water content that comes into wet starches now you just me talking about some things really quickly AJ you've covered it perfectly which is that in the short term people go on a low starch diet and they lose weight and I'm always kind of suspicious I mean sometimes they lose weight for a while behind Herculean efforts at self-discipline sometimes they lose weight for a week and the only thing that they're losing is to listen to glycogen stores and they drop it some water behind that and they're also on a lower sodium diet and they lose seven pounds and then they'll say this is it this is the story this is how I'm gonna lose this 50 pounds I'm really on my way and the truth is they may have not lost any fat at all all they did was flush some water weight so the way weight loss really takes place is you know you can you can be different speeds for different people but as you did AJ basically it was two pounds a month on average there 27 months or whatever it was look at that folks that's 8,000 calories a month or about 250 to 300 calories a day just relentlessly losing the weight and not doing it by trying to sew your mouth shut not trying to measure anything just essentially trusting that if you do things right the body heads back to its natural homeostasis just is if you're super tired at night you go to sleep you wake up the next morning your body will return to its natural homeostasis if you you're just dying to go to the bathroom if you go to the bathroom and leave yourself you're going to be comfortable because your body will have returned itself to natural homeostasis you run up some stairs and you're out of breath relax you're not going to be out of breath for the rest of your life in the next minute or so you're gonna breathe more you're gonna return the homeostasis this is the design of the organism if you eat the right food you don't have to try to starve yourself to lose weight your body will naturally return to its optimum homeostasis and it's gonna get there in its own good time I want to Oh so this whole thing is about being patient doing the right thing being patient and discovering what your loss curve looks like so when I counsel people I don't want to talk to him everybody and I talked to him once I explained to him what we're up to I can't believe how many smart well-educated people that have been listening and reading in this arena still are a little nervous and I've never really tried going on a heavy wet starch based diet it's like wow yeah you know we've been talking about this a long time but you know they get so much misinformation and they're kind of afraid of it and thousand voices have told them oh no no you can't eat those things are behind reach can't eat those carbohydrates and they they choke up on it okay rather than running the experiment and the thing is the results of the experiment are subtle so you're you're only going to be losing you know maybe an ounce of fat a day so just just to let everybody know over the course of 27 that's what AJ lost she lost one ounce a day there's no way to detect that on the scale knob day to day you can't even detect that weak to me hey the only way you can detect one ounce a day is a month a month that's how you can detect it so a month from now if you're down effectively two pounds probably not an accident but it might be you might not have actually lost two pounds just because you're 156 today and you're 158 a month ago you may be very uninspired and not have any confidence stay the course a month from now if you're 154 suddenly that's not looking like an accident suddenly that's looking like that's just how it is and a month after that when you're 152 there's no question that we didn't go from 158 to 152 by accident we got there because we lost an ounce a day now people that have more to lose so my people along have I had a lady that had a great deal more to lose and so she watched her very carefully she lost five ounces a day for Europe and so that but that's you know obviously the body is racing to return to a homeostatic balance and if you're way out of balance it moves quicker okay so just like if you're really sure to sleep you know how quickly you go to sleep now deeply asleep so the system is designed by nature to take care of business quickly if it needs to but in your case AJ you were your intermediate overweight knew you weren't way overweight at all you were intermediate overweight fit the offense which is you know an awful lot of people in the United States for 50 ish pounds making call that obese and put a nasty label on it but the truth of the matter is it's moderately overweight for what happens to our species when we feed to Richard's so you do that and you start to do the right thing and what I'm going to expect is somewhere between one and two ounces a day but you got to let the business grow you can't bail out on it don't panic but you can imagine people tapping their plate feeling like well I've been at this for three weeks and I can't see any difference in the scale or maybe I'm down a pound it's like relax don't be a lot on your business it's a really really good business idea ain't no rush don't be under time pressure do the right things be them consistently and then 90 days you'll be in a position to evaluate I can't tell you how many people that I have held their feet to the fire and