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Chef AJ: Weighing Yourself Daily is Less Than Useless | Healthy Living LIVE! with Dr Doug Lisle
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one Wow lots of people there already how exciting hey everybody and welcome healthy living life my guest today well not only one of my favorite people in general but probably my favorite person to interview none other than dr. July Oh dr. Lyle is the founder of the website is dynamic calm where you can actually hook a private consultation that will rock your role in your life he's a psychologist and both the Google Living Program or call center both located Rosa California he is the host of the weekly podcast beats your jeans which you can listen to live every Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. Pacific time on BlogTalkRadio and you can listen to over 100 archived ex episodes as well a talk radio or I - and his author of the pleasure trap no author the finest books ever written on the topic probably the best and it is gold coming out in audio shimizu both in CV and on audible so make sure you're signed up to be on my mailing list if eat unprocessed calm so that we can notify you when this book is in audio so thank you so much for being here again dr. Lyle oh it's great pleasure absolutely so today we're going to talk a little bit about stress eating but before I turn it over to dr. Lyle I wanted him to expound on something that he talked about in the most recent MacDougal webinar which you can find on dr. mcdougal dot-com on the webinar page when Gustavo had asked a question from a viewer who thought that whenever she ate a toes weight and the scale is grew up a couple pounds but she's not gaining fat and he talked about people that are what he calls scale monkeys that obsessively with himself and I urge you to look listen to that interview watch that interview but I wanted him to expound on the aspect of how it affects us emotionally or mentally when were a scale monkey and weighing because he's already proven that there's no you're doing that logically that he talked about how weight is Boston how much are we lose each day but some people yell to a weight loss program weigh themselves obsessively every day multiple times a day it affects their mood it affects their self-esteem it even affects what they eat because what I hear from some of the participants is that well if I don't really myself I don't know how well I know how much to eat how will I be able to stay on track without the accountability some of the people say that if the number is lower than what they hoped they use that as an excuse to actually eat more which derails their weight loss efforts if the number is higher than they wanted they'll say they use that as an excuse to binge because they're so disappointed so I lost 50 pounds and kept it off for over five years I didn't even own a scale so talk a little bit about how when yourself every day detrimental to your emotional health and how it's really not helping you lose weight yes very good question boy this is a this is a big one so this is going to take this is gonna take a little bit of doing to sort of lay this out so that people can understand this and this hopefully you were recording this so they can listen to it multiple times because there's a lot of little links in the chain here for for this that that people need to to grasp and get under their hands so they can slowly work themselves away from this trap now let's let's talk about why people are weighing themselves every day obviously they are trying to lose weight or maintain their weight or this is all about their weight or they would be weighing themselves so they're concerned about their weight and if they're weighing themselves daily or multiple times a day I know something about their personality already we just found out that they are highly conscientious or they would not be doing this so they're wanting to do the right thing and they're trying to really keep on top of it they're essentially giving they're getting a grade every day about whether or not they're doing well or not doing so well now this is a mistake and so let's back up and figure out why this is a mistake before we go further so we're gonna talk about the facts first and then we're going to circle around and talk about the psychology of this that's going to be associated with this so the first issue is the facts so what will happen is is that people's weight will fluctuate you know it's not uncommon for people's way to fluctuate 1% up or down into given day it could be a lot more than that but 1% is not atypical at all that would be normal so if you're a hundred fifty pounds we're not surprising at all but one day you're up a pound and a half over the next day you're down a pound and a half so your weight would easily fluctuate actually even two pounds up or two pounds down in on a given day now the question is it would seem reasonable that we would be watching our weight and watching our diet and watching the influence of our diet on weight and attempting to essentially run look for correspondence or what's called a correlation between what we're eating in our weight this is a huge mistake because on a day-to-day basis there's absolutely no correlation between what you eat and your weight the correlation is effectively zero in terms of so let's look at and see why this is so the what your weight is mostly is your mostly made out of water that's pretty much what you are you're more or less a hot water tank so that's pretty much what you're made out of his water and you got some bones and teeth and Alan Goldhamer has more teeth if you ever see him smile it's got big teeth and he's got a lot of them okay always did the they're all natural too so