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Chef AJ: Do Carbs Make Us Fat More | Interview with Dr Doug Lisle
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so much for being here I'm chef AJ and welcome to healthy living live today I'm interviewing our favorite psychologist dr. Doug Lyall he is the psychologist of both the True North health center and the mcdougal Levin program in Santa Rosa California his website is esteem dynamics that org or excuse me calm it used to be done or where you can get all kinds of great audio and video content for free even booked a private consultation with him of course you know he's the co-author of the most fabulous book of all time the pleasure trap which is now available both on audio CDs and audible.com and if that weren't enough he is the star of the weekly podcast beat your jeans which airs every Wednesday night at 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. live on blog talk radio and iTunes and you can even call in and ask him a question if we don't get to your question today but we have lots of questions so let's get started and welcome dr. Lyle oh good to see you AJ you know so much I'm gonna take myself off screen so they can look at you and I will ask you the first question if this is from Lisa dear dr. Lyle my sister and I watched the live stream of last year's ultimate weight loss conference and were inspired to attempt to lose weight and attend the conference in person this year we bought our tickets in January and since then I have released about 18 pounds but still have a ways to go my sister has not lost any weight and might have even gained a few pounds and now she is saying she doesn't want to go she's coming up with all sorts of excuses when my guess is the real reason is that she's embarrassed about her weight I'm still overweight and I'm going is there anything you can say to help inspire those that are backing out to change their mind oh boy that's a yeah that's a great question the I wish I could just talk to to anybody that was going through that the yeah it's kind of a it's kind of a funny thing that the people look at look at an event like this as it's sort of a marker for where they are and maybe comparison issue where really what we want to do mostly is go and learn and get supported inspiration and so if you've been struggling and you're if you're going through something like this ambivalence like this just come because you know you're gonna have a good time and your your spirit gets reborn by being around such a bunch of positive energy and positive people that this is the right thing to do is just jump in this reminds me of of myself when it comes to like going to some party or get-together so I let isn't to go but but if somebody that I'd like or no pushes me then when I go I have a good time and so this is what this needs to be like just hey just relax forget about it don't worry about where you've been or what's been happening just jump in get into the fray there's going to be all kinds of people there different points in this process and so just join in learn grow and have it have a very good positive experience that's what I would tell anybody to do great and if for some reason they really can't make it they can also get a live stream now and watch it they have up to six months so that's kind of nice but like you said it's really more for the community and the support and that's why I think it's so magical because you know I would encourage people to if you are one of these people that are backing out just booked a session with dr. Lyle and he'll explain to you why you might want to go so guys please share the broadcast in real time with your pages and friends if you don't mind and I will get on to the next question I thought you were gonna take like an hour for that one so I buy the not question so this is this is an interesting question from Jonathan dear dr. Lyle is it possible to be addicted to tanning my wife life my wife life loves to sunbathe she loves the Sun and she loves to sunbathe daily for at least an hour often during the most intense hours of Sun 11 to 2 she says if she is unable to get in the Sun every day she feels cranky depressed and irritable and I have found this to be true on days if there is no Sun she'll even go to a tanning salon is there something about sunshine that really does improve one's mood or is this an obsession or an addiction and is this something I should be worried about in terms of her getting skin damage or can sir I wouldn't be worried about skin damage or cancer particularly the be more worried about your diet as far as that goes the I think it's wise if you're gonna get a bunch of Sun to to try to protect areas of your body to get more Sun than other parts so your your face and neck and arms etc these these parts of your body get a great deal of Sun just in general and so I mean pimp on where they live obviously if she's out in the Sun she's a lot she's at a place where there's a lot of sunshine the however as far as the rest of our body goes in getting an hour of Sun a day that would be completely consistent with human natural history so I'm I'm it's kind of interesting that she's so psychologically attached to it I'm psychologically attached to seeing the Sun I really like seeing it I don't need it I don't need it to activate my pineal gland or anything else under the Sun the the but it's just sunshine is inherently happy it's a very it literally the color of the Sun is something that that people really like the hues that are involved and you like the warmth and everything else you'd say and obviously it's stimulating vitamin D production for about I'd guess about 20 minutes after that it's not so yeah we were designed to love the Sun some people don't incredibly so they're they're sort of rare birds that are not into it the most of us are and if you ever go to England or Scotland that the Sun shines so rarely in any warmth that when the Sun does come out in July for about half an hour people be taking their t-shirts off all over the place it's just a little bit of sunshine so no worries I'm not worried about anything I would just encourage anybody to use hats and I guess sunscreen I'm not a huge fan of that but but I'd like to to cover up the places of your body that are going to get a lot of sense so that just done so you don't have one area of your skin getting eight times as much Sun as everything else ya know that that's not nothing unreasonable about that cool yeah Ellen is saying why does she like cloudy misty days uh not me I can relate to that question Thanks so this this one actually is this funny the way they wrote it but I've heard this before so