said listen you gotta trust me 90 days and 90 days later they're down six or seven or eight pounds where they would not have been excited about that had they not understood the math so time pressure of patience running an experiment you have to trust that you have the time to run the experiment you're gonna live a long time for goodness sakes take the time to run this very proper experiment because this is the keys the prison door for the rest of your life okay so no more weighing and measuring no more panicking looking at the scale all the time they're worrying know if you get this thing right and you understand it and it works for you you're done you know you know every day that you're executing the program that you're on super safe ground and that your little business is going to work that's how we do it so easier said than done we have people watching that are complaining they only lost four pounds in a month only I never lost more pounds in a month I mean that's incredible and they're addicted there is addicted to their step on scale as they are to their food scale right right yeah this is whatever else you do whether you keep stepping on the scale or measuring the food or whatever it is that you do the what I would want people to do is for goodness sakes eat a lot of wet starch okay get comfortable don't go to bed hungry you know don't don't be trying to fight yourself you need to maneuver that diet to the point where you're very satisfied in terms want to be consistently day in and day out and then you can go ahead and watch that scale any way you want bail out on it for 90 days you know be willing to to face the what the numbers are the numbers are whatever the truth is four pounds a month is ridiculously fast they say that's that that's shedding four times four thousand that's shedding sixteen thousand calories in a month it's unbelievable okay sixteen thousand calories in a month now that's 500 calories a day the system is shedding how fast would we possibly want this thing to return to equilibrium one of the problems is is that in in the history of this your people are gonna brag and there's going to be testimonials all over the place about oh yeah well I lost you know thirty seven pounds of six weeks so people are completely miscalibrated as to the speed of when when quote things are working what they look like well when things are working you know this is what it looks like it looks like two pounds a month four pounds a month if you're if you're way over way it might be six I have even seen eight for a short period of time so but this is this is what it really looks like alright so they I don't want you to leave it too quickly because I get so many emails about this they say that they they overeat and do you think it's because these weighing and measuring programs they're telling them that that they're basically there's something wrong with them that this is a disease this food addiction and they don't have the ability to ascertain when they're full or hungry which is why they have to use the scale that's beautiful that's beautiful the yes let let's talk about this just for a minute let's let's get smart about this when I have read this and in books by diet experts that say oh well people lose their ability to know when to stop even really when the same time they lost their eyesight the where when exactly did the did the brain lose this ability this is a none leave'em the important ability you have to have it let me explain to you why it's so important to have such an ability and then when I wander off topic AJ and a completely lost the point just make sure feedback but the point is is that that's absurd that's like saying you know I've lost feeling you know in my fingers it's like really have you lost feeling in your fingers you know you got people playing piano at 85 they haven't lost feeling in their fingers if you are there some people with bizarre dysfunctions yeah there's a few but that's not you your your fingers are working just fine your eyes are looking fine they may not be as sharp as it used to be but they're still fun and so you know you're not going to lose an unbelievably important feedback system you don't lose your ability to know how much to sleep you don't lose your ability to know how much water to drink you don't lose your ability to feel sunburn if you got too much Sun so why would you lose the ability and if we lost our ability to know when we were satiated why wouldn't we have elderly people starving to death because they didn't actually get enough okay we don't see that why because you don't lose the ability around the society mechanism the people that have written that and talked about that are inferring that from the fact that people will tell them when I overeat and I've got a weight problem and they could see they have a weight problem so they've clearly eaten too many calories and the Guru's says well must be true that people lose their society sensitivity because when they're 23 they don't have the problem they're 23 they haven't gone through the slow accumulation of excess fat it takes place on the order of two pounds a year for the average American woman between their 1636 birthday it's a very slow dance okay it doesn't have to do with losing satiety mechanisms it's when you're in you're 18 years old there just hasn't been enough time for