you've got some bones and some teeth but you got a little bit of tissue in there but mostly your water and you've also got some fat so what's gonna happen those because you're mostly made out of water that if your water weight goes you know up and down a percent then your weight is go up and down quite a bit a pound or two whereas the fat content in your body can only change very very slowly in very small amounts so a person that is doing an outstanding job at their diet may be that they're significantly overweight ooh maybe they're losing 5 pounds a month for a year that would be spectacular for somebody to do that so that's something that you did AJ and so that was that was a spectacular Odyssey that happened for a while but if we actually look and see what's happening there that would be you know five pounds in a month which means we're losing about 80 ounces so we're losing about 80 ounces a month fat over about 30 days so we're losing about in that case 2 and 2/3 ounces so that's rapid weight loss is about 2 and 2/3 ounces 2 ounces a day is very very significant weight loss 1 ounce a day is not trivial so a person that loses 1 ounce a day for a year is going to lose about 25 pounds in a year so what I'm getting at here is that from one day to the next you're not losing a pound the scale goes down a pound you didn't lose a pound of fat if you did a great job at your diet you've likely lost one ounce you may have lost up to two ounces and unusual cases where people are very very overweight and they went from a very rich diet to a very lean diet they could lose as much as 4 ounces in a day maybe even 5 ounces for a period of time this would be spectacular change and I have a few people who have done that but almost all the people that we're talking to are not going from a very high weight where they ate a very very rich diet before and now the reading where the lean diet most people that were working with AJ are actually moderately overweight and they have actually been eating quite a good diet and now and now from there we're making a modest change to try to go maybe for example from a little bit of a cheating MacDougal diet that they were reading before - now we've gone to an ultimate weight loss diet which is now somewhat tighter and that difference is not as great as it is from somebody who is 300 pounds and 150 pounds overweight that's been eating conventional diet with both fists and now they go from there to even a good solid MacDougall diet that difference is phenomenal and so as a result what we're gonna see is we're going to see extraordinarily fast weight loss for a period of time and that extraordinarily fat weight up past weight loss is four or five ounces a day that's what it is that's how much fat they're going to lose most people if they do a great job they're losing two ounces a day if you've got significant weight to lose and you do a really good job you're going to lose two ounces of dead now that's five pounds a month the keep in mind then the two ounces a day you can't spot that on a scale there's no way for you to spot that on the scale the only way that they could with very sophisticated equipment if they put you in a dunk tank every single morning under the best equipment of the world they might be able to detect with some reliability whether or not you had lost me fat in the last 24 hours as a result of your diet and your exercise program okay maybe they could detect it they probably could but your scale can't detect it and you can't detect it there's nothing about your record-keeping that can detect that's not a chance so when your scale goes up a pound in a day it's not because you gained a pound of fat because you are not capable of gaining a can't pound of fat of the day about the most fat that you're capable of gaining and it is about what two ounces that's about as much fat as a human being can possibly game in a day and it's about as much fat as a human being can lose in a day if you do a great job and you're overweight you'll lose two ounces if you do a horrendous job and you eat crap with both hands and pile it in and stuff yourself up to the gills you possibly could gain a couple of ounces this is actually the nature of the beast now the so in other words your fat content on your body is extremely stable from day to day the it is so stable that we see that in the average American woman gains two pounds a year as she's eating a very rich diet from her certain sixteenth birthday to her 36th birthday she gains two pounds of years old so over 20 years she gains 40 pounds so when she has reached 40 pounds overweight on her 36th birthday this happened literally 20 it was literally happening 32 ounces a year across 12 months you're talking two ounces a month very so okay not two ounces a day two ounces a month that's actually the typical fluctuation of weight that you're going to see in human now when you have radical dietary change it can speed up to two ounces a day that's pretty spectacular now this being the case this hopefully gives you pause that if your weight goes up two pounds overnight from the from the day before this is not the time to reach for the razor blades and slit your wrists okay this is not the time to say oh my god see look I can't lose anyway just forget it bring on the Cheetos and the beer and you know we're gonna have a vegan party on rich crap okay because obviously none of this is gonna work now your fat content of your body is very likely in fact it's probably just about as likely to have dropped two ounces as it has been to go up two ounces in other words if you've been eating reasonably intelligent food but your weight goes up a pound overnight you probably dropped two pounds 2 ounces of fat because you ate intelligent food all that has happened is