Terry says I have a co-worker who's lost almost a hundred pounds and completely transformed her appearance when she was overweight she was very easy to get along with a real team player and now she's a total doing only what she needs to to keep her job is this what happens to all women when they lose weight is this why some of my co-workers prefer to date slightly overweight women because they're sweeter no to a whole bunch of these things the there's nothing inherent about losing a bunch of weight that's going to make anybody disagreeable however it could and the reason it could in some people that some people may have been more agreeable than they really are by personality because they are carrying around a handicap and as soon as that handicap is removed and the weight is gone then who they are sort of reasserts itself so let's let's look at how this works so the greatest case I ever saw this was my father when he was in the hospital for his heart condition this was in the late 1990s my dad was a basically a tough old Buzzard that didn't want any help from anybody it was just generally fairly disagreeable I love the guy was tough as nails but the the term marine tough fits my father very well so it was not warm and fuzzy in in my in my household it would there was warmth but he was a tough guy and so he was disagreeable and he wanted things his own way that's just how he was and when he got when he was very ill he my sister and I and my mother'll obviously all congregated my sister and I immediately flew in to be by his side as he was going through his medical procedure and I was walking him up and down the halls of a hospital for the first time in his life he needed help somebody help him to walk and it was hilarious to me it was I was relieved he was gonna be okay but you should have heard this guy boy I sure love my family I sure love my and he would cry and be tearful I but this is not Ralph this isn't even remotely Ralph this is Ralph feeling like he's in real trouble and he really needs people and he really needs his family and now he's piling on the the warmth and affection because he feels like he's in a corner and actually my sister and I just roared we watched this I mean we loved the old guy but this was not him and of course as soon as he felt half way better it was back to the old story that's now we're back to the real dude so you're gonna have people men and women but particularly women who have been taking it on the chin behind all the prejudice that comes their way from being overweight and so they a person that that might be very disagreeable it could turn into fairly cooperative just feeling like she just loves her co-workers and she just loves everybody in other words feeling like she doesn't have that much negotiating power in the world and therefore she better mellow out and then it turns out that she loses on her pounds and suddenly the the more difficult personality reamer jizz in the process that wouldn't happen is a general course of events so a very nice person losing 100 pounds is still a very nice person etc so but I could absolutely see how this would happen I believe I've seen it happen with my own eyes and so I'm not surprised and I don't think that that's why anyone would date a slightly overweight person because that I II take the off a little bit I don't think so I think that someone might do that for a variety of reasons they might actually have an aesthetic attraction to people slightly overweight or curvier or it could also be that that's the person that will go out with them so there'd be a number of reasons for that but I think that that's a that's a miscalculation I think the main one is is exactly what you're seeing someone that is latent ly more difficult gets more cooperative when they've got less trading power just like this reminds me of Saddam Hussein being dug out of a dug out of the ground and then announcing I'm the president of Iraq and now I'm willing to negotiate that's of course that's how that works that's terrific thank you so I thought since you're answering these fairly quickly I thought I would take a few questions that are being typed in online in real time which is why it's super fun doing these lives so Michael says Doug calls you Doug not dr. Lyle I'm just kidding he has commented in the past that the calorie density of our natural history was typically around the 500 calories per pound range and the normal variation of food intake is about 3 to 5 pounds a day for someone on a program like chef AJ's where chef AJ has said in previous videos that she can eat about 10 pounds of food in a day how do we rectify the difference is it just interval individual variation where an AJ's case the system it this system is something that works for her or should we aim to try to hit a higher calorie density than 500 calories a pound that matches more with our natural history and then make changes like AJ if necessary to meet our goals ok let's let's these are that's a very good question and so we're going to actually pick our way through the math a little bit chef AJ is probably eating or is eating a diet that is lower in calorie density than the diet that would have been typical of human natural history so she's eating a very lean diet the that's why she's eating seven or eight or nine or ten pounds of food a day so if we were to look at what the diet of our natural history would have included it absolutely would have included meat and meat would have been at about 800 calories account so it also would have declared the starches that would have averaged about four it also would have included some maybe some nuts and seeds actually we believe that it's not trivial amount of human Natural History's food was honey possibly up to ten percent or so of cork intake so that would have been quite a bit so when you start adding in a few nuts and seeds honey and a chunk of meat you start to you start to see how everything is on the red side of Ages line and so it's starting to drag up the higher calorie density now if we subtract those out completely AJ's diet is going to be essentially starts as in vegetables and fruit salad all of those things are less than 600 calories a pound so there's no way she can average 500 calories a pound which would have been typical of our natural history so as a result that's why she's eating AJ you're probably averaging 300 calories a pound yeah right I was like I can't eat legumes so the most calorie dense thing I eat are grains at 500 and most of my starch comes from potatoes which are like 375 but so probably I wouldn't be surprised if AJ's down at 275 and so if she were 300 so if she's at 300 she's gonna need to eat about 7 