you to accumulate those extra calories but when you're 50 there's been time okay so the concept that you lost your bill you know when your fault is is a hypothesis it's all there's no evidence for it at all it's just it it's an inference that somebody's pulling out of a sky trying to explain a phenomenon that they don't understand okay so I do understand why if you if you have an organism eating a diet that is richer than its natural history you can expect that the satiety mechanisms aren't going to be accurate they're going to this is going to be a problem if the calculator if you punch in you know when you hit the 4 on the calculator and an intercept of 7 you can expect that the numbers are too big it's gonna make mistakes so in the same way that if you put cocaine in the system assistance going to have a bunch of experiences that it's not supposed to have and it's gonna make mistakes okay and I'm gonna you some wild and crazy crap any hopefully it doesn't die from it but it probably won't but it will be off base so that's uh that's how they get men to hit on women in bars you guys are terrifying to us don't you know this but if they get drunker get it now alcohol in them you call that liquid courage all right so this is this is how this is how that happens well in the same way if you disrupt the functioning of the system you are going to but you know it doesn't do so good with your driving when you're trying to drive home that's it that is so it's disrupting the accuracy of the system well if you enter materials that we're not designed to be there by nature you're going to disrupt the accuracy of the calorie counting device now people will do something else and that is that when people are desperate to lose weight they will they will think that the right thing to do is to keep their stomach small and to not use so much of the stomach couch is out and that they feel like that they've been bad and gone counterproductive because they ate too much and they know that they would have been recently satisfied had they eaten half as much and they would have been reasonably satisfied but you have to understand that this is like breathing your you breathe in you breathe out you read then you breathe out and if you hold we're out for a couple seconds all that's going to happen is you're going to breathe more breaths in the next 15 seconds and try it sometime like hold your breath for five sucks and then see if you can breathe that exactly the same respiration rate for the following 15 seconds and the answer is you can't and that's because the system is going to return to homeostasis okay so if you eat more in a setting it just means you're going to eat less later that's all system is beautifully designed it's gas in your car if you fill up your car with gas your car doesn't like you know go longer you know I mean I mean your car doesn't your car the rate of miles per gallon this has changed 10 upon how much gas you put in the car go the thing is automatically regulated it's a physics problem you are basically a hot water heater folks just to understand what you really are biologically the more or less it takes if you're a smaller person it might take about 80 calories an hour to keep the hot water heater up if you're a bigger person it takes about a hundred calories in so I'm probably somewhere in between so I'm probably a 90 calorie an hour hot water here pretty much all your calories are just hot water heater problems that's why you know if you exercise it's not burning a lot of calories it's burning a few but almost all of the calories that it takes to run you are basically it's a hot water heater you're basically made out of water and you got to keep that water temperature up to you know 98.6 I'm your warm-blooded animal and that's just more or less what it is so the issue is that we have to eat on average 80 calories an hour it's just what it is but we're not gonna eat him at 80 calories now we're not going to wake up 24 hours a day and eating calories to get to the next hour we eat in clumps hey we five or six hundred calories and now we're going to need for five or six or seven hours that's how we do it and so so the point is is that if you eat less now yeah man it just means you just put you just your gas tank or tank that you didn't do any favours you're not gonna you're not going to ultimately eat less you're going to just have to fill the gas tank again sooner so this is once again gets down to tire pressure and fear you can't be fearing the fact that when you eat a lot of food your stomach pushes out you haven't gained any fat your stomach's pushing out for good at sex okay the if you run up the stairs and you're breathing hard relax you haven't turned it on so I'm gonna turn into some freak who has heavy breathing you're getting your breath is going to return to normal soon you have to trust these biological processes it's basically the notion of if we trust biological processes by doing things the right way don't take care of us that's okay all right I'm sorry about my phone going on but but but the people that are like people are actually like like texting it so I'm gonna bleed you what what what somebody who has it really is a like a very conscientious person very smart and suffering with this and this is what she says and she was responding to you she's saying some of us