that your water weight has gone out now let's look at that about this your water weight is very sensitive to sodium so it's going to turn out that your kidneys are filtering sodium out of your bloodstream and as they filter more sodium and keep the sodium content very low then the fluid content of your body is down at the appropriate minimum that's sufficient amount that should be in there so as a result when you eat sodium even a little extra sodium what's going to happen is you'll suddenly start a desorbing more water you don't get it out of the air it just means when you eat an apple instead of most of that water being excreted easily if you've eaten some sodium along with it suppose you made something that no you ate a perfectly healthy thing but it has some some extra sodium in it you had a tomato sauce and it had some sodium in there and it was a perfectly excellent sauce but it's the sodium content is slightly higher than everything else that you're eating so it's going to turn out that over the next 24 hours you may absorb about a pound of water that is now in you it's not fat and when you step on the scale you think oh my god I shouldn't eat that stuff I shouldn't have had you know this was out of the other that had the tomato sauce on it or whatever else it is that you ate you should have had the potatoes because the potatoes are making me fat yeah those are making you fat datas are 1% fat they're about the lowest fat food that there is in nature and they're not gonna make it you fat they're not going to put that on you but here's what will happen that your liver stores glycogen and you also store glycogen in your muscles this is sugar this is what you're designed by nature to run on that's what your brains are running on right now and your body and you're keeping your core temperature up and everything else into the center you are a carbohydrate or sugar burning machine that's what you are and you have a storage tank and your liver is a storage tank and you'll store about a pound of glycogen in your liver about so that's about 1,800 calories are stored in your liver that's what stands between you and ketosis so if you if you don't eat for a day the average woman burns about 1900 calories a day so it'll take you about 24 hours if you stop eating to burn your way through your glycogen now when people eat less than a day and they lose some weight they think see I was a good girl I lost way to scale went down a pound and a half so I didn't eat very much today you didn't lose any fat zero zero when you did that you did not lose any fat at all and let me explain why because you started the day with eighteen or nineteen hundred calories of glycogen stored in your liver so when you ate a 500 calorie a day thing and you gritted your teeth and so therefore you effectively intermittently fasted or semi fasted and you wake up tomorrow morning in two pounds lighter and you're thinking see that's what I did I ate less food I was a good girl I lost two pounds this is the way to the promised land this how I'm gonna lose this 25 pounds my dear you didn't lose any fat at all zero okay what happened was is you just burned of that you eat 500 calories and you just burned 1,300 calories of glycogen out of your liver that wasn't fat the sugar that you're carrying in a little backpack that we call your liver it's not fat on your body at all no it's not it's not stored material so you've lost nothing in terms of fat that day and when you lost the two pounds what you really lost was the following the for every pound of glycogen that you store in your liver you also have to store about 2 or 3 pounds worth of water so that's how that works I forget what the ratio is I think it's 3 to 1 but I'm not exactly sure I believe it is so if you if you add a half a pound of glycogen to your liver because you you eat some potatoes so so we store up some glycogen from a big nice meal of good healthy potatoes then what's gonna happen is is that not only do you have a half a pound of glycogen that gets stored you have a pound and a half of water that comes along with it so this is why people think when they eat carbohydrates the carbohydrates thank you fat this is literally the misunderstanding that is partially and substantially at the root of all every Fiasco fad diet that you're gonna see anywhere Under the Sun this Beverly Hills diet Atkins diet South Beach diet this or that diet you know dumb dumb diet it's all the same ok it's all it's all all this this process of the fact that when people eat carbohydrates they store their carbohydrate as glycogen and along with it the body will absorb water at a rate of about three to one along with it so people gain weight when they eat some carbs but they don't gain any fat and it's a day-to-day phenomenon so they'll they will have been doing to quote a good job eating like a bird whatever it is that they're doing we're eating meat for example which is they're not gonna store any glycogen behind that so they can be depleting their glycogen stores eating beef jerky and cheese and they can be getting fatter as they do that but their glycogen stores are depleted and so they're also shedding water as a result of us so they actually lose three pounds over two days eating meat cheese and they're thinking oh boy there it is just like my friend says and then they start feeling sick and they're like now let me go let me go listen to dr. Campbell again no no I think I should be eating you know potatoes and rice and beans just like John McDougall says well I feel a lot better and my digestion is better and I just really do believe in these people and I think chef AJ is right and you know I think I better do that so now what do we do we go 3 4 potatoes just like you should and what happens your weight skyrockets