pounds a day to get a couple thousand calories a day so that's more or less what's happening there the there's there's no there's no need to be eating down at 300 calories a day you can AJ is kind of a big eater you you're someone who is very comfortable eating large volumes of food and not everybody is and so we can this this is where the individual variation comes not only with natural palate and comfort with volumes but but also what what the nature is of your weight issues and how far down the food chain we need to go we know that the leanest thing that you could probably do would be to eat you know a raw diet that didn't have nuts and avocado in it and therefore you you would to eat a phenomenal amount of food I had a good friend of mine dead that in his early life he was 380 pounds and he went to an all raw diet and the all right diet he took him all took took over 200 pounds off of him and so he would have gotten there more slowly what if they diet that had some cooked vegetables in it and probably would have been healthier for him but that he went all the way down to basically 200 calories a pound and this enabled into eating massive amount of food and yet he shed weight and then at some point he stopped shedding weight he wound up incidentally just to let everybody know he wound up with a bill just like mine so this was a guy that was 380 pounds and about my height so he was he's a little taller than me he's about maybe 6 maybe 6 1 maybe 6 2 and he was 380 pounds in his youth so this is before quote age sets in and he then he then he has wound up with a diet that is very much like yours AJ and to this day to this day that's what he eats and he has been lean his whole life ever since so yeah this is the story of the numbers and we don't we don't need to weigh in measure we just we just move the calorie density line around and find a spot that's really good for you but you know I feel bad sometimes for people that have had gastric bypass because they're always asking how they can adopt this diet and I I don't know what to how to advise them I tell them to see dr. Garth Davis who's a plant-based bariatric surgeon but if your stomach has been mechanically altered to not even hold I believe our stomachs hold about a lead or something like four cups or so and if it's now the size of your fist I don't know how they can practice calorie density eating when when it's been mechanically altered yes and they're they're gonna need some expert help about what to do and that's exactly the right thing to do right yes thanks you know there's people you probably know them like Robbie barbero that eat the 80/10/10 diet which is a raw low-fat diet so their calorie density they never go over 300 really and so I'm sure they're eating even more than me so yeah right incredible yeah I'm sure I understand this it's in principle I understand it feels very pristine I had times in my life have beaten very large amounts of raw food there's a there's feelings that come with it that feel you can feel like you're doing some really great things but it but it turns out I don't believe that there's any clinical support for this and I don't think it actually makes sense in terms of human evolution I think we want to be cooking a large percentage of our food I think raw food is great and it it's a good thing to have in people's diet but the diet doesn't certainly doesn't need to be there exclusively and I think when it is they're exclusively it's a little tough you have to eat way you know way more food than would have been normal for human beings you can do it you you're adaptable enough to survive on this but it's not it's not consistent with the natural history of the organism and so and it is certainly not necessary for optimum health and you actually recommended a wonderful book on the subject to me a while back called catching fire by rangam that explains that we've cooked our food longer than we haven't cooked our food and that even species like snakes that traditionally don't eat cooked food when offered cook food they'll prefer it yes it's very interesting yeah well adapted to cook food yeah well when people tell me they're not a volume eater to me that means they just don't want to eat vegetables because they're what people are willing to eat large volumes of crap you know but they just don't seem to want to eat like a big salad or a big plate of steamed greens yes well III think there's individual differences here and in sort of how how about how about biomechanics all work but Alan and I used to have a test when interns would come to work at the old tree North Health Center up on the hill and we would take him to fresh choice and we would watch him eat they didn't know that they were under scrutiny and this is how we would kind of know what their die didn't like so if they if they had a very small sized salad then we knew that they weren't used to eating a lot of vegetable matter if they had a big old salad then we already knew that they were wrong on that they weren't in for a shock so that's a you didn't have to pass that test but we knew that you were in for a major adjustment if you put a little salad on your plate that look like like the way the world eats salad right all right it's it's so fun because we have a lot of people in the ultimate weight loss program that go to TrueNorth regularly and they take pictures of what dr. Goldhamer and gar eat every day and it blows people's mind and I'm like this is what you're supposed to be you know healthy and lean so very cool thank you dr. Lyle so here's a question from Diane and I know you've answered this in one of the ultimate weight-loss conferences but guilty events are done on an interview what we get it a lot she says what is the best approach to handling family and friends who after seeing your weight loss and other health improvements make cutting remarks you might be six months or more into your journey at this point perhaps they act that way out of envy and resentment but how do you best defuse those situations and not take things personally things family and friends might say are you look sickly you don't look well you're too thin boy I dealt with this for the first like four years so yeah what you do actually what we want to do in those situations is let's look at through the through the heart of what's actually going on there there's more than one thing and the people are not conscious of what's happening so what's what's happening is is that you've got a blind and conscious programs percolating through the people's brains and what's spitting out of their mouth is is a is essentially a concoction of their different impulses so one of the things that's going