have such a long history of dieting and deprivation that we become compulsive Overeaters when we're told we can eat and libitum conductor Lyle suggests a way to adjust our psychology so that we learn to stop eating when we're full to avoid compulsively eating all day long because she's saying that even though she's not gaining weight it makes her uncomfortable makes it more difficult to sleep she says I can sense when I'm full that's not the issue I just want to keep eating anyway my car tank is full and the gas is just spilling out all over the ground good I wanted to okay why she has this is once again let's examine this AJ this is a hypothesis she actually has the same hypothesis as the people that are writing in the books that says that the society mechanisms don't look how do you know your fault that's just a hypothesis you're saying well I'm really fall and so I could well I'm just cramming more in how do you know how do you know that that's not precisely how your mechanisms are supposed to work you say so this is this is just sherilee hypothetical so my attitude is trust the process now let's make sure that we don't have a bunch of unnaturally concentrated food what is the food that this person is cramming in and that's spilling out all over the kitchen floor okay is it corn on the cob okay is it kidney beans it's usually sweet potatoes they usually say it's that it's this kind of potato that are very good like cake the Japanese sweet potato that's what it is trust the process let's just find out if that's true let's look at 90 days of chomping on sweet potatoes with full sets of choppers and having it just dribble out of your mouth on both sides and just be all over the kitchen floor don't even sweep it up just leave it all over the kitchen floor we're just gonna turn your kitchen into a barnyard okay and just chop it chop and chop and chop and chop and chop okay and let's just find out if 90 days from now we're not down seven pounds let's find out okay so remember it's I don't believe that you can systematically overeat on foods that are half the calorie density of the average calorie density of our natural district so our Natural History it looks like it's probably somewhere around 700 calories a pound all things considered and so when we're eating you know the real red line is probably there you put the red line lower which is great it's completely fine and but let's face it sweet potatoes or what are they each a 375 or so I think they're like cooked they're like 365 calories a pound it's like ridiculously how low in calories they are full of hands put a big fork in each hand like that don't even have a fork don't even hold it like this like dainty like you should hold it like that hold up fork just like that and just like one yeah just I don't even I don't even use a fork I just double fist every meal I mean it's like I know I eat more than anyone and I'm the thinnest one it's like and people just don't they just don't understand calorie density they don't trust the process dude is eating well that's perfect just like that yeah so so she said that what she's over eating on his carrots vegetables and mangoes not gonna happen you you maybe you maybe stretching to get out it got maybe giving you signals sooner or later a little backup in your saw I guess and you'll throw up okay so I'm gonna trust the fact that you there are reflex mechanisms that will stop you from actually a reading now the amount that you eat may be bizarre for you in other words this is nothing like the full that we feel when we're eating pepperoni pizza and we three slices and it's really not even that much food it's about the pound but we've just downtown 2500 calories a pound food and so now we've got 1200 calories in our debt where you can't click 1200 calories of those sweet potatoes under stuff so that full yucky feeling that you have when you have a bunch of high fat food but it's not the same thing as your gut being all stretched out this is a this is these folks aren't used to just how how fair it is to have your gut stretched out really far remember you know you are halfway in herbivore probably more like 80% of the board and herbivores will be often prodigiously mounts of food because plant food is typically very low in calorie density they'll stretch those stomachs out just go watch a cow eat for an hour baby they're just eating prodigious amounts of vegetable matter so yes this is the hypothesis that this individual has is that if she and she is systematically overeating because she's cramming in low density for food that's a very interesting and important hypothesis to test bang she needs to test a hypothesis and remember we're not under any time pressure what a wonderful discovery it will be that if she does this in the next 90 days and anybody that's following but if you check this for 90 days and continue to cram more full fists whether we're down several pounds in the next 90 days gear down you know if you're down four pounds in 90 days which we didn't seem like a lot about 16,000 cowers in 90 days which would mean that we've shed about 200 calories a day which means that despite cramming with both hands we're still shedding fat at the level of a couple hundred calories a day rate which means it's going to continue indefinitely just keep cramming so let's trust the process and let's