you're like oh my god the next day I'm up 3 pounds it's like right you're up 3 pounds you just lost a couple ounces of fat and you store a half pound of glycogen and you store a pound and a half of water and now you're healthier better but the scales up higher and now you're reaching for the razor blades and ready to kick over the whole table and tearing your hair out you don't know what to do ok so this is the fiasco and this is why it is that day-to-day measurement of your weight by the scale is a total lie it bears no relationship to what is happening to your very stable fat stores this is like trying to predict the long-term stock market by watching it from hour to hour this is impossible you can't do it there isn't a genius alive that can tell you where the stock market is going to be year from now by watching what happens to the stock market in the next seven minutes there was no evidence isn't there only by looking over time can we see broad trends and we can run correlation coefficients and see that the tightness of the money supply is associated with where the stock market goes everybody knows that but everybody's trying to look at it you know if you try to look at it from minute to minute it's a disaster which is why the greatest investor of our time Warren Buffett doesn't bother hey he just buys what he considers good value and he plans to sit on it forever because that's how that's how he thinks and that's exactly what we should be thinking with respect to our diet and our weight which is that we buy the correct food that is our stock and we eat the correct food and then we are patient so the reason why I want people to weigh themselves three consecutive days once a month is the following if you wish may measure yourself three consecutive days in the morning I have the same conditions same nice thin underwear okay so so what we do is we take take those three measurements and we average them so that's your baseline that's a you don't have a specific weight folks your weight changes from second second okay so every every hour that you're on this planet just breathing you're gonna give up about two ounces of water just through represent your respiration so there is you don't have a weight you have a range of weights so over three days we essentially get a range on what your weight is and if it's you know one hundred forty nine one day and one hundred fifty the next one hundred fifty one the next and we take the average and you're 150 and that's our baseline so that's our baseline for say April first yeah now what I want you to do is I want you to eat intelligently and not look at the scale because word of the scale is a liar and we don't want to be intimidated or encouraged by any behavior pattern because of the scale is going up or down that would be like trying to decide that we're gonna put all of our money in the stock market because in the last three minutes the stock market went up to points and so therefore we think that this it's going in that direction and let's sell everything and put it all in there no that's not what we do and neither when it goes down do we do we sell it all out and get rid of it no we buy and hold we'd make smart news so the smart move is sell your meat and your cheese in your processed junk and buy whole natural foods those are the stocks that we want those are what's going to make you lean and strong and healthy now the then we eat those things for a month and we eat them just the way chef AJ tells us to more or less or with whatever variation works for you and then at the end of that month then we go back and we look and see what's happened into the stock market and what I'm going to expect is that if the diet that you ate in the last month was a leaner more intelligent diet than the diet that you had been eating previously then we should expect you to lose a little bit of weight now if the diet you've been eating previously was pretty good and you've been doing a pretty good job and now you're only doing a little bit better job and I don't expect there to be much weight loss if the diet you've been eating was not very good it was had a lot of cheating and Larabars and you know what do we call those things tofutti cuties and not butter and Ezekiel bread and you know maybe reasonably healthy food but there's been a lot of rich food and now we've knocked a lot about out or knocked it out then over the next month over a month of doing things differently I would expect us to actually shed some fat but I wouldn't expect us to lose a lot of weight because the only weight that we should see be lost by the way we're going to measure this it's going to be fat it's not going to be fluctuations in water and in my kitchen so a month from now when we do three consecutive morning again and we do that in the same slinky lingerie we did before then we should find that what changed is that we're actually getting a look at now is the fat content of our bodies and of the fat content of a person's is down two pounds in a month I say that's a huge victory that means that that's about 8,000 calories you have shed over 30 days so that means you have been shedding about 250 or so calories a day which means that your diet is outstanding and the body is doing exactly what it needs to be doing it's slowly shedding the fat stores that are excessive and it's it's moving towards a better healthier fitter you that's how that works if it turns out that it's even that you went straight across but you you have been doing a pretty good job but you are in fact overweight but that tells you that we have to look a little closer at some of these subtleties and we have to see where where any rich food could be sneaking into your diet okay so the we have to take out the microscope at that point but we