on is that they are feeling like they got left behind and they're being shown up for being self-indulgent and overweight so that's one thing and they don't like it and number two if they know how it is that you've gone about it there's a surely a moral prescription that is saying yeah and if you got off your rear end and you did this you would have these results too but you haven't then I have okay so that's also a message that they are hearing and also however it's also true that when people go through rapid weight loss their their appearance change in some cases is alarming and because this is what can happen you know before people die they can go through a wasting process and they you know if they have advanced cancer or they can have disease processes where they are being ravaged and so a rapid weight loss is in fact a potential sign of illness and so they can actually have a little bit of concern now I would say that 90% of their mind is resentful and irritated and 10% of their mind is actually legitimately concerned and so the way the mind is beautifully constructed when their comments come out of their mouths they can feel like the reason they're doing it is for the 10% even though the real reason they're doing it is for the 90% and so they it essentially puts a a concern moral frosting on top of what's actually a frustration and a criticism and an undermining of yours of your essentially behavioural superiority so what we want to do with this is to back away from the latent criticism that our appearance gives them and so we and we want to give them a little we want to give them a touch of credence to their alarm and but while we defend ourselves so the notion is you know I feel good you know so I I don't know that everybody would on this but I do well you look sick well I don't feel sick at all it actually feels really good so yeah I know these these changes can be startling and I guess it is but I feel really good and you know my doctor says my numbers look really good so and who knows I don't know we'll see if I keep feeling good and so by signaling that you know you might change your mind in the future but this is it effectively you are doing this because of your own experience xi s-- is telling you that it feels good we do not prescribe for Humanity or for them that they that they should look into it we simply we dodge our way around this with that kind of strategy and that's the best we can do and so we listen to them we understood what it is that they had to say we did not we did not dance on their grave we essentially stepped around it and then we moved on that's the best you can do now here is actually the better advice the better advice is this what the hell are we doing there okay why are we hanging out with these people so let's let's put that question out of the microscope and let's give this a little bit of fog so I'm now you know in my late 50s so I know that statistically probably I've got 25 years to go so I've probably lived I don't know 70% of my life so that's a little weird I've lived probably 2/3 of my life anyway and and it's the best two thirds in other words it's the youngest healthiest handsomest it's all downhill from here okay however modest the hill ever was it's it's going down so the issue is at this point I become more focused on using my time wisely and I don't know there's some song by Bonnie Raitt and time that says you know it gets mighty precious when there's less of us to waste and that's true and so I've thought about this and I figured that that I probably have about a hundred thousand good waking hours yet to look it's about what it is and let's suppose that that someone gave you a stack of $1 bills pretty hot nice big stack of them I don't know maybe that huh a hundred thousand of them you know stack one hundred one hundred ones is only that much so that a thousand of those stacks I don't know might be five feet high so there they are you got them in a little room or actually they keep them in a bank somewhere and they catalog your stack and every hour they give you a little buzz so little bet is on your cell phone or a little device in your pocket another dollar went out of your stack no stopping it so today I started at a hundred thousand but by tonight I've got twelve dollars less now I'm at ninety nine thousand nine hundred and eighty eight and tomorrow I'm gonna be at ninety nine thousand nine hundred and seventy six and the next day it's going to be at 64 and the next day it's going to be at fifty two and before too long it's going to be ninety nine nine zero zero and then a few days later it's going to be ninety nine eight zero zero if every hour that went by a dollar went out of my stack and it cannot be reclaimed there is no way to get it back it's over when I'm out of money I'm I have to exit the planet they no longer have any room for me now if that was your situation which it is your situation you might be younger and you might be healthier and you might have a hundred and fifty thousand hours or you might be older than me and not as healthy and you might have fifty thousand out but whatever it is it's limited and for me it's about a hundred thousand that's my best guess and when I realized that it's like I was talking to Alan about this and Alan looked at me and he goes ooh gotta bother him said Wow yeah we talk in terms of months like 40 months to go or whatever that freaks some people to go that freaks some people out but to me the best the best concept I had is ours and then suddenly I realized I don't want to give somebody one of those dollars that's one less dollar for me so if I give $1 to sip some disagreeable person at some family function that I don't want to even be there a deal with these people whew I just gave away one of those precious dollars that's terrible I can never get that back that's an hour I could have been walking on the beach somewhere and watching a sunset no I can't get it back it's gone so the question I have for all these disagreeable pain-in-the-neck people that we deal with cross examine us and they're biting criticism for any of your life hey what are we doing though okay let's think carefully about this oh well it's a family function and my mom would be upset so so go see your mom when you can see your mom and have a good time with your mom but if there's unpleasant people at the family function don't go get out okay they are they aren't gonna sacrifice a kidney to give you some hours back you're not going to get the hours back so spend your time wisely you know with doing things that you really enjoy doing with people you love that's how we want to spend our lives okay excellent yeah you gave me this advice