let's just find out whether or not that'll we got two hypotheses one is is that that your body will take care of itself and you're not systematically are we reading we even though you feel like you are okay that's one hypothesis the other hypothesis is some bizarre damage has been done to your system that you can no longer appropriately stop with satiety and that you will systematically overeat on low carry dense foods very interesting hypothesis nobody has scrap of evidence to support that but we're always open okay well I don't mean to be a naysayer but watching live is Roz who says I have already done what he said for years and more than 90 days he doesn't get it it is possible and real to overeat unhealthy stuff the result is a feeling of a balloon before it's about to burst got it okay yeah everybody you know I'd have to look at laws this specific situation we don't look at exactly what is that she's eating we'd also have to look at what the weight is okay so all these things we're not going to get into this this now now with laws here in this particular thing but there there are individuals that just for example will give me this feedback but they're 5/5 and 132 pounds okay and they're saying hey I'm eating too much I'm God got extra weight on me and what I'm telling them is actually your weight is at biological equilibrium and there's 10 hang well you know I want to be 122 it's like oh wow that's not what nature has in store for you so the every single individual case is different and I have rarely seen rarely I have rarely seen people that that can actually chubbie I don't see anybody that could get fat but I have seen a few people that can get a little chubby on this diet on they are bizarre eaters because oh I knew and I have met a few of them a very few but they but this these are folks that are not not they're super uncommon they're one in 3,000 so there are people that can they can literally bizarrely eat six or eight pounds of potatoes and sitting okay so such such bizarre individuals there's there is something neurologically bizarre so this is but your typical person cannot eat six pounds of potatoes to the side this can't do it so I'm most people when you are stuffed stuffing yourself to the gills if it's on the right things then I trust the process and the vast majority people will be very successful at this the people that teach the food addiction programs they're not vegan by the way most of them are there was very only no one that's actually a medical doctor they say that people have a volume addiction and that's why they have to rein in the quantities because they're addicted to volume and we have a question from Juliet can you eat nuts and extreme quantities yes I know easily absolutely nuts are 2500 cars to count actually more more 3200 Wow some nuts okay so much weight is is that nuts are extremely rich would have been rare food for human beings now nuts are biochemically healthy so they're there a perfectly sound thing to eat from the biochemical point of view but from a weight-loss point of view they make no sense at all and let's talk about why you know your ancestors lived in a constant state of mildly turbulent Beeston famine so they would get real skinny and when when times were tough so you know two months go by and it might have been a relatively lean time this is good this is consistent throughout the animal kingdom animals will go through problems where where life is tough for a while and they get lean that's why they have fat stores to defend them against this and humans are no different and so and then you know things happen things change the seasons change the local ecology shifts and then suddenly there's there's a richness and bounty and then people gain weight and they don't they only gain so much folks they don't in their deprivation they don't then go crazy any phenomenal amounts of food past normal society mechanisms and then get fat never okay that doesn't happen why because that would be a biological error putted into the genetic code that that was that was the creature that would do that would actually then be risking its life out there among predators as well as wasting its time eating extra food you wouldn't want to do that because you want to be reproducing DNA and so this is a very sophisticated biological computer your button and it's designed to actually weigh risks and benefits of different courses of action and it's got super sophisticated satiety mechanisms to know when to change and it changes on a moment's notice when a cold breeze comes in and you pull your sweater closer around you that's how dynamic and sophisticated this thing is so the our ancestors would occasionally repeatedly go through periods of bounty and when they went through bounty of us there was things like nuts in the environment and they chalked every nut that they could get they tried to beat the chimpanzees to him okay so occasionally they were going to get into some nuts and honey and occasionally they're gonna get a kill and there's going to be lean meat probably you know seven to eight hundred carats of pound not that rich but rich enough and so there's a time to chow down and eat large quantities of food of rich food so we have that as part of our design eat it aggressively eat it competitively elbow other people out of the way make sure your kid gets