only take out the microscope after we really have seen what has taken place and the only way to actually know what's taking place is to measure this as a month-by-month phenomenon if you measure it day to day folks all that's going to happen is that you are you're a stock market player who's trying to to guess the market in bet their chips every 15 seconds it's a total lie the market can go straight up for about eight minutes and suddenly you know it's just goes like that you can watch it if you have your walk watch it on on a moment-by-moment analysis it'll go just like that okay but that is actually that amount it's a tiny little fraction went up and then literally eight minutes later it turns around and goes the other other direction you have no idea where that thing is going by looking where the broad market is going on a day to day basis and you have the no idea what's happening to your weight when you look at your weight on a day-to-day basis it gives you zero information about what is happening to the only thing that we care about which is the amount of fat storage on your body okay so that is what we have to do the fat storage yeah changes day to day one or two or maybe three ounces at most those are being totally obscured by the changes in water the changes the amount of fecal material Virginia the amount of urine that's in your bladder and the amount of glycogen is is in your liver you have vastly greater variables that are absolutely drowning out any ability to detect fat storage changes so when you look at this on a on a day to day basis it is not just useless it's worse than useless because you develop superstitious behavior associated with whether it goes up or down and this takes you off off course okay so a lot of people that I work with are so Punch interests they're so determined to do well that they of course the only sensible thing to do is to check not only every day but maybe three four five six seven eight nine ten times a day okay so in other words they are desperate to try to get control over the situation because they so want so much to be successful now let me tell you what happens when you measure multiple times you know a week daily in particular what happens is is that you have a lot of anxiety about what the scale is going to show and then if the scale shows a good number you have a relief what that relief is it will be a cause for neurochemical changes in your brain such as endorphins and you will feel relaxed euphoria now you can see what's going to happen here and that is that you're going to get addicted to that you're going to get addicted to the euphoria the relaxation that comes with checking and seeing that in fact disaster has not struck and then when disaster strikes in in your and the and the number is up then you're then you're an anxious tension then you don't eat then you skip the apples and the bananas and the potatoes and you just grit your teeth and grind and I don't know try to inhale some water and then you come back to eight or ten hours later and you see that the weight is down a pound and a half and what happens euphoria okay we get a relaxed euphoria and so we get an other endorphins storm goes off in your head that says my goodness the promised land we're going to be okay after all so this is what's happening is we're setting up the conditioning paradigm that is not good for you and so this is why it's hard to break this habit effectively what happens is this is not the same thing as being addicted to a super normal stimulus like heroin or cocaine or methamphetamine etc etc but it's an addiction like process it's never going to get out of line and it's never gonna get worse particularly because your neuro chemistry in these regards are naturally buffered against over stimulating you so in other words here you you can't you're not going to develop tolerance to your own process here that's not how the brain will work but you will develop a reward system inside your head that looks forward to the relief of seeing that number on the scale and then etc so you'll want to continue your return to this this is essentially building an obsessive matrix an obsessive habit okay and so you will circle around and around anxiety goes up ah then we measure ah can we get this relief okay so this is the kind of thing that goes on the so this is why it is that this is all counterproductive it's all taking us in the wrong direction it's taking us away from a longer-term view of simple and directed efforts towards doing things in a way that that are sensible and without a lot of anxious tension around it and so just just perform do that organize execute on a good plan and then let's watch that plan and see how well that plan goes as we look at it over 30 days to 30 days intervals okay great all right so I want to hear a couple of comments with you that are becoming Union sure first of all people are saying that blue is your color they love your laugh they're excited for the pleasure trap to be coming out on audio I initiated that finally a good explanation to share with family and friends who think that carbs are evil and I I want to get to the money because you could answer the quickly you know wanted to know what how do you feel about using a tape measure and Sonia wanted to know if what method would point well fat loss happened you have a slight bit of trouble hearing you so the first one was one of what about using a tape measure okay yes yeah again I think tape measure is is also maybe month to month would be something that might be interesting to do but the truth is is that these changes can be pretty subtle so when you lose a pound of fat remember it's it's not that's not very much material yeah I think of a think of a bottle of water which I mean it's a fair amount of