after I attended my 40th high school reunion unfortunately and I texted you from the bathroom the were stupid but you're so right so here's another question from somebody that's considering not going to the UWL conference but for a different reason it's not about weight and this is anonymous she says what do you recommend for someone with social anxiety when I go to large events like the UWL live in Vegas I kind of panicked with large crowds mm-hmm well people differ a lot on this so you've got some you got some shy people that large crowds are not conducive to them you know being comfortable and so I'm kind of one of those people actually so that's why in every class or every lecture I'm always way at the back so even if it's a favorite speaker of mine I'm way at the back so I just want to stay out of the mix that's me so you know if they're panicky or anything like that that's a little bit different so if we have any kind of a latent panic disorder describing the person to be uncomfortable then I have to let you know that if you carry around a lot of anxiety what if what you want to do is you know step outside and step away from other people and do some exercise to essentially process the adrenalin that that's coursing through your veins and you can process that adrenalin in a couple of minutes so if you jog in place stretch touch your toes do arm circles basically do some calisthenics you can you can look not crazy and doing that you just look like a fitness enthusiast then what you're doing is you're sort of processing your way through some of the adrenalin that is causing that anxiety and so there's people that need to do that 10 times a day they need to spend 2 or 3 minutes 10 times just to dissipate the anxiety I found that it's a lot more helpful for most people than trying to learn how to meditate and try to like sit in the lotus position and try to you know etc now for people they can do this they can that can go into meditative state easily good for them but a lot of people can't particularly anxious folks that that that are essentially what they're getting is that they're getting a predator prey instinct that the tells them that they need to get out and their adrenaline is telling them to actually use the large muscles of their body to escape and so they can they can get there and they can get that threat in a variety of circumstances including being in a crowd you'll see this that this is a natural instinct for a lot of people for most people you'll see this when people are very antsy to get off an airplane that people are that people have been enclosed for too long in an airplane they've been flying for three or four hours and you'll see that boy as soon as they are allowed to get out of that plane they want out of that plane and they want out now okay that's that's a normal reaction of being adrenaline being feeling cramped and trapped and so the they feel that way much more that way than they would in in other circumstances where they're not as confined so that that individual some of that is what they're experiencing and so it's a natural process of being adrenaline and being uncomfortable take yourself some breaks process the adrenaline with large physical motions to to essentially dissipate it and that's a way that you could probably get through the conference and get the enjoyment out of the strengths of the conference without without being too uncomfortable right and we do have bootcamp every day and yoga every day so those things could also help a person you know as well and Bailey's gonna be there and to me that's the best anti-anxiety medication is to just have the dog you know so we will we will definitely share her she'll be passed around like a joint in a rock concert so that's right right so okay so I thought this question was interesting from where is it oh okay it's from Tina so dr. Lyle I read your book the pleasure trap and watched all of your video presentations that are available online and I think I understand the concepts you're trying to teach when it comes to interacting with people and that it's perhaps not best to discuss our dietary preferences and such that said every now and then I encounter someone who truly does want this information and genuinely wants answers to some of the common questions I don't want to be dismissive and just say well read the starch solution read the China Study watch forks over knives I'm hoping you'll be able to give me an elevator pitch type answer for how best to answer the questions I get asked most by someone who really does not understand the question such as like well if I eat carbs like potatoes and rice when I get fat where will I get my protein or don't we need healthy fats you know there's a reason why I direct people to books and the reason is is that that person doesn't need five minutes of your explaining they've got a lot of anxiety and cognitive dissonance about it that are interested but there are a long ways they're not just going to accept you as an authority that's why you want to send them to an authoritative source so that's why you would send them to a book like the search solution or or the China study the so they're asking which is I think the carbs are bad thing well you know that's you the answer is that's very reasonable concern okay if there's a lot of confusion about that and a lot of experts I believe have it wrong and so there's an expert that I that I have a lot of confidence in I think if you read his work I think that you'll you'll understand why I think that way okay this is the starch solution take a look at it I mean I think it's remarkable I think it's a it's a major shift in our thinking so this is this is what I would say and other than that I'm gonna leave it alone they keep coming to me for information about it I'm not gonna give it to them I'm gonna say listen you know I'm not an expert in this let's there are people that are that I have confidence in let's take a look take a look at what it is that they have set so yeah you're you're you gotta watch your own instinct and your instinct is to to bite at the lure of the of the of the status that is sitting there out there for you that they're essentially asking you and therefore putting you in a higher position than they are and they are saying I would like some information Swami you know tell me why you're right and everybody else is wrong and if you're pretty knowledgeable that's a pretty exciting proposition this is the teaching gene that exists inside of humanity and is largely responsible for human beings now dominating the earth human beings willingness to share information and communicate to trade ideas and to trade things these these are