their share and try to get as much honey and nuts and fish as you can get your there's a value because pretty soon there won't be about you now those instincts the child recive Leon the rich food those are that's normal instinct now imagine that in an environment where now you can get those foods 24 hours a day 365 days a year now what's going to happen what's going to happen is that people are going to systematically overeat they're never going to go through a period of deposition and so they're going to get fat you're gonna they're gonna overwhelm those mechanisms that can control that that's precisely what happens so the individual that asked the question about mess Hey nuts really should be a rare intermittent part of your diet that that's what this should be and remember you're never running into a period of deprivation so why on earth are we eating something so rich in order to stock up for the winter how about who's not doing it so the if you want to have a few nuts from chocolate a little bit of nuts and put them on your salad for some nutrient benefit all completely reasonable but they should but can you systematically overeat on nuts and get fat absolutely you can so this is something to keep your eye out mm-hmm it's also true that most of the cramming that takes place is going to take place behind food that's richer because once people have reached satiety normal volumetric society they're only going to be incentivized to eat the register I mean we only get me incentivize to keep cramming further when the food is rich so if you know if you're cramming intermediate food my attitude is fine go ahead yeah go ahead and have another peach if you want it you feel like cramming it in go ahead and have another peach it's 300 carrots pound and I trust the satiety mechanisms to do a good job for you I think you would not believe it's like the New York Stock Exchange with the I mean it must have had like 20 people texting me because they don't want to post here with their name but they say I can read it without their name but I'm wondering how much of this has to do with still having the fear of eating starch because it seems like a lot of people crammed the calorie dilute salads and vegetables in and they feel mechanically full but they never feel satiated and so then that binge restrict repeat cycle happens because they are still hungry and here let me just I need to know I don't even know which one to read first but this is from somebody who is saying my weight loss was lightning fast at first because I was morbidly obese but slowed down as I reached my goal weight I've kept off at least 143 pounds for almost a year now effortlessly by eating tons of wet carbs diabetes and hypertension and sleep apnea all completely reversed I don't even worry about my diet anymore I eat this way and that's that it's a habit now people just need to commit to this fully for long enough and they should see the results they desire patience is required more than willpower I love that I've written 43 pounds that is a that would be considered a medical miracle and any normal medical doctor would say not possible not without bariatric surgery okay that individual gets five gold stars posted on their forehead that that is brilliant work and it all we can say is for sure this worked for her okay it worked for somebody who is dealing with a 100 plus pound excess which means she has very he or she very very robust fat storage deficient genetics okay this is a naturally sort of thick genotype that you know you put a Cowrie near it and it stores it like really not fair way outside the normal bell curve so this is a 95th percentile person fighting a 95th percentile genetic problem more like a 98 so this person is one in 50 world one in a hundred when it comes to battling the genetic problem okay and so what what did they do they are cramming themselves full of wet starches and not counting the calories and is a spectacular shining success what a testimony AJ what this is precisely what we're trying to set well she goes on to say yeah sometimes I overeat past full but I only gain the weight from the food it's nothing permanent all it does is make my weight fluctuated a but my actual weight is stable I'm I rarely weigh myself anymore don't worry about it because I'm abstinent and compliant almost all the time some snow DM sneaks in occasionally she says she'd be happy to talk to anybody but I really think that these people are still they're not eating enough starch I really think that's the and and the answer isn't to just eat starch but to eat enough starch yeah well I think what we're seeing is that the there are several things to think about that number one probably many many people that listen are doing a good job and moving in a good direction and you know they also need to be reinforced to give their business time and be patient so there's that aspect some folks are are you know probably bounced around you know you know and are not sure and don't give a time and also we have to be careful that there's also additional issues one of those issues is some people I'd get down to a reasonable weight but they're not happy with that way and and it turns out you you know god help you if you're not an 18 year old girl anymore you know it's like you're you're not necessarily going to be able to get down to where it is