material that's about what pound of fat is going to be is going to be this essentially like a bottle of water but it's going to be distributed all over you and not just on the outside but also on the inside you have inside fat storage so it's not like I mean in an inch off a waistline is a big deal so you might you might have to lose a fair amount to actually reliably lose an inch and remember that that inch is going to be partly dependent upon how much food is in your stomach which so you have to you'd have to do it at the same with the same amount of food in your stomach now each time so I think once again inches is reminiscent of the scale and I don't think it's any better than the scale I think it's probably it was probably a little bit less reliable but it's also exhilarating so there's I have a woman now that I believe you've met her AJ she's she's a true north ER and she started out about I think about 289 pounds last last summer and she has been completely diligent she's just she's great and for people that are concerned that it's harder to lose weight when you're older this lady is is an older woman she's over 60 and so here she is now taking this problem on and she did it is doing it right and now she is now in the thinks she's in the low one 70s now so she's lost about a hundred and fifteen pounds and so we've done the math and she's losing somewhere around four to five ounces a day and I've told her that I expected to slow down soon in other words she's now getting down to a weight where there's where she's not nearly as big but what she what she does is she just she's sort of watching this thing go and just execute their program and is very patient and we just we you know at the end of every month we sit back and we take a look at what it is that we've accomplished and then we sort of can see where we're gonna be a month from now and that gets exciting so I think by the first of May I think by the first of April we will break into the 160s for the first time in more than twenty years and then two months later so that will be see May 1st June 1st by about the 1st of June we're gonna break into the 150s that's what that's where we're headed so but once again we look at these things on a month-to-month basis because we know from day to day if we were focused on that it would be demoralizing ok so yeah so the tape measure I think was a month to month the kind of a thing can also be exhilarating to see it can be exhilarating to see that if your waistline was 36 a month ago and it's 34 now or even 35 pretty exciting and then two months from now we see that it's 33 it's like you can really see that it's working in the same way as the weight does okay well it's the second question I forgot okay well um the second question was when does mathematically fat loss actually occur when does it have when does it happen yeah like yeah that's what the question from Sonja at what point look that awesome what point mathematically will fat loss happen well the thing is is that if you're overweight your your body is is looking to shed fat sort of designed to do it and what it appears to be the case is the following and that is that your it appears that there's I'm not gonna try to explain this that as if I know because the truth is I don't know first of all that anyone knows the the body is full of very complicated feedback loops in control mechanisms to attempt to regulate your way to a perfect level and when you're overweight one of the things that happens is is that there are there's leptin sitting inside your fat and that leptin will get released and there will be a higher level of leptin in your bloodstream and that apparently will get to your hypothalamus and it will cause you you to want to eat less I'm it's essentially acts as an appetite suppressant now this got everybody excited a few years back when they discovered this because it turned out then that if you injected rats with leptin they would go through some weight loss so then everybody thought that they had the holy grail of how it is that we're going to get people to lose weight but of course alas and behold what will happen is that that the body will engineer its way around this body's too smart so when you start tricking it the reason why the rats are overweight or the people are overweight is because they're eating foods that are inappropriate for their natural history and it's fooling the normal mechanisms and they're systematically overeating if you then take some kind of tricky way to try to shut that thing down it turns out that the system wires its way around it so there to date there isn't anything that is safe that can get you to lose weight there are things that are unsafe that will work on those mechanisms that's what all the amphetamines will do so whether it's fen-phen or anything else under the Sun or just straight amphetamine these things will this is wild so cigarettes will cause people to be 10 or 20 pounds lighter than they otherwise be and this is why cigarette smokers a lot of times don't want to quit smoking is because they're quote it's going to cause them to gain weight that is the incorrect way of looking at the situation the correct way of looking at the situation is that smoking cigarettes is so disruptive to your neuro chemistry that it actually causes you to eat less than you would otherwise eat this is not any solution for anything this is a fiasco and so obviously the solution to anybody that's worried about gaining weight when they quit smoking it's - then quit eating the crap and you won't get it in d weight I mean that's the only reason why that the quitting smoking would cause you to gain weight would only be if you're eating you know unnaturally rich foods so I forget what the question was again the question was what does