the core of human success and so the so you you've got that instinct in you but in this case it's gonna walk you right into a trap you don't want it you don't want that you just be be content with the esteem that you earn by directing them to really good resources do a good job of that direction rather than trying to essentially grab all of the esteem by trying to be the expert don't put yourself in that position that's an exhausting position there's people that go to school for years or go through a phenomenal amount of personal education in order to put themselves in a position to be able to do that let them do it don't you do it it's so hard though sometimes if you have a personality like me not to take the bait you know what I mean well AJ you you have got you have jumped through the hoops to put yourself in a position where it would be reasonable for you to take that bait they say you authored two books yeah and you have you know Europe you're essentially an authority now at this point you're a self-taught authority the I think you you and that that you know that's it's reasonable for you to put yourself there because you could say read my book okay the that you know the truth is it's still a trap and it's a trap that that I stay out of it's a it's it's not worth the time in trouble let someone else is perfectly edited you know essentially brilliantly argued masterpiece do your talking for you to give that person the very best chance to figure out and understand the truth that that's why we want that's why we want to use those kinds of materials right I mean sometimes the things they say I'm sure you know we're just so ludicrous like just today I was running an errand and I don't know how veganism always comes up in the way of cash you know I'd really like to be vegan but I don't like mushrooms and I'm like you know I didn't even I just said yeah you're right it's not gonna work because it's like when they say something that's stupid what are you gonna say you know yeah I don't like mushrooms either I mean personally and I'm vegan so I don't know but you're right dr. Lyle I know that at the end of the day you're right best response so and this is energy this is actually a good instruction here and it's good for us to talk about this because I've never had that situation and neither had you and so now you and I are gonna teach this together because your your reactions now are great your reactions at the time you're not ready so you're not prepared for that that situation so the answer is yeah I don't like him either now they turn on you and you say well how do you do it then well there's other things you can eat oh okay so somehow they had a misconception that you had to eat a bunch of mushrooms in order don't you need those mushrooms that get your protein balance I don't think so you know why not I thought I read that you had to have that well actually there's some really good books on this and they they never the experts in the field don't say you have to eat mushrooms at all okay so in in 60 seconds we work our way through potentially a major misconception for somebody so there this is this is why having a humble but directed strategy towards directing people towards authorities is the way where we kind of open and close these conversations within a minute or so and then get on with it yeah terrific so Julianne is asking the question why she says how is it possible that those on a sad diet who are suffering from poor health prefer that over better health well it's actually because they there they are their life experience is being lived on what I'm gonna call a continuum rather than a category so the question that she's asking is a categorical question where how did why did he prefer to live this way instead of that way and what why would you rather be be indulgent and in sick rather than be self-disciplined and be well and the the answer to the question lies in the experience that the person has had when they have eaten an apple and when they've eaten an apple nothing magical happened so when they ate something that somebody told them was healthy and it was going to help him nothing magical happened now you and I might say well of course it barely moved where they were on the continuum they were on a continuum of health and disease and how healthy their diets been in the last 30 days it doesn't do him any good to have you know a peach and some raisins that said that he told them we're superfood okay and so nothing happened they eat this superfood and they feel just the way they did now they eat some corn chips and not everything is seems right with the world so this is why the reason is is that they don't have the experience of what it feels like to be healthy so they have no rational basis upon which to make this decision if by some chance this is the this is the fascinating thing that we get to see happen at true north and now we have dr. Nathan Gershenfeld now and down in Southern California has bassing escape which is a beautiful facility where he's doing exactly the same thing where people come in they do a short fast and they refeed with super healthy food people get to experience the change once you experience the change then your own mind starts to see it as categorical as well so like Wow that's a whole different life experience now I actually feel good now they know the difference okay so and then then they can then they can they're in a position to make a rational decision so this is what the problem is is that their life experiences is not sufficiently contrasted between health and their disease state that they're really in no position to make an inference about how useful it would be to live healthfully because they don't have any idea what that feels like it's been too long thank you so much okay Craig wants to know is it ever appropriate to comment on someone's weight or is it just better not to go there by that I mean I have a co-worker that lost a lot of weight and he looks great and now he's starting to put it on but so slowly that it's almost like he doesn't notice is it better to just not say anything don't say a word believe me he knows it's going on okay he knows a lot better than you know that it's going on so we don't need to be telling people about what's happening with them they are well aware of what's happening with them they are a thousand times more aware of what's happening then you are where what's happening so I'm always I can't believe we're how obtuse people can be so some parent is telling their daughter you really got to watch it you know you're putting on weight it's like don't think she doesn't know mm-hmm he already knows so you know we we try to figure