that you you would be aesthetically the most pleased and so you can chastise yourself for eating you know when your stomach pushes out and eating full and feeling like you know what where is my self-discipline that I can knock this down by 20% shame on me okay and this has to do with a hyper punch in inches kind of frustration and so you know sometimes I need to explain to people hey this is like completely reasonable where you're out and in order for you to get the last mile that you want to achieve you know yeah it actually may take you exercising some discipline about quantity it might if you're gonna try to there isn't one idea wait for anybody it's everybody's in a range and so let's say those you're five foot six and you're medium build woman that that range could go from 120 ish pounds to 140 HP I know I've seen people who looks great and we're in wonderful condition five six seven hundred fifty pounds and so you know so I just heat these charts you know somebody's gonna pull out a chart and say well you're you're you're overweight you're 138 pounds in five six I've seen people 150 38 pounds five sex ooh we're clearly in great condition and looked fabulous and they wanted to lose 15 pounds as they've just lost 30 and it's like sorry this is not what the jeans had in store for you not everybody can be you know whoever not everybody can be what's that Angelina Jolie's we're very slender okay so the know some people are that that's where it is now and they can be because if they're hyper conscientious they could be very frustrated and they can feel like what's wrong with me that I can't reel this in I can't eat these wet starches starts based diet in tune to satiety and then why in depth where I want to be it's like well let's make sure we understand where it is that you think you need I had a woman that recently five five five six and she started out about a hundred and sixty eight or so and quickly headed down to 145 and then it stalled well that that Lane was in great condition at 145 great condition and it's like mmm frustrated alright so there's a multitude of questions here so there the question on the table that we don't want to argue about is that hey if you're 40 or 50 pounds overweight and you think that you are over it systematically overeating wet starches and that's what's keeping the 50 pounds on I don't know I may be but if that's true you're you are a very very unusual outlier and so and so some other computation needs to come in too or but I can just say than in my personal experience in 30 years of doing this kind of counseling that that's as rare as the Hope Diamond so even though we're trying to get people to alleviate their fears about starch we still have some people watching that are afraid of fruit even though Robbie and Cyrus basically only fruit and basically almost cured their type 1 diabetes people are saying well is that the reason that my weight loss is stalled can you eat too much fruit I mean even dr. McDougall on his maximum weight loss says two fruits a day because they're so easy to overeat I mean who cares if you overeat of you this is what I don't understand what is the problem you know I have stuck her Goldhammer if he ever ovaries he goes yeah at every meal it's the same weight like his whole life so what is the problem you know what this is is this is actually a curious thing aging we have to kind of break this down and beast there's a doctoral dissertation in here for somebody not in psychology and that is that you can imagine that when people are concerned about their weight a huge part of that concern is their stomach and one of the reasons particularly women okay so because obviously when women if they if their stomach is pushing out then it mimics pregnancy and mimic mimicking pregnancy to the male brain the male brain that's a big turn-off because if you're pregnant like what's the point and so as a result women are hyper conscientious about their stomach their waistline and so it just so happens that that's where your stomach is you know if our stomach wasn't located in our waist we wouldn't have half of these these psycho problems that we have with this issue so if it turned out that we filled our leg you know and and yet the pregnancies took place around the stomach then we wouldn't have some of the trepidation that people have about eating large amounts of food when when I deal with people of eating disorders hardcore eating disorders one of the big fears they have is when they look down and they see their stomach food shot when I eat a lot of food and I look down I see my stomach reach out I feel like I'm I feel like I'm Robert De Niro in Raging Bull you know I did like I looked down I feel like god that's huge now if I go look in the mirror I see the same skinny guy and there's really not some extreme really not that far out but for my standpoint when I look down it's like oh my god what did you do you look like a stuffed pig okay so the self-consciousness about the waistline you know I think normal for people but particularly sensitive for women who are more sensitive about the weight and the hyper conscientious individual is worried about that really it really is disturbing emotionally to eat a lot of food and then look down at your waistline three inches bigger than it was an hour ago and you feel like you are losing ground