us actually Oh Oscar well it's occurring yeah essentially on a daily basis the the system will cannibalize a little bit of fat storage if you're short so that that will happen so you're about how this how this goes on you know and when does this take place you the interesting thing is you don't need to be in ketosis for your body to start burning fat interestingly enough you just have to be in so I don't know when it takes place your but if you are essentially eating a whole natural foods type diet a lean diet and you're overweight what will happen is is that you don't lose weight in big chunks so people think that they that they do because the scales can move and they'll say well I was at a plateau for 19 days and then suddenly I lost two pounds now that's what was happening is you were losing an ounce a day for those 19 days but it wasn't until all the stars aligned with your poop and your bladder and your kidney function and the amount of sodium in you and the glycogen stores and everything else that finally that pound showed up on the scale but the truth is is that you were losing it in a steady process on a daily basis that's what happens when you're losing weight there isn't a moment it's a it's across a period of the hours of your life it's slowly when you're in it when you're in a situation where you're overweight you would all things being equal you have the engineering to cause you to systematically under read at that point and to cannibalize your own fat tissue these are homeostatic drive systems that are built to aim at perfection you were born to be beautiful that's how you're designed you are born to be lean and fit some of us are more curvy some of us are thinner some of us are big and strong some of us are slender but whatever it is that your natural build is that natural build will emerge beautifully on the diet that you were designed to eat and so that's why 7li now in the late 20th century and beyond we find such a problem that people are struggling with weight so much I want people to appreciate why it is that this is so difficult to do for all time all animals on this earth have struggled literally for hundreds of millions of years but the fundamental problem is to be getting enough food that is why they are engineered the way they're engineered and it's going to turn out that the same thing is true of humanity so for all history it an enormous pressing grim concern has been is there enough food this was true in the most civilized sophisticated countries in the world 100 years ago so if you were looking at late 19th century England or early 20th century America getting enough food was an enormous ly big deal the the average family in 1918 I believe it's either four six or 54% I can't remember it doesn't make any difference 50% of the family income went to buying staple groceries that's what it was we're not talking about going out to dinner because there weren't any restaurants we're talking about staple groceries half of the family income this is consistent with what we see throughout the animal kingdom so animals will spend about 50% of their waking hours is spent in the pursuit of food then they do some child then they do childcare and they do it's lucky they do a little bit of mating ah some of us don't do anything but the point is is that there's a little bit of mating and what there is is there was an awful lot of work and that the pressing Grimm concern is to get enough cows and this was true in our country so my mother our growing up in the Great Depression in in northern Idaho in the late 1930s literally in their town in her little Hut that she grew up in a very humble Hut that I have seen now it turns out that they had a well dug in the front yard and in that well they stored sauerkraut and potatoes and onions and other root vegetables they stored them for winter and that's what they lived on that's that's how they got through the Idaho winter was the storage of the stuff that they put in the ground now think about that that's my mother so that was human beings lean just getting enough to eat struggling it was this was how it was and in less than century look at what the number one personal goal is and the number one variable associated with human self-esteem today the number one issue is I'm too fat and I am trying everything I can do to get myself to eat less okay so just keep that in mind that the neural programming that drives you has been exactly the opposite a program that drives you is the program that says eat the richest fit in the environment get your hands on it and if your brother reaches for some of it elbow him in the teeth and grab it before he can get it that's how you're built and now suddenly we live in an environment of spectacular abundance and it's not just plenty of staple groceries now it's brilliantly engineered chemical pseudo food that is that is tickling the neural circuits of your pleasure centers of your brain and overshadowing the taste of natural food so when people ask me and wring their hands at their lives and their stresses and their emotional issues or what it is that's causing them to get off-track I back up and I say no you're looking in the wrong place it's not your weakness and it's not your your crosses to bear from your histories that is not what's going on what's going on is that you have unbelievable neural programming that is going to drive you you know like a like eight Clydesdale horses it's going to pull you to the richest food in your environment it's designed to do this because every single one of your ancestors had to follow those instincts in order to make sure that you would be here today so that is the real issue so what are we gonna do about this well AJ and I and John McDougall and Alan Goldhamer Neal Barnard and Colin