out helpful things to support people rather than a score sheet score board feedback from the peanut gallery we don't we don't need to do that so good question and the answer is leave them alone that is not something we need to comment on yeah it's so funny though because women would often set their husbands up like you know does this make me look fat and you know it's a no-win situation for the man you know so they just say hey how about them Lakers yeah that's the best answer I guess so Heidi says she's were recovering people-pleaser thanks to this way of eating she's no longer an extrovert that she used to be I didn't think you could change that I really appreciate being more introverted and spending quality time with myself rather than with others I'm hoping that this is normal and perhaps others have had this happen to them am I right in thinking this way I'm actually not not sure what she's referring to yeah - I didn't understand the question I asked her to retype it so she's thinking she's got some idea there that's rattling around trying to get itself formulated and that's okay we'll see what happens okay maybe she'll type it there was an interesting question somebody wrote about how do you manage to eat healthy with your busy life and travel schedule and I think he said like how did you do it during graduate school and things like that I'll see if I can find the exact question but it was also from Michael and that's what I remember it to be well graduate school isn't busy you're just you're just enduring it it's like enduring a roman siege you're at home and you're supposed to be studying but you don't want to study and then you're supposed to be writing and you're not not writing so there's plenty of time to cook so that's not a problem and a busy life is is gonna be one that you're gonna want some some order in it you're gonna want to have a rhythm to where you do a lot of things the thing and and so that's how my life is I've got a little set of choices that I buy and these days more and more I'm using Amazon to deliver on so that things are actually getting easier now rather than more difficult so the busier I get the more time I need to to to take to organize things a little bit more fastidiously and so I wind up doing things repetitively so I so there's so I have the the kind of rice that you can microwave brown rice in one minute it's already a couple minutes it's done I have black beans stocked up in the pantry that's easy I have corn tortillas I have bags of lettuce that come to the house as well as avocados and so now I have everything I need for to make to make myself to status then takes me less than 10 minutes from start to finish and so I will do repetitive simple things and that's how I keep on track nice Thank You Joanne wrote a question online saying in an environment which does not support healthy eating like our American society eating healthy requires focus and effort you have to learn how to eat healthy you have to prepare most if not all of your food making you quote different from most of your unhealthy friends and family therefore I often wondered how you can tell the difference between someone who is obsessed by eating healthy and someone who is just conscientiously taking care of their health if you take time to learn about healthy eating and cook most of your food you are definitely going to appear different from most of the people around you that's true true absolutely true so such as life this is the this is the price we pay for having the last third of our lives not be terrible so I may have lived two-thirds of my life and they may be the best in terms of health but the last third as long as I'm not in pain and I'm not in trouble psychologically it can be the best time so it can be a great time I've found some great friends do what I love to do etc people that don't do this and don't protect their health have a lousy odds that they could live it out this way ok we have very good odds of living it out this way so it isn't it isn't bulletproof but I look at I look at some of my heroes I look at Colin and I look at se yeah how healthy they are in their mid 80s and I you know I look at how healthy my friend Allen is you can still just absolutely punish people half his age in athletics it's like you know what this is the way to go so that's why so if we're a little odd so be it thank you so Ryan says that he he's often hears people say that value carbs I'll get fat and they're even referring to the complex herbs like potatoes rice or even fruit yeah is that ever true I mean are there some people that just can't eat carbs no [Music] absolutely not I mean you're a carbohydrate eating machine that's how you're designed you need you need a little bit of protein for some for some mechanisms you have a necessity for protein and you have a necessity for essential fatty acids but you are a carbohydrate burning machine that's how you're built no no responsible physiologist could ever tell you any different the so the notion that that some people shouldn't eat carbs because they're gonna get fat it's just like totally ludicrous and if you want a little bit of evidence on this just turn your your mind to Asia and you will see two billion people there that have a carbohydrate total dominated diet and now it's single ones fat okay the only ones that are fatter in Beijing and Shanghai downtown where they have McDonald's then they're starting to get fat but nowhere else so this experiment you know is obvious it's it's everywhere it's been all around the globe in all every civilization there has never been a time when there's been a civilization of gluttons where everybody's waddling around 50 or 70 pounds overweight never happened before this is a totally new phenomenon and believe me people we know from record data know from data around the world actually from for literally 2,000 years we've got evidence of what people have been eating and we sure as heck out very good evidence about what people ate in the United States 100 years ago and it's substantially different than what people eat now people ate a very high fat high protein diet compared to what they ate a hundred years ago hundred years ago we had twice as much many calories from animal food in the diet than we chose we had half as much as we have now so the the diet is is not higher in carbohydrates than it was 100 years ago it's higher in fat and it's higher in protein so there's this notion that there's people out there that just really ought to curb their potatoes is ludicrous now I've actually recently thought through the the controversy and confusion around potatoes and I believe they came up with something I mean I