and this is a bad thing and you can't do this so a lot of my eating disorder people you know want to eat small amounts of food and concentrated food because when they eat that concentrate include if they eat three ounces of graham crackers they know that they can only gain three ounces of food and they feel some satisfaction because of a high calorie density the chemo receptors in the stomach settled them down for a little bit but at the same time you know they haven't stretched the stomach out so if we take that same philosophy and we realize that our eating disorder people are just normal people that are just hypersensitive the same things that we're all sensitive to they just like an alcoholic is just someone who's more reactive to alcohol than just about anything so what no huge percentages of people like the feeling and having some alcohol in them but some people liked it too much in the same way our hyper conscientious eating these sort of people are wanting to keep that stomach flat 24/7 yeah they're really worried about that and if they started they don't want to add large amounts of food in it's really hard to get them to do that why because they look down and see the stomach roots down okay so this is I think one of the things we're fighting is that people that are overweight on self just and embarrassed and frustrated when they eat a large amount of food and they see their things their stomach couch out if they eat some other highly concentrated bozo diet that gives them a little portion but the that portion is satisfying because it's calorically dense and they put it in their stomach and they go run on the scale no well they didn't really gain any weight because they only eat at 7 ounces of food so it didn't tick the scale up you know account and so then they looked at their stomach and it's not big and they're like ah relief like this is the way to do the diet and then God forbid it's ketogenic learning to discern the next 2-3 days they actually lose weight and and now they're sold and so this is you know getting used to the fact that your stomach yeah and its size is going to be like a pendulum it's gonna swing both ways that's how it's just like your heart or contracts and relax in the tracks and relaxes and your stomach fills and empties and fills and empties we have to trust that it's what we put in the stomach is going to be the end of our story not not that how much we put in this this hour is going to have anything to do with this order it's beautifully said dr. Lisle if only we could get people to believe that when they focus on what to eat it doesn't matter when they eat why they eat or even how much they eat and you know the three plates of food I showed you on a weighing and measuring plan today I forgot to tell you the total weight was 45 ounces that's less than three pounds of food and dr. roll says most people eat at least three pounds of food I eat more food in one sitting than a person on this program gets in the entire day I don't know how they can not be starving right and so yeah I think I think AJ many many people are listening but you'd expect that there's a lot of fear a lot of anxiety a lot of Hecker conscientiousness and a lot of frustration and so there's going to be people with these questions and all we can do is to try to reiterate some real basic truths and you know if it turns out that you really aren't hitting a wall yeah right white-ass a question in detail or give us a call and we have lots of questions that didn't get to so guess what as luck would have it dr. Hawk is here tomorrow so I hope those of you that submitted a question don't mind that I'm going to give them to dr. Hawk tomorrow's hawk is gonna give you time but I can't get my phone call no but you know what being in love just does things to us what kind of you tell you you did great AJ okay you're very happy Thanks and guys please at least check at least I'm gonna post the link again i've been posting it the whole time at least check out dr. Lyles membership site you can watch that live Q&A they do Q&A is just for the members and you can see the kiss that we're all talking about and you get your questions answered when they do that but there's a lot of exclusive content there they that you just I mean come on three bucks it's like you know it's ridiculous I just can't believe it and they're 99 dollars your whole life yes lifetime I guess that means either your lifetime or dr. Lyles whichever comes first plus an autographed copy of the book so thanks you guys so much for being here please come back tomorrow at 11:00 for dr. Hawk to get your questions answered and thanks dr. Lisle for you know even though I know you get sick of talking about this and kind of I do to people really every now and then need to hear this AJ great having you great great to hear that that they did the kiss is more important than the pouring my heart out there for hours well here's the thing everybody thought it was you and her because I I kind of did that I said you gotta check this out for three dollars see because they thought it was you and Jen I'm like oh there you go I'll get her I'll be able to get my phone calls through one day all right get in there all right take care of me buddy thanks again dr. Lau thanks see you guys tomorrow bye yes
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