Campbell all of us we know of the issue this the issue is boy you got to get control over your environment because the environment that surrounds you is a totally bizarre distorted it's like a Halloween you know mirror house it's completely sending you the wrong direction and you're totally off kilter and so that that environment will draw you rights where your instincts are telling you you're doing the right thing which is you know chomp on the rich stuff that's what it's going to tell you to do so to get you to not that requires really exceptional diligence in meditation it can absolutely be done many people do it but people don't do it by accident they do it by design okay I'm dr. Lyle Cynthia says that you have a good haircut and I love that you smoking because I tell the people else won't wait and please quit smoking first but listen to me and it's amazing how if smoking really worked we wouldn't have any overweight smokers so running obviously doesn't work that great and I love the weighing yourself every day is not just useless it's worse than useless so yeah people are actually asking questions about how do they know when they're at their ideal weight do they use that formula about bike women 300 pounds and five pounds actually dr. Fuhrman's is much stricter it's 95 miles four five four four pounds per dr. Walter connecters even more strict should they go by BMI or how do they know let me tell you how you know what when you've got a fat roll hanging over your gut then you know that you're overweight there are the individual differences here these charts strike me crazy I met some guy yet it was either true or through McDougal that he says you know just this nicest god this is two three years ago yeah handsome and he says well the doc says you know did I need to lose not dr. mcdougal but you know I think the chart I've not even remembered the story exact the chart was that he needed to lose like 25 pounds this guy was in superb shape he was strong as an ox he was about six feet 220 pounds and the charts would say like obese this guy was obese like like I don't know like an Olympic bobsled champion is obese like there's no way this guy was obese and so the the individual differences are huge so there are ladies that are naturally thin and in great shape at five foot four 110 pounds they're just that's how they're built there's other women that are 5 foot 4 and 140 pounds and they are in good shape okay so if you look at them they're just stronger they're just they're curvier they're just they're a different design so Alan Goldhamer and I differ our weight differs by 20% he's 20% heavier than I am and there were effectively the same height that were just different and he eats twice as much as I do by the way I the is a way bigger eater he is not overweight he's in superb condition he's just a bigger human being and so that's individual differences so how do you tell like I could be overweight five pounds heavier than I am now if I were five pounds heavier and it wasn't muscle but I just started eating a bunch of rich foods and then I gained five pounds of fat then I would be five pounds overweight and Alan would be no pounds overweight and he'd be 30 pounds heavier than me so what counts is one of your fat stores looks like and if you've got some faster words that you can feel Lindy you can you can see fine a little bit is completely healthy and totally great that's so there's nothing in the world wrong with it you can tell by looking if the fast stores are excessive okay that's look around your middle now that's that's this very simple way if you're if you're if your midsection has a bunch of extra weight on it then that's a problem if your midsection is quite lean with a modest amount of fat on that midsection you're funny then that's that's nothing to worry about so yeah don't don't be chasing a number this is another thing that even though my girl that I'm working with now is now we know that we're heading to 169 soon the next week or so and we're gonna be headed to 159 soon but at some point though we don't have any idea where we're going I think she's about five foot five or six and so I don't know where we're gonna go 138 128 118 I don't have any idea and I don't know what her biology is where it's gonna take us I only know what food we're gonna eat and whenever we get there we will stabilize laughter when I remember AJ I had no idea where you were gonna wind up none I thought that might be 128 counts and had we wound up 128 pounds it would have been great and I mean and it would have been hey well that's where it was the fact that we went 10 pounds south of there just like ah I have no idea we didn't know and so but whatever it was had it been 138 counts and you had been stable on healthy food and just a bit curvier it'd be like babe and that's where it is so don't be chasing a number just look to do a very good consistent program that's what we want to do wow this is absolutely amazing dr. Lyle they're loving it you know I want to respect your time so rather than go on to another topic Mills you mind coming back at your knees and so we got strength meeting absolutely any time and I'm not for at any time this is great perfect thank you so much dr. live been brilliant it's gonna be I'm probably next to outer space so you can watch it please share this week friends and remember to doctor All Hands we podcast your genes iTunes or blog talk radio and text sick and you can ask you question there as well or apply a consultation on his website be on this team dynamic dot-com thanks everyone for watching another episode of you live evening and I think he tastes delicious and explains how we do take care I never can end this I just like don't be wrong well
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