probably thought it before and many of us have but it crystallized for me here in last month you know I can see how people could honestly be confused because almost nobody eats a potato they eat a potato with sour cream butter bacon bits and cheese that's what they're eating on their potatoes they don't put that on rice they don't melt a bunch of cheese and throw it all over rice so potatoes particularly could be confusing because quote people that he quote a lot of potatoes could absolutely be fat from quote the potatoes because the potatoes are a low-calorie vector for putting a bunch of high-fat animal food crap on there so that's that's how I think people could get confused yeah so I think there's probably some legitimate confusion among some honest people that just feel like boy I can't eat potatoes it's like honey you can eat all the potatoes you want but you cannot be putting 3 scoops of Earth Balance on them that's not eating a potato they fail to overlook that that's that right yeah got it that's Helou I think we have time for one more question dr. Lyle a live question from Chris and actually we are going to be dealing with this topic if the liable to my weight loss conference in two breakout sessions but her question is this how do I go about relationships in my own home with my family who does not understand this way of eating they still eat meat and processed foods I struggle with keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself especially since my husband did have a mild stroke and I know he would be healthier eating this way he ate my food for a year and was doing well but he fell back into the pleasure trap and just really doesn't care anymore I struggle to understand this and get very frustrated yes I understand this is a very common situation people you almost have to divide humanity into two very different categories and I really don't have any beef with the people in the other category the categories are people that are responsibly conscientious about their health in their body and people that aren't and there are people that have this notion of I want you to think about two different ways of dealing with a new car so one day we're dealing with a new car is you know what these cars are so good I'm just gonna drive it and drive it and drive it and drive it I'm not gonna spend any money your time or energy taking it into the shop and get the oil change I'm just gonna drive the damn thing till it till it falls apart and then if it falls apart or something goes wrong with it and I'll take it into the place you know maybe it's eighty five thousand miles I'll take it in there and they'll tell me oh well you blew the transmission car still looks okay I'll go ahead and put three thousand five thousand dollars a new new transmission I'll drive until something else happens but I'll never change the oil okay that's one way to do it and I really can't argue with that as a philosophy it's a perfectly legitimate philosophy that's where that person wants to put their time and energy and attention the another person says no I'm going to change the oil every 3,000 miles I'm gonna do that you know I'm gonna change the belts and hoses at 50,000 miles because that those are that's a major cause of trouble is every now and then something like that breaks and then the engine cooks so yeah I'd like to maybe drive this car for 200,000 miles or more and I'd liked it I will invest the time in trouble and having that happen another the other person says forget it I'm not gonna do it now you might say we only get one car true but it's gonna turn out that it's not going to be the difference between two hundred thousand miles and a hundred thousand lives it's not going to be the difference between living 150 and live in 75 years the differences are going to be relatively and so the notion of really not caring and just doing whatever the heck it is that you want is not irrational it's just a matter of a personal orientation towards life and I've met many such people and their approach does not seem irrational to me it just is alien to me I don't have that orientation I just don't I have a much more fastidious caring about myself orientation and so one way for this lady to look at this problem is that your husband just has a different orientation and it means that his car is gonna break down likely sooner than your car just probably will and that's just going to be the how it goes and so we're not remember the car is going to break down we're all off the planet in a hundred thousand hours so he may only get sixty eight thousand good twenty thousand bad and twelve thousand that he leaves on the table okay and so that may be how it works whereas hopefully I get a hundred thousand good and I got one one quiet day at the end that I'm feeling a little tired and I go to sleep at my 94th birthday and I don't wake up and I died peacefully in my sleep okay that I I may not have hardly any bad hours and I may get every single one of them that I had coming to me whereas someone else may leave a lot on the table but it's their choice to leave on the table so they don't owe us anything they do not owe us to stay alive to be healthy for us they don't owe us to be healthy because we love them they don't owe us to to say oh well I should take care of myself so you don't have to take care of me know that's part of their computation as to the relationship okay and we can say you know what we can quietly say to ourselves well if you don't then you can better believe I'm going to cut every corner when it turns out that I have to take some responsibility for your infirmity later I'm not going to be working to the degree to get you better I'm gonna stick you in someplace that is affordable and reasonable and I'm gonna have other people look at you is I got to have a life to live I was gonna say I'm not wiping your ass you know when the husband has the stroke we shouldn't have to I love when you laugh you look like Alan Alda you are so cute AJ you and you and Alan just have a yeah it's like Forrest Gump said mama just had a way of putting suitably I could understand I think that's why you like me because it's sort of like I'm a female version of Alan thank you so much unless just say goodbye to everyone I'll put myself back on screen this was wonderful everyone watch it again share this broadcast thank you so much for your time dr. Lyle you're so generous to talk to us as often as you do and we really appreciate it thanks all of you guys for watching another episode of healthy living live I'm chef AJ I make healthy tastes delicious and